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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?


This chance at 1000 extensive alkahest event already has people going crazy over keys. Keys are over 500g and sell almost instantly. It seems every 15 seconds another notice pops up in chat that someone got it. I saw one person say they got 7 so far and I personally saw 3 of those.

I tried a bunch of keys myself but just got a few of the hats. It's probably better to just sell all your keys and then buy a bunch of extensive alkahest at the end of the event.

I bought 250 keys off the cash shop. Gonna sell them later on tonight.

Yes, i feel dirty D:
Oh man there's something about pking in this game thats just amazing. Got bored on my level 27 waiting for the SM 30 min queue, headed to Fey Forest and got to about 2k Infamy before the area was deserted.


I bought 250 keys off the cash shop. Gonna sell them later on tonight.

Yes, i feel dirty D:
Sell fast, prices on keys are dropping fast. Enchanting is going to be a lot cheaper for a while after this weekend, make sure to stock up on Extensive Alk if you've got the cash.
This one has a storage ability:




Just started getting back into this, but I'm having massive issues choosing a class. I like all roles. I love tanking in this game, love healing, love DPS. I think melee is more fun than ranged, but I can't decide.

Someone needs to make the decision for me, because I'm just going to keep rerolling.


Just started getting back into this, but I'm having massive issues choosing a class. I like all roles. I love tanking in this game, love healing, love DPS. I think melee is more fun than ranged, but I can't decide.

Someone needs to make the decision for me, because I'm just going to keep rerolling.

Lancer. You're welcome.
I love how they change Nexus to remove the 1,000 people stacked up in one spot crashing the server, and then the server crashes anyways. I'm so glad I canceled my Elite, giving EME another dime for the shittiest server uptime I've seen in an MMO in years is a bad joke.


OMG want the babby popori storage.

Seems this St Patty's day event is for people paying real cash onry? (to get the keys?)

I love how they change Nexus to remove the 1,000 people stacked up in one spot crashing the server, and then the server crashes anyways. I'm so glad I canceled my Elite, giving EME another dime for the shittiest server uptime I've seen in an MMO in years is a bad joke.

What's sad is we used to have tons of servers to handle this load, they then reduced staff and servers, and now they bring a few servers back but not more staff (from what I see) to keep them up and running.
OMG want the babby popori storage.

Seems this St Patty's day event is for people paying real cash onry? (to get the keys?)

You can buy keys from the broker but they're expensive right now due to the event. Elite members get 10 free keys per month but most have probably already used them. The lucky hats were selling for like 75-80 gold on the broker too.

There really needs to be a way to get free keys in game. They should make them really rare BAM or dungeon boss drops. Even Guild Wars 2 would throw you a bone every now and then with a Black Lion Key. At least we're getting some really cheap Extensive Alkahest out of it.


My brothers laptop can't seem to handle this game properly. Too much lag and his screen freezes a lot. This game isn't optimized well.

I did like the game..A LOT. But not I can't seem to play with him anymore =(


Have you tried turning down the presets under options->video?

I find it works for older comps.

Man that sucks, and the price of stuff on auction since F2P has gone soooo high


Holy shit, started this back up again. The fuck is with the AH prices. 900 gold + prices everywhere for level 40 + gear. I'm sad now.


Speaking of gold, anyone have an estimate of how much time I'd be saving myself in the endgame if I spent $25ish on 50 strongbox keys and sold them for gold right now?


Holy shit, started this back up again. The fuck is with the AH prices. 900 gold + prices everywhere for level 40 + gear. I'm sad now.
Don't be sad. Find a friend (or guild) at endgame who can front you some gear. 900g is nothing.

Speaking of gold, anyone have an estimate of how much time I'd be saving myself in the endgame if I spent $25ish on 50 strongbox keys and sold them for gold right now?
Not much. At current prices you'd be getting maybe 15000g. That's enough to buy your Abyss weapon depending on your class, and MAYBE your gloves or boots.

500g a day for dailies for non-Elite, 2000g a day for Elite. You'd be better suited buying a month of Elite for $15 and just doing your dailies for a while.

Find a group to run ET or KN and farm MES, you can make 4500-6000 gold an hour per person if you're duoing ET or trioing KN. Eventually, depending on your class, you'll be able to solo ET (any DPS class + Lancer/Warrior), or if you're a Lancer (or super pro Warrior) you can even solo KN. A healer can tag along with a DPS for ET or a Lancer for KN and make easy cash as well. I think for Warriors soloing LoT is the fastest way to farm MES, but most other classes will struggle with it (except Zerker and Lancer, but Lancer will be much slower than Warrior or Zerk because you can't skip bosses).


Not much. At current prices you'd be getting maybe 15000g. That's enough to buy your Abyss weapon depending on your class, and MAYBE your gloves or boots.

500g a day for dailies for non-Elite, 2000g a day for Elite. You'd be better suited buying a month of Elite for $15 and just doing your dailies for a while.

Find a group to run ET or KN and farm MES, you can make 4500-6000 gold an hour per person if you're duoing ET or trioing KN. Eventually, depending on your class, you'll be able to solo ET (any DPS class + Lancer/Warrior), or if you're a Lancer (or super pro Warrior) you can even solo KN. A healer can tag along with a DPS for ET or a Lancer for KN and make easy cash as well. I think for Warriors soloing LoT is the fastest way to farm MES, but most other classes will struggle with it (except Zerker and Lancer, but Lancer will be much slower than Warrior or Zerk because you can't skip bosses).

Oh poo. I'd convinced myself but you're right. I'll hang on with what I have then.


Oh poo. I'd convinced myself but you're right. I'll hang on with what I have then.
Yeah. There are also better EMP -> Gold conversions, if you do want to buy EMP solely to monetize it in-game. You can "sell" EMP to people directly at a pretty good exchange rate usually (around 5g per EMP currently), or you can buy Spellbind Boxes and put them up on the AH. Both give better returns than keys currently.


Been farming LOT solo like a crazy person for a week, after 80 MES still no MW on my gloves :(

Sometimes i truly hate this game to death :/
Been farming LOT solo like a crazy person for a week, after 80 MES still no MW on my gloves :(

Sometimes i truly hate this game to death :/

I'm approaching over 60 attempts on my Conjunct gloves. Just keep at it. If I consider how many total MES I have used for all the gear that I currently have masterworked, it hasn't been that bad really. Really lucky on some attempts, not so lucky on others.

Now that Nexus is fast, easy, and even more rewarding, you should be able to get a lot of MES with your Agnitor credits and the market price on MES will probably start to drop. Once you get everything you want from Bellicarium, you could use those credits for MES too.


I'm approaching over 60 attempts on my Conjunct gloves. Just keep at it. If I consider how many total MES I have used for all the gear that I currently have masterworked, it hasn't been that bad really. Really lucky on some attempts, not so lucky on others.

Now that Nexus is fast, easy, and even more rewarding, you should be able to get a lot of MES with your Agnitor credits and the market price on MES will probably start to drop. Once you get everything you want from Bellicarium, you could use those credits for MES too.

NT is still not fixed on EU server, but i kept on farming Agnitor points for my alt and i have some points to spare (around 5k) forgot that i could buy MES from that vendor too lol

Yeah got pretty lucky on MWing my wep, not even 35 tries, well gotta stick with this routine for now, i need those +4 crit rate badly

I also have the conjunct disc to MW but one things at a time :x


Holy shit, started this back up again. The fuck is with the AH prices. 900 gold + prices everywhere for level 40 + gear. I'm sad now.

You can thank EME for taking gold sinks like MW alk out of the game for that. Inflation has been nuts since f2p and it's only going to keep inflating like this for the foreseeable* future.

*Popori stole my crystal ball so I don't know what's gonna actually happen with updated and stuff.
Holy shit, started this back up again. The fuck is with the AH prices. 900 gold + prices everywhere for level 40 + gear. I'm sad now.

I recall hearing that prices were insane on Tempest Reach. There has been a great deal of inflation since the game went F2P but Mount Tyrannas is pretty stable right now. Various events and item availability has led to some price fluctuations and crashes but that's pretty normal for the economy. Pretty much all gear under level 60 is worthless here. Regent gear is highly coveted and with few people capable of clearing MCHM, materials for VM and regent gear has been through the roof. Double drop weekend managed to level things out quite a bit but another price creep is inevitable once availability begins to shrink.

Most gear before 60 isn't worth spending any money on so I would advise you to use quest reward gear and dungeon drops until you hit 60. With the money you have by the time you reach 60, you should be able to get some pretty good T14 gear. At least one or two Abyss items. Once you hit level 60 there will be a lot of options to make money.


You can thank EME for taking gold sinks like MW alk out of the game for that. Inflation has been nuts since f2p and it's only going to keep inflating like this for the foreseeable* future.

*Popori stole my crystal ball so I don't know what's gonna actually happen with updated and stuff.

You're not kidding. 100k is the new 10k.
Back when the game started, I thought I was doing very well when I reached 60 and had like 12k gold to buy top gear and enchant. But now coming back to the game after it went f2p I'm sitting there with 32k and feel poor.

Tonight the goal is to bring my gloves/boots from +0 to +9. I hope it doesn't wipe away all the money doing it.


I recall hearing that prices were insane on Tempest Reach.
Regent armors went up in price this weekend to like 100k average.

QW bodies were on several pages of broker listings (high supply) but remained steady at 15k (at least for plate, which is what I was checking most often). Boots and gloves maybe went down a bit but not enough for me to buy them.

Broker was flooded with abyss armor with most listing at pre-DDD pricing, some slashing a bit. Lowest listing I saw was 6k for body, down from 7500 which was normal price before. Abyss gloves and boots dropped about the same amount.

I didn't check weapons because my nexus lance is +11 and I'm worrying about getting it to +12 before I start shopping for a regent, but I was hearing prices from 70k to 120k depending on class.

I didn't really net any gold during double drops weekend, but I was able to get my first wins of ACHM and MCNM and CoFmk2 which was more important to me anyway. :)

+ a few dungeon clears
+ daily quests
- lance from +10 to +11
- gloves from +6 to +9
- boots from +6 to +9
- buy abyss body cheap from S&S run
- body from +0 to +9
- dungeon clearing/learning expenses
= same amount of gold I had on Wednesday

Most gear before 60 isn't worth spending any money on so I would advise you to use quest reward gear and dungeon drops until you hit 60. With the money you have by the time you reach 60, you should be able to get some pretty good T14 gear. At least one or two Abyss items. Once you hit level 60 there will be a lot of options to make money.

I second this advice especially for your first character. That said, I'm leveling a slayer alt right now and just got 40 with a +6 gold sword and I can instagib most quest mobs with like 2. So worth it. :>

You're not kidding. 100k is the new 10k.
Back when the game started, I thought I was doing very well when I reached 60 and had like 12k gold to buy top gear and enchant. But now coming back to the game after it went f2p I'm sitting there with 32k and feel poor.

Tonight the goal is to bring my gloves/boots from +0 to +9. I hope it doesn't wipe away all the money doing it.
So you know what to be prepared for, my weekend of enchanting resulted in these estimates.

Getting my gloves from +6 to +9 cost me over 4000g in refined alk alone (purchased from vendor). Didn't buy any fodder (had some banked, used rep credits for some more). Going from +8 to +9 failed over 20 times. Would have cost several thousand more had I bought fodder for the amount of attempts it took.

Getting my boots from +6 to +9 cost me a bit over 2000g, as above, alk costs only, had fodder. Failed fewer times.

My luck balanced out after those damn gloves and getting my body from +0 to +9 was only about 1600-1700g in alk, had fodder, got lucky and had few fails. Body armor fodder is really expensive compared to gloves/boots, so while that cost doesn't sound as bad, the actual investment was pretty high considering the thousands I could have sold my banked fodder for.

Going to +11 on lance only took 2 tries so only a few hundred gold there, got lucky. Failed 4 or 5 more tries since, and at MW/extensive prices as of last night, 1 attempt for a 10-12 enchant is 700g in alk alone. Expecting that to go back up a lot soon. IIRC the price was closer to 1000g per attempt before this event flooding the broker with extensive, forcing MW prices down in the process.


Didn't buy any fodder (had some banked, used rep credits for some more).

Oh, you can use rep gear as enchant fodder? Nice, that's going to save me a lot I think.

So question, is Regent's gear much better than Agnitor's Nexus gear? How so? If you have agnitor gear should you still go for Regents or go for VisionMaker gear?


Oh, you can use rep gear as enchant fodder? Nice, that's going to save me a lot I think.

So question, is Regent's gear much better than Agnitor's Nexus gear? How so? If you have agnitor gear should you still go for Regents or go for VisionMaker gear?

Agnitor T14 is PvE gear. So is Abyss, Queen's Wrath, and Regent's. VM is PvP gear, so depends which you want to focus on.

For armor, Agnitor/Nexus < Abyss = QW < Regent.
For weapons, Agnitor< Abyss < Regent (there are no QW weapons AFAIK).

Maybe someone with more endgame experience can break it down more for you but Agnitor gear is really great starter-60 gear now; not +6ing it is just lazy and getting it to +9 is not super expensive and will help make you soak less heals and do more damage. Abyss is a tad better if you have gold to spare but it really only matters on chest armor; gloves and boots are only a few insignificant points of defense stat apart at the same enchantment level over Agnitor. More damage is always good and a +12 Regent will be a quite noticeable upgrade. The difference is a lot less between Agnitor and Abyss weapons.

I think between abyss/nexus/qw the rule of thumb is "whatever you can get your hands on first" since they are all so similar in stats (and same ilvl). Regent's is a step up in base stats and the body armors are especially nice because they have class-specific skill bonuses.

Since I had already picked up nexus boots and gloves via drops before traverse nerf, I am going to just stick with those for now and not bother starting over enchanting abyss/QW now. Planning to go straight to regents if/when I can afford. Armor-wise, I was able to tank ACHM and MCNM in even worse gear than what I had after this week's enchanting...they are mainly execution fights; armor helps but if you execute properly you don't need +12s in every slot to win. Getting some more speed on boots and more power on gloves will help me, as will replacing that Jax faction body armor. In retrospect I honestly wish I had just spent the credits on a nexus body armor since I hate that my abyss doesn't match my gloves and boots now but oh well. I got abyss for a good price, though.

Maybe in a few more weeks or months I will have gotten enough MCNM practice to start learning MCHM. If not, I'll probably never be able to keep up with the rising prices on Regent gear. ...then again if you're not really actively working towards running MCHM then I don't know what you'd need Regent for, anyway.

The thing I have the hardest time with as lancer now is holding hate off some of the mad deeps guildies do. Like, I tank pug normal modes with full damage crystals and usually have no problem. Running with guildies I have to stack threat to hold hate (and stuff still melts fast with my reduced damage because the others make up for it). Weapon upgrades can help me here (that last step to +12 will give me more damage and threat), but armor won't do much for me there outside of masterworking my gloves for more power bonuses.
Oh, you can use rep gear as enchant fodder? Nice, that's going to save me a lot I think.

So question, is Regent's gear much better than Agnitor's Nexus gear? How so? If you have agnitor gear should you still go for Regents or go for VisionMaker gear?

Yes, especially when masterworked. Regent armor adds a modifier to your abilities (like glyphs) and weapons have the additional benefit of the "Thunderslash" effect bonus. Regent gear also looks incredibly cool (IMO).

You will need to use Agnitor to make Conjunct, so if you have any interest in PVP at all then it might not be worth wasting money on it. If you're using Agnitor credits or getting drops from NT, it's not necessarily a bad way for a fresh 60 to start getting geared but that set will definitely need to be replaced at some point.

Ultimately you will want to aim for Vision Maker but the requirements are so steep that you should not be gunning for this first. Try to get Abyss, then Regent, then work on VM. Depending on your server prices, you could skip Abyss and go straight for Regent, at least on some pieces.


Miss you folks. Went and did something so computer no longer starts. Troubleshooting and what not now since I need it for software having to do with one of my classes. See you guys soon, hopefully.
A dracoloth event is starting this week and will run through the weekend:

Dracoloths Rising
With the rise in players, we've seen a rise in dracoloths around the world of TERA. They're too big to handle alone, so collect some friendly fighters and head out to fight them. They could be anywhere - but they're dracoloths, so they're not exactly inconspicuous.

Corpse camping won't work on these things, though - once they're down, they're down for good.

Dracoloth Sovereign Invasion: March 20-24

Location: Wouldn't you like to know...


GAF guild event opportunity?

Finally got the Death Charger and the Black Panther mounts yesterday. Pretty disappointing that they nerfed these reward mounts to 275 speed, down from 280. The Death Charger looks really awesome but unfortunately I'll rarely use it now. It feels like they are trying to force you to buy the 280 mounts from the store and that just seems wrong. It's like a slap in the face that users who acquired the mount before the nerf get to keep the higher speed versions too. Maybe those kind of tactics are acceptable in Asian territories but for this "freemium" model to really work for them in North America, they need to tread a little more carefully. That St. Patrick's Day event was pushing it too.

I managed to masterwork my Conjunct gloves yesterday in about 6 tries, but I used my remaining 24 MES on my Conjunct boots and failed every single time. Failing like this is not that upsetting anymore because it's really easy to get MES these days. With double reputation, you can max out Nexus credits at an insane rate and each scroll only costs around 1000 Agnitor credits. LOT can net you up 12 scrolls in 2 consecutive runs with a rookie buff and if you get lucky and run into the Cayman you can finish that dungeon in less than 10 minutes. Two full runs will usually take less than an hour. With the shortcut, you can do like 3-4 runs. It's too bad the little Cayman dude doesn't pop that often. If you can take shortcuts through the gate, ET is also pretty fast to run for MES. Without the ET gate trick, I prefer LOT to ET because the bosses are a lot less annoying and you seem to get a lot more gold and valuable loot drops. I haven't tried doing KN for scrolls yet but I heard it can be pretty efficient (around 7-15 minute clears). A Lancer in our guild, Paprikka (also Paprikka on GAF), was able to solo it the other day. I guess this will be a good way to make money once I'm done masterworking. Surprisingly these scrolls are still selling for around 500 gold each on the broker.

Miss you folks. Went and did something so computer no longer starts. Troubleshooting and what not now since I need it for software having to do with one of my classes. See you guys soon, hopefully.

So that's what happened to you. Hope you get it figured out soon.
I saw a video with some more of the pets from K-TERA. I noticed a baby basilisk, a ram, a tuwangi, and some others. A player was running around with the baby basilisk and it was picking up all the loot for him.

Got to level 11 and left the starter zone. This game is really fun! I don't remember enjoying it nearly as much in beta.

If you're on Mount Tyrannas, you should join the GAF guild!


Been farming LOT solo like a crazy person for a week, after 80 MES still no MW on my gloves :(

Sometimes i truly hate this game to death :/
How long do your LoT runs take? 80 in a week doesn't seem like much. Maybe it'd be faster to get a group and do KN or something?

You can thank EME for taking gold sinks like MW alk out of the game for that. Inflation has been nuts since f2p and it's only going to keep inflating like this for the foreseeable* future.

*Popori stole my crystal ball so I don't know what's gonna actually happen with updated and stuff.
Inflation actually seems to be pretty stable on MT. MES are pretty consistently at 500g. There was a period of inflation right after the game went F2P but it seems to have leveled out.

You're not kidding. 100k is the new 10k.
Back when the game started, I thought I was doing very well when I reached 60 and had like 12k gold to buy top gear and enchant. But now coming back to the game after it went f2p I'm sitting there with 32k and feel poor.

Tonight the goal is to bring my gloves/boots from +0 to +9. I hope it doesn't wipe away all the money doing it.
Enchanting to +9 is much easier than it used to be. At launch it was absolutely brutal, but they have since made it a little less punishing (as well as added the modifier, which helps those who are cursed with the worst luck).

I haven't tried doing KN for scrolls yet but I heard it can be pretty efficient (around 7-15 minute clears). A Lancer in our guild, Paprikka (also Paprikka on GAF), was able to solo it the other day. I guess this will be a good way to make money once I'm done masterworking. Surprisingly these scrolls are still selling for around 500 gold each on the broker.
Whenever I'm not soloing ET, I'm three-manning KN with two DPS and a healer. We've cleared it in less than five minutes before. 12 MES an hour ain't too shabby. My ET solo times are below 20 minutes now, so it's still not quite as effective, but the additional gold fodder probably makes up for most of the difference. Eventually I'm hoping to pull 15 minute solo runs, which would be more efficient than KN.

Apparently it's possible to solo KN as a Zerker, but you need a full +12 Regent set to do so. I finally got all of my Regent gear this weekend, and +9'd it. Started burning MES on my gloves, not sure if I want to do that or just sell the MES and buy a few thousand common scrolls. I'll farm some more today and figure out what I want to do this evening, I suppose.

A player was running around with the baby basilisk and it was picking up all the loot for him.
Super hype. Looting slows down runs so much.


How long do your LoT runs take? 80 in a week doesn't seem like much. Maybe it'd be faster to get a group and do KN or something?

i did around 2 run per day of LOT with (2-4 MES drop per run)
but i'm a sorc so i can't skip 75% of the instance like a warrior do, it utsually take me an avg of 25-7 min

Prices for MES on Killian starts at 650g lol

oh btw, yesterday i had my first Argon Vitriol drop, two to go then i'm almost done for Visionmaker wep :D
I'm installing it now to try it out, though if I decide to go with it, is it okay to join the guild before being fully PVP worthy?

Is there any good beginner guide? (stealth edit: just saw 2nd post)

Sure. All members are welcome. Just register at the website and apply in-game:

Social Menu -> Guilds on Server

Search for 'Believe' and click on Apply. Don't forget to include a note with your GAF name so you get appropriate permissions.


Sure. All members are welcome. Just register at the website and apply in-game:

Social Menu -> Guilds on Server

Search for 'Believe' and click on Apply. Don't forget to include a note with your GAF name so you get appropriate permissions.

Cool thanks.

Are there any classes that are over abundant or lacking in the guild? Not sure on what to go with yet.
Cool thanks.

Are there any classes that are over abundant or lacking in the guild? Not sure on what to go with yet.

Surprisingly we are lacking in the DPS department. We have a decent number of Lancers and Priests (and a few Mystics). Would love to have some more Sorcerers. Play whatever class you like the most though.
God damn I wish I knew about the GAF guild before I got to 30 on another realm =\

Check and see if you can transfer now. There may be some restrictions on Mount Tyrannas because of the high population numbers. If you can't transfer now, I'm pretty sure you will be able to transfer once you get to level 40 (a requirement they added). It's free to transfer.
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