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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?

I'll agree that this end game is weird. Two dungeons over and over plus get money, try to enchant, lose money.
I don't know, it's really weird.

The grind at 60 is really incredibly Korean. They made 1-60 like WoW but kept the endgame the same. Actually some of the changes made for us like removing the Boxes of Mischief make it worse for us due to ridiculous crystal prices on the broker.

I've already turned my auto renew off. Bluehole and EME don't seem in that much of a hurry to fix the game so I am not in a hurry to keep paying for it. I will likely re-sub when QoA2 drops and they unveil their fabled zerker revamp.


Junior Member
Maybe EME should reset somethings back yo how they were. That SA dungeon is wasted at the lvl it was reduced to.


I'd prefer to not grind, they just need to fix 50+ leveling and give all dungeons a HM for 60 only hard modes aren't for pre-endgame


I'd prefer to not grind, they just need to fix 50+ leveling and give all dungeons a HM for 60 only hard modes aren't for pre-endgame

Is it bad from 50 all the way to 60? Read something about it being crappy 46-52, and then a lot easier the rest of the way.


When you get to val elenium the mobs are 54 and even if you're 54 with all gold gear you still have a fucking hard time because normal mobs suddenly have 100k hp each, and you do 1/3 of the damage you were just doing in the previous zone, and it gets worse from there.


When you get to val elenium the mobs are 54 and even if you're 54 with all gold gear you still have a fucking hard time because normal mobs suddenly have 100k hp each, and you do 1/3 of the damage you were just doing in the previous zone, and it gets worse from there.

super lol

wouldn't be so bad if you could just run instances all the way up, but over an hour wait yesterday for 3 instances at 48 and got nothing...

zerk get more fun at higher levels? Warrior is 48 and zerk is 44. Not sure what to stick with.


Is it bad from 50 all the way to 60? Read something about it being crappy 46-52, and then a lot easier the rest of the way.

Each zone gets progressively worse until level 58. At level 58 you go to Val Tirkai and its a cake walk from there on out.

This is obviously because the leveling curves were not smoothed out from the previous 2 level caps.

But this is just a 1 of the many Quality of Life issues that I fear will never looked at and another facet in my decision to cancel my subscription.
So the solution to people being assholes and kicking from IMS is not to remove the IMS, which would solve 95% of party issues with the game, but instead to nerf Balder's Temple and Fane of Kaprima. Great.

This is what I would have done instead of nerfing the endgame dungeons:

(1) Remove IMS. Get rid of it. Take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. It doesn't do anything except turn the community into complete shit.

(2) Reduce the cooldown timer on dungeons. 6 hours CD on Hardmodes is fucking ridiculous, especially with this game's Korean droprates. What kind of fucking MMOG even has cooldown timers on dungeons in this day and age?

(3) Have Nexus every day instead of 3 days a week. The Koreans can do Nexus every day, what the fuck is EME thinking making us only be able to do it 3 days a week?

(4) Restore the old 58 endgame dungeons. Obsolete or no, they are better off in their original incarnations instead of scaled down and ignored by everyone leveling from 1 to 60.

Too bad I'm not EME. It's amazing how Brian Knox has managed to ruin 2 Korean MMOs during the localization process now. Well, Aion wasn't very good to begin with, but Tera deserved better than the treatment it has received. This game's endgame is so repetitive it's mind-numbing, and combining that with super-Korean RNG to actually accomplish anything makes it un-fun. I was farming gold to fail enchantment over and over again and then I realized what I was doing was complete shit and just said fuck it. Forever +7 on my T12 armor and it feels bad man. I've burned thousands of gold with nothing to show for it trying to enchant this shit over and over again. At least my T12 axe is +9, so I can at least run FoK HMs. Every 6 hours. Fuck.

I'm looking forward to being able to watch anime again at least now that I have free time, for now I'll log on weekends to do Nexus and maybe run a dungeon or two and do Temple of Temerity, but I'm sick and tired of paying 250 gold each attempt to fail at enchanting my T12 gear which will become obsolete anyways once I get T13 gear. Too bad with 6 hours CD on Hardmodes and 3 times out of 4 a fucking Enigmatic doesn't even fucking drop, the actual process of getting T13s is agonizingly painful and a waste of time.

The last MMOG I can think of which has time-gated content to the degree that NA/EU Tera has was FFXIV. And we all know how successful that game has been. Time-gating of content is shit. Dungeon cooldowns are shit. Nexus only 3 days a week is shit. Even after removing -1 on failure, enchanting is still shit. EME had us all fooled from 1 to 60, I would argue that 1 to 60 is the most fun I've had in an MMOG ever, but then at 60 it turns into super-mega-Korean grind shit.

zerk get more fun at higher levels? Warrior is 48 and zerk is 44. Not sure what to stick with.

Zerker DPS is very bad at endgame for PvE. You can't use the IMS as a zerker, period, because you will be insta-kicked from parties. I run with guild parties and I'm not terrible so I have no problems with BT and FoK NM, and FoK HM. Zerker DPS is simply agonizing to run BT HM with, not necessarily because it's any harder (it isn't) but you simply can't generate enough DPS on the HM robot when you need to kill it from 35% in 3 minutes, you simply can't fucking crit on it, and oh by the way zerkers depend entirely on crits to generate their DPS and if you don't crit, your DPS is literally 50% or worse of all the other DPS classes including warriors. A fucking lancer literally does as much DPS as a zerker when the zerker is unable to land crits, and both Kaprima and robot resist crits quite dramatically in HMs.

A halfway-decent warrior is better than the best zerker on Earth at endgame right now. A warrior will generate something like 25% less raw DPS than a slayer or sorcerer (but at least 25% more than a zerker), but he more than makes up for that with the debuff he puts on bosses, his array of stuns which can interrupt the bosses, and his extremely high HP, endurance rating, and multitude of dodges. It's much easier to survive as a warrior at endgame than as a zerker because the warrior who wears leather armor can actually take hits better than a zerker, since a zerker manages to wear metal armor but also have the 2nd lowest base HP in the game (only archer, a ranged class, has less) and the 2nd lowest endurance rating (only lancer has lower, and a lancer has a fucking block that absorbs 40k of damage received unlike the shitty zerker block). Even when I am blocking, the FoK HM crab boss still does scratch damage on me a minimum of 8k through my block when it does the jump, at least 15k if it crits the jump on me. The crab boss in ToT easily wipes out 7/8 of my HP bar if it runs me over, and the spider boss's claw slam does minimum 20k through my block and almost my entire HP bar if it crits the claw slam. Meanwhile a warrior is laughing because he always has a dodge off CD he can use, my fucking dodge requires me to be charging a skill to use it and it has a 15 seconds CD. And if he gets hit he will not die from it, nothing can oneshot him because of his huge HP pool and damage mitigation.
New patch tomorrow! This should make some people happy.

Cool New Stuff
  • Guild-versus-guild battles are now available on PvE servers.
  • Under the GvG tab in the Guild menu, the guild master has control of a toggle between a “Pacifist” and “Battle Ready” state. The toggle has a four-hour cooldown.
  • A GvG battle can be initiated when both guilds are set to “Battle Ready.”
  • The item to start battles is available from the Shadow Merchant.
  • Players applying to a guild will be notified of the guild’s state and whether they are embroiled in GvG battles.
  • On PvP servers, the Outlaw skill now toggles. When you turn it on, it will stay on until you toggle it off.
  • Custom emotes now function with the /e command, and emotes now add text to the Say (/s) chat channel. Let the drama commence!
  • Various chat window abuses are no longer possible.
  • +12 weapons now glow red and look generally bad-ass. As they should.

Bugs Squashed
  • Fixed the bug that made the nexus achievement “Catch the Nexus Wave” difficult to obtain because of daily quest reset.
  • Fixed a bug affecting lighting conditions in the game.
  • Reputation stores now sell all hats directly to players.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Hasmina now runs, not walks, when she appears in Three Towers. She’s been apprised of the dangers in there—and that you’re tired of waiting for her.
  • Fixed a low point in Hungry Caverns where characters could fall but were unable to climb back up.
  • A player character who has not been fully loaded yet is displayed in gray like far-off NPCs.
  • The Roll/Pass buttons for loot now explicitly say you can use the Page Up (to roll) and Page Down (to pass). ‘Cause there’s always one guy who loots while everyone else is still fighting, amirite?
  • Resolute crystals are no longer stackable.
  • The effect of tenacious rival draught decreases from 18% to 5%.

  • To avoid kill-stealing from party members in daily quest instances, players can no longer enter Lighthouse of the Sun in Balder’s Refuge and Argon Catacombs in Khanovar Front as a party. Some party members were entering the instance first and killing all the monsters, so there were no monsters left for later players, who could not complete the daily quest. And that led to a lot of awkward “Wait…I wasn’t supposed to kill ‘em all?” conversations.


Balder’s Temple and Fane of Kaprima
  • The drop rate for beast hide and master enigmatic scroll in Balder’s Temple and Fane of Kaprima has increased.
  • Added some superior tier 13 weapons that were only obtainable in hard modes as low-probability drops in Balder’s Temple and some superior tier 13 armor sets as low-probability drops in Fane of Kaprima.
  • In Balder’s Temple, the attack power of Guardian of the Relic’s laser attack has been reduced by approximately 20%.
  • In Fane of Kaprima, the attack power of Kaprima’s whirlwind slash after its scythe attack has been reduced by approximately 20%, and it no longer casts a bleeding debuff. Egrecia now has approximately 20% fewer HP, and the sphere damage of nearby devan mercenary priests has been reduced by about 30%.
  • The BAMs in level 60 zones now drop tier 13 crafting materials (common, uncommon, and rare). Named BAMs now have a higher probability of dropping crafting materials.

  • So players can more easily identify fanesteel, the crafting material from weapons, the icon has been modified.
  • Anarchic, stalwart, noblesse, and poised crystals should no longer have diminishing returns when stacked.
  • Vanarch specialty stores now sell rare greater charms. They still refuse to sell yellow moons, green clovers, or blue diamonds.
  • The storage and soulbound status of some hats have changed so that they’re easier to store and share.

Daily Quests
  • Target numbers and rewards have increased for Hands of Velika daily quests.

Known Issues
  • Hat quests from Meruma cannot be completed. Hats can be purchased directly from reputation vendors. However, reputation vendors no longer sell the items needed for 12 hat-related quests.
  • Certain items are not currently linkable in chat.



Damn I look good.


It's amazing how Brian Knox has managed to ruin 2 Korean MMOs during the localization process now. Well, Aion wasn't very good to begin with, but Tera deserved better than the treatment it has received.

What happened with Aion? Stopped playing shortly after release, so no idea what it is currently like.

Sorta prefer the L2 (shock :D) enchanting system. Yeah you are probably losing your weapon, but almost better than every other lvl 60 have +9 whatever. Doesn't really seem that special when it pops on your screen every other minute.


Hit 50 the other day and I'm just having a really bad case of questing fatigue. Tired of killing 16 of this and that. Think I'll be taking a break then make that final push to 60, doubt I'll stick around for the endgame for too long from the sound of it but I'd at least like to hit the cap.


Damn, I started playing Tera this weekend as it seems to be a better game than TOR, but you guys make it seem like complete shit. I'm level 22 at the moment and it's all been all good (as a Zerker, which I now find out is the worst class in the game), but the endgame (which has to be good for an MMO) sounds horrible, especially for my class.


Damn, I started playing Tera this weekend as it seems to be a better game than TOR, but you guys make it seem like complete shit. I'm level 22 at the moment and it's all been all good (as a Zerker, which I now find out is the worst class in the game), but the endgame (which has to be good for an MMO) sounds horrible, especially for my class.

There's a big update planned for Summer called Queen of Argon Pt 2 which will add battlegrounds along with more end game stuff. It will also have a Zerker revamp so they'll be more viable in current endgame.. IIRC Zerkers used to be the strongest endgame dps class back when Level 50 was the max.

Warriors being allowed to queues as tanks will be of great help as well.. even healers seem to have queues on VoT... The enchanting system seems really shit though.


Damn, I started playing Tera this weekend as it seems to be a better game than TOR, but you guys make it seem like complete shit. I'm level 22 at the moment and it's all been all good (as a Zerker, which I now find out is the worst class in the game), but the endgame (which has to be good for an MMO) sounds horrible, especially for my class.

Well, it got issues, but I think they are being resolved. Just the patch notes that were posted here already make me feel better about the endgame.

Look, I think the last pages are frustration torwards how progression at endgame is right now. It's like this, you do the dungeon, you have some low probability of getting a gear, then you fight against random number generator to enchant and every time you fail you have to either run the dungeon again for fodder or spend a lot of money buying an item just to sacrifice it in order to enchant. The overall game is still great, despiste this issue, but again, with this patch, I really feel they know what the issue is. It's really just a matter of increasing the chances to get a good drop so you don't feel you just did the hardest dungeon in the game for nothing.

Once people feel rewarded, the frustration goes away.


Saint Nic
I took an unexpected break when my fiancee moved in for the past 6 weeks. I intended to keep playing, but we got so busy planning the wedding and such that I wasn't going to pay for a game I wouldn't get much time in.

I'm probably going to come back soon since I loved the tanking and mechanics...But after reading all of the info in this thread, it sounds like some shit is pretty wonky right now. I'm on the fence now. I wouldn't mind re-subbing, hitting 60, and then just riding it out. But if it's just not worth it right now, I may wait.
Great EME, your damn launcher can't update the game. Nice.


Are you getting an error? If you applied anything like the Elin uncensored patch or other tweaks, you might want to undo them before patching and then re-apply when done. Sometimes the patcher doesn't play nice with them...


Are you getting an error? If you applied anything like the Elin uncensored patch or other tweaks, you might want to undo them before patching and then re-apply when done. Sometimes the patcher doesn't play nice with them...

Did that, didn't patch.

Edit: Oh wow, it worked. Seriously, one single line in DefaultEngine.ini?
Damn, I started playing Tera this weekend as it seems to be a better game than TOR, but you guys make it seem like complete shit. I'm level 22 at the moment and it's all been all good (as a Zerker, which I now find out is the worst class in the game), but the endgame (which has to be good for an MMO) sounds horrible, especially for my class.

TERA is still amazing and no other MMO comes anywhere close to how good the combat is in this game, but the end game probably could have used a couple more months in the oven. A lot of the current frustration is centered around end game enchanting (and maybe lack of things to do if you're PVE). I think with the introduction of the second part of the Argon Queen patch this Summer, it will be in very good shape:

-Political Battlegrounds
-Server Vs Server Confrontations (15v15 Battlegrounds?)
-New Instances/Dungeons
-New Bosses, BAMs, Monsters
-Revamped Nexus
-Berserker Revamp
-Warrior Revamp - will be able to block and queue for dungeons as a tank

You can look forward to the above and other unannounced content and updates that will come with it.

Based on all the recent patches, EME is still listening to our feedback and will continue to update and improve the game both before and after the second Argon update.

As for the Berserker situation, they could certainly use some love but this is being greatly exaggerated by an over abundance of bad Berserkers. A bad Berserker is going to be 100% more noticeable and damaging to a party experience in end game dungeons or PVP than any other class. Use scrolls (Savage V) and potions, use your damage enhancing abilities, use HQ charms, equip critical damage crystals, and keep a set of gear for PVE damage at end game and get it rolled and enchanted properly for running dungeons. You will be good to go. Also, don't miss. :|

Note: Highest crit so far is about 550+K on FoK boss (one with the fire room) with a T12 +7 weapon, and I consistently crit for 180-250k+ on all bosses. Sometimes I do get unlucky with the crits but as long as you keep on the pressure and do the above, your DPS should still be sufficient.


TERA is still amazing and no other MMO comes anywhere close to how good the combat is in this game, but the end game probably could have used a couple more months in the oven. A lot of the current frustration is centered around end game enchanting (and maybe lack of things to do if you're PVE). I think with the introduction of the second part of the Argon Queen patch this Summer, it will be in very good shape:

-Political Battlegrounds
-Server Vs Server Confrontations (15v15 Battlegrounds?)
-New Instances/Dungeons
-New Bosses, BAMs, Monsters
-Revamped Nexus
-Berserker Revamp
-Warrior Revamp - will be able to block and queue for dungeons as a tank

You can look forward to the above and other unannounced content and updates that will come with it.

Based on all the recent patches, EME is still listening to our feedback and will continue to update and improve the game both before and after the second Argon update.

As for the Berserker situation, they could certainly use some love but this is being greatly exaggerated by an over abundance of bad Berserkers. A bad Berserker is going to be 100% more noticeable and damaging to a party experience in end game dungeons or PVP than any other class. Use scrolls (Savage V) and potions, use your damage enhancing abilities, use HQ charms, equip critical damage crystals, and keep a set of gear for PVE damage at end game and get it rolled and enchanted properly for running dungeons. You will be good to go. Also, don't miss. :|

Note: Highest crit so far is about 550+K on FoK boss (one with the fire room) with a T12 +7 weapon, and I consistently crit for 180-250k+ on all bosses. Sometimes I do get unlucky with the crits but as long as you keep on the pressure and do the above, your DPS should still be sufficient.

They have pretty much said there is zero hope for castle / fort battles, right?

See that is what I don't get....the couple more months in the oven thing. WTF were they thinking... Pretty obvious how bad most mmos are doing. Who thinks hey lets release this before it is really finished that way nobody will be left when we release the rest of the content. Do not get it.


They have pretty much said there is zero hope for castle / fort battles, right?

See that is what I don't get....the couple more months in the oven thing. WTF were they thinking... Pretty obvious how bad most mmos are doing. Who thinks hey lets release this before it is really finished that way nobody will be left when we release the rest of the content. Do not get it.

IMO, MMOs devs (in general) seem more worries about not delivering constant upgrades than they are about not delivering a lot of stuff to do at launch, which I think is a huge mistake all of them make.
It's like they think that announcing more stuff to do later will make people stay just for curiosity or whatever; but really, if people aren't having fun *now*, there is nothing that will make them stay.


I took an unexpected break when my fiancee moved in for the past 6 weeks. I intended to keep playing, but we got so busy planning the wedding and such that I wasn't going to pay for a game I wouldn't get much time in.

I'm probably going to come back soon since I loved the tanking and mechanics...But after reading all of the info in this thread, it sounds like some shit is pretty wonky right now. I'm on the fence now. I wouldn't mind re-subbing, hitting 60, and then just riding it out. But if it's just not worth it right now, I may wait.

Dang are you me? Moving + wedding stuff = going off TERA for 2 months for sure. I want to get to 60 before the break though.


Saint Nic
Dang are you me? Moving + wedding stuff = going off TERA for 2 months for sure. I want to get to 60 before the break though.

Hahaha identical! A+

I played for a little bit while she was here, and the fact that most dungeons only take 90 minutes max early on was nice. But, unlike WoW, they require MUCH more focus. It was far too difficult to hold a conversation and help her AND tank.


Hahaha identical! A+

I played for a little bit while she was here, and the fact that most dungeons only take 90 minutes max early on was nice. But, unlike WoW, they require MUCH more focus. It was far too difficult to hold a conversation and help her AND tank.

I'm still waiting for the 6 of my 8 original officers that are AWOL
TERA is still amazing and no other MMO comes anywhere close to how good the combat is in this game, but the end game probably could have used a couple more months in the oven. A lot of the current frustration is centered around end game enchanting (and maybe lack of things to do if you're PVE). I think with the introduction of the second part of the Argon Queen patch this Summer, it will be in very good shape:

-Political Battlegrounds
-Server Vs Server Confrontations (15v15 Battlegrounds?)
-New Instances/Dungeons
-New Bosses, BAMs, Monsters
-Revamped Nexus
-Berserker Revamp
-Warrior Revamp - will be able to block and queue for dungeons as a tank

You can look forward to the above and other unannounced content and updates that will come with it.

The biggest problem I have with MMOGs is promises. It's always promises of this and that and the other thing. This is okay in Asian MMOGs where you buy time cards and you play when you feel like it, or the game is flat-out F2P. In the West, where people still stubbornly cling to the model of the monthly subscription fee, that just doesn't fly. I don't want promises if I'm paying monthly to play, I want content and I want it NOW.

K-Tera's been out for a year and a half at this point and this game is so content-thin at endgame it's frightening. Bluehole needs to step it up with the pace of content updates, they update content at a Korean pace but claim to want the Western market.

Based on all the recent patches, EME is still listening to our feedback and will continue to update and improve the game both before and after the second Argon update.

The patch which dropped today is 100% identical to a patch that was made for K-Tera several weeks ago. EME is probably done modifying the game for NA/EU, now they are just supplying K-Tera patches as-is after translation.

A patch dropped last week in K-Tera to tweak zerkers a bit, I'm curious if that patch will be released to us before the end of June or not. EME has until June 29th to drop that patch on us or I will not manually renew my sub.

As for the Berserker situation, they could certainly use some love but this is being greatly exaggerated by an over abundance of bad Berserkers. A bad Berserker is going to be 100% more noticeable and damaging to a party experience in end game dungeons or PVP than any other class. Use scrolls (Savage V) and potions, use your damage enhancing abilities, use HQ charms, equip critical damage crystals, and keep a set of gear for PVE damage at end game and get it rolled and enchanted properly for running dungeons. You will be good to go. Also, don't miss. :|

So your evaluation of the situation is that zerkers are just fine the way they are and that anyone complaining is "bad", including me? Good to know, I'll take your insult at face value and kindly ask you to fuck off. Have you even tried the Hardmodes yet as Hikaru?

Note: Highest crit so far is about 550+K on FoK boss (one with the fire room) with a T12 +7 weapon, and I consistently crit for 180-250k+ on all bosses. Sometimes I do get unlucky with the crits but as long as you keep on the pressure and do the above, your DPS should still be sufficient.

Have you done ToT yet? If your party wants to succeed in killing all 3 bosses, the 3 DPSers must each solo DPS one boss. Go take your +7 Aestivax into ToT and try to solo the Kumas, see how often you succeed. The Kumas is the easiest of the 3 bosses too by a wide margin. Slayers do the Kumas in 60 seconds flat, warriors aren't much slower than that. I've successfully killed the 3rd boss of ToT (the spider) with the lancer and healer in my group with only 10 seconds to spare. Have you done this yet? Why don't you go do that and get back to me and let me know how that went for you. My Aestivax is a +9, mind you, and I do use Scroll of Savagery V and Nostrum of Energy and I use Keen Charm (when the healer is a priest) or Power Charm (when the healer is a mystic), Enduring Charm, and Infusing Charm and I stack the best crystals I can get. My current weapon crystals are Acrimonious, Mutinous, Savage, and Carving Crux. My armor crystals are all Anarchic these days. That shit is expensive to replace when I die too. If you're going try to lecture me about how to play zerker you'll find I'm going to be a tough sell and calling me bad isn't how you get on my good side either.
Damn, I started playing Tera this weekend as it seems to be a better game than TOR, but you guys make it seem like complete shit. I'm level 22 at the moment and it's all been all good (as a Zerker, which I now find out is the worst class in the game), but the endgame (which has to be good for an MMO) sounds horrible, especially for my class.

Like I said, from 1 to 60 was the most fun I've ever had in an MMOG. The game is completely fantastic on your way to cap because of the combat system. Hell, even my first couple of weeks at cap I was having fun, zerker isn't bad at all in the Normalmodes (most of my raging concerns Hardmodes) and for awhile there I was running BT/FoK NM several times a day and sometimes stuff I needed would drop and it was a blast.

It was around the second week of running BT/FoK, when I COULD NOT GET MY FUCKING ENIGMATIC AXE TO DROP, that it started to go sour for me. Some people would run BT once or 5 times and their enig would drop. I would estimate I ran BT NM a minimum of 20 times with no fucking Aestivax before I started to get really frustrated. I never even saw an Aestivax drop, period. It's not as if one dropped and someone else got it, I NEVER EVEN SAW IT DROP. I ended up just giving up and buying one from the broker. What actually happened was the party leader set the loot to All Roll instead of Class Roll one time and a Dayslayer (the T12 slayer enig weapon) dropped and I rolled on it anyways and won the roll. Everyone else actually rolled too, since with the exception of me they all had their enigs already and were just running for enchant fodder. The slayer in the party was pissed but he already had his +9 Dayslayer anyways so fuck him. I sold the Dayslayer and used the money to buy my Aestivax. The problem with this kind of RNG is that some people are lucky and get their enigs right away, other people run it forever and never get it.

After I got my Aestivax to +9 I started running HMs and realized that I would be doing exactly the same thing to get T13 gear I was just doing to get T12 gear, only even more annoying and with a 6 hours cooldown. Then it really started to get old for me because I would also have to enchant any putative T13s I found, which I haven't yet. I have some useless T13 fodder in my bank now and no enig T13s to use them on, nothing unusual there since I went through the same shit grinding out the NMs for the T12 enigs.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Did that, didn't patch.

Edit: Oh wow, it worked. Seriously, one single line in DefaultEngine.ini?

Which line was that? My Tera is refusing to start. The tera.exe is running but nothing ever comes up.
Which line was that? My Tera is refusing to start. The tera.exe is running but nothing ever comes up.

If you're on windows 8, that would be why.

I think I remember you being in the Windows 8 Release Preview thread..

Something about the update prevents the game from working on windows 8..

I had the same problem until I put in another drive that had windows 7 installed on it and booted into 7.

Now the same copy of TERA (copied folder over) runs perfectly fine.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
If you're on windows 8, that would be why.

I think I remember you being in the Windows 8 Release Preview thread..

Something about the update prevents the game from working on windows 8..

I had the same problem until I put in another drive that had windows 7 installed on it and booted into 7.

Now the same copy of TERA (copied folder over) runs perfectly fine.

Yup, I just found the thread about it on the forums. Seems they broke something with Win 8.

Sadly I tried booting back into Win 7 but when I try to run it there I get some Fatal Error.
So your evaluation of the situation is that zerkers are just fine the way they are and that anyone complaining is "bad", including me? Good to know, I'll take your insult at face value and kindly ask you to fuck off. Have you even tried the Hardmodes yet as Hikaru?

Have you done ToT yet? If your party wants to succeed in killing all 3 bosses, the 3 DPSers must each solo DPS one boss. Go take your +7 Aestivax into ToT and try to solo the Kumas, see how often you succeed. The Kumas is the easiest of the 3 bosses too by a wide margin. Slayers do the Kumas in 60 seconds flat, warriors aren't much slower than that. I've successfully killed the 3rd boss of ToT (the spider) with the lancer and healer in my group with only 10 seconds to spare. Have you done this yet? Why don't you go do that and get back to me and let me know how that went for you. My Aestivax is a +9, mind you, and I do use Scroll of Savagery V and Nostrum of Energy and I use Keen Charm (when the healer is a priest) or Power Charm (when the healer is a mystic), Enduring Charm, and Infusing Charm and I stack the best crystals I can get. My current weapon crystals are Acrimonious, Mutinous, Savage, and Carving Crux. My armor crystals are all Anarchic these days. That shit is expensive to replace when I die too. If you're going try to lecture me about how to play zerker you'll find I'm going to be a tough sell and calling me bad isn't how you get on my good side either.

I didn't say Berserkers were fine the way they were. I said they could use some love and that the bad reputation Berserkers are getting is because there are a lot of terrible Berserkers out there ruining everyone's perception of the class. I wasn't calling you bad at all and wasn't even addressing you. I have never even played with your Berserker and likely never will. I also wasn't lecturing you on how to play, I was simply dropping some tips for any other Berserkers out there on how to maximize their utility in end game dungeons/instances because they can be pretty punishing if you are unprepared.

To answer your question, I have done TOT several times and have a bunch of the advanced glyphs. I usually do about 2-3 runs a day if I have time. I have defeated the first and second boss solo but on several occasions my potion has ran out before killing them because stopping to block takes up too much time (having a +7 probably doesn't help much either). The best way to solo those bosses that I have found is to use speed crystals, keep Dash up as much as possible, and circle strafe the bosses attacks while trying to land all hits to the back for the bonus modifiers. If you stop to block more than once or twice it is almost guaranteed that you will run out of time unless you get lucky with your crits. If at all possible, I usually let Slayers, Warriors, or Archers solo those bosses because it is much easier for them to kite or to dodge and keep laying on the DPS. Most of the time in PUG groups we will only do two bosses because it's not worth the risk (even when we try for three it's not uncommon for PUGs to die to the third boss and ruin everything).

I have done the HMs but not very often and only with guild groups. The long cooldown and drop rates are a huge turn off and I always feel like I am being carried by the other DPS (mostly true). I don't want to run them regularly until I get a T13 to +9. I stopped enchanting the Aestivax in favor of my PVP weapon and am waiting for a T13 for PVE.


Thanks for the info, I'll keep trudging along (did my first BoL run last night and I got almost all the loot I was eligible for lol). One thing I'm not certain about, is it better to run non-enigma gear while leveling and only worry about that at 60 (because with enchanting and how fast you level you'll be replacing the gear soon enough anyway)? Also, enigma gear, so far, has been weaker than same tier non-enigma counterparts.
Thanks for the info, I'll keep trudging along (did my first BoL run last night and I got almost all the loot I was eligible for lol). One thing I'm not certain about, is it better to run non-enigma gear while leveling and only worry about that at 60 (because with enchanting and how fast you level you'll be replacing the gear soon enough anyway)? Also, enigma gear, so far, has been weaker than same tier non-enigma counterparts.

The problem with lower level Enigma gear is that by the time you get enough enchant fodder to get it to a decent level you're already way past it's usefulness. Unenchanted enigma gear is always worse than non-enigma stuff. You really can't compare it until you get it to at least +6.

In kTera where leveling is a grind-o-doom, those enigmas are probably very valuable. In this version of the game, sell them and move on.


Saint Nic
Yikes, a LOT of doom and gloom lately. I'm just reading through everything I've missed out on since being away from the game. Not gonna lie - I'm a bit on edge about hitting "subscribe" again. I really loved tanking this game, but if it's going to be a like pounding my head against a wall for hours, I'm...Weary at best.
Thanks for the info, I'll keep trudging along (did my first BoL run last night and I got almost all the loot I was eligible for lol). One thing I'm not certain about, is it better to run non-enigma gear while leveling and only worry about that at 60 (because with enchanting and how fast you level you'll be replacing the gear soon enough anyway)? Also, enigma gear, so far, has been weaker than same tier non-enigma counterparts.

Enigmatics need to be enchanted for you to get any benefits out of them. You can probably safely skip all Enigmatics until 58-60.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Yikes, a LOT of doom and gloom lately. I'm just reading through everything I've missed out on since being away from the game. Not gonna lie - I'm a bit on edge about hitting "subscribe" again. I really loved tanking this game, but if it's going to be a like pounding my head against a wall for hours, I'm...Weary at best.

I think you mean wary ;) Weary means tired.


So pre-60, is there anything to spend significant amounts of money on? I think i've spent less than 10 gold total on armor and weapons, so the money is just sitting there.

Is anyone making a lot of money on crafting?

Yesterday I got instantly into an instance. First time ever I think, usually I have to wait more than half an hour or much more. But for the second time in a row, it was the lancer's first or second time so we had to go slower than usual.
So pre-60, is there anything to spend significant amounts of money on? I think i've spent less than 10 gold total on armor and weapons, so the money is just sitting there.

Is anyone making a lot of money on crafting?

Yesterday I got instantly into an instance. First time ever I think, usually I have to wait more than half an hour or much more. But for the second time in a row, it was the lancer's first or second time so we had to go slower than usual.

You will feel filthy rich until you hit 60. No need to spend any absurd amounts of money on anything until then.

At least in my experience with Alchemy, Armorsmithing, and Weaponsmithing, it costs more for the materials and runes than what you get for the items that you actually craft.


Neo Member
so i finally got the game for my bday and installed it last night. only problem is i also got D3 and my friends keep wanting to play. hoping to set up my EME account this week and jump in. i've been following the thread to try and prepare as this is my first MMO. i will most likely apply to the GAF guild once i get my feet wet!


I'm not going to post this on the official forums but I thought I'd share this with you guys.

On june 6th I logged off merrily and on june 7th when trying to login I found my account to be perma banned. I had done nothing that was against the ToS and obviously got in queue to talk with a GM right away.

I explained to the GM that I found my account banned and that I wasn't even given any reason as to why I was banned. The GM said there was nothing he could do and said he would forward it to the ToS team and that they would e-mail me.

A day went by and I got no e-mail. I contacted a GM again and when I told them that I had already contacted a GM and explained my situation the new GM acted all surprised as if he had no clue what was going on or if my account is being looked into or not. Eventually he said that he would forward it to the ToS team and that it's a "delicate matter" and would take time.

Fine, spent the weekend doing other stuff and then on tuesday, 5 days later I contacted them again. Again a new GM and again he seemed clueless about the whole situation. "I don't see your account situation being processed."

That's when I got fed up and told them to make sure my account renewal was off and even asked for a refund for the month I've been missing out on, but of course there was a "no refunds for banned accounts" policy. I was close to just contacting my credit card company to get my money back from them but decided to wait a few more days.

Today I finally got a response from them, saying that I was banned because I had supposedly bought gold and that they lifted my ban and added some days extra on the account.

Needless to say that I've lost most of my interest for the game and will not renew my account anymore.

Let me in

Is anyone else running this on W8 RP? The last update totally borked TERA on W8, a number of people have posted in the support forum about it.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Is anyone else running this on W8 RP? The last update totally borked TERA on W8, a number of people have posted in the support forum about it.

Yup, see my post above. It was working fine before the last patch.

Let me in

Gah, didn't see that. I've tried a number of things, including running as administrator and putting it into W7 compatibility mode but to no avail. And I just deleted my Windows.old folder >_< lol


Hahaha identical! A+

I played for a little bit while she was here, and the fact that most dungeons only take 90 minutes max early on was nice. But, unlike WoW, they require MUCH more focus. It was far too difficult to hold a conversation and help her AND tank.

Yep, this is pretty much it. My fiance hasn't even touched GW2 because we are so busy.

Even though I can casually solo and whatnot, the instances and BAMs require my full attention. When someone is AFK in this game it's like super obvious (they die). This is a first considering a lot of MMOs are so passive.

Luckily I'm not planning on being hardcore at TERA or trying to get nice equip at end game, just going to enjoy helping people and doing babby stuffs.
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