I recall hearing that prices were insane on Tempest Reach.
Regent armors went up in price this weekend to like 100k average.
QW bodies were on several pages of broker listings (high supply) but remained steady at 15k (at least for plate, which is what I was checking most often). Boots and gloves maybe went down a bit but not enough for me to buy them.
Broker was
flooded with abyss armor with most listing at pre-DDD pricing, some slashing a bit. Lowest listing I saw was 6k for body, down from 7500 which was normal price before. Abyss gloves and boots dropped about the same amount.
I didn't check weapons because my nexus lance is +11 and I'm worrying about getting it to +12 before I start shopping for a regent, but I was hearing prices from 70k to 120k depending on class.
I didn't really net any gold during double drops weekend, but I was able to get my first wins of ACHM and MCNM and CoFmk2 which was more important to me anyway.
+ a few dungeon clears
+ daily quests
- lance from +10 to +11
- gloves from +6 to +9
- boots from +6 to +9
- buy abyss body cheap from S&S run
- body from +0 to +9
- dungeon clearing/learning expenses
= same amount of gold I had on Wednesday
Most gear before 60 isn't worth spending any money on so I would advise you to use quest reward gear and dungeon drops until you hit 60. With the money you have by the time you reach 60, you should be able to get some pretty good T14 gear. At least one or two Abyss items. Once you hit level 60 there will be a lot of options to make money.
I second this advice especially for your first character. That said, I'm leveling a slayer alt right now and just got 40 with a +6 gold sword and I can instagib most quest mobs with like 2. So worth it. :>
You're not kidding. 100k is the new 10k.
Back when the game started, I thought I was doing very well when I reached 60 and had like 12k gold to buy top gear and enchant. But now coming back to the game after it went f2p I'm sitting there with 32k and feel poor.
Tonight the goal is to bring my gloves/boots from +0 to +9. I hope it doesn't wipe away all the money doing it.
So you know what to be prepared for, my weekend of enchanting resulted in these estimates.
Getting my gloves from +6 to +9 cost me over 4000g in refined alk alone (purchased from vendor). Didn't buy any fodder (had some banked, used rep credits for some more). Going from +8 to +9 failed over 20 times. Would have cost several thousand more had I bought fodder for the amount of attempts it took.
Getting my boots from +6 to +9 cost me a bit over 2000g, as above, alk costs only, had fodder. Failed fewer times.
My luck balanced out after those damn gloves and getting my body from +0 to +9 was only about 1600-1700g in alk, had fodder, got lucky and had few fails. Body armor fodder is really expensive compared to gloves/boots, so while that cost doesn't sound as bad, the actual investment was pretty high considering the thousands I could have sold my banked fodder for.
Going to +11 on lance only took 2 tries so only a few hundred gold there, got lucky. Failed 4 or 5 more tries since, and at MW/extensive prices as of last night, 1 attempt for a 10-12 enchant is 700g in alk alone. Expecting that to go back up a lot soon. IIRC the price was closer to 1000g per attempt before this event flooding the broker with extensive, forcing MW prices down in the process.