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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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It's going to be Leadsom, isn't it. :(

Yep, I've been saying that since she announced. Tory base *always* goes against the front runner. It's instinctive.

She's fucking awful and will be a terrible prime minister - and even worse is she's so darned stupid she would actually trigger article 50. and Lavour will continue to not fight it because they have an equally terrible leader and no spine at all.


I'm paying to be a member of the Tories, fuck it. I'll feel dirty voting for May, but it's better than Leadsom.

EDIT: shit, need to be a member for 3 months. There's not enough time.
I can't.
I just can't.

edit: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CmeRnG8XgAAQgxZ.jpg




Fuck You Boris Johnson. May the public never forget what you have done and you never gain one more iota of power in your life.

(ok not entirely true he did have a plan, just not a Brexit one:)

1) Join Leave
2) Lose referendum with close vote to look like a hero.
3) Use that base and eurosceptic MPs to attack number 10
4) Move in at No 10 and change the furniture around to his liking,

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Yep, I've been saying that since she announced. Tory base *always* goes against the front runner. It's instinctive.

She's fucking awful and will be a terrible prime minister - and even worse is she's so darned stupid she would actually trigger article 50. and Lavour will continue to not fight it because they have an equally terrible leader and no spine at all.

Labour can't fight it, unless you want Suzanne Evans, leader of the opposition.

We doomed, boy.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
On the positive side she won't be a PM on the long term, while May might. On the negative side EU needs to find a religious negotiator. Maybe the Pope?
Too Catholic.


I do like how take back control is TBC. To be confirmed.

Do the round up immigrant squads have TBC logos in this new state and anyone that steps out of line is put through a reconditioning program of her face smiling at you saying take back control over.

Why are people thinking Leadsom will win if May has a big vote lead?





well not entirely, the current government should have had a plan either way...except the other way was a do-nothing kind of plan

the only person that came out on the day and said "I've thought a little about this before hand" was the governor of the Bank of the England

there is still a government apparently governing this country, and the referendum affected them so they should have been prepared

instead, the guy at the top just shrugged and waved goodbye
Ultimately, Boris fucked us to demonstrate he could lead well in order to further his political career. But he didn't mean to fuck us or himself, he is on many records, including from his close friends as being Pro-EU. He never wanted this to happen, and when trying to salvage it was gutted by people who knew it, and didn't agree. This was a disaster for him and has ended his career. He will not take responsibility for something he didn't want to happen, but did anyway because of Eton Games®

Its not all on him, no.

But whether he intended it or not is irrelevant. He choose to be the front man for Leave and played his part. He tried to play the long game for No 10 in a gamble and we were all at stake. Leave wouldn't have got as far as it did without his campaigning and his hubris has gotten us to where we are today.

I'm paying to be a member of the Tories, fuck it. I'll feel dirty voting for May, but it's better than Leadsom.

EDIT: shit, need to be a member for 3 months. There's not enough time.
Yes I had been planning to do the same before they announced the September date. They knew that by hosting it then they could prevent a Corbyn situation where outsiders join to vote.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow?
The way things went with the last (upcoming? Did they manage to come to an agreement, after all?) World Orthodox Assembly, those guys can be quite stubborn at times.


Why hasn't every candidate just said rights for EU citizens will be guaranteed as long as the same is true for UK nationals in the EU (and this will be separate from all other negotiations)?

Why is this even an issue? This really bugs me. I have friends whose lives are being held hostage by these cunts.

Still wishing I'll wake up and this whole thing will be an awful nightmare. How could Cameron let this happen.


Why hasn't every candidate just said rights for EU citizens will be guaranteed as long as the same is true for UK nationals in the EU (and this will be separate from all other negotiations)?

Why is this even an issue? This really bugs me. I have friends whose lives are being held hostage by these cunts.

Still wishing I'll wake up and this whole thing will be an awful nightmare. How could Cameron let this happen.

They don't need to care about those people abroad, they aren't voting for them anyway.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Why hasn't every candidate just said rights for EU citizens will be guaranteed as long as the same is true for UK nationals in the EU (and this will be separate from all other negotiations)?

Because under the present state of uncertainty promises aren't worth shit. From both sides.

Lego Boss

I have written to my MP this evening (Nicky Morgan), telling her how sick l am.of the fascistic legitimation that words like May gives.

I'm married to a Polish national and l thought l couldn't get any angrier about the whole tragidebacle.

I was wrong. I feel ready to take up boxing again as l genuinely feel like hurting someone.


Part of me in a sadistic way hopes leadsom is the new PM just to see how quick she destroys the british economy before she bails out


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Genuinely not sure what you are objecting to.

Obama increased the size and power of the US government enormously. Those who voted Remain wanted the UK to stay in the EU - it can be argued that this means bigger government. No? I think the desired / tolerated size and power of the government is one of the fundamental differences between those who'd be inclined to vote Remain vs those who'd be inclined to vote Leave.

No. He didn't.

Mr. Sam

It's going to be Leadsom, isn't it. :(

This is like Uncharted, when you fall fifty feet onto a ledge, but the ledge collapses, and you land on a bridge, but the bridge gives out, and you survive the fall into the water somehow, but OH GOD WE'RE HEADING TOWARDS A WATERFALL.


Neo Member
Why hasn't every candidate just said rights for EU citizens will be guaranteed as long as the same is true for UK nationals in the EU (and this will be separate from all other negotiations)?

Why is this even an issue? This really bugs me. I have friends whose lives are being held hostage by these cunts.
It's ugly, bad PR for the government & country but first and foremost it shows how weak the UK's negotiating position is in the eyes of potential future PMs. It's very telling that Leadsom doesn't use it as an argument, especially coupled with her conviction that she'll be able to secure both access to the common market & end to the freedom of movement - it simply shows that she's planning to act on her beliefs rather than calculations.

In any case I doubt (or rather I sincerely hope not) someone will actually dare to force this issue - the diplomatic fallout would make the UK pariah & definitely wouldn't help in negotiations.

As an Eastern European (Polish Belarusian) I talked to some of my friends in the UK (middle-tier specialists, mostly in London) about this, and most are calm - worst case scenario they will move country (NL/DE), some are planning to do this anyway; except for those with children - they are all well integrated, and while this kind of uncertainty (not only of their status, but they also have no idea what will happen to their jobs) forcing them to suddenly rewrite their plans for the future & prepare exit strategies is understandably very stressful for them, they also have much less room to maneuver and intend to stay. Even they are trying to be relatively optimistic though.

As for the "ugly" factor - only 1 of ~20 people I've talked to had the pleasure to experience some post-Brexit "go home" interaction with "indigenous population" (Middlesbrough). He shrugged it off as unimportant as the guy who initiated the "conversation" was completely drunk & even his friends were trying to stop him from embarrassing himself.

Mr. Sam

- Activates Article 50
- Asks EU for end to free movement and continued access to single market
- The EU says LOLNO
- Our economy goes down in flames, but at least the French won't be bothering us anymore


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Until a career opportunity came up. It's all it is to these fucking people.

Well yes, because absolutely fuck all has actually happened yet!

The people here getting increasingly angry about everything really ought to get a grip, because let's face it, aside from a lot of political jockeying and whole load of rhetoric being spewed, the situation hasn't advanced since the day the referendum results came in :D

The power of ideas never ceases to amaze me.


Well yes, because absolutely fuck all has actually happened yet!

The people here getting increasingly angry about everything really ought to get a grip, because let's face it, aside from a lot of political jockeying and whole load of rhetoric being spewed, the situation hasn't advanced since the day the referendum results came in :D

The power of ideas never ceases to amaze me.

What are you talking about? She joined the leave campaign despite her voting record and now she has the full support of leave.eu. This has all already happened. That's what I'm talking about.


well not entirely, the current government should have had a plan either way...

Well.. no.
It was clear they didn't want to leave the EU, ergo I don't see why it should be them planing for it. You can't run a referendum on untenable promises, and expect others to fulfill those promises. The government clearly stated Brexit would be a mess and an economic suicide, which Leave campaign went on to bury under a pile of lies; let them be the one having to admit they ran on lies and can't implement anything they promised.
Well Greece is the poster child for the failings of the EU as an institution.
Greece is also the poster child for failing as a country to get your financials in order. Joining the Euro didn't help them, but they did plenty wrong themselves. Let's not blame it all on the EU here.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
What are you talking about? She joined the leave campaign despite her voting record and now she has the full support of leave.eu. This has all already happened. That's what I'm talking about.

Career opportunity. Political Jockeying. Zero actual decision-making or progress towards/away from Brexit in actual deed.

That's what I'm talking about! Rhetoric.

Mr. Sam

I wonder how many people would have voted for Brexit if they'd known the thickest, most inept Tory would be the one to oversee. A lot, probably. It seems fucked up that Tory members, not even voters, have a say of this magnitude.


Greece is also the poster child for failing as a country to get your financials in order. Joining the Euro didn't help them, but they did plenty wrong themselves. Let's not blame it all on the EU here.

Careful now you're talking sense, we don't want to go talking sense!


It feels so hard not to be pessimistic about things. I'm finding myself actively hoping that the UK economy crashes over the summer so that Brexit becomes politically unfeasible (even though it more or less is or should be already).

Mr. Sam

It feels so hard not to be pessimistic about things. I'm finding myself actively hoping that the UK economy crashed over the summer so that Brexit becomes politically unfeasible (even though it more or less is or should be already).

Having this feeling of dread and uncertainty about one's own future is deeply unpleasant, and yet we won't know where the land lies for years, perhaps decades. It's awful.


Having this feeling of dread and uncertainty about one's own future is deeply unpleasant, and yet we won't know where the land lies for years, perhaps decades. It's awful.

But don't worry, the people in power and the rich haven't lost much and will be able to insulate themselves if things get bad. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Just found out a Lithuanian friend of mine was jumped a couple days ago. Jaw broken with some type of metal tool (spanner he thinks).

A car pulled up right next to his parked car outside his home - and edged forward to within millimeters. He went outside and tapped on the window to find out what's going on, but the driver just got out, screamed at him (literally just screamed), and hit him in the jaw once before driving off. All of this while his wife watched from inside.

Could be completely unrelated, just some nutjob committing a random act of violence, but the doubt is now permanently there and has some people frightened and feeling like they can no longer make this country their home.

Didn't think I could get any angrier about this situation, but here we are.

A guy I know through work has two < 10 year old children, since both their parents are German they tend to speak German to each other. Last Friday (day after the referendum) they were playing football outside by themselves when a considerably older boy started shouting abuse at them because they were speaking a foreign language, and tried to punch them when they wouldn't back down. Thankfully my friend noticed what was going on in time and scared the shit out of the cunt before anything actually happened but yeah.
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