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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?


These posts do make me doubt in chosing the zerker. I enjoy it more than Slayer and Warrior though, but I'm comparing them in the 1-11 level range. Guess I'll just deal with it.


So, uh. At 30 I am having lots of fun with mine. Being a 60 would you say it was "worth it" or should one cut ones losses now?!

You're having fun, that's all that should matter.

Zerkers still are one of the heaviest hitting classes. The zerker in my party was doing 300 k+ crits while I did just 140 k crits. I magine landing that kind of damage will be quite satisfying.


41 lancer here and I love it, I don't see what ppl are talking about taking forever to kill mobs. Make sure u have updated gear and crystals. I tear through AoE packs, just need to learn how to position them so your skills hit all of them.

Lancer ftw!!!!


You're having fun, that's all that should matter.

Zerkers still are one of the heaviest hitting classes. The zerker in my party was doing 300 k+ crits while I did just 140 k crits. I magine landing that kind of damage will be quite satisfying.

Heh, thanks for the moral support.

Screw it. I'm sticking with the zerker, for now. Damn choice paralysis! Like a post a page or so back said, I should expect around 40-50 hours 30-60. After that I'll see what happens with regard to
a) D3
b) GW 2 (although Tera has made me see how the combat system in GW 2 could be improved...)
c) Tera server pop holding up post first month
d) motivation to keep playing / rerolling





Well, seems that to vote, you gotta have a level 20 characters.

Is all GAF going to stand united voting for the guild?


Now get to grinding those daily quests and lvl 60 instance dungeons! :D

Does anyone who played ktera know if the lvl 60 world bosses drop anything worthwhile?

Also, I saw this comment on reddit in a reputation quests discussion:
"Most reputations let you do 2 dailies per day at around 800 rep each with 25 reward tokens.
You're looking at a year+ to get the items you want, unless EME fixes things."

His math doesn't really seem to add up though seeing as the crystals in store cost like 500r and you only need like 9000 rep points to access them. That seems more like a week's worth of doing daily quests.

Also, one of the crystals for accessories seems to give 3 power, that seems an awfully lot...unless I'm mistaken. I have one slotted accessory already and would love to get one of the power or crit crystals to put in there.


EU has them. NA doesn't.

Yeah, passed mine to Spanish Wrath last week :D

BTW, now in Poporia at lvl37, having some problem against the BAM that i have to kill there, has some of the most random and weirdest patterns i've ever seen D:

Still gonna exp a little and come back asap

@Izayoi didn't know we'd get a new mount later in the game, awesome o_o

@@Potato Guild is currently going against the 9Gag one, shits gonna go down tonight :D


I hope it has room for me once the download from hell finally finishes. :S

I kick some inactive characters and alts from the guild each day to make room for new people. The goal of the guild is to have 300 mains

Yeah, it's finals/final project time over here, so I haven't been on for a reason. Feel free to kick the lancer, but I'd like to keep the slayer.

Same here. That is why i'm still 50 and have yet to start anything for the elections.


I decided to try something slightly insane for me last night, rolled a Lancer (I almost always only play healers in MMO's) and decided to use my 360 controller. Holy crap, It works. Like, it actually, really works, and I'm dumbfounded. I was having such a blast running around and gathering up 3-4 mobs, then just wrecking them with Shield attack x2 - Leap attack. And I love the game of trying to guess a monster's attack and getting my shield up in time to block.

So how many skills do you end up needing to tank at a higher level? The controller, with the LB and RB being modifier buttons, can do 30 total individual buttons if need be. Now I just wish I could use the controller for a Priest, but if you need to aim heals I'd rather have the accuracy of a mouse. Oh well. The Lancer will be my guilty pleasure.


Saint Nic
So how many skills do you end up needing to tank at a higher level? The controller, with the LB and RB being modifier buttons, can do 30 total individual buttons if need be. Now I just wish I could use the controller for a Priest, but if you need to aim heals I'd rather have the accuracy of a mouse. Oh well. The Lancer will be my guilty pleasure.

E: I had a list typed out, but I realized that it's really a majority of your skills, haha. You don't need 30 buttons, though, that much I can tell you!


E: I had a list typed out, but I realized that it's really a majority of your skills, haha. You don't need 30 buttons, though, that much I can tell you!

It was a glorious list. Since you seem to have played Lancer let me ask you something. When you're pulling an entire area while soloing, how the hell do you pick the appropriate time to lower guard and attack? There's only so many cues you can see in a line of 20+ mobs etc.
Time to share my PVP experience from yesterday:

I'm questing in the Dragonfall area and the Priest that I'm playing with (my wife) has strayed a distance away from me to kill a different set of quest mobs. As my Elin Berserker is slaughtering a mob and its minions, I notice two players near her position flagging Outlaw. I shout a warning and quickly head over to her location while charging a Thunderstrike. The pair must have thought she was alone because as soon as they see me coming, they panic, turn tail, and run. I miss my first blow and start running around helpless without any MP while waiting on cooldowns, which gives them time to recover, and one of them manages to land a sleep spell on me.

While sleeping, I can now see that my adversaries are two Sorcerers from Warrior Poets, a guild we defeated in GvG just last week. They both cast an AOE ice spell on me, almost simultaneously, and I start taking heavy damage while trying to crawl out of the circle of pain. The Priest's chain heals keep me alive while I recharge my MP, activate dash, and head straight for one of the Sorcerers. The Priest sleeps the Sorcerer I'm heading for and I easily land a fully charged Thunderstrike. The Sorcerer flies backwards onto the ground with about 80% less health. I finish him off by quickly following the attack with a Leaping Strike. The other Sorcerer, a rotund little Popori, teleports away and heads for the safe zone. I almost catch up to him as a Lancer in the Safe Zone rushes out and tries to stop him, but he makes it inside, just in time.

The Popori Sorcerer tires of our celebration of their failure and channel hops, so we decide it's safe to continue questing. About 30 minutes later, we see the same pair of Sorcerers fighting some mobs, so we flag up and decide to take some revenge. We kill them both relatively quickly as my Elin zerker laughs maniaclly at their squishy dead bodies.

About 2 hours later we are heading to the next zone on Lions and run smack dab into the same two Sorcerers, this time accompanied by a Lancer, also from their guild. All three of them are already in Outlaw mode so they were probably griefing someone nearby. We just finished fighting Dragon BAMs and are both low on MP and vitality, so the timing could not have been any worse. The Lancer was on us immediately and I was stunned and blasted before I ever knew what hit me. The priest died shortly after.

Probably less than an hour later we see the pair again on our way to the Ascent of Aravash area, this time without the Lancer and one of them is currently flagged in Outlaw mode. It looks like they were getting ready to kill a lone NFA member so we give them chase but they are able to hop on their mount and make a clean getaway.

My hands were shaking with excitement, nearly the entire time. Moments like this are what make me enjoy PVP servers so much. You will never have a boring questing experience.

100% loving my zerker. Most fun melee char I have ever played in an MMO. The attacks feel so powerful. I can see two problems: Big monsters (with enrage timers) that jump around a lot. The berserker might have trouble catching up, compared to other classes. Also, at level 30, I am starting to slowly see more monsters which can interrupt charging attacks.

Still, wonderful class and having lots of fun.

Not sure what my alt will be, considering slayer, lancer, sorc, warrior atm.

Getting interrupted while charging an attack is probably my biggest annoyance as a Berserker right now.

Level a zerker to the high 50's and you'll start to understand. Those fucking dungeon bosses become increasingly bullshit for zerker, a class which has a block which only absorbs 40% of the damage a lancer's block absorbs and which has no dodge skill of any kind until you reach 60 and you have to be in the middle of charging a skill to use that dodge and it has a 15 second cooldown whereas the other classes get a dodge skill at levels 1-10 which has a 3 second cooldown.

Zerkers are a class which gets essentially no stuns (Staggering Strike is a huge joke), whereas every other DPS class has at least 2. Zerkers are a class which requires all skills to charge up and your axe glows a neon red while you do it, making it the worst class by a mile and a few hundred yards for 1v1 PvP because you telegraph everything you want to do hours in advance of when it happens. Zerkers are the only class which no escape skill of any kind, which means from levels 1-58 if you get ganked it's best to just stand still so you can die faster and get back to questing more efficiently.

Being a zerker is by far the greatest suffering there is in Tera, which is why I'm glad I'm almost 60. I'll run endgame dungeons with my guild because they aren't fucking douchebags who will kick a zerker the moment he appears in the party, and then I'll get to leveling my alts. The Hardmode dungeons aren't fun for zerkers because of their lack of mobility, lack of real actual interrupts (Mocking Shout actually mocks the zerker who is dumb enough to try using it), lack of real actual stuns, and lack of real actual blocks.

I'm currently level 55 and have done all the instances up to Sky Garden, and for now I will have to disagree. I haven't had any of these problems. I always use a high quality axe, usually an enigmatic gold that is close to my level, and it blocks 90-100% of boss damage (quest reward gear has crappy damage absorption). Having to solo and duo every single BAM as a Berserker tank has also made me highly aware of enemy attack patterns, so between that and Vampiric Blow, I usually take the least amount of damage of anyone in the party.

Staggering Strike is not a huge joke and is one of my most valuable skills. It interrupts and stuns bosses and spins them around almost 100% of the time, while also dealing a decent amount of damage. Make sure to glyph it so you can use it more often.

Berserkers can be deceptively agile if you build them that way. I use high quality crystals for speed and glyphs on Dash, Thunderstrike, and Fatal Strike that eliminate the combat speed debuff. This makes you incredibly lethal in PVP and highly mobile in PVE. I have no problem popping a dash and closing the gap with a charged Thunderstrike or Fatal Strike on a Boss that has jumped away from the party. I'm usually the first one there.

I haven't done any of the 60 dungeons yet and I heard those can be rough, so I'll post back after I hit 60. I've been slacking a bit because my wife had her senior exhibition on Saturday, graduated on Monday, and my Birthday was on Tuesday, so I've been a little too predisposed to alchohol and celebrating to play TERA much. Getting back into the swing this week and weekend, so I should be 60 by the end of the week.


Great stories, ROBOKITTYZILLA. Exactly why I can't fathom rolling on a PvE server.

When's our next GvG anyway? My archer is about high enough level to do some van damage.

For the people rolling new characters on Valley of Titans*, let us know in guild chat when you're leveling up. I have a few alts that may be around the same level. I'm sure I'm not the only one too. I like to play the alts while I let the rest cred build up on my main.

*Same almost certainly goes on the PvE server


Neo Member
It was a glorious list. Since you seem to have played Lancer let me ask you something. When you're pulling an entire area while soloing, how the hell do you pick the appropriate time to lower guard and attack? There's only so many cues you can see in a line of 20+ mobs etc.

I know I'm not the person you're referring to, but I have played a lancer and I think I can help. The simple answer to that question (and probably not the one you want) is that there really is no best time. In a situation like that no matter what you're doing, you're going to take some damage when you break your guard so unless you are lucky enough that the entire group has a recurring pattern you can exploit you are going to end up taking some damage. By being a lancer however, you should be able to absorb alot of the damage so as long as you remember to block a few times you should normally sruvive.

Just as a suggestion though, as a lancer there are only really 3 situations where you should be pulling a huge amount of mobs like that:

1) You're in a party, and therefore not the main damage dealer on the group of mobs you've pulled.

2) You're solo, but facing one or two mob groups with a leader.

3) You're solo, but facing one or two mob groups without a leader.

If you're doing this in any other situation you're not really playing to the lancer's strengths as they are absolutely horrible at doing any sort of aoe, and like you have realized, it becomes practically impossible to find a good time to drop block to attack. Which means you will end up taking alot of damage, and doing very little due to the way damage is spread out when hitting multiple mobs (you do less damage when your attack hits more than 1 target). My suggestion would be to limit your lures at most 2-3 mobs or mob groups while soloing so that blocking becomes more manageable and your damage doesn't drop to nothing so you can actually kill them.

The above being said, in the 3 situations outlined above there are a few things you can do.

1) If you're in a party and luring an entire area its probably best to just use your taunt to ensure you have aggro on the group, get into a good blocking position and let your other dps partymates kill the mobs. When you get shield counter at level 28 you can also use that while tanking as it will reduce the damage you take while using it, just try to make sure you don't do it while any of the mobs are using a particularly powerful attack. When you get iron will at level 36 it becomes even easier as you can use it to absorb all the damage you take for a short period of time and use a taunt or a few more attacks to generate more aggro. Also, using shield bash can give you a small bit of time to fit in a taunt and some damage for some more aggro if finishing the group is going to take a while. As you can see the general recurring theme for tanking a group of mobs for a party with a lancer is just to do just enough to hold aggro while minimizing the damage you take.

2) If you're facing mob groups with a leader while solo, focus on blocking the leaders' attacks as its minion's attacks will usually be negligible. You will take a little bit of damage from the minions (unless you're in an area that you're too low level for or undergeared), but it shouldn't be too much that you'll die.

3) If you're facing mob groups without a leader while solo each mob typically is equivalent to the other one so just aim to block the largest amount of them while watching for any power moves (red eye indicators) they may do. You're probably going to end up taking some damage, but just remember that you're a lancer, you are designed to be able to soak a few hits.

I hope that helped. Have fun with lancer!


Got from 31 to 33 today. Didn't see many people, but I was able to get my digging to 103 (from 20) and the other two gathering skills to 40 and 30. Didn't know you can get this many buffs from gathering in short intervals.
Anyway, cleared the whole mine today and done the basilisk quest with my lancer guildie. Too bad there were only two of us, because the fights took forever. Luckily, neither of us died.
Added all the screenshots until now to my jTERA minus album:


Saint Nic
It was a glorious list. Since you seem to have played Lancer let me ask you something. When you're pulling an entire area while soloing, how the hell do you pick the appropriate time to lower guard and attack? There's only so many cues you can see in a line of 20+ mobs etc.

LimeD3 pretty much nailed it.

The way I run when grabbing packs is very similar. If I'm 1v1 or even 2v1 mobs, you only REALLY need to worry about their "red flash" moves. Those are the ones that will really stand out damage wise. Second Wind is there for a reason.

When you are facing more than one mob, focus fire one of them and Second Wind if need be. If my Second Wind is off CD, I'll cast it (assuming I need SOME health) simply to keep it in my rotation. You can always block strategically with multiple mobs. If it's a caster and a melee, Shield Counter stays up long enough to block both and still execute the chain.

For what it's worth, I never use shout unless I'm in an instance*. The mob is dead too fast to make it worth it imho.

Worth noting...In CR (level 35+ instance), when I pull groups with minions, I pretty much ignore minion attacks EXCEPT when Shield Counter is up. When I have the chance to Shield Counter and the main mob is nearby, I'll take advantage of the slew of minion attacks to trigger it.

E: *If you are duo or party questing, I ALWAYS shout. It gets the mobs attention focused on me for a few seconds. Mobs are usually dead too fast for any attacks to hit the other party members at that point.

I know other Lancer's would argue this, but Lancer is not a solo class. Sure, we can kill BAM's and quest fine, but we shine SO bright in a group (even a duo Lancer group). The class is MADE to party up. That being said, I solo quest all the time. But when I've been in a group quest party, I've asked if anyone can help me kill a few mobs quick for a quest. I've finished a "Kill 10 of xxx" quest in no more than 3 minutes with a group. You can level like a CHAMP with a party, so keep that in mind.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shame to hear about.berserker but after playing one, i had some suspicions about them. Tha leaves me in a sort of a pickle. I made a lancer and a sorcerer alt. I think i may go lancer and learn to tank. Hopefully i dont suck.
i love my sorc and my crit crystals. love seeing all those Crits pop up :D Wish i can make it ding each crit lol

Yesterday i was in Arcarum region. and i noticed some guy riding past me. i knew he was about to gank me because i was alone. so i set it to auto run and turned the camera around. and noticed his name turned red LOL. He really sucked. i stunned and put him to sleep. used my flame AOE attack and hit him 16K. got a few hits. a mob came after him. he tried to run. i jaunted a few times to get closer but before i got anywhere someone came out of nowhere. swung his axe and killed him lol.


Saint Nic
Shame to hear about.berserker but after playing one, i had some suspicions about them. Tha leaves me in a sort of a pickle. I made a lancer and a sorcerer alt. I think i may go lancer and learn to tank. Hopefully i dont suck.

There will always be different opinions on the matter. I've grouped with some Zerkers who just kill it. They wreck on damage when played well, but I think they consensus is that they require more skill than your standard button mash class (Slayer comes to mind, haha). I imagine it's a lot like playing a Warrior tank, where skill plays a MUCH bigger role than it does in other classes.

E: Tanking is very rewarding and fun in TERA, but don't ever expect big numbers. You have a lot of responsibility as a tank, particularly with your ability to interrupt boss mechanics with Leash and Shield Bash. I've missed a few Leashes and caused some mayhem in our instances, haha.


Ok, I'll say, the name of this game is awkward in portuguese, because we call earth "terra", so when you pronounce "tera" it looks like you're saying "terra" so amazingly wrong no one even makes the mistake. It's like if it's called "Eartch" in english.

On slightly more important news than the portuguese pronountiation of a korean game, I'll finally play it now!


Saint Nic
It's insane how quests and quest experience works.

I had an empty quest log when I logged in over lunch. I now have like, 8 quests for the area I'm in (starts with a T, on the western continent). After turning some of these in, I mean, 600k? Damn! Questing is so rewarding...

On another note, I'll be gone this weekend, but given how awesome rested experience is, I won't mind too much. I guess that means Sunday night will be experience party for me! :p


The zones in this game are just wow, so far that pirate cove place and Eldritch Academy has really stood out to me and made me feel pretty awed. I love the music everywhere too, the music for Chibuka(?) was perfect. Really love this game world.

I teamed up with a Mystic for Eldritch last nist night, amazing class! I didn't know they had so many buffs and things.


Saint Nic
The zones in this game are just wow, so far that pirate cove place and Eldritch Academy has really stood out to me and made me feel pretty awed. I love the music everywhere too, the music for Chibuka(?) was perfect. Really love this game world.

I teamed up with a Mystic for Eldritch last nist night, amazing class! I didn't know they had so many buffs and things.

Myself and another Lancer teamed up and duo'd Eldritch as well a while back. Two Lancers in there was lol and we cleared every quest in around 2 hours. A+ fun


Oh wow, this download will take forever.
Anyway, I think I'll roll a priest instead of mystic. Relying on people to chase orbs sounds... unreliable.

I honestly like the orbs better than having to rely on someone healing me or staying within their circle.


European pre-madonna
Rolled a priest last night, got to level 4. Idk does it seem boring questing wise for u guys? Or does the class pick up later?
I dinged 58 this afternoon, the jump for the next level in terms of XP is big! level 58 was 52mil XP, but now it's the double, you need 106mil XP to get to level 59 >_<
Anyways still greatly enjoying the scenery and also the armor designs, as I level up they become more and more awesome (read : sexy).


If I may make a suggestion for the right now quite scattered Euro GAF, how about making a new guild over on Allemantheia? Its a nice calm PVE server and it has less people on it at all times which leads to no 30-50 minutes queues than the currently selected Essenia. I would have tried being more active on Essenia on the GAF guild there (if my application ever got through) but the server queues are just too daunting. :/


I dinged 58 this afternoon, the jump for the next level in terms of XP is big! level 58 was 52mil XP, but now it's the double, you need 106mil XP to get to level 59 >_<
Anyways still greatly enjoying the scenery and also the armor designs, as I level up they become more and more awesome (read : sexy).

I dinged level 58 about 30 minutes ago as well and even though the jump in experience needed to level is big its still not very time consuming.

When I leveled I finished 2 quests and then handed a few others in and that got me to 10%.

Ive been trying to take things somewhat slowly but I still get 1 or 2 levels a day, even post level 50.


I dinged 58 this afternoon, the jump for the next level in terms of XP is big! level 58 was 52mil XP, but now it's the double, you need 106mil XP to get to level 59 >_<
Anyways still greatly enjoying the scenery and also the armor designs, as I level up they become more and more awesome (read : sexy).
You need 170~ million xp to get to 60 from 59, lol


Had a very fun time today, getting from 30-33 in around 5 hours which included several corpse runs and waiting for groups/tanks.

In the end I formed a party with 2 other DPS and a tank (could not fill the last slot) and went on a basilisk genocide. Not having a healer was really exciting. At first I got hit by every second jump attack but by the end I was blocking 9/10 jumps like a pro, except when occasionally the basilisk would move into a position where I could not see its eyes and then it suddenly jumped...

Truly fun! Even D3 will have to work hard to peel me away from that.
Reroll mystic before it's too late imo :p


Priest Guide

Just so dude has both sides of the coin : )

Personally, I enjoy both classes. Priest is specialist healer, Mystic is not as specialist.

g23, if you have chosen the class for specifically supporting a group by providing heals, be aware that Priest is closer to the usual healing classes of other games. Mystic has heals too, but one is indirect healing, which is dropping balls and relying on the other team member to go to the specific locations of the balls and pick them up. Occasionally, this is troublesome for some classes, because they will be kiting / tanking / fighting wherever the monster takes the fight to. In that cases, as a Mystic, you have to be downpat with your target healing, because that's the only alternative you've got as a Mystic healer.

A priest, on the other hand, has more healing spells, and can provide more immediate heal assistance. There's the circle healing, the immediate area healing and of course, like the mystic, the target healing.

Both classes are great support classes. You should analyse your play style and choose accordingly.

As for your question with regards to questing being a little dull, ..... to be honest, questing in TERA is a little dull for any classes (in my opinion). Hahah... Anyway, hope that helps a little : )


Shame to hear about.berserker but after playing one, i had some suspicions about them. Tha leaves me in a sort of a pickle. I made a lancer and a sorcerer alt. I think i may go lancer and learn to tank. Hopefully i dont suck.
A good Zerk will out-DPS a good Slayer.


Priest Guide

Just so dude has both sides of the coin : )

Personally, I enjoy both classes. Priest is specialist healer, Mystic is not as specialist.
Yep as a Mystic myself, I'm definitely jelly about some skills the Priest has.
Rolled a priest last night, got to level 4. Idk does it seem boring questing wise for u guys? Or does the class pick up later?
With Non DD classes you really need a DD buddy to play with, otherwise the game will really feel like a chore. You simply aren't killing fast enough, this is especially true on higher levels.
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