Wish Trials and Secret World were steam keys. Would buy instantly. Dark Souls? I soo wanted to jump on board. I guess I have to believe in Steam to deliver a good deal.
$4.95 here from Amazon with free shipping (Prime). Crazy. Guess without a key that's not very helpful to you though.
Well it's been ages now, I think he has learned his lesson.
Just checking with you guys, all retail PC version of NBA 2k9 redeem on steam assuming they come with a code, correct?
Did they ever fix the performance issues for Trials Gold?
Performance in the demo was pretty bad at times for me, even with everything on low. The framerate would drop significantly out of nowhere every now and then.
Tried it a couple of weeks ago. From what little I've heard they've only fixed it for Nvidia graphics cards, though. Not for AMDs (I've got a 7850), like mine.When did you try the demo? What are your specs?
Tried it a couple of weeks ago. From what little I've heard they've only fixed it for Nvidia graphics cards, though. Not for AMDs (I've got a 7850), like mine.
What kind of sale is that? Vampire for 15$ and Singularity for 23$!?
And no TimeShift.![]()
wait, is ass creed 3 and ass revs steam redeemable?
I can't say no to 5 bucks for ass revs
No Sonic allstar racing transformed either :'(. Was hoping to finally pick that one up. Don't disappoint me too, steam!
AssCreed 3 is, yes (just be sure to purchase the "Online Game Code" version), but not Revelations.
Haha, congrats. My budget for the Steam sale is derived entirely from selling these, couldn't be more thankful for them.24,39 and counting. These card thingies are fucking amazing.
brothers in arms and i am alive aren't steam keys right
man those upcoming amazon sales are terrible, all like twice the price they've gone for before and hella non-steam keys
did the novelty of selling video games wear off for them or what[IMG]
God, I can't wait for the Steam Summer Sale. Gaben will seduce me once more to buy games I'll probably never play but I do need.[/QUOTE]
A work of art. WOULD
Sorry if this has been posted before- there are a few Steam-redeemable games on sale at [url=]Square Enix.[/url] The Last Remnant, all Dungeon Sieges. Tomb Raider, Hitman, Sleepy Dogs and FF 7 (not Steam).
It works flawlessly on Windows 8.Anyone playing Rogue Legacy with Windows 8? Was about to pull the trigger with Dunder, but just read the steam page saying Windows 8 not fully supported.
Thanks, think I will buy it soon. Demo worked fine, so hopefully this will too.It works flawlessly on Windows 8.For me, anyway.
Looks like Rise of the Triad is getting some Apogee Throwback Pack with pre-order, probably already mentioned before
DO IT!To buy or not to buy risen 2....
Just, don't expect a perfect game. (but what is?) If you like exploration and a piratey atmosphere, there's no reason not to buy that gem. Especially for that price.
But what about this...
How is Risen?
[Amazon Summer Sale] - These are Steam activated titles. Except for the ones which say <Origin. Those are clearly Origin, I left them just because.
So what kind of game is Natural Selection 2 and how does it fair vs. Chivalry?
So what kind of game is Natural Selection 2 and how does it fair vs. Chivalry?
It's like an RTS where most of the players are the fodder units while one person plays as the commander who can place buildings and direct everyone else. The two sides have very different mechanics, like Terran vs Zerg in Starcraft.
Chivalry is a game where you chop heads off dudes with a giant sword while screaming like a maniac. It's like trying to compare Super Smash Brothers to DotA.
Anyone playing Rogue Legacy with Windows 8? Was about to pull the trigger with Dunder, but just read the steam page saying Windows 8 not fully supported.
Shit, just had my first BSoD in years. You know it's serious when Windows 7 completely crashes like this :/