Does anyone have any strong preferences in games I try out? Anything you are looking forward to playing?
Personally, I plan on using it mainly for strategy games and RPGs, but I'm curious about trying a lot more. Brothers, Dark Souls and Axiom Verge are high on my list of games to make videos of, because they are games that are designed for a traditional controller. I think I'm pretty excited about older shooters like System Shock 2, though I don't think it will play well from a couch -- either the text will be tiny, or it will be at an extremely low resolution.
Is there any other broad category of games, or specific game, that any of you would like me to make a video of? If you're not familiar with my videos, I tend to give each game about 10 minutes, either of me just starting out with it, or after an hour of play. I'll go over the controls, and try out some alternative control schemes. I try to help you get a better sense of the customization of the controller, because when you get your own controller, most of the games you play will probably have a fairly poor default.
Now that we're close to release, I might try to take more input from comments and see if I can publish public control schemes that are based on my videos.