60fps needs to be a standard at all costs. If consoles need to drop resolution and textures, so be it. But 60fps is bare minimum now a days, at least for a certain crowd.
Alas, the work of my hands hath incited enmity amongst the people. The people's words flow from their fingertips as does magma from mountains of fire, the wake of their words becoming filled with piles of ash from which heaps of smoke rise higher and higher - blackening the skies and thereby concealing the light from our eyes. Soon, there will be only darkness - and that darkness shall be my doing.
Yes, assuming you own a new high end PC already you can buy just GPU in order to play next gen consoles with similar settings. Most people however still game on old i5/i7 4cores/8threads CPUs, that are even weaker than next gen consoles CPUs, and remember if you plan to play PS5 / XSX ports on PC you have to own even faster CPU in order to run 30fps games at 60fps (and the same with GPU, you think it will be cheap to double 12/10TF RDNA2 performance on PC in the near future?). Personally I would have to buy everything, because I have sold my last gaming PC when it was still in good price and I didnt lose much.Not sure if that $2500 number is true, but even if it is, that $2500 becomes $2000 becomes $1500 becomes $800, etc. And this process will happen pretty quickly if AMD can actually deliver competitive cards.
And for many of us, we already have solid PCs and can just slot a 3xxx or 4xxxx GPU into our existing systems and be good to go.
The issue is that console gamers' demand for better graphics exceeds their demand for high and stable framerates. Hence, developers push graphics to a degree at which consoles can render them at 30 frames per second or so at most rather than compromise graphics to a degree at which consoles can render them at 60 frames per second.
Anybody across Avenue 5 hbo show where the space cruise ship goes of course? Hilarious and based on actual events it seems....
The issue is that console gamers' demand for better graphics exceeds their demand for high and stable framerates. Hence, developers push graphics to a degree at which consoles can render them at 30 frames per second or so at most rather than compromise graphics to a degree at which consoles can render them at 60 frames per second.
nothing new compared to what? We have decades of videogaming. Most of these games might not necessarily have any particularly new feature, but compared to the ps3-360 generation they are in a whole nother ballpark. Although the original crysis is a bit dated.RDR2, Assassin's Creed, Batman (all the games), Watch Dogs, Witcher 3, Hellblade, Jedi Fallen, Crysis, The Division, Control, Tomb Raider, etc.. etc.. etc..
It's nothing new man and has been done for years.
Yeah no shit a 50 GB game can be loaded into memory.
I prefer patience over splurging. The 3070 is likely to have around 2080ti performance, if the past cards are anything to go by. The 4070 is likely to have around 3080ti performance if the trend continues. Wait 2 years and you have the same performance for under 500$ in some cases under 400$.No issue if you have the money. The card has the latest tech. It's not going to be sold for $500 dude. You can't even find a 2080Ti for $1k. Most are in the $1,200s.
You do realize you don't need more than an average spec computer to get more than double the framerate of consoles, right? It's the higher end pc's that have quadruple the framerate of consoles, and then some. The amount of people doesn't matter, as anyone who doesn't rely on government payouts, can easily build a more than decent desktop. Maybe if you realized that already, you would not be talking about the population of pc gamers and what they own.
It depends, this gen has seem more 60FPS games than ever before, if the trend continues and more and more titles will be hitting 60FPS, people might notice 30FPS titles more often from the crowd, along with their bad/terrible controls and sluggish gameplay, and might not want to touch 30FPS games again, forcing those devs to step up their games eventually.
It's well known that pc hardware will outperform console hardware. I did not attempt to dispute that fact. Now, what percentage of the population would have access to that hardware, that's a completely different debate all together.
My post was merely meant to highlight the simple truth that, VFXVeteran is not an authority in anything other than being a VFX artist. VFXVeteran is not qualified to speak about GPU architecture, CPU architecture, programming paradigms, apis, etc. He can speculate and engage in knowledge-less discussions like the vast majority on this forum. I was just informing the other poster that they had no reason to feel intimidated as VFXVeteran is just as clueless in this discussion.
It seems that you percieved what was not written. Take the texts as it is and refrain from trying to deduce intention.
That will never happen because there's NOTHING wrong with solid 30 fps games. It's literally all just preference. Neither is better than the other. It's purely preference and only preference.
He did not discredited him, he pointed a fact. There's a huge difference between knowing your hardware performance & compare it to others based on benchmarks and dry specs sheet provided by the manufacture (which anyone can do) and claiming you know how the next step in visual fidelity will look like, like he did in the past.
I've heard of some games running physics and input at 120fps while the graphics run at 60fps. Similar could probably be done for 30fps, if it isn't done already in some games.Not true at all, input-lag is a real thing.
I've heard of some games running physics and input at 120fps while the graphics run at 60fps. Similar could probably be done for 30fps, if it isn't done already in some games.
You could have fooled me. You certainly don't talk like a programmer or argue like one either. I don't really like to dig up post histories because frankly, I don't have the time. You know why you were chased from the other forum so there's no need discussing that....Are you serious? I *am* a graphics programmer! I've been a software engineer for 20yrs! I have programmed everything you can imagine concerning graphics at some point or another. I've been working on real-time graphics programming for 3yrs.
I don't know what the hell you get that I'm an artist. I've never been an artist. Get your facts straight.
Also, I probably know more people in the gaming and film industry than any of you on these forums and most on the "other" forums too. Not many people have worked in the industry for 20yrs since I'm a 50yr old man. So be careful with your claims of knowing what's going on in the gaming industry. I'm very close to a lot of individuals and have given real and accurate information concerning the PS5 and MS/Sony's plans for the PC. You can probably pick a gaming company out of thin air and 9/10, I'll know someone that works there.
Not true at all, input-lag is a real thing.
I don’t know who’s backing you on this forum, but fuck me it’s outrageous you’re allowed to get away with such ignorance while wearing a title.
Luckily most have the good sense to see through it.
You could have fooled me. You certainly don't talk like a programmer or argue like one either. I don't really like to dig up post histories because frankly, I don't have the time. You know why you were chased from the other forum so there's no need discussing that....
As someone who has a bit of an ego, I must say, you're a ginormous egomaniac. There are a few of us on here who have software engineers, software architects, technical engineers, embedded system engineers, etc but, for the most part keep it on the dl because it doesn't mean anything. There's also the fact that we don't want an inadvertent slip up to bite us in the ass professionally. You on the other hand flaunt it off as if it's some sort of major accomplishment while frequently disseminating false and incorrect information. It's quite fascinating to watch.
With regards to your claims of being in the know, you've been wrong so many times that at some point, you've got to figure that your "contacts" are screwing with you. Imagine being 50+ year old and stanning on forums about consoles. Pretty sad man, pretty sad.
I've had about enough of people jumping on this dudes junk in nearly every thread. It reminds me of how people treated D dark10x . Put up or shut up guys. If you are going to try to slander a fellow member and say he did something wrong, then show the evidence. Because I could magically do the same friggin thing to you or anyone else I don't agree with if I didn't have to provide evidence. It's the mental midget, Beta, SJW kind of thing to do just because you don't agree. Just because you or others who may be "experts" want to keep to your secret knitting circles that us plebs are unworthy to be a part of doesn't mean you make the rules for every "expert" in your respective fields like some kind of friggen pizza nepolatana.
Sorry for the attitude but man when people endlessly dog pile just because they don't like what they are hearing, and can't or don't actually refute with facts it really gets to me. You don't agree with him? That's perfectly fine. Explain why you don't agree, with facts and sources. If you are half as intelligent as you make yourselves out to be, with the way you are calling him out, it should be easy. Don't like his attitude? Fine. Lead by example. Not everyone is going to act exactly like you want them to and if you can't handle that, then just report or ignore them. No need to constantly dog pile.
I'm not defending or calling out his attitude here btw. But IF you think he actually has one, I can't count the amount of times I've seen people with high and mighty snobby attitudes have their reputations crumble because of said attitudes when they are proven wrong by a cool headed person with facts. Actual facts, not "I really want this to be true because it benefits my narrative facts."
And btw this sneaky attitude of chasing guys around and digging up evidence from other "forums" is really pathetic, unless what they did was illegal. It says more about you than it does about him.
You know what would be great? If we could all actually act and discuss like adults in a mature manner, leading by example, and learn something from one another. Even if we don't agree with eachother. I've said it before and I'll say it again....
Once you realize that everyone has biases to some degree and you can never be sure how much they are actually trying to be objective or rational, you can then start to use your intelligence and rationality to see past the bias and look at the facts if there are any and compare them, challenge them or learn from them. Simply hand waving away anyone's opinion just because you think they are "bias" is a good way to try to live in your own comfortable narrative and leave your intelligence unchallenged. Thereby strengthening your own bias... Like trying to make a snowball in a freezer one snowflake at a time... Gotta keep it safe!
You could have fooled me. You certainly don't talk like a programmer or argue like one either. I don't really like to dig up post histories because frankly, I don't have the time. You know why you were chased from the other forum so there's no need discussing that....
As someone who has a bit of an ego, I must say, you're a ginormous egomaniac. There are a few of us on here who have software engineers, software architects, technical engineers, embedded system engineers, etc but, for the most part keep it on the dl because it doesn't mean anything. There's also the fact that we don't want an inadvertent slip up to bite us in the ass professionally. You on the other hand flaunt it off as if it's some sort of major accomplishment while frequently disseminating false and incorrect information. It's quite fascinating to watch.
With regards to your claims of being in the know, you've been wrong so many times that at some point, you've got to figure that your "contacts" are screwing with you. Imagine being 50+ year old and stanning on forums about consoles. Pretty sad man, pretty sad.
I appreciate your position. I was exactly the same when I was unfamiliar with the situation. I too even expressed displeasure of bringing in external history about the guy. Unfortunately overtime and over many posts it became completely apparent the guy is either a career troll or a quintessential dilettante. Rest assured would not be taking the position without cause.
You can probably pick a gaming company out of thin air and 9/10, I'll know someone that works there.
You’re confusing me with someone else. The only knowledge I have off you is from your posts here over the last few months. My initial support of yours was positive till recently. It doesn’t take much to see through it all, graphics programmer or not.Dude, you constantly talk about comments I made several years ago as if a person doesn't get smarter or gain more experience. If you have only quotes that I spoke about on Beyond3D (nearly a decade before) or ERA, then you also need to shut the fuck up. You are always making driveby posts but NEVER challenge my 3D knowledge or indulge in any conversation as if you are a graphics programmer. And as it turns out, you don't know shit about graphics programming. I'm tired of people talking shit that's completely untrue like "this game looks better so therefore it's technically better" or "developers program for the consoles first". This is such bullshit and everytime I say it is untrue and give not only an objective proof why it's not, but also tell you what my contacts tell me who work all over the gaming industry (who have PROVEN to be 100% correct from what I've told people on these boards), you are being a troll. Period. The only person on these boards that I know has 3D knowledge and is a programmer is P psorcerer . And he knows that I know my shit even if we don't agree about things.
Dude it's really easy to just say that "all experts can be wrong" as a dismissal to information you don't like coming from an "expert." This is what discussion is for. So that we can all dissect that information and learn something from one another and so that we can determine what is and isn't factual. It helps immensely if we try to separate ourselves from our biases. How awesome would it be if we had threads where experts actually did discuss their medium amongst us? Where we could learn from eachother instead of try to win some sort of war for our chosen "side."Bottom line is that over the decades the main thing that I learned was that there never has, and never will be, a guarantee that someone in the business knows what he or she is talking about! I've seen plenty of idiots fail upwards, and smart, talented, passionate people get crushed by corporate shenanigans.
I appreciate your position. I was exactly the same when I was unfamiliar with the situation. I too even expressed displeasure of bringing in external history about the guy. Unfortunately overtime and over many posts it became completely apparent the guy is either a career troll or a quintessential dilettante. Rest assured would not be taking the position without cause.
Let me start off by saying, it'd be best if you stayed away from false equivalency when comparing VFX to dark10x. Dark10x is a humble dude who has an interest in technology and doesn't pretend to be the beginning and ending in the technical discussions he participates in. We all know why Dark10x was "dog-piled" and it's because he had the unfortunate privilege of trying to walk through the valley of console zealots. Look, you're free to defend VFXVeteran if you like after all, that's your prerogative. As to his attitude, I needn't discuss it further as others will do so on my behalf. With regards to his approach, I've had the privilege of working with extremely brilliant people in my line of work and the one thing that stuck out is a certain level of professional humility. It's because there are checks and balances on your work. Everyone is very educated on the subject matter at hand and people are cautious with the statements they make. The reckless, egotistical, and frankly narcissistic approach displayed by VFX is not an approach that I've observed to be associated with some of the brilliant individuals I've worked with in my experience. Combine this with the frequent inaccuracies from VFX, it just looks off. A certain juxtaposition perhaps. There's a reason he gets his flack wherever he goes and it's not undeserved.I've had about enough of people jumping on this dudes junk in nearly every thread. It reminds me of how people treated D dark10x . Put up or shut up guys. If you are going to try to slander a fellow member and say he did something wrong, then show the evidence. Because I could magically do the same friggin thing to you or anyone else I don't agree with if I didn't have to provide evidence. It's the mental midget, Beta, SJW kind of thing to do just because you don't agree. Just because you or others who may be "experts" want to keep to your secret knitting circles that us plebs are unworthy to be a part of doesn't mean you make the rules for every "expert" in your respective fields like some kind of friggen pizza nepolatana.
Sorry for the attitude but man when people endlessly dog pile just because they don't like what they are hearing, and can't or don't actually refute with facts it really gets to me. You don't agree with him? That's perfectly fine. Explain why you don't agree, with facts and sources. If you are half as intelligent as you make yourselves out to be, with the way you are calling him out, it should be easy. Don't like his attitude? Fine. Lead by example. Not everyone is going to act exactly like you want them to and if you can't handle that, then just report or ignore them. No need to constantly dog pile.
I'm not defending or calling out his attitude here btw. But IF you think he actually has one, I can't count the amount of times I've seen people with high and mighty snobby attitudes have their reputations crumble because of said attitudes when they are proven wrong by a cool headed person with facts. Actual facts, not "I really want this to be true because it benefits my narrative facts."
And btw this sneaky attitude of chasing guys around and digging up evidence from other "forums" is really pathetic, unless what they did was illegal. It says more about you than it does about him.
You know what would be great? If we could all actually act and discuss like adults in a mature manner, leading by example, and learn something from one another. Even if we don't agree with eachother. I've said it before and I'll say it again....
Once you realize that everyone has biases to some degree and you can never be sure how much they are actually trying to be objective or rational, you can then start to use your intelligence and rationality to see past the bias and look at the facts if there are any and compare them, challenge them or learn from them. Simply hand waving away anyone's opinion just because you think they are "bias" is a good way to try to live in your own comfortable narrative and leave your intelligence unchallenged. Thereby strengthening your own bias... Like trying to make a snowball in a freezer one snowflake at a time... Gotta keep it safe!
The point of this thread is simply to alleviate worry
That will never happen because there's NOTHING wrong with solid 30 fps games. It's literally all just preference. Neither is better than the other. It's purely preference and only preference.
I wasn't wrong about the 1080-1080Ti performance on the PS5 and not wrong on the PS exclusives coming to PC. Both came from my "contacts" and both were 100% correct. I still know shit that people haven't even heard about yet. Shut the fuck up and go back to ERA or wherever you came from.
You’re confusing me with someone else. The only knowledge I have off you is from your posts here over the last few months. My initial support of yours was positive till recently. It doesn’t take much to see through it all, graphics programmer or not.
Normally I wouldn’t bat an eyelid, the only reason I take issue is you use your title and speak from a position of authority which is nothing but a sham. Don’t take it as a slight against you personally as a whole, there is obviously a lot more to you outside of this, but that’s what we’re here for.
You are mistaken thinking my issue is based on emotion. The evidence are the posts and the claims presented within them, they alone expose the situation, nothing more, nothing less.Dude it's really easy to just say that "all experts can be wrong" as a dismissal to information you don't like coming from an "expert." This is what discussion is for. So that we can all dissect that information and learn something from one another and so that we can determine what is and isn't factual. It helps immensely if we try to separate ourselves from our biases. How awesome would it be if we had threads where experts actually did discuss their medium amongst us? Where we could learn from eachother instead of try to win some sort of war for our chosen "side."
The problem is people hearing things they don't like and just handwaving and dogpiling on it with snarky remarks and NO evidence.
My issue is with the dogpiling and snarky remarks with no evidence man. You think he's that way? Fine. Prove it. I have yet to see anyone who says VFXvet is x or y actually bringing evidence to prove it. I've seen all the same posts you have. While I don't agree with some of the attitude and some of the "facts" he brings... if I don't address it with facts and logic, either because I don't know them or don't have the time to look into it, I don't lower myself to a nipping dog trying to bite at his heals. You know why? Because me simply not agreeing based on my feelings doesn't automatically make me right. And this does nothing in the long run but annoy everyone and chase people away. It certainly doesn't do anything to change his attitude if you think he has one.
Personally I'd like to keep as many "experts" around here as possible, whether I agree with them or not. And I'd rather advocate for changing their "bad" attitudes by leading by example rather than chasing them away.
'Let me start off by saying, it'd be best if you stayed away from false equivalency when comparing VFX to dark10x. Dark10x is a humble dude who has an interest in technology and doesn't pretend to be the beginning and ending in the technical discussions he participates in. We all know why Dark10x was "dog-piled" and it's because he had the unfortunate privilege of trying to walk through the valley of console zealots. Look, you're free to defend VFXVeteran if you like after all, that's your prerogative. As to his attitude, I needn't discuss it further as others will do so on my behalf. With regards to his approach, I've had the privilege of working with extremely brilliant people in my line of work and the one thing that stuck out is a certain level of professional humility. It's because there are checks and balances on your work. Everyone is very educated on the subject matter at hand and people are cautious with the statements they make. The reckless, egotistical, and frankly narcissistic approach displayed by VFX is not an approach that I've observed to be associated with some of the brilliant individuals I've worked with in my experience. Combine this with the frequent inaccuracies from VFX, it just looks off. A certain juxtaposition perhaps. There's a reason he gets his flack wherever he goes and it's not undeserved.
You are mistaken thinking my issue is based on emotion. The evidence are the posts and the claims presented within them, they alone expose the situation, nothing more, nothing less.
I'm really not interested in continuing this discussion further. The text in bold gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for that and have a good evening.'
Can you state those inaccuracies? If you are going to call me out and you work in the industry, state the facts. Indulge in tech discussion. I made a thread to talk about tech to steer you developers in that direction so talk! Don't come in here claiming I don't know shit and 1) never saw my profile to even make such a claim and 2) don't go into specifics of what I say that's completely off-base. I'd love to hear it.
I am a very humble person but I also don't let BS slide like most people. You have never worked with me before so you don't know how humble I am. Yes, I am very charged because I'm passionate about my job and love the content in the industry. You tell me where you work, so I can spout off on public boards that you know nothing about graphics programming and you are an artist and see how you respond. Don't come in here telling me I'm egotistical and should just take you bashing (completely inaccurately I might add) my work experience and not expect me to defend myself.
I'm really not interested in continuing this discussion further. The text in bold gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for that and have a good evening.
Being blinded by raw power in an industry that is driven by slight of hand is your other failing. Something a vfx pro should know full well.Every claim you make has 0 substance. He's looking at you and seeing my posts and seeing everyone say, "BS! There's physics all over GoT!!!" And then I'm sitting there going into specifics as to how the game is using cutbacks and crude approximations to fool the majority of people thinking there is some magic to this programming when there isn't. Why? Because I've programmed some of these same tricks they are using! I'm not reading some paper that I don't understand pointing a link to some GameDev confererence like most do here. You say, "it's all in what he says.." but then have nothing to say about what specifically it is. And people are supposed to just believe you because what? Your credentials? Or just because you think I'm full of shit because it doesn't fit your narrative? Do you think I'm lying about my description of the "tricks" used? If so, tell your experience then. Better yet, be one of the graphics programmers that worked on the game to tell us how you implemented it.
You ignore modern advances such as reconstruction techniques
and proclaim a last gen game in 4K to be superior visually to a potential reconstructed next gen game.
When the actual advancement is in saving on low sum overheads and redirecting them for more impact.
There’s just no depth to your reasoning, no big picture, no insight. And it’s contrary to your proclaimed industry experience.
I frankly would rather close this out, Ive made my case there’s nothing more left apart from repetition.
This is the stuff I'm talking about. Prove it. Put up or shut up. Because I could say the exact same thing about you and without having to provide evidence people could believe me blindly.The reckless, egotistical, and frankly narcissistic approach displayed by VFX is not an approach that I've observed to be associated with some of the brilliant individuals I've worked with in my experience. Combine this with the frequent inaccuracies from VFX, it just looks off. A certain juxtaposition perhaps. There's a reason he gets his flack wherever he goes and it's not undeserved.
First off, quote the posts. I can paraphrase off of my bias memory all day and it wouldn't be changing people's minds. Accuracy in these cases is paramount.I’m not invested enough to troll over post history, but here are some of the top of my head by said expert; claims of pc being the target platform for all games by virtue of the dev tools being pc based; claims we’ve already seen next gen by virtue of seeing games on pc already, Horizon 1 coming to pc will be a better looking game than a next gen Hz2, claims of SSD irrelevance to pc because they have more ram.
Please don't drag me into your console warring mindset. The only fight for me is common sense.I don't ignore them. I don't like them. They are a bandaid for hardware that doesn't have enough power or throughput. That doesn't make me not know what it is. Which is your claim. If you don't agree. Then fine - don't agree. But don't act like I don't know how the reconstruction technique works.
I never ever talk of superior visually unless we are talking about power features that bring (in the long run) stellar rendering quality. I leave you guy's subjective opinion alone. But you damn sure should leave mine alone too.
That's not an advancement. It's a workaround. You save on low sums of overhead because you have to - not because you want to. If the consoles had enough power to render true 4k, then they would. I know about sacrifices and reducing pixels is a BIG factor in maintaining FPS since these hardware is bandwidth limited. I get that. P psorcerer gets it. Why don't you?
No it's not. My goal is to play CG quality games. My goal is to see offline rendering a thing of the past. Call up EpicGames and ask their CTO what their goal is. I'll give you a hint. Kim used to work at ILM - you know.. the guys that worked on Star Wars, Matrix, Pirates, etc..? Those guys.
You've made no case and you'll be back I'm sure.. Defending your Sony army.
This is the stuff I'm talking about. Prove it. Put up or shut up. Because I could say the exact same thing about you and without having to provide evidence people could believe me blindly.
First off, quote the posts. I can paraphrase off of my bias memory all day and it wouldn't be changing people's minds. Accuracy in these cases is paramount.
I'm against chasing guys around and dogpiling while providing NO evidence. I'm also against digging up things outside of this site. Let a posters behavior as a member on this site stand alone and be judged here. So yes, if you aren't going to let it go, then quote the evidence.How about No. If you don't know someones perspective why white night them? Pretty sure you were against chasing guys around and digging up evidence - but I'm not going to quote that part either.
LMAO. There's a lot of tension and butthurt in this thread.Then get out of the thread and go back to where you came from.
Bro I totally agree with you. I'm against dogpiling, bullying or harassing. And my position is to defend those being treated unjustly just as yours is, indeed I stood up for VFX at one point. And I reject any notion i'm joining a mob to inflict baseless harm.I'm against chasing guys around and dogpiling while providing NO evidence. I'm also against digging up things outside of this site. Let a posters behavior as a member on this site stand alone and be judged here. So yes, if you aren't going to let it go, then quote the evidence.
And just so we are clear. I'd be defending you and anyone else that I thought was being dogpiled on like this if I happened to see that behavior. Even though we don't agree on certain things. I don't care if you think that's white knighting. It's not like I did it the very first time I saw it happen. I've been seeing it for months now. If you are a member here you are part of the family and I'll fight for you as long as you aren't breaking the rules and as long as you aren't being completely unreasonable or a troll. And for what it's worth, I don't think VFX's attitude is perfect. I don't think a lot of peoples are. But you won't see me calling it out or adressing it on TOP of them being dogpiled on. I'll just lead by example where and when I can.
LMAO. There's a lot of tension and butthurt in this thread.
Dude it's really easy to just say that "all experts can be wrong" as a dismissal to information you don't like coming from an "expert." This is what discussion is for. So that we can all dissect that information and learn something from one another and so that we can determine what is and isn't factual. It helps immensely if we try to separate ourselves from our biases. How awesome would it be if we had threads where experts actually did discuss their medium amongst us? Where we could learn from eachother instead of try to win some sort of war for our chosen "side."
The problem is people hearing things they don't like and just handwaving and dogpiling on it with snarky remarks and NO evidence.