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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Biggest Trails Stan
he is defending "their right to exist"

True but that guy decimated him when he argued with him

Especially when the guy started to talk about how unforgiving these liberals are

And I saw lot of the live chat saying that was probably his ex who dumped him and turned him into an Incel. I was just shaking my head and was like that guy points have been proven so many times and he's getting called an Incel? Really?


Gold Member
True but that guy decimated him when he argued with him

Especially when the guy started to talk about how unforgiving these liberals are

And I saw lot of the live chat saying that was probably his ex who dumped him and turned him into an Incel. I was just shaking my head and was like that guy points have been proven so many times and he's getting called an Incel? Really?
yeah Jaffe got destroyed and he immediately started to deflect.


Perpetually Tired
I'll give Jaffe this

He even said he would defends the free speech of the KKK

As long as they don't incite violence

Which is the correct stance to take

I don't like what the KKK stand for, same with BLM but one group has been inciting violence

Sweet Baby have a right to exist, doesn't' mean people should support them or not call them out when they act like massive cunts.
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Biggest Trails Stan
They have a right to exist, doesnt' mean people should support them or not call them out when they act like massive cunts.

That's what I'm saying though

I disagree with Sweet Baby Inc and people have the right to criticism them. One of the people who worked there incited a hareessment campaign against the Steam Group Sweet Baby INC Detected. So they got what they deserved

Same with the KKK and BLM

So yeah I agree with what you said there.
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Biggest Trails Stan
the issue is that he is using that argument to dismiss oppose points/arguments.

Oh I know

He totally ignores what Sweet Baby INC is doing especially when the company head said she threatens so that she can get her way

People are keep on saying to watch the video and he keeps refusing too. I'm like really Jaffe? As you said deflecting
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No one is arguing against inclusive and diverse characters and stories. People just want it to feel natural and well written, like it was for decades before this DEI shit took over.

Less tokens, more actual characters.

Absolutely. I pointed that out in my post. More than fine for people to rail against poorly written characters that are crowbarred in to existing franchises to fulfil some idiotic ideology quota that alienates the people the franchise was created for in the first place.

But Barbie wasn't that. It was by all accounts a pretty decent film, targeted at women. There's obviously an audience for that kind of thing. Even if it's totally not for me (I have still yet to bother seeing it).
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Perpetually Tired
Absolutely. I pointed that out in my post. More than fine for people to rail against poorly written characters that are crowbarred in to existing franchises to fulfil some idiotic ideology quota that alienates the people the franchise was created for in the first place.

But Barbie wasn't that. It was by all accounts a pretty decent film, targeted at women. There's obviously an audience for that kind of thing. Even if it's totally not for me (I have still yet to bother seeing it).
Can't agree here. Even my niece could tell it was full of bullshit. She ended up selling all her barbies shortly after. The movie ruined her enjoyment of them.
- What is the fixture next to the television? Some type of decorative wash rack? Who displays towels in a TV room?
Betcha those are his cum rags.
Of course there fucking is.

The most successful film of last year was Barbie.

But there isn’t a market for traditionally young male skewing products being altered to include more DEI.
But did Barbie become a success because of its woke messaging or despite it? I'd argue despite it. Barbie is the largest female property, after all. There's also a reason they made sure to keep all of the film's messaging out of the trailers. If they didn't think it would hurt them, they would have made sure it was front and center in all of the ads for the film. Instead, they hid it. Hell, they even decided it was better to go with a beautiful woman as Barbie, as opposed to the original plan, which was Amy Schumer. Now, I doubt you think the film would have been as big if Barbie was played by Amy Schumer and the feminist messaging was focused on in all the trailers.

I think many women didn't take the film's messaging too seriously. Hell, a lot of viewers liked Ken more than Barbie. And those who did trumpet the messaging, are probably the same women who love playing the victim. The same types that desperately wanted to be part of the #metoo movement, so exaggerated bad dates or just outright lied about things that happened to them. Something that ultimately killed the movement almost as soon as it started.
Actually it's cause a large majority of their employees are activists and they're scare of their subordinates. Remember when Jim Ryan sent that benign ass memo about "respecting each other's views on abortion" and every single ones of his studios went ape shit and staged walk outs? That's why these beta cucks let their employees do what they want and just nod along approvingly, they're scared. That may well even be why ole Jimbo was put out to pasture, a lot of people probably actually quit over that.
yeah, i agree, it's a segment of both their audience & their employees that they're apparently somewhat intimidated by & playing to. &, while the profits continue to roll in, there's really no downside in doing so, i guess. it's all pretty cynical, tho, appreciating that the decision makers at these companies very likely have no more commitment to this juvenile crap than we do, & likely do their best to see to it that their own kids don't, either...
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Gold Member
well, well, Jaffe got destroyed several times.

to me is pretty clear that people on purple era and the sweet babies types, are never going to have a debate in public. They know deep down they don't have valid arguments and they will be destroyed in minutes and of course the they will cry "you are racist, bigot, nazi, white"or whatever word they like to use....quite pathetic.


I can't swallow the claim that the KKK doesn't incite violence. They might not have the influence or reach they once did, but violence and intimidation are their go to tactics and have been from the beginning.

Unless that's not what you were saying?
Yeah, bringing KKK into a discussion with that sort of a shit history is like bringing Nazis up. Not quite the same scope but same idea.

Going and comparing even the morons in Sweet Baby Inc to KKK is just stirring shit up.


Biggest Trails Stan
well, well, Jaffe got destroyed several times.

to me is pretty clear that people on purple era and the sweet babies types, are never going to have a debate in public. They know deep down they don't have valid arguments and they will be destroyed in minutes and of course the they will cry "you are racist, bigot, nazi, white"or whatever word they like to use....quite pathetic.

And funny enough they will be surprised when they see that all their detractors aren't just white and not just men.

Lot of people are sick of Sweet Baby INC and other companies like them
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No one is arguing against inclusive and diverse characters and stories. People just want it to feel natural and well written, like it was for decades before this DEI shit took over.

Less tokens, more actual characters.
Sure, but then you have diverse characters that are actually well written and people still rage against them about being woke. Last Epoch recently launched and the armored martial character in the game is black and people are against that because of some European fantasy nonsense, despite the character clearly being a throwback to Diablo 2. Or Saga Anderson from Alan Wake 2, a well written black character that has the audacity to take the lead role on an investigation, which makes sense considering she is a protagonist.

It would be nice if people directed their ire at games that actually have forced in tokenism (Spider-Man 2), but it feels often that a game just has to have a woman or black lead these days for people to start raging against it.


Sure, but then you have diverse characters that are actually well written and people still rage against them about being woke. Last Epoch recently launched and the armored martial character in the game is black and people are against that because of some European fantasy nonsense, despite the character clearly being a throwback to Diablo 2. Or Saga Anderson from Alan Wake 2, a well written black character that has the audacity to take the lead role on an investigation, which makes sense considering she is a protagonist.

It would be nice if people directed their ire at games that actually have forced in tokenism (Spider-Man 2), but it feels often that a game just has to have a woman or black lead these days for people to start raging against it.
Problem with Saga is she was originally white and you can easily see the remnants of that in the game itself.


Thats some good storytelling.
Exactly. You could say it was lucky Sweet baby was there to vet the story for Remedy



But why though? The game is called Alan Wake. I wouldn't have any issue with her being the protagonist of "Saga Anderson's Wild Adventure"

I didn't play the game, but I think her inclusion as a main protag itself in a direct follow up to Alan Wake is a pretty glaring example of tokenism.
Very simple, because the game is quite old and introducing new players, or players who forgot details from the first one. Alan Wake himself was trapped in the dark place as well. You solve this via introducing a character that is working on this mystery as well and is just as clueless as the player.

Problem with Saga is she was originally white and you can easily see the remnants of that in the game itself.
Where? Her father has been a black character since Quantum Break.


Zathalus Zathalus

People are pissed off that's why. Human psychology isn't that hard to understand yet these companies ruining IPs with wokeness thrust in where it doesn't fit serves to agrivate most players, over time.

They become hyper sensitive to it and if self aware have to check themselves when they reflexively turn their nose up to the latest perceived woke game, which may in fact not be woke but instead does diversity right.

These companies like sweet baby are ultimately causing this to happen. The reverse of their so called mission statement. They are harming the space, games and minority representation.

So the question is, why? They tried to hide their involvement, they clearly aren't proud of their work.

So they are talentless hacks or they have a different hidden mission statement.

Regardless they and other woke people in the industry are harming games and directly causing this knee jerk reaction from gamers. It's time to stop.


well, well, Jaffe got destroyed several times.

to me is pretty clear that people on purple era and the sweet babies types, are never going to have a debate in public. They know deep down they don't have valid arguments and they will be destroyed in minutes and of course the they will cry "you are racist, bigot, nazi, white"or whatever word they like to use....quite pathetic.
Most of these guys are mentally ill and I'm being serious, you can't debate with these people.


I'll give Jaffe this

He even said he would defends the free speech of the KKK

As long as they don't incite violence

Which is the correct stance to take

I don't like what the KKK stand for, same with BLM but one group has been inciting violence
people need to remember that Jaffe also has his own flesh and blood, his child who has been brainwashed by the sweet baby fiddler types.

as a father you can see why he is willing to defend or stand up for something. He is trying to do it in the most "both side" (i hate that term but there isn't a better way to say it) possible.

unfortunately i don't think you will ever truly get a real deep personal take from him on subjects like these purely because of the external influences in his life.

that being said im happy that he is wiling to argue "both sides" of an argument rather than go full Simple jack and go extreme woke and start fighting people which is what 99% of people seem to do.


I wonder if SBI have approached any Japanese Studios. I also hope they were laughed out of the room.

All the big JP developers have contracted SBI or similar consultants. That's how they know what gay or lascivious joke/easter eggs they need to censor out of their next remake, or how a Black Sheboss wound up leading Forespoken. I don't understand why so many of you guys erroneously hold Japanese devs as some sort of bastion of anti-wokeness. As global entities, most of them are barely a half step behind their western counterparts. The only real difference is JP developers are still willing to put some PG-13 style titillation in games, albeit far less than they did 10+ years ago.


Or Saga Anderson from Alan Wake 2, a well written black character that has the audacity to take the lead role on an investigation, which makes sense considering she is a protagonist.
You mean the character that the game makes it very clear how much of an amazing detective she is by having her superior telling me so instead of showing me? The FBI agent who is recognized, full name, by a complete stranger in a diner and is told that her daughter drowned and instead of interpreting that as a threat or a lead or something, she basically says 'you've got the wrong gal' and shrugs it off instead of questioning that stranger thoroughly who OBVIOUSLY knows something about her? The FBI agent who goes to a morgue with her boss, watch a sheriff dissappear, a dead body killing two deputies and vanishing as well, and when she goes outside to the other policemen, she tells them what happened and tells them to handle things from here, and instead of arresting her and her boss on the spot for giving them such a ludicrous explanation, they nod and go inside the morgue while she and her boss drive off?

THAT well-written character?

Just because a character is made up of millions of polygons, sighs and yawns and animates well in cutscenes or is played by a competent VA, doesn't mean the character is well-written.
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All the big JP developers have contracted SBI or similar consultants. That's how they know what gay or lascivious joke/easter eggs they need to censor out of their next remake, or how a Black Sheboss wound up leading Forespoken. I don't understand why so many of you guys erroneously hold Japanese devs as some sort of bastion of anti-wokeness. As global entities, most of them are barely a half step behind their western counterparts. The only real difference is JP developers are still willing to put some PG-13 style titillation in games, albeit far less than they did 10+ years ago.
Yeah, but many japanese companies now see it ain't worth and seem to be renouncing this. But yeah, they do cater to the mob, just not to the extent western devs do.

The West kisses the ring, the boots, heck the whole ESG cock.

Japan just gives a subtle nod and just gives a casual mention.
Of course there fucking is.

The most successful film of last year was Barbie.

But there isn’t a market for traditionally young male skewing products being altered to include more DEI.

Barbie didn’t sell because of its DEI policies. There was none of that stuff in the trailers or marketing material. It sold because it was based on the most successful girls toy of all time. There isn’t a market for DEI, in fact, IPs that have embraced this stuff have suffered terribly.
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Gold Member
people need to remember that Jaffe also has his own flesh and blood, his child who has been brainwashed by the sweet baby fiddler types.

as a father you can see why he is willing to defend or stand up for something. He is trying to do it in the most "both side" (i hate that term but there isn't a better way to say it) possible.

unfortunately i don't think you will ever truly get a real deep personal take from him on subjects like these purely because of the external influences in his life.

that being said im happy that he is wiling to argue "both sides" of an argument rather than go full Simple jack and go extreme woke and start fighting people which is what 99% of people seem to do.
Not a good excuse at all, if i start to act like a moron, my father is not gonna defend me or change his ideology because of me.

he should grow a spine and tell his son that he is a moron instead of bending his principles (if he even has any principle to begin with).

Parents being soft is what ruined the current gen.
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Not a good excuse at all, if i start to act like a moron, my father is not gonna defend me or change his ideology because of me.

he should grow a spine and tell his son that he is a moron instead of bending his principles (if he even has any principle to begin with).

Parents being soft is what ruined the current gen.
it's not an excuse but he's never gonna turn against his child.

i doubt most parents would. The hollywood depiction of the parent who sends their kids off to be homeless because they are gay or whatever is such a fallacy.

unfortunately his child has been indoctrinated and he's never going to go against that and ruin a relationship with his child and i think people just need to understand that.

doesn't mean it's right or wrong or whatever, but when it's your own flesh and blood it doesn't matter what the situation is, 9/10 people are going to defend their child no matter what. it's just nature in general.

so expecting him to ever go against a sweet baby or disney or whoever it's just not gonna happen. It's actually pointless people asking his opinion on all of this because he'll never be able to give a true answer.


Gold Member
it's not an excuse but he's never gonna turn against his child.

i doubt most parents would. The hollywood depiction of the parent who sends their kids off to be homeless because they are gay or whatever is such a fallacy.

unfortunately his child has been indoctrinated and he's never going to go against that and ruin a relationship with his child and i think people just need to understand that.

doesn't mean it's right or wrong or whatever, but when it's your own flesh and blood it doesn't matter what the situation is, 9/10 people are going to defend their child no matter what. it's just nature in general.

so expecting him to ever go against a sweet baby or disney or whoever it's just not gonna happen. It's actually pointless people asking his opinion on all of this because he'll never be able to give a true answer.

Having a spine and confronting your son instead of just saying yes to whatever stupid shit they say and believe is why we are in this situation, we need more old school parents and less weak parents that are ok with everything.

I know a lot of people that go against their sons, it is not as rare as you may think.

Maybe it's because i live in sicily where we don't have all these woke bullshits so i just can't understand how fucking soft americans are...


Having a spine and confronting your son instead of just saying yes to whatever stupid shit they say and believe is why we are in this situation, we need more old school parents and less weak parents that are ok with everything.

I know a lot of people that go against their sons, it is not as rare as you may think.

Maybe it's because i live in sicily where we don't have all these woke bullshits so i just can't understand how fucking soft americans are...
I don't know anyone with a child whose first response to anything their child does is to go against them. Only maybe in the Tribes or in a culture where there is a social or communal hierarchy and things are decided for you.

everyone defends their family, even if they personally don't agree with them. The issue is that the parents didn't do a good job at stopping their children from being indoctrinated. but the problem is actually the fact they are being indoctrinated in the first place. Why have we all allowed tiktok to tell our kids to be whatever gender they want, why have we allowed governments to spread these ideologies through schools and academia.

I just don't think any parent who sees their child "depressed" (obviously it's completely part of the indoctrination process) wouldn't do everything they can to help them and protect them.

if you ever meet a father the day their child is born the first response is almost always "i will never let anything ever happen to you".
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Can't agree here. Even my niece could tell it was full of bullshit. She ended up selling all her barbies shortly after. The movie ruined her enjoyment of them.
Yeah this idea of barbie being ok because it was made for a certain "group" .. for me its the same of saying that "that nazi support film is ok because is made for nazi supporters" ... barbie had anti-male propaganda at droves (aside from other leftists tropes) and I sure didnt want my daughter seeing that movie, but it became just impossible to "block" her.
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Gold Member
I don't know anyone with a child whose first response to anything their child does is to go against them. Only maybe in the Tribes or in a culture where there is a social or communal hierarchy and things are decided for you.

everyone defends their family, even if they personally don't agree with them. The issue is that the parents didn't do a good job at stopping their children from being indoctrinated. but the problem is actually the fact they are being indoctrinated in the first place. Why have we all allowed tiktok to tell our kids to be whatever gender they want, why have we allowed governments to spread these ideologies through schools and academia.

I just don't think any parent who sees their child "depressed" (obviously it's completely part of the indoctrination process) wouldn't do everything they can to help them and protect them.

if you ever meet a father the day their child is born the first response is almost always "i will never let anything ever happen to you".
Well i have a complete different experience, like i said, maybe living in a completely different part of the world forged me and people around me in a different way.

I repeat again, parents being soft and letting their sons do whatever the fuck they want is one of the reasons why we are in this situation, being always accomodating with your sons is a recipe for disasters, especially in these crazy times where social media has fucked so many people.

Sorry, you are not gonna convince me that being always ok as a parent or that not having a spine and conforming to your son mongoloid believes is good or healthy.
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