I've always been under the impression that games you bought digital via the eshop were locked to that handheld/console. Did that change in the last year?
You think I live in prison?
I thought you and Xiraiya both lived in Australia?
I've always been under the impression that games you bought digital via the eshop were locked to that handheld/console. Did that change in the last year?
You think I live in prison?
I've always been under the impression that games you bought digital via the eshop were locked to that handheld/console. Did that change in the last year?
I thought you and Xiraiya both lived in Australia?
Oh, i forgot about that, my bad.
I think they have yet to change this inconviniant rule.
Just to clarify, you said the game has a lot of random facts right?
I thought you and Xiraiya both lived in Australia?
Happy new year Frienders!
We could always update the Friender googledoc to add in whatever state or country we live in
Happy new year Frienders!
Happy new year Euro frienders!
Why must the new year always be happy?
Why can't it be awesome?
Now you just to deal with your gf sabotaging you with questions when you get back because they are gonna tell her eeeevvvvvvverrryyythiinnggggggFinally back, freaking girls we're such a hassle to take care of. With all the complements,flirting, Frozen Yogurt and constant judging of others outfits. I'd rather talk about waifus and video games, but judging other people was pretty fun. The narratives they came up with were ridiculous, and I nearly died laughing a couple times.
Yes. Want me to say what doors i've gone trhough currently?
I think that card is banned, but if it ever gets unbanned it'll raise in priceI'm currently looking through my yugioh cards to find some worth money, and I have one called Shock Master.
I'm currently looking through my yugioh cards to find some worth money, and I have one called Shock Master.
Woof.. i didn't think 999 would keep me thinking.. lockes sock and theseus's ship.. i wonder how this will affect anything..
Woof.. i didn't think 999 would keep me thinking.. lockes sock and theseus's ship.. i wonder how this will affect anything..
That card used to be god back in the day.
I'm currently looking through my yugioh cards to find some worth money, and I have one called Shock Master.
If you want, i don't particularly remember what happens behind some of the doors
Happy new years to all the Uropers, still got an hour left
The one I have is worth like 16 bucks.
i went through door 5, which is the one with the 2 rooms that are very similar and you can get a clover from santa, theb came the kitchen where you were locked in the freezer. Next i chose door number 7 where the labaratory is, i initiated both conversations with seven and clover about the ice-9 alice i learned from june, and gave the 4 leaf clover to clover to learn about the paradox of john and lucy. I already got the submarine ending and the safe ending where ace kills clover, man x and also snake.
OOOOOOOOO BUDDY get ready for some more of THAT shit
Then you're in for some stuff
You might as well sell it. It's locked deep within Konami's banlist and is probably never getting out.
Isn't this the route to the true ending?
Planning to. I was never that into playing yugioh and mainly played with my brother so I don't need any of the hundreds of cards I have.
Now you just to deal with your gf sabotaging you with questions when you get back because they are gonna tell her eeeevvvvvvverrryyythiinngggggg
Fucking sick, radical, awesome new year filled with JoJo poses and giga drill breakers.
I didn't even think about that...aw man
Isn't this the route to the true ending?
Oh geez, you're probably gonna make a small fortune if you have the right cards for this format. Plus staples always sell well.
Fucking sick, radical, awesome new year filled with JoJo poses and giga drill breakers.
Is it? It would probably be different depending on what i choose next.
Man I wish max would play Ultimax
Fucking sick, radical, awesome new year filled with JoJo poses and giga drill breakers.
I think you ticked off all the requirements for the coffin and true ending already
Did June give you facts while in the freezer? Did Seven give you facts about ice-9? If so and you got the bookmark and gave it to clover, then you got the true ending
I already found a good number of cards that are worth a bit. I also had shonen jump back in the day so I have a lot of those cards. Some of them are in bad condition, though. I wish I had put my original Obelisk in a card protector sooner.
Piercing through heavens is on my new year resolution tho
Sleeves are always a good investment. I have all of my non commons sleeved.
Cause I wanna play max at ultimax hopfully and if not just see some hype videos on itHmm. Why?
So.. i am assuming i shouldn't go for the true ending? And not click any of these spoilers.