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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game

Imagine you're running a business.

And you hire third-party consultants.

And these consultants go on a full-scale social media war with your core audience.

It's like satire at this point.

It's even crazier when you realize that as "sensitivity consultants", their job is literally to make sure you work does not offend the audience.
Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN


The funny thing is that it was him who publicly tried to start a harassment campaign and everyone saw it.
If you look the defenition of "Backfire" in the dictionary, theres a pic of chris kindred.

You can also see how gaming "journalist" are not really journalists when they report this situation by hidding the fact chris was the one that started an harrasment campaign not only against the steam group but also targeted his creator in hopes his personal steam account with hundreds of games would be banned.
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Gold Member
If you look the defenition of "Backfire" in the dictionary, theres a pic of chris kindred.

You can also see how gaming "journalist" are not really journalists when they report this situation by hidding the fact chris was the one that started an harrasment campaign not only against the steam group but also targeted his creator in hopes his personal steam account with hundreds of games would be banned.
Yeah they were trying to punish him personally. That’s what was so fucked up about it.
I find it amusing that a curator group started by a Brazilian that lists the involvement of a Canadian company in video game development that has found support worldwide is somehow being linked to the US elections by the usual suspects. That's a pretty far-fetched conspiracy theory. It would be some insane 4D chess.
Exactly, also, when the forum at the SBI Detected Steam page was open someone did a survey to find out where we were from and it turned out that a lot of us were not American (me included).
Whats funny to me is that conservatives view Trump as a moderate/populist/leans right kinda guy, while these people think Trump and all his "MAGA" supporters are far right extremists.
It's like who's view is really warped around here.
The left does define far right by now many issues you’re conservative on, but how easy they can negotiate away your positions.
If you’re conservative on all your issues but willing to negotiate on all of them, you’re a “conservative”, if there’s even one issue you will draw a line and will not budge, you’re a far right wing extremist to them.
Trump’s positions is very much a mix, he certainly no right wing ideologue, but on a few things, such as immigration, he is stridently immovable, and that’s all it takes.
I'm going to take an educated guess Alyssa Mercante has never lived in a bad area of a city. She would easily find out that racism knows no color.

If she does live in a city and has experience racism targeted at her, she most likely ignored it and gave an excuse to the POC that treated her that way.

This is an extreme example but if she wants to experience true racism from a marginalized group, go talk to the Black Israelites of Philadelphia,

I grew up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, I would skateboard down there during the mid 90's. These fine gentleman above would banter on about their racist views. When we would skate near where they would set up their soap boxes, you would get called every insult over a loud speaker (honky, cracker, and some other colorful words).

If she took five minutes out of her day and just went and searched for on the internet what she is denouncing, she would find out that she is wrong within the first couple of minutes.

The issue is never the issue, the issue is the revolution. Everything is subordinate to that cause. That's how you have so-called feminists defending men winning honor and prize money by wining women's sporting events, at the expense of real women. They never cared about women, and they don't care about minorities, they only care about winning their Marxist revolution.
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I'm going to take an educated guess Alyssa Mercante has never lived in a bad area of a city. She would easily find out that racism knows no color.

If she does live in a city and has experience racism targeted at her, she most likely ignored it and gave an excuse to the POC that treated her that way.

This is an extreme example but if she wants to experience true racism from a marginalized group, go talk to the Black Israelites of Philadelphia,

I grew up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, I would skateboard down there during the mid 90's. These fine gentleman above would banter on about their racist views. When we would skate near where they would set up their soap boxes, you would get called every insult over a loud speaker (honky, cracker, and some other colorful words).

If she took five minutes out of her day and just went and searched for on the internet what she is denouncing, she would find out that she is wrong within the first couple of minutes.
She wouldn’t care because it doesn’t fit with her agenda. Also they are black so to her they can’t be racist. Only white people are racist so this would just be ignored by her.


Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.


Nice to see some comments rebutting this attempted victimhood interspersed with the usual platitudes


And he shut down comments “for now”, figures
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Gold Member
Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.


Kinda ironic they complaint about harassment when their entire bussiness model is build on harassing gaming companies into changing their products.
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We are officially at Gamergate 2.0. the people that didn't want it literally willed it into existence with the Streisand effect.
Seriously. This is really over a steam curator group?

Has there been any evidence of people _actually_ harassing individual devs on Discord/Twitter without being provoked first?


Gold Member
So... I haven't looked at Steam privacy settings in a while, can anyone confirm if you can subscribe to this curator without it being visible anywhere? Sadly I have to always carefully watch my online presence for career reasons.

I don't know for sure, but it looks like if you set your general Profile setting to Friends Only or Private, then it should also hide your group memberships.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Elon retweets:


Full thread from here:

Imagine being so dense that your efforts to destroy a relatively unknown and benign steam user and his curated group, not only exponentially grows and strengthens your opponents, but now also pulls your shitty company and your circlejerk buddies into the spotlights of one of the most powerful men on earth. Well done Chris Kindred and SBI. You've all been fucking around for god knows how long, and now you and all your moron buddies are at the 'finding out' stage of precedings.

It's an own goal of simply breathtakingly epic proportions, but it's apparently everyone else's fault.
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Elon retweets:


Full thread from here:

Honestly, good. The video game industry is due for a crash/reset. Happened in the 80s (twice) and again in the 90s. I genuinely feel bad for the in-the-trenches devs that this will inevitably affect, especially since most have little to no say in the decisions of middle and upper management.

But overall the industry is too bloated, too expensive, too many mid-tier products with AAA budgets. Too many games that require hundreds of hours of time, FOMO, continuous investment. Break-evens in the 10M+ sold. You can't just beat a game in a few weeks and move on anymore in the AAA space. Too many consultants and cooks in the kitchen.

"B-but making games is so hard and complex now!"

No it fucking isn't, we've made it harder with insane scale and scope. It's easier than _ever_ with modern-day tools. Both MS + Sony's consoles are basically the same hardware now (and are also just stripped down PCs), modern APIs and out of the box engines are a godsend compared to development for 6th gen and earlier.

Tunic? Banger, made by 1 dude
Sea of Stars? Banger by 1 dude
Lethal company? Banger by 1 dude
Stardew Valley? Banger by 1 dude
Axiom Verge 1+2? Banger by 1 dude
Hotline Miami 1+2? Banger by 2 dudes
list goes on
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Tunic? Banger, made by 1 dude
Sea of Stars? Banger by 1 dude
Lethal company? Banger by 1 dude
Stardew Valley? Banger by 1 dude
Axiom Verge 1+2? Banger by 1 dude
Hotline Miami 1+2? Banger by 2 dudes
list goes on
Mostly correct on this list but Sabotage Studios, who made Sea of Stars, has a pretty big team

You might be thinking of Chained Echoes, which was in fact a banger and was in fact made by 1 dude


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

I don't want to get political, I'm not even a US citizen, but these are devs working on games nowadays.

Racial discrimination during hiring in the US is actually a crime

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Not gonna lie, this controversy is pretty stupid. A classic idiocy of the masses. A company exists which offers "narrative consultation services" is apparently making games "woke". However, what people don't discuss is that it takes 2 to tango. As a company needs to see benefit in their services and actually pay money for their services. So going after the company for offering services that are not essential is just stupid. I tried to watch these videos and the way both content creators present the topic is frankly just childish. It makes it hard to watch. The funny part is that, if you read through this thread, you'd think this was one of the major issues hampering gaming today. Spoiler alert, it's not even in the top 5. Addressing this, won't address the risk aversion publishers have to big new IPs. It won't address the lack of innovation in game mechanics. It won't address the ridiculous monetization of games. It won't address the long game development timelines due to scope creep. It won't address planned obsolescence in controllers where manufactures design controllers(drift, etc) to fail to fleece the consumer base(Nintendo, Sony)

The worst thing from this apparent company is that their input leads to some games with cringe stories and cringe/shoehorned in characters. The market will punish those games as they have done the likes of Captain Marvel, Oceans 8 and etc. It's what naturally happens and it'll self correct. People complaining about the inclusion of other races in games have completely lost the plot. Companies like money and consumers like it when they can identify with characters in your game. It then logically follows that companies would try and include as many people as possible from different cultures to increase their TAM(total addressable market). Sometimes, I see why other industries like to hold their noses up in snobbery at the gaming community. People out here making an ocean out of a puddle.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right

I don't want to get political, I'm not even a US citizen, but these are devs working on games nowadays.

She talks about being against microaggressions while being microagressive (and racist as fuck) all the while through. JFC.

Pretty sure there's workplace anti-discrimination laws in the US right? And this fucktard just recorded herself (as they always do), so ...
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Not gonna lie, this controversy is pretty stupid. A classic idiocy of the masses. A company exists which offers "narrative consultation services" is apparently making games "woke". However, what people don't discuss is that it takes 2 to tango. As a company needs to see benefit in their services and actually pay money for their services. So going after the company for offering services that are not essential is just stupid. I tried to watch these videos and the way both content creators present the topic is frankly just childish. It makes it hard to watch. The funny part is that, if you read through this thread, you'd think this was one of the major issues hampering gaming today. Spoiler alert, it's not even in the top 5. Addressing this, won't address the risk aversion publishers have to big new IPs. It won't address the lack of innovation in game mechanics. It won't address the ridiculous monetization of games. It won't address the long game development timelines due to scope creep.

The worst thing from this apparent company is that their input leads to some games with cringe stories and cringe/shoehorned in characters. The market will punish those games as they have done the likes of Captain Marvel, Oceans 8 and etc. It's what naturally happens and it'll self correct. People complaining about the inclusion of other races in games have completely lost the plot. Companies like money and consumers like it when they can identify with characters in your game. It then logically follows that companies would try and include as many people as possible from different cultures to increase their TAM(total addressable market). Sometimes, I see why other industries like to hold their noses up in snobbery at the gaming community. People out here making an ocean out of a puddle.

What you’re missing is this was all set off by an employee of Sweet Baby Inc trying to get a Steam user banned. This video is much more factual without pandering to outrage engagement. I recommend it.

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