You play a character that can punish people for hitting you.
9/10 times Luma gets a punish on someone after Rosa gets hit, it's because they do something unsafe after the hit trying to follow up on the hit. Many characters can punish you after you hit them if you try to follow up incorrectly against them and those aren't contingent on a part of their character actually still being attached to you and alive. Yea it can be dumb that if you happen to hit Rosalina and not Luma and can't move away fast enough during Rosa's hitstun, you're kinda forced to hold shield, but it's not a completely free punish all the time people seem to think it is.
And because I play a character that has an overwhelming hate for the very mentioning of her name, my opinion on another character having things that are just as dumb getting buffed is invalid?
It's fine. Debates are fun. What about it sounds like inexperience? Have you attempted to play the top Lucarios on Anthers. Lucario is not an often used character, so I know a lot of people on here in all likelihood have not experienced the playstyle I've witnessed.
Hey now, if anyone gets the same hate as rosa its Sonic, lol
Eh, I feel like Rosa takes a bigger hit of the hate train despite there (in my experience) being many more Sonic's around to have to deal with. Even any time there happens to be a match on stream of a Sonic against a Rosalina, once you get past all the residentsleeper's, everyone is just like ehhh Sonic's pretty lame, but FUCK ROSA, GO SONIC.