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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Imagine thinking “racism can apply to any skin color” is a “crowd” and not just the default majority of people.

EDIT: Something I would love from these people is even baseline acknowledgment that their own positions are controversial. It shouldn’t be difficult to understand why groups of people don’t like being disparaged because of their immutable characteristics. They could easily hold the positions they hold — that it doesn’t matter, at least in the US, because racism disproportionately affects certain groups — while acknowledging that there are multiple complex variables that may lead someone to disagree with them. But no, just dogmatic certainty that they and they alone are correct, and the only possible reason someone else could disagree is because they’re evil.
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Gold Member

A formal acknowledgment of the conflict, going so far as to call it GamerGate 2. Is this the Twitter equivalent of a declaration of war?

Are we *OFFICIALLY* getting to dust off the old battle armor and March for conquest and glory like we did so many years ago?!
Begging to be on an ultra liberal’s stream so she can get the reassurance she desperately needs. How pathetic.


White guilt is one of the most pathetic mental states I can think of.

Yesterday I was thinking about whether Valve will cave and bow to corporate strongarming through lawyers using something along the lines of a defamation lawsuit. Although there's that screenshot of a moderator seemingly just not taking sides and leaving the page up, I still have some doubts. It's just everything I've seen over the past ten years of these nutjob gender beurocrats/intersectional feminists/neo marxists or whatever you want to call them. You know who I mean. The amount of power these people have is interesting and I can only assume it's through the fact it's a very subversive and poisonous ideology that's just spread and embedded itself in so many facets of entertainment, government and public services.

Anyway I've loved Valve for years. I like Gabe as he just seems laid back, genuine and is never involved in any controversy really. He wears his Ralph polos and doesn't involve himself. Look at their website too. Not a single woke thing in sight. Just straight up down to business what they do, who they are and who they want mor of in plain and simple English.


Gold Member
Always the same kinds of people. Pretend to be moral and upstanding, secretly the most vile and racist of them all.
He lost his Jewish friend after the Oct 7 terror attack because he wouldn’t condemn what Hamas did. He resonates with a very specific group of people.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/

A formal acknowledgment of the conflict, going so far as to call it GamerGate 2. Is this the Twitter equivalent of a declaration of war?

Are we *OFFICIALLY* getting to dust off the old battle armor and March for conquest and glory like we did so many years ago?!

If anyone is currently ‘very unwell’ it’s this daft lemon licking cunt.


Perpetually Tired
'We believe in maximal creative freedom, including DEI-ing your games'

This don't match.

It does match. He believes that they have the creative freedom to use whatever they want to make their game, even if it is an organization that actively hinders it. No different than using Elmers glue to piece together your Warhammer Titan model. It won't make it *good* and it may fall apart once you are done, but it is still your creative choice to shoot yourself in the foot.


Gold Member
Would woke people like Chris Kindred be happy that the lead in the upcoming game Stellar Blade is not a white male??!

We play as an Asian Female!!
Even better, an android that identify as an asian woman, in theory they should love the fuck out of her :lollipop_squinting:
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I just find the way Sweet Baby talk about representation, inclusion and sensibility stuff really phony and gross...
My opposition is not even due to "woke", is just gross.

It's much more beautiful to me, when diversity is born out of pure artistic intention (Final Fantasy 9, for example) from the developers themselves.

(Edit: Picture for reference)

Then a external hand, just doing it to check boxes on a notepad.

Also, arts capacity of shocking you, of making you squirm, has value.
And is something that is lost with all of this.

Remember when Final Fantasy 16 mention of sexual abuse towards (If I'm not mistaken) children was removed by localization?
It wasn't portrayed in a good light, a VILLAIN did that.

There was an artistic intention with that, for the writer, that was lost in localization, because it's insensitive.

Sweet Baby is very much anti-art and creativity.

Diversity and inclusion has to be born out of pure artistic intention. Not external hands.
Cant you see that they are all WHITE!!!!! Well, except for Vivi I guess. How is this diverse. Brown Egg/Frog People are not represented in this game and I hate it!
It does match. He believes that they have the creative freedom to use whatever they want to make their game, even if it is an organization that actively hinders it. No different than using Elmers glue to piece together your Warhammer Titan model. It won't make it *good* and it may fall apart once you are done, but it is still your creative choice to shoot yourself in the foot.
But it's not a "creative" choice. It's an ideological choice. It's anti-creative.
Would woke people like Chris Kindred be happy that the lead in the upcoming game Stellar Blade is not a white male??!

We play as an Asian Female!!
Propably is pissed that it’s not a black female lead. So propably saying the devs are RAAAAAYYYYYCCCCCIIIIIISSSSSS!!!
Cant you see that they are all WHITE!!!!! Well, except for Vivi I guess. How is this diverse. Brown Egg/Frog People are not represented in this game and I hate it!
Joking aside though, and I know people would unironically say that, they are objectively wrong.
Quina is any and all genders. You, and the characters can call them "he/she". And it's never commented on, really. Is just that's who Quina is.

Freya, Dagger and the little girl (She was in my party for most of the game, but I forgot her name...) are night and day different female characters and straight up follow the most reasonable thing that ever came out of Anita Sarkeesian(?) mouth.

Paraphrasing: "You can have damsels in distress, fan serviced characters all you want, as long as there's variety".

Do I need to mention Beatrix at all?... The One-Woman-Army, and unbeatable boss?

The idea that a "SJW" can dismiss the diversity and creativity of FF 9 by going "They are all white!", it's a believable one, but again, they are just wrong.

Amarant sucks ass, by the way.
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It does match. He believes that they have the creative freedom to use whatever they want to make their game, even if it is an organization that actively hinders it. No different than using Elmers glue to piece together your Warhammer Titan model. It won't make it *good* and it may fall apart once you are done, but it is still your creative choice to shoot yourself in the foot.
yep. as these guys point out, what's weird about the whole sweet baby curator thing is why, considering how very successful some of the games they've been involved with have been, does sweet baby, if they truly believe & take pride in what they're up to, not relish the attention? because most growing businesses most definitely would: 'oh, hey, these guys worked on spidey 2 & ragnarok?! man, i'm gonna check out all their other games!'...


yep. as these guys point out, what's weird about the whole sweet baby curator thing is why, considering how very successful some of the games they've been involved with have been, does sweet baby, if they truly believe & take pride in what they're up to, not relish the attention? because most growing businesses most definitely would: 'oh, hey, these guys worked on spidey 2 & ragnarok?! man, i'm gonna check out all their other games!'...
The wrong people called attention to it. They want people who already agree with them noticing them, not “the chuds.”


Can anyone recommend a good video or article on the Baby Inc stuff? When I Google it, all I get is everyone saying "Diversity is Good".
I was gonna post the same. We need to buy these games at launch and make them as successful as we possibly can.

the stellar blade developer is getting a lot of flak for how sexy the women are, I really hope the sales numbers send a clear message that yes, a lot of gamers actually like this.

It’s nuts we’ve already lost whole franchises due to Sonys policies (senran kagura, dead or alive). No idea how this game seemingly avoided getting censored but we need to turn out and buy it to show them that was the correct decision


Staff writer, white settler, mab, he/him/franklin/xir, debilitating schizophrenia and OCD, love working at the office with the staff!

The more titles you have, the better your farts smell.

It reminds me of when characters in GOT announce the king: "King (enter name here) of House (enter house here) the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm

It's just pure narcissism and nothing more.
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White guilt is one of the most pathetic mental states I can think of.

Yesterday I was thinking about whether Valve will cave and bow to corporate strongarming through lawyers using something along the lines of a defamation lawsuit. Although there's that screenshot of a moderator seemingly just not taking sides and leaving the page up, I still have some doubts. It's just everything I've seen over the past ten years of these nutjob gender beurocrats/intersectional feminists/neo marxists or whatever you want to call them. You know who I mean. The amount of power these people have is interesting and I can only assume it's through the fact it's a very subversive and poisonous ideology that's just spread and embedded itself in so many facets of entertainment, government and public services.

Anyway I've loved Valve for years. I like Gabe as he just seems laid back, genuine and is never involved in any controversy really. He wears his Ralph polos and doesn't involve himself. Look at their website too. Not a single woke thing in sight. Just straight up down to business what they do, who they are and who they want mor of in plain and simple English.
It's a fucking disease.

Imagine if you had a black friend who constantly talked about how horrible he was for being black. And the notion became his identity, and would work his self-loathing into any fucking conceivable topic of discussion. Any time you'd start talking about I don't know--- salad dressing, he starts harping on himself.

You'd get him help. You'd tell him that way of thinking is a disease.

White anti-white people are a disease
the stellar blade developer is getting a lot of flak for how sexy the women are, I really hope the sales numbers send a clear message that yes, a lot of gamers actually like this.

It’s nuts we’ve already lost whole franchises due to Sonys policies (senran kagura, dead or alive). No idea how this game seemingly avoided getting censored but we need to turn out and buy it to show them that was the correct decision
I have mine preordered and will always support games with attractive female leads because they piss off the purple haired weirdos.
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