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Can't keep her eyes off her
thanks tvtropes
eh, it's definitely a cannon to me. They've had cannons and tanks since A:TLA.
I do feel like a gun wouldn't be useful at all when going against a bender unless you caught them by surprise.
I don't remember cannons in A:TLA. The Siege of the North had trebuchets and the tanks had Firebenders for offense. There were bombs, but those were dropped from up high instead of fired.eh, it's definitely a cannon to me. They've had cannons and tanks since A:TLA.
I do feel like a gun wouldn't be useful at all when going against a bender unless you caught them by surprise.
Yeah, that's the thing. This is why I often bring up how AtLA has the beginning stages of the writing problems that prove to be Legend of Korra's largest issues.
Ultimately, the bender-nonbender "conflict" is basically about power. The driving force of the entire Avatar franchise is understanding and utilizing power. Bending is power, the Avatar is power. But neither show, not even AtLA, really respected the concept of power.
AtLA addresses head on the very topic that would go on to become LoK's season one theme: how benders are much, much more powerful than non-benders. And Sokka's conclusion in the episode is solely contained to his perspective, and doesn't at all speak to the wider situation of the power a bender wields in comparison to his or her nonbending peers.
The writers of AtLA explicitly looked this particular plot point in the eye, and ignored it in the exact same manner that LoK did. By the end of Book Fire, benders are flying and shooting one hundred foot tall flames out of their hands, while Sokka's moonsword (the physical takeaway of him making peace with his nonbender status) goes spiraling away uselessly during a life and death confrontation. Master Piandao takes out a few dudes while Jeong Jeong takes out an entire battalion.
They even bring Sokka back as a flashback in the LoK to talk about all the awesome and crazy shit benders can do, right before a guy solos an entire room of the most powerful people in the world without lifting a finger.
It's all the same thing. I would have preferred they not bring the issue up at all if they were going to blatantly ignore its thematic feasibility. It's easiest to swallow in AtLA because it wasn't a developed thought, and the characters in that series were so rock solid that there's a lot of good to fall back on. But the LoK made power (inequality in particular) its major theme, and tossed it in the bushes; all without having great characters to cushion the fall.
This particular misstep is a franchise staple.
I'm guessing the Avatar's girlfriend being a nonbender will help a bit, hopefully
I'm honestly surprised LoK's writers didn't look at Fullmetal Alchemist or Brotherhood at all when it came to the conflict between benders and nonbenders.
Can't keep her eyes off her
thanks tvtropes
I'm honestly surprised LoK's writers didn't look at Fullmetal Alchemist or Brotherhood at all when it came to the conflict between benders and nonbenders.
Though there's no direct conflict between normal people and alchemists, FMA at least had Worldbuilding and Fictional Society within a Fantasy World 101 down.
You're an alchemist? Chances are you were approached by the kingdom to become a state alchemist. In doing so, you lost most respect in the eyes of people due to how the state alchemist slaughtered Ishvalian people.
Even then, alchemists didn't really have combat experience unless they specifically trained for it or were a state alchemist.
Also, it helps that guns were numerous. The only catch to this as far as looking at FMA as an example is how most alchemists needed to draw a transmutation circle, and state alchemists often had circles at the ready, like as tattoos, gloves, or brass knuckles.
As far as the Avatar-verse goes, I wonder how many people are benders compared to nonbenders. Considering people are defined in terms of being a bender or not (that was always weird to me), I'm guessing there's more benders?
What I'm getting at is LoK doesn't cover new ground in animation as far as the concepts in each book it tries to cover and stumbles over. I'm glad of the ultimate message the show has at the end about bringing balance, but I kind of wish the writers at least ripped off of other shows that deal with the subject matter better.
The fundamental difference is that anyone can do alchemy in FMA. Bending is genetic/person specific in Avatar.
Wait what? I knew people studied alchemy, but I always thought only some people actually had the skill/inside them to actually use alchemy.gate
Granted, I never thought of it, but still that's a surprise.
I knew people studied alchemy, but I always thought only some people actually had the skill/inside them to actually use alchemy.gate
Can't keep her eyes off her
thanks tvtropes
You become a transmutation circle when you see the gate, which is something any one can do if they attempt a human transmutation. Alchemy is a science and can be performed by any one sufficient in the science. There's nothing inherent to an alchemist's skill beyond normal human limits, unlike in Avatar where people are either born with the capability of shooting fire out of their limbs, or they're not.
I think that had more to do with whether someone needs a transmutation circle or not to do alchemy.
Think of Zuko Alone. Zuko was able to easily take out non-benders without bending. He was forced to use bending when fighting a no-name bender.Also the vast majority of benders don't seem to be anywhere near at powerful and the main protagonist and antagonist of either series. Most people like having benders around because they've extremely useful.
Judging by how Nick handled the show this season, unlikely.Anyway, let's see if anyone responds to this.
How probable do you think another Avatar related show or production is in the near future? Like, it being announced 1 to 3 years from now?
Comics will continue, but I have a hard time believing that's it. Maybe a year with no news, but something's being planned.
*Peeks back into KorraGAF, sees 78 pages mostly about Korrasami*
Whatever you guys might be discussing here, I hope it isn't a debate about whether Korrasami made an impact or not. Because it did.
Anyway, let's see if anyone responds to this.
How probable do you think another Avatar related show or production is in the near future? Like, it being announced 1 to 3 years from now?
Comics will continue, but I have a hard time believing that's it. Maybe a year with no news, but something's being planned.
*Peeks back into KorraGAF, sees 78 pages mostly about Korrasami*
Whatever you guys might be discussing here, I hope it isn't a debate about whether Korrasami made an impact or not. Because it did.
Anyway, let's see if anyone responds to this.
How probable do you think another Avatar related show or production is in the near future? Like, it being announced 1 to 3 years from now?
Comics will continue, but I have a hard time believing that's it. Maybe a year with no news, but something's being planned.
Think of Zuko Alone. Zuko was able to easily take out non-benders without bending. He was forced to use bending when fighting a no-name bender.
Being able to shoot fire/rocks/water gives you a pretty huge advantage in combat no matter how skilled you are.
*Peeks back into KorraGAF, sees 78 pages mostly about Korrasami*
Whatever you guys might be discussing here, I hope it isn't a debate about whether Korrasami made an impact or not. Because it did.
Anyway, let's see if anyone responds to this.
How probable do you think another Avatar related show or production is in the near future? Like, it being announced 1 to 3 years from now?
Comics will continue, but I have a hard time believing that's it. Maybe a year with no news, but something's being planned.
if avatar does come back, i can only assume it will be a 3d show and without bryke's input.
3D? That's lame, can it at least be Flash?
3D? That's lame, can it at least be Flash?
3D? That's lame, can it at least be Flash?
*Peeks back into KorraGAF, sees 78 pages mostly about Korrasami*
Whatever you guys might be discussing here, I hope it isn't a debate about whether Korrasami made an impact or not. Because it did.
Anyway, let's see if anyone responds to this.
How probable do you think another Avatar related show or production is in the near future? Like, it being announced 1 to 3 years from now?
Comics will continue, but I have a hard time believing that's it. Maybe a year with no news, but something's being planned.
You know I wouldn't actually be that surprised if nick were to announce a new show aimed more at a younger audience similar to what CN did with Teen Titans Go.
IP seems to big to me for Nick to let it gather dust on TV.
You know I wouldn't actually be that surprised if nick were to announce a new show aimed more at a younger audience similar to what CN did with Teen Titans Go.
IP seems to big to me for Nick to let it gather dust on TV.
Do young kids even know what avatar is anymore? I mean, kids that were born when TLA finished are 6-7 years old in 2015. I always saw Korra as being the continuation for the original fan base.
I mean, I guess they could. But why would they when they can just keep using Spongebob or Fairly Oddparents? What runs on nickelodeon anyway? I haven't had a TV with cable for like 5 years.
Has there ever been a bending farmer in Avatar?No doubt but the average bender in the world of Avatar is probably a farmer and probably don't get much combat training. The partially skilled ones end up in the army in service to their nation. Most of the greatest cities were built with bending and best healers are water benders.
Again Benders do more in service to the people and their communities in one compacity or another then harm. It is just no reason, given the history of that world why there should be any wide spread animosity towards benders.
nickelodeon is super comfortable with 3d for their action shows. plus it would look better against star wars on disney.
Dude don't even joke like that!
Lol you sound like me when it comes to cable. Fuck paying for that shit.
Yeah, I felt Korra was for the original fans of TLA and tried to keep up with them with bigger issues.
I don't think the writing kept up, but I at least see the messages buried underneath the mistakes and missteps.
I don't know, I just can't picture something like Avatar working with CG. I need some footage to convince me.
Can't keep her eyes off her
thanks tvtropes
i'm not saying it'd be great, it's just probably the way nickelodeon would have it made.
Well, half the reason was I went to college and of course no one has cable there. Never bothered to get it once I got out. We live in the age of Netflix and Amazon Instant Video my friend.
My first instinct as to say "fuck a new Avatar show without Bryke"
then I thought about it more
no, let's do avatar without bryke. pls.
The best that can be hoped for is Bryke working on a spiritual successor on an outlet that's not Nickelodeon. Say what you will about them but their work has earned them quite a bit of street cred. They will do another project eventually Avatar or not and chances are it will be excellent.
My first instinct as to say "fuck a new Avatar show without Bryke"
then I thought about it more
no, let's do avatar without bryke. pls.
Do young kids even know what avatar is anymore? I mean, kids that were born when TLA finished are 6-7 years old in 2015. I always saw Korra as being the continuation for the original fan base.
I mean, I guess they could. But why would they when they can just keep using Spongebob or Fairly Oddparents? What runs on nickelodeon anyway? I haven't had a TV with cable for like 5 years.
Has there ever been a bending farmer in Avatar?
No seriously, go look at how many bending farmers there are in either show. You could probably count them on one hand. And this isn't because there's a lack of farmers; we see plenty of them, they're just all nonbenders.
The vast majority of benders we see are in other positions. Architecture, military, craftsmen, politics, etc. In the militaries and politics they conspicuously tend to outrank non-benders.
I've been rewatching the season 3 commentary.
It's pretty good. Pretty insightful.
That is all.
Looks like I've got a few pages to read. Time to catch up with the conversation!
The Young Justice version of Joker sucks. And he looks like Doctor Who.
Korra's sexuality sends her regards.I'm inclined to say Mako is the Robb Stark of LoK.
Korrasami fans and Bryke are the Freys.