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STARFIELD |OT| 2023: A Space Toddity


World’s Biggest Weeb
Without spoiling anything, in these Crimson Fleet missions, is it worth it to be professional and avoid killing anybody? Seems like it would be faster/easier to just charge in with guns blazing, and I’d have more loot/XP to show for it. Do I get something later on for doing missions the “right way”?


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Without spoiling anything, in these Crimson Fleet missions, is it worth it to be professional and avoid killing anybody? Seems like it would be faster/easier to just charge in with guns blazing, and I’d have more loot/XP to show for it. Do I get something later on for doing missions the “right way”?
I think the rewards are pretty much the same. Choices you make have impact on what NPCs are friendly towards you or not. I think that's about as close I can get without spoiling anything.


So I finally found something I dislike about this game.

It's fucking Clara Sarah Connor Morgan. See, this is Bethesda game. And in Bethesda games, I like to Role Play. So I am constantly talking my way out of situations, stealing stuff on people and visiting their home when they are not there. That's what I do.

And that insufferable woman is constantly giving her opinion about what I am doing. Well excuse me, but I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Let me enjoy my time already !

So I am thinking either of two solutions :
- becoming a complete jerk towards her
- dumping her in a remote planet with nothing on it
Might do both things.

I suppose I need her to do the Constellation quests though.
I only take my Constellation companions with me on Constellation missions. They don't really fit in with the other faction missions, especially since you are trying to romance them. It would be like joining the Marines or the French Foreign Legion and taking your spouse or girl/boyfriend with you on combat missions. It just kinda breaks the immersion, as they are hardcore buzz kill third wheels, so I just go solo.


unreal visuals




So I finally encountered a bug that basically prevents me from progressing, because you can’t talk with any characters and NPCs. Googled if there are any solutions and found out that some people had that problem but for slightly different reason than mine. Fortunately, I found a solution. If you ever run into this issue, you need to get Sarah to lodge, because at one point she starts having a convo with Walter even if they are in different star systems and that fucks up everything. Solution is to land on New Atlantis and unassign her from the ship and she will eventually go back to Lodge herself and that fixed the issue.
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Just got to a new-favorite side mission. One of those that's special because it starts off as what you think might be yet another simple fetch quest, but opens up to a new area with really cool lore.

It's the one that results from a simple distress call over Charybdis where you meet Franklin.

Full spoiler:

If you answer a distress call on Charybdis, you drop down to a settlement and are greeted by a demanding robot. He's quickly interrupted by "Ada", who tells you to go talk to "Franklin". "Franklin" as in "Franklin Delano Roosevelt". Turns out you're in a settlement/prison run by programmed robots to clone historical figures over and over to unknown ends. You run into Genghis Khan, FDR, HH Holmes, "Wyatt Earp", and others. Seems like ol' Todd and Company had a great idea for a Vault-Tec vault and didn't want to wait 10+ years to put it Fallout 5.

"You got your Fallout in my Starfield!"

Update: God. Damn. It. The quest is bugged and cannot be completed appropriately:


Update 2: If anyone reads this and has the same issue: try "waiting" on your ship for an hour, and keep your gun holstered when you re-enter the town. This workaround worked for me.
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Without spoiling anything, in these Crimson Fleet missions, is it worth it to be professional and avoid killing anybody? Seems like it would be faster/easier to just charge in with guns blazing, and I’d have more loot/XP to show for it. Do I get something later on for doing missions the “right way”?
Ikande will get mad if you kill innocent people. It all depends on which faction you want to side with. Both factions will you give you the same reward.


Just finished it, wow, what a game.

loved the fight with the duplicates, psycho mantis vibes. Also loved the transition to new game plus and how we can skip bits of main quest using our knowledge of the other universe


Gold Member
Me, too. Did you ever find out how to get rid of it or complete it?

No, still stuck, but I haven’t really tried too hard to figure it out, I got sidetracked with other stuff in the game, but I’m afraid I might have to start over?

Please let me know if you manage to get it going..
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No, still stuck, but I haven’t really tried too hard to figure it out, I got sidetracked with other stuff in the game, but I’m afraid I might have to start over?

Please let me know if you manage to get it going..
It's an ongoing quest that is in tandem with that quest line - you can trigger it several different times along the way through that quest line. It should disappear once you resolve the final quest in the quest line it's connected to, though.


now 45 hours in and as someone whos not a huge fantasy fan but still enjoyed the elder scrolls series, this is way more my type of rpg.

maybe its because im coming straight off the back of finishing RDR2 for the first time but ive enjoyed this way more than that poor excuse of a campaign which was dull from start to finish bar a few moments here and there.

people need to do themselves a favour and ignore "hype" and all that bullshit trash for any game, if you like the trailer and look of the game just go into it open minded and fresh without the absolute fuckwittery the internet has to offer.


Question about suits and their stats. Some stuff isn't entirely clear to me.

The game doesn't give details on what it means, but what does airborne mean? How high I can get with boost pack?


Question about suits and their stats. Some stuff isn't entirely clear to me.

The game doesn't give details on what it means, but what does airborne mean? How high I can get with boost pack?
Airborne doesn't mean "height". Armor stats like airborne, corrosive, thermal, phys, eng, etc are all your resistances to said effect. Phys is the resistance to physical damage. Airborne is resistance to airborne contaminants on planets. Thermal is your resistance to temperatures on hot/cold planets. For example, you will get frostbite if you stay too long outside on a very cold planet. Armor stats will affect the length of time before you get affected by this.

If you want as much height as possible with your boost pack, you can do 2 things. Max out the tier 1 boost pack skill in the tech skill tree. Also, you'll want to find a boost pack that is of better quality. The first boost packs you'll come across will just say "Basic boost pack". The higher tier boost packs that you'll want will say "Balanced boost pack " or "Power boost pack" or "Skip boost pack". This will give a higher/longer boost per use.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Without spoiling anything, in these Crimson Fleet missions, is it worth it to be professional and avoid killing anybody? Seems like it would be faster/easier to just charge in with guns blazing, and I’d have more loot/XP to show for it. Do I get something later on for doing missions the “right way”?

All I know is for me, at this point I’m pretty early on still with Crimson, but I really wanna kill Delgado because I think he’s a fucking prick. I missed the first opportunity but when it comes, I’m so there.

Already because of the whole undercover thing, 90% of bounties I can’t do because my targets are all Crimsons. It’s actually making me want to wrap up this faction quicker than anything else because I just wanna be rid of these guys. I don’t want to be a leader of them. I don’t care. I’m my own guy. I want them gone. Shits beat son.
I wonder if ID worked with them again like they did for Fallout 4/76?

Also wtf game, I'm on the mission "High Price to Pay" and
They killed off Sarah! She was my wife ffs! But its weird that she was the only one to die, I've done all but Andrejas companion mission so I found this to be really weird so does she always die or could I have saved her?
I've read that that mission kills off the companion with which you have the highest affinity that isn't at the site you choose to defend. For me, that was Sam. Like, damn, they really just made an orphan out of Cora. (If you lose just one parent, are you still considered an orphanage? 🤔 )

Pretty ballsy choice on Bethesda's part, imo.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I'm loving this game so much, although I do resent how it has totally taken over my life. The quests are great, the misc quests imo are far better than the typical main quests in the average AAA game.

I think I'm going to be playing this game for many more hundreds of hours and continuing to neglect everything else. :messenger_beaming:


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
This feels like one of those games that would have come with a big fat 200+ page manual back in the day, because I'm constantly going to youtube and searching for "how do I do this" videos. So much of this game is unexplained, I can definitely understand a game reviewer, who was playing this without the ability to do that, missed a huge portion of this game because they had no idea what can be done, and gave it a less than stellar score, and why people say they start to warm up to the game after 10+ hours, because they start to figure out all the things that are possible.

I've done a lot of 'how do you do' lookups. Can anyone tell me how to increase the size of my cargo hold? I can't see anywhere on the on the modify ship screen.
These stats on the right just started appearing. How do I get rig of them.
Pretty sure they are there if they aren't an active companion/assigned to a ship/outpost.

Level 30, surveying level 60 planets to farm XP and traits. There isn't necessarily a lot to do but just discovering biomes is my favorite thing so far.

Do you get more XP for surveying higher level areas?
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I've done a lot of 'how do you do' lookups. Can anyone tell me how to increase the size of my cargo hold? I can't see anywhere on the on the modify ship screen.
You can buy more cargo space via upgrading a ship (or getting a bigger ship in general), there's also a perk for it under tech called "Payloads" that can increase any given ship's cargo size by 10/20/30/50%.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
You can buy more cargo space via upgrading a ship (or getting a bigger ship in general), there's also a perk for it under tech called "Payloads" that can increase any given ship's cargo size by 10/20/30/50%.
AH thank you. I can't find a way to increase it in the upgrade screen though. It's probably obvious and I'm just a moron.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Normandy designs



AH thank you. I can't find a way to increase it in the upgrade screen though. It's probably obvious and I'm just a moron.

I would say even for things you might be able to do from the 'upgrade' thing, sometimes you'll find better alternates if you go via the ship builder interface. Your ship might be able to hold a better shield, for example.
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AH thank you. I can't find a way to increase it in the upgrade screen though. It's probably obvious and I'm just a moron.
Unless I'm also a moron and not understanding, the upgrade screen never shows you cargo upgrades. You need to go into the shipbuilder and move your cursor to an empty spot (move your cursor off your ship). Then click "A" for add and at the top right it'll have every part you can buy and add onto your ship. Just go to the cargo category and then you can move your new cargo part onto your ship.

However, one of the ships I had couldn't actually allow me to simply add an additional cargo hold part to the ship. I think I had to do some substantial ship building/removing/upgrading to get it down so I just bought a new ship :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Gold Member

Level 30, surveying level 60 planets to farm XP and traits. There isn't necessarily a lot to do but just discovering biomes is my favorite thing so far.

So much to explore, and to think that there will be a DLC and then mods on top of that.. I dunno, might be too much.


Moderated wildly
Now, that I've learnt all the city's and I have no issue with the loading on my PC, my main gripe is how bloody sterile my character is with Sarah.

I've said I'm going to marry her...now I have the option to flirt and its like.

"You complete me"
"There's nothing I love more in this universe than you"
""You're more beautiful than the stars in the sky"

Fuck me, this isn't my role playing.

Where's my

" I bought you a toy, can't wait to see in that crotchless body suit I bought you"
" welcome aboard...."
" tonight I'm going deep, and I'm not talking deep space"

Where's the space freak. I know it's in her.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Now, that I've learnt all the city's and I have no issue with the loading on my PC, my main gripe is how bloody sterile my character is with Sarah.

I've said I'm going to marry her...now I have the option to flirt and its like.

"You complete me"
"There's nothing I love more in this universe than you"
""You're more beautiful than the stars in the sky"

Fuck me, this isn't my role playing.

Where's my

" I bought you a toy, can't wait to see in that crotchless body suit I bought you"
" welcome aboard...."
" tonight I'm going deep, and I'm not talking deep space"

Where's the space freak. I know it's in her.
Ok I've been going solo but you got me curious now.
How many mating options do I have as a white boring hetero male?
Also, can I woo Vasco with a can of WD-40?

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin

Level 30, surveying level 60 planets to farm XP and traits. There isn't necessarily a lot to do but just discovering biomes is my favorite thing so far.
If you have the time I want you to explain to me like I'm a 6 year old why this is your favorite thing.
I've only "explored" 4 planets so far and it's been very underwhelming.

Yes I'm scanning stuff knowing it serves a purpose but don't really care.
I want your feedback because once I'm done with most of the quests I need an incentive to build Outposts and explore planets 😊

Thank you!
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