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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore

So, if you go in expecting a game the way Sony has marketed this the entire way through (include commercials playing in GameStop right now), you'll be disappointed?

This game is fucked when casual customers realize that didn't get a shooter, they got Beyond: Two Souls instead.

yep , i can't see word of mouth being good for this game.
Just finished chapter 11. Thus far I'm enjoying it. My two big complaints are that it takes control away too much early and the lycan fights are poor. The control thing seems to get better as it goes on though. Once the gun fights started the game started to pick up for me. The pros are the same ones that everyone is listing. Graphics, environment, etc. I also don't think the story is complete shit. It's not great but, it's serviceable.

It's a solid 7/10 for me so far, which is pretty good considering I've only played a couple of games ever that I'd give 10/10 to. Considering pretty much everyone hates the ending this might change for me but, right now that's where I'm at with it. I do want to add that I think there is something here that RAD could make into a great game. They just didn't do it with this one. The foundation is there though, and I hope they get to make a sequel where they can improve on what went wrong here.

I still have to laugh at the people giving it a 2/10, like it's as bad as Daikatana or something.


So far so good. I'm already thinking how they can make a pre/sequel in a different time period with this engine cause it looks amazing.

The Order: 1996. Exactly one hundred and ten years into the future. The Order is now under direct command of the New World Order...
The poor guy that I am stopped by a friend's house yesterday for a "The Order" session. I get why many people decry parts of the experience, as I had an issue with the pacing and the ratio of gameplay slices to cutscenes. I also felt a bit disappointed by the encounters design; it could have been so much better (That lycans fight where you have to click on X to avoid getting run by one of those beasts..ARGHHHHHH!)...But I'll be damned if I did not have my jaw on the floor for the entirety of the game (Took us a around 8 hours to finish it, which is a reasonable amount of time). This is the most impressive piece of soft I have ever seen, PC included. Lord almighty is it gorgeous!
I think that most of the criticism is fair, but I believe there is something special to work upon in this case. I hope RAD get a chance to rectify some of the shortcomings in a sequel...


So, if you go in expecting a game the way Sony has marketed this the entire way through (include commercials playing in GameStop right now), you'll be disappointed?

This game is fucked when casual customers realize that didn't get a shooter, they got Beyond: Two Souls instead.

It's their fault for not doing more research into the game before buying it. The truth about the game has been out there for months if casual gamers just do a quick google or youtube search for gameplay/previews. If they base their decision on an advertisement that is action packed (which is pretty much the point of video game ads as it is) then they can't blame anyone but themselves for buying the game.


Worships the porcelain goddess
It's very much a mix of a shooter and something like Beyond/Heavy Rain. In about equal amounts so far early in the game. I that something you expect/think you'll like, I don't think you can be disappointed with this game.

I get now after playing it (and not liking it).

Now, imagine how I have to break that down to customers who ask about the game.

"How is The Order?"
"Well, it's not much of a TPS. It's more like Beyond Two Souls with QTEs, some shooting here and there and tons of cutscenes. About 7-9 hours long....hey, where are you going? Come back! Pre-order Bloodbourne or Dragon Ball Xenoverse instead!"

It's their fault for not doing more research into the game before buying it. The truth about the game has been out there for months if casual gamers just do a quick google or youtube search for gameplay/previews. If they base their decision on an advertisement that is action packed (which is pretty much the point of video game ads as it is) then they can't blame anyone but themselves for buying the game.

You say this on a forum full of people who fall victim to hype on a higher level that the average customer? Come on. Looking back, the advertising for this game is complete bullshit.
It's very much a mix of a shooter and something like Beyond/Heavy Rain. In about equal amounts so far early in the game. I that something you expect/think you'll like, I don't think you can be disappointed with this game.

I don't think that is right , i knew what it was going to be like.
But the level and game design really let it down in many ways.
None of that matters if the native TV res is 1920x800. If it is (and it should hopefully be), then the game would be scaled down by default, and then when you zoom it in, it would be natively mapped with 1:1 pixels and black bars cropped. Same would go with watching any 2.4:1 bluray movie, as they too are encoded with black bars.

It's very much a mix of a shooter and something like Beyond/Heavy Rain. In about equal amounts so far early in the game. I that something you expect/think you'll like, I don't think you can be disappointed with this game.

I don't think there's a single TV/Monitor with a 1920*800 resolution

Most are 2560*1080 or 3440*1440 resolution


Anyone noticed that the voice of the [late game spoiler]
hooded man who saved Galahad
sounded a lot like Liam Neeson?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Oh wow this game really is for adults. There was a dick in this cutscene.

murica :lol

"Oh there was a dick seen, adults only..."

"You can blow off heads and limbs with the shotgun, nah that's fine."

Sorry dude no hate, I just find it pretty funny.
I know the first chapter was for advancing the narrative but I think starting off with the shootbang sequence would have given off a much better first impression at least for me. Having 10-11 single button sequences in a row with all the prompts was just tedious.
I know the first chapter was for advancing the narrative but I think starting off with the shootbang sequence would have given off a much better first impression at least for me. Having 10-11 single button sequences in a row with all the prompts was just tedious.

Agreed. Terrible way to introduce you to the gameplay
Its so disappointing how The Order concludes its characters.
They almost disappear halfway through, just to show up for one last meh cameo near the end to be gone for good. Like WTF


None of that matters if the native TV res is 1920x800. If it is (and it should hopefully be), then the game would be scaled down by default, and then when you zoom it in, it would be natively mapped with 1:1 pixels and black bars cropped. Same would go with watching any 2.4:1 bluray movie, as they too are encoded with black bars.

It's very much a mix of a shooter and something like Beyond/Heavy Rain. In about equal amounts so far early in the game. I that something you expect/think you'll like, I don't think you can be disappointed with this game.

Why would you even hope for that? :p Of course it isn't. These TVs are 2560 x 1080.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Finished. Enjoyed the game overall. I'd give it like a 7-7.5... Really don't understand what all the negative fuss is about but, hey, it's the internet.

But that ending... Damn that ending. I'm gonna be supremely bummed if this doesn't get a sequel.


God my eyes, I'm only an hour in and I've already had to take a break, it's so blurry in the actual gameplay parts on top of a very soft picture. Horribly overused DoF.
So many buttons prompts, and most of them are unnecessary. I go from using forward and X to jump on one ledge to pressing triangle to grab a different ledge. Another thing that bothered me was needing a button prompt to evade grenades and lycan attacks. Evade should have been an action given to you to use in any situation. Why restrict it to specific fights and situations?

I don't get it.


Up to chapter 5 now. Quite enjoying it, glad I didn't pay much attention to the reviews. Only annoying thing is the claustrophobic feeling, which is particularly annoying during shootouts when you can't see anything.
Up to chapter 5 now. Quite enjoying it, glad I didn't pay much attention to the reviews. Only annoying thing is the claustrophobic feeling, which is particularly annoying during shootouts when you can't see anything.

Be sure to push up or to the left or right depending on if your at a corner when in cover. The viewpoint will move a bit.
Chapter six; about four hours in. Not quite loving it but I'm really enjoying it so far. I 100% understand the criticisms but I guess most of them just don't personally bother me very much, I wouldn't want every game to be like this but I think this does the "cinematic" thing better than most other games that have tried. Get a sequel that's a bit longer, has some more dynamic gameplay, and take some storytelling queues from Naughty Dog... it could be a big franchise if they make the right calls in a sequel.

Negative opinions of the game are perfectly valid and justified but I don't understand the viciousness with which many are going after it. Some people really wanted this to be bad.

Edit: The sound in this game continues to impress.


Just played close to an hour, still on Chapter one, and I just needed to write something...
This is the most gorgeous game I have ever played, be it on PC or Console, jawdropping at times.

The gunplay, love it, really good feedback, and it's very intuitive, as I usually don't play much FPS/TPS on consoles, it's a testament to how well they've done it that I feel comfortable with it straight away.

Not been bothered about the cutscenes as of yet, I've played Assassin's Creed games with more cutscenes, and less to do in the first hour than this, so far.

And again... wow at how well they've made this, smooth as well.
Graphics are incredible but the non-interactive environments bother me, and all the watching and QTE put me to sleep =/

I don't understand why they wouldn't just throw in more random corridors to fight in to at least break up the cutscenes

I only paid 15 bucks so I don't mind the length but I'd be pretty disappointed if I paid 70


Done! Around 10 hours and...it's hard to judge this game. I have to agree with complains about missed opportunities in gameplay and storywise. There was lots of mommetns that was good, but they could turned to be great if RAD have more experience. My biggest disappointment is Lycan fights, there was so much potential in them, but...same with the final boss, it seems that ppl in RAD was completely out of time and rushed through that part because deadline was close. But it doesnt mean that I dont like the game, overally its very solid TPS game with awesome visuals, good sound, great characters and outstanding voice acting, story is not at TLOU level, but still good, its more story telling problem. The Order is not the best in the gene, but it also not even near the worst part, I hope that we will see the second game and RAD will call ND guys for help.
Final score 7.5
I would be sorta interested to find out how big the budget was for this game and how much they need to sell to break even.
Considering it was in development for about 5 years and the huge marketing I have seen it can't have been all that cheap to make.

I also wonder how it will do in sales. My guess before the reviews came out was about 1-2 million (just based on the amount of marketing and how gorgeous it looks) but now I get the feeling they will be lucky if they sell 1 million.
Or maybe the mass market will eat up this game.


Was it the section where you're in the kind of fancy dining area and one of the shotgun guys just bum rushes you and there's no place to take cover? Cuz that fucked with me

Yeah fuck that guy lol. Died like 15 times on hard. I had to get knocked down, then hope he wouldn't hit me long enough for me to use black water to get a full reload of black sight.
I really really enjoy what I have played so far. I am at the
airship evacuation
part and I am excited to see where everything is headed.

I love slow atmosphere heavy games or any media for that matter so this is a treat for me.


I would be sorta interested to find out how big the budget was for this game and how much they need to sell to break even.
Considering it was in development for about 5 years and the huge marketing I have seen it can't have been all that cheap to make.

I also wonder how it will do in sales. My guess before the reviews came out was about 1-2 million (just based on the amount of marketing and how gorgeous it looks) but now I get the feeling they will be lucky if they sell 1 million.
Or maybe the mass market will eat up this game.
I think with youtube, twitch, and share play, reviews have lost quite a bit of influence on sales this gen. Considering the marketing budget, it can probably still sell quite a bit, would be surprised if it's under 1 mil.

Be sure to push up or to the left or right depending on if your at a corner when in cover. The viewpoint will move a bit.

Yeah, I tried that too but in some cover sections even that doesn't help much, only option would be to leave cover and look around.
Taking a slow burn approach with this game.

Only did Chapter 1 and 2 last night.

Planned on doing 3 and 4 and maybe 5 tonight but I'm trying to stretch this out.

I also need to finish Unity too so I could play that and save this for weekends.

But anyways awesome game so far.


Thoughts on no reflections in mirrors:

I still think it is a spoiler in the game. I think the potion they drink is mixed with vampire blood, so they are infact all half breeds themselves. Look at the amount of damage they can take.
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