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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?


don't ask me for codes
I dunno, I've been having good experiences so far; my archer hasn't been excluded or anything. Even had a Necromancer Tomb run with 2 archers in the group. All those LFG people should use Instance Matching more often though.
Finally did an instance run today... very frustrated by lack of feedback on how I'm doing. Though CR is so ridiculously easy I don't think it matters.

Found a vid of the last boss in Balder's, looks equally boring but with a tight DPS timer. With 5 man content being the only thing available endgame I hope they at least keep it challenging.

At some point I'm expecting people will start running numbers and figure out optimal glyphing and rotations for each class, but for now it just feels like I'm mashing buttons and hoping I do enough damage to not be considered terrible.
Found a vid of the last boss in Balder's, looks equally boring but with a tight DPS timer. With 5 man content being the only thing available endgame I hope they at least keep it challenging.

It's not boring to actually fight that boss, especially if you are arriving without any gear other than what you got from quests.

Then there's the Hardmode of that boss.


No, the defense gear.
It matters, it's just that Lancers want it for themselves.

Found a vid of the last boss in Balder's, looks equally boring but with a tight DPS timer. With 5 man content being the only thing available endgame I hope they at least keep it challenging.
I spent two hours in vent last night with someone who wiped on that boss four or five times with a pretty good group. After running Fane, the easiest of the four, I can say that endgame definitely isn't a joke.


Most common group is becoming Lancer/Mystic/Sorc x3, both for bams and dungeon

Not disliking this at all being a sorc but i can understand how this can be a letdown for other players
I've seen the same tendency on the jTera lfg chat - everyone seems to want a healer and a sorc for the endgame instances.


Did Ebon Tower hardmode last night for the first time, it was actually challenging and despite the shitty Lancer Tank who could not hold threat worth a damn, i had alot of fun. It was an all melee group and i believe at least 4 of us were there for the first time, which i'm sure added to the challenge factor. We got to the last boss and just couldn't do it, tried a bunch of times but the adds were a huge problem with no ranged DPS and the Tank losing aggro anytime i'd use anything but basic attack.


Did Ebon Tower hardmode last night for the first time, it was actually challenging and despite the shitty Lancer Tank who could not hold threat worth a damn, i had alot of fun. It was an all melee group and i believe at least 4 of us were there for the first time, which i'm sure added to the challenge factor. We got to the last boss and just couldn't do it, tried a bunch of times but the adds were a huge problem with no ranged DPS and the Tank losing aggro anytime i'd use anything but basic attack.

That happens when lancers are just players with poke sticks D:
So I did my first run in BoL as a lancer with my friend on a priest. It was a whole lot of fun but I gotta say it was a whole lot more frenetic than I was expecting, especially with two melee pulling aggro. Not to toot my own horn but I'm a very good tank in MMOs, but this is such a huge change of pace that I feel lost.

Guess I need a lot more practice but I think my biggest problem is telling when I do or don't have aggro on individual mobs in a group, seeing as they tend to twist and turn while fighting. It makes it very easy to lose track of who's hitting who. Even on the bosses I was having this problem; the final boss only did 5 or 6 actual attacks during the fight--he spent the majority of it jumping back and forth. He would generally turn to face me after every jump but ultimately I had no idea whether I had agro or not because after a couple of seconds fighting he'd leap off again.

I suppose it's time to read some guides.
Could we get some anecdotal evidence of how long the queues are for each class in the instance dungeon finder? Takes me usually ~1h 15 min to get into one of the end-level dungeons as a slayer. Yesterday a warrior ended up in my party who said it took him 2h30m to get into a party.

I'm curious if there actually is a time difference for the different damage dealer classes.

..Obviously lancers get in instantly.

Edit: I also dislike how I can't just go afk for an hour after getting in the queue as Tera kicks you if you're idle too long :l

It usually takes me about 5-15 minutes as a Berserker but I always queue with a Priest. The longest I have had to wait is probably about 30 minutes, but I imagine that queuing with a healer helps immensely. I recall players often saying they had been waiting 2+ hours. I haven't queued for BT, FoK, etc. yet though as I'm currently 58 and on Labyrinth of Terror.

It doesn't matter for me because I get kicked out immediately anyway. I've stopped trying to queue. ;_;

I haven't started the 60 dungeons yet but that sounds pretty ridiculous considering how many classes share gear. I guess as long as Lancers don't get leader there isn't much to worry about. Also, you can't kick people that aren't from your server and at least if I get kicked, the healer will be coming with me...

Basically it's the fault of the community. K-TERA never had these kinds of problems, but it's pretty obvious the system wasn't designed with a Western audience in mind. Honestly I'm not sure what can be done aside from letting Warriors queue as tanks. Lancers just have too much power being the "only" tank quest.

I had a really bad experience with a Lancer from another server in Sky Garden. He obviously never ran the dungeon before and ignored our instructions. While the healer was kiting in certain challenges, he kept provoking the kited mobs and getting himself killed. He was terrible at holding hate on boss fights and probably died about 4-5 times before he decided to rage quit and call the healer terrible. The Priest let him have it and he left the group with a "lol, learn to heal and enjoy your 2 hour wait".

We re-queued into another group in about 10 minutes and had a perfect run, including the bonus boss. I ran it two more times with the same healer, without a single problem. Fuck arrogant Lancers.
We re-queued into another group in about 10 minutes and had a perfect run, including the bonus boss. I ran it two more times with the same healer, without a single problem. Fuck arrogant Lancers.

Yeah, some tanks are always going to be like that in a system that puts them in high demand. The way the system is set up definitely puts that kind of thinking in your head, it's basically telling you that you're the most important player in the party and everyone is waiting for you to show up and save them from unbearable waits. It's an easy mindset to fall into.


I'd like to thank everyone in the Valley of Titans GAF guild for dealing with stupid questions that I ask in Guild Chat. Some of this game's systems are really strange at first glance.

Yesterday Dave Inc. (Lancer) and I (Priest) finally got to 20 and had a hell of a fun time fighting our first Basilisk BAM. It was nice to fight something that actually helped me learn what buttons my healing spells were on, and prepped me pretty nicely for the first Dungeon: Bastion of Lok. Aside from my horrible experience with setting the loot parameters as leader, everything went really well. I'm loving the fact that in order to heal I need to actually look at what's happening in the game as opposed to just a grid of health bars. Trying to place healing circles on the ground in optimal spots is a ton of fun too.

I do have other random questions for everyone though, and I figured I'd give the VoT guys a respite from answering them all :) .

1) PvP
Started a new alt on VoT this weekend marking my first experience with pvp. Definitely enjoying the added danger though it's annoying seeing so many lvl 60 players camping the lower lvl zones. I need a posse.
I need someone to explain the PvP and name colors to me. I've seen a bunch of different color names (Red, Purple, normal) but don't know the difference. Red are outlaws I assume, but what does that even mean? What bonuses / negatives are there for being an outlaw and getting Infamy (or whatever it was)? I haven't been attacked once, but have had an archer shoot directly through me for about 2 minutes without connecting. I thought if you had a Red name you could attack anyone over level 11?

2) Crafting (Note: it sucks that, from what I gather, crafting isn't good for weapons/armor as you level up. I guess I'll stop reading up on the gear crafts.)
The only crafting I'm doing is alchemy.
Same. Stam, health, and mp pots are so good.
I haven't had to use one Potion yet (I'm only level 22, and only done Basilisk and the BoL instance), but why are they so good? This is the only crafting I'm even thinking of leveling up.
Not to mention, it makes some decent money on the AH. :smirk:
Ooo, which ones make good money? Now I'm definitely leveling it up!

3) Queue as group
When Dave Inc. and I tried to do our first instance yesterday we couldn't figure out how to queue as a group. He did something where when he clicked a button he immediately went into a queue, but it kicked me out of the group and he got a 15 minute debuff when he grouped back up with me. What did we do wrong?

4) Stamina system
I understand very little about this system. The higher the number is, the bigger the health and mana bonus you get to your normal numbers... but what lowers the Stamina number in the first place? Time? Taking damage? What are the best way to raise Stamina when trapped in a dungeon? Those campfires? Or should I start carrying potions that (I assume) will boost it? Why should I, as a healer, care about this number other then the mana pool boost?

Questions about tanking.
I'll say this: I was never in trouble of dying during the entire dungeon, so you were doing something right. Of course, that place seemed easy and the DPS was killing things really fast, so maybe that was it.


I do have other random questions for everyone though, and I figured I'd give the VoT guys a respite from answering them all :) .
Streblo from VoT here, so no respite for me! :madface:

1) PvP

I need someone to explain the PvP and name colors to me. I've seen a bunch of different color names (Red, Purple, normal) but don't know the difference. Red are outlaws I assume, but what does that even mean? What bonuses / negatives are there for being an outlaw and getting Infamy (or whatever it was)? I haven't been attacked once, but have had an archer shoot directly through me for about 2 minutes without connecting. I thought if you had a Red name you could attack anyone over level 11?
Yes, after level 11 it's open season. If someone had a red name and couldn't hit you, either something was lagging out or you were in a safe area. There are safe areas in every major city and in most of the larger camps where quest givers reside. Oh, and instance entrances are safe from PvP too. As for the name colors, they are:

White: Normal
Green: Guild mate.
Purple: Not hostile to you, but in a Guild vs Guild war (GvG) with another guild.
Blue: Party member.
Red: Hostile for one of three reasons:
- 1) You are flagged as an outlaw (in which case everyone aside from guildies will be red)
- 2) They flagged themselves as an outlaw
- 3) They are members of a rival guild that we are at war with

You gain infamy by killing people a certain number of levels lower than your own. I think the threshold is five levels, but I forget. No bonuses or debuffs at the moment for gaining infamy. The only penalty is that you can't turn off outlaw mode for a certain amount of time, so you'll be a target to any white knights who stumble upon you until it wears off.

2) Crafting (Note: it sucks that, from what I gather, crafting isn't good for weapons/armor as you level up. I guess I'll stop reading up on the gear crafts.)

I haven't had to use one Potion yet (I'm only level 22, and only done Basilisk and the BoL instance), but why are they so good? This is the only crafting I'm even thinking of leveling up. Ooo, which ones make good money? Now I'm definitely leveling it up!
I've heard decent things about alchemy. I've made decent money tailoring too. People buy the created items to use at the remodeler. It's expensive to level the it up though.

3) Queue as group
When Dave Inc. and I tried to do our first instance yesterday we couldn't figure out how to queue as a group. He did something where when he clicked a button he immediately went into a queue, but it kicked me out of the group and he got a 15 minute debuff when he grouped back up with me. What did we do wrong?
I had the same problem last time I tried it. Either it's bugged or we're both doing the same thing wrong.

4) Stamina system
I understand very little about this system. The higher the number is, the bigger the health and mana bonus you get to your normal numbers... but what lowers the Stamina number in the first place? Time? Taking damage? What are the best way to raise Stamina when trapped in a dungeon? Those campfires? Or should I start carrying potions that (I assume) will boost it? Why should I, as a healer, care about this number other then the mana pool boost?
The main event that will affect your stamina will be death. When it happens in a dungeon run, most parties will bust out a campfire and take a bathroom break before taking on a boss to get everyone back up to full.

Is there a way to split a stack of potions? I need to sell smaller stocks at the tradebroker.


Hari Seldon

In a moment of weakness yesterday I broke down and impulse purchased this game. Not sure why. What is the consensus most fun class to play? Also, how does armor work, is it tied to which race I pick? The preview armors for the different races are different.


Saint Nic
Owensboro -

Stam pots are excellent for either a) no stamina loss for a period of time (useful for bosses) or b) restoring stamina after a death or after a long string of questing. You always want your stam at >100%, 120%+ being optimal. Health and MP are directly related to how much stamina you have left. Campfires help regenerate it, but stam pots take out the period of waiting. Less wait = more questing/killing/looting/etc.

Health and Mana potions are good because they do exactly what they're supposed to do. I try to keep a few health and MP pots on my bar at all times (particularly for instance runs). As a tank, MP drains with blocking, shouting, combo attacking, etc. So if my MP is running low, I can pop a potion or elixir and be back to where I want to be. If I miss a block and take 5k damage and my Second Wind is on CD, I may drink a potion to take some heat away from the healer.

The same situation goes for questing, except I never run out of MP while questing. Health, though, if I'm solo questing...I will have some with me as a safety net. It never hurts to be prepared.

There are some other useful potions and elixirs you can craft, but I haven't bothered with them yet. Scrolls and such can also be wildly useful as someone stated earlier. Adding crit percentage or regen or move speed = more perks for you in a hard boss encounter.

I've literally been able to unload any of the potions or scrolls I've crafted. It's not a HUGE money maker, but since I'm level 43, Health Elixir II and III aren't worth holding onto. I can sell them on the AH for a little cash for anyone who might need them for either crafting purposes or for using. EVERYTHING is worth something on the AH. :)


In a moment of weakness yesterday I broke down and impulse purchased this game. Not sure why. What is the consensus most fun class to play? Also, how does armor work, is it tied to which race I pick? The preview armors for the different races are different.

It really depends on your playstyle. So far my focus has been split between a 33 Mystic and a 28 Archer. I have a Lancer somewhere in the teens coming up too. Each character is a completely different experience both in groups and solo. The Mystic is definitely the most challenging, so I'm enjoying it the most so far.

Youtube vids can give you a good idea about what to expect from each class. Pick one or two and watch the guide video for it here:



I really enjoy Berserker but, It seems there is no use for them and I am annoyed by that. Now I am going to level a lancer and not I am not saying I don't like lancer but, I like Berserker more. Hopefully an update to the game isn't far off.

Is this game fully up to date with K-Tera?


Started a Lancer yesterday(After I rerolled 3 times to pick a different race lol) and got him to 18. So far I'm enjoying it, but had a couple of questions.

Does the amount of Mana blocking takes depend on how big of a hit you are blocking? Seems to be variable.

Blocking is always stationary? There's no glyph or anything to make it where we can move or turn? I looked but didn't see anything.

How does one pvp as a lancer? I attacked an archer that was ganking by the farms and it was a close fight but ran out of mana by blocking his attacks and using charge to close the gap. I eventually died when a sorc turned up and nuked me from behind.


Does the amount of Mana blocking takes depend on how big of a hit you are blocking? Seems to be variable.
Blocking is always stationary? There's no glyph or anything to make it where we can move or turn? I looked but didn't see anything.
It is always stationary, move the mouse cursor in the direction you want to block and then hit your keybind, you will turn automatically.
How does one pvp as a lancer? I attacked an archer that was ganking by the farms and it was a close fight but ran out of mana by blocking his attacks and using charge to close the gap. I eventually died when a sorc turned up and nuked me from behind.
You stun them.
Later on you normaly close the gap with charge or leash (the later has a short stun) (or if they are already close you use the duble bash which may stun the second time -forgot the name-) then stun them with shield bash (make sure they are short stunned before you use shild bash as it has a very small hit radius and long cd) and hit them hard while they are unable to move.
The long stun, self heal and abillity to block almost all attacks makes lancers very good at 1on1 pvp. (at least in my experience)
Before you get leash and shield bash you will be running around missing a lot of attacks tho, since your attacks are almost exclussively aimed rigth in front of you (slayers, warriors etc. have a much wider angle at which their attacks hit)


Anyone try the PS3/Xbox controller setup? I tried it last night for a few minutes with my lancer, but unless I'm missing something it seems really limited. Can you not assign anything to the D-pad?


Seems that we're really close in terms of content. At least more up to date than J-TERA, which is still level capped at 58 or so according to an earlier post ITT.
Yeah, jTERA will be getting Queen part 1. on 23rd of May.


In one of the SM run we did,with a Priest,before the Boss fights,she layed down a bunch of those Moth thing that sometimes fall from mobs and refills your health all over the place so we could just run to one and heal ourselves...nice little trick or something Priests can do at will? anyway she had a bunch of them for sure...

Anyone try the PS3/Xbox controller setup? I tried it last night for a few minutes with my lancer, but unless I'm missing something it seems really limited. Can you not assign anything to the D-pad?

You can,I saw it in the controller help option but so far with my Sorcerer,I dont need them...I am getting pretty close to having no other buttons to assign though at level 31,so I will have to look into that.


In one of the SM run we did,with a Priest,before the Boss fights,she layed down a bunch of those Moth thing that sometimes fall from mobs and refills your health all over the place so we could just run to one and heal ourselves...nice little trick or something Priests can do at will? anyway she had a bunch of them for sure...

Thats a Mystic that does that. Oh and they get mana orbs later as well.


You stun them.
Later on you normaly close the gap with charge or leash (the later has a short stun) (or if they are already close you use the duble bash which may stun the second time -forgot the name-) then stun them with shield bash (make sure they are short stunned before you use shild bash as it has a very small hit radius and long cd) and hit them hard while they are unable to move.
The long stun, self heal and abillity to block almost all attacks makes lancers very good at 1on1 pvp. (at least in my experience)
Before you get leash and shield bash you will be running around missing a lot of attacks tho, since your attacks are almost exclussively aimed rigth in front of you (slayers, warriors etc. have a much wider angle at which their attacks hit)

So pvp is all around lancer stuns, makes sense. I've been just doing the combo + spring attack or shield barrage + spring attack chain. I have a feeling that those are going to be our bread and butter attack. Do lancers get a harder hitting attack later on?


So pvp is all around lancer stuns, makes sense. I've been just doing the combo + spring attack or shield barrage + spring attack chain. I have a feeling that those are going to be our bread and butter attack. Do lancers get a harder hitting attack later on?

They are more about chipping them down while you take no damage at all. Next patch is going to give them some new attack skills to make up for them not being able to block infinitely anymore though.


So would have loved to have joined you all. But after I activated my CD key, my internet went down the next day so I didn't get to play yet.

Now apparently there is an issue where my free 30-days gets wiped out in 24hours (which they know about). Their customer service told me the fix is to do a subscription. So... I drop $60 and then need another $15 to play the 30 days I already payed for? Uhg.. lost me, and I'm out $60.

Maybe they will sort it out by the time I'm done playing D3.


So would have loved to have joined you all. But after I activated my CD key, my internet went down the next day so I didn't get to play yet.

Now apparently there is an issue where my free 30-days gets wiped out in 24hours (which they know about). Their customer service told me the fix is to do a subscription. So... I drop $60 and then need another $15 to play the 30 days I already payed for? Uhg.. lost me, and I'm out $60.

Maybe they will sort it out by the time I'm done playing D3.

When you put in your payment information you get charged $0 for the first month. Their system just requires you to put payment info.
Did anyone beat Kelsaik? We're up against him and we can't figure out how to not let him buff himself, that's what really hurts in the fight for now...

Haven't been to Balder's Temple nor Fane of Kaprima yet, but for now I'm enjoying myself in end game instances. Would be better if I knew how Kelsaik works though :p


I notice when I watch youtube videos and see screenshots that everyone else's game appears to be shiny, yet mine isn't while the graphics are at max.


So would have loved to have joined you all. But after I activated my CD key, my internet went down the next day so I didn't get to play yet.

Now apparently there is an issue where my free 30-days gets wiped out in 24hours (which they know about). Their customer service told me the fix is to do a subscription. So... I drop $60 and then need another $15 to play the 30 days I already payed for? Uhg.. lost me, and I'm out $60.

Maybe they will sort it out by the time I'm done playing D3.

No, you just need to have a CC on file. You won't get charged until the 30 days are up.
I notice when I watch youtube videos and see screenshots that everyone else's game appears to be shiny, yet mine isn't while the graphics are at max.

the light enrichment set to 2 adds AA but it does weird things to it. mine looks like it adds bloom effect as well. idk.


Ah, it's the bloom that does this? Guess i'll re-enable it in the notepad file. Thanks.

It also blurs the names of the other characters. Use SMAA injector for the jaggies and leave it at 1 unless you really must have 'shiny'.

Also, when you get to 22, there is an archer bow in the guild bank you can use. Ask an officer for it.

EDIT: derp i thought you were an archer. D:


Ah, it's the bloom that does this? Guess i'll re-enable it in the notepad file. Thanks.
Game looks better without it though with the smaa injector



I've yet to see people kick members at instance matching, that sounds pretty rough. I guess the only way around this is to queue with friends..

What this game really needs is another tank class.
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