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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Dave and Boris . This is some Hydra level shit between them .

This has to be a conspiracy right?

I love that society has to create order where there is none...it's much easier to say "this bastard planned it" rather than admitting the truth: very little is planned and we are all just making it up as we go along.

Chaos rules.


Crabb is saying no snap election if he is leader? Boris allies indicated this too. Seems strange, I feel like the Conservatives would be licking their lips at this.


Here we go, first question saying he is naive to say he can have both, immigration and free trade

His response

Immigration at the heart of all talks, it will be challenging, will get as closely as possible to achieve that

No General Election, they still have a mandate


Fuck me. Saying something over and over doesn't make it true. Unless you're the Daily Express/Mail, in which case, it absolutely does.


The EU will also want the best deal possible, while having the upper hand in the negotiations. But good luck anyway with your fantasy demands.

There is still a balance in the middle. Tilted in favor of EU, sure, but a balance nonetheless. It's far from "take all of our existing terms or there is no deal" with UK signing, no deal at all means losses for both EU and UK.


Except the part where formal and informal talks cannot be had with the EU until Article 50.

Yeah but we can talk about fantasy stuff between ourselves, sure!

He did not say with the EU though! did you notice that, could be a tactic to hit the EU with.....we have good excellent deals with other countries, so we don't need free trade anymore
Remember when we were all talking about sweets, biscuits, and irn bru in the voting topic. I miss that innocence we had before some cunts decided to, and continue to, fuck up this country.

i mean, why isn't there an alcoholic irn bru beverage?

Hey, hey, wait just one second there. Come to Cardiff, weren't not all entirely imbeciles here.But yea, the rest of Wales are fucking idiots.

And Gwynedd. Bangor university alumni here wooo


Cornwall just has ice cream and meat in pastry that you can buy anywhere in the country. The Scottish highlands can only be found in Scotland

How is Wales btw ? It's the only part of UK I've never visited, and I was always curious to do it. With the low pound it could actually be a good opportunity.


I wonder how long conservative politicians will be able to hold immigration above free trade while everyone of their business partners will require them to shut up with the immigration thing and get free trade.

He did not say with the EU though! did you notice that, could be a tactic to hit the EU with.....we have good excellent deals with other countries, so we don't need free trade anymore
Strange. Leave claimed it could not negotiate trade deals while inside the European Union as one of the reasons they should leave.
He did not say with the EU though! did you notice that, could be a tactic to hit the EU with.....we have good excellent deals with other countries, so we don't need free trade anymore

That would be financial suicide, suddenly losing access to 44% of your export market would end UK as a viable economy.


How is Wales btw ? It's the only part of UK I've never visited, and I was always curious to do it. With the low pound it could actually be a good opportunity.

Wales doing fine taking things in quarters in seems, rest of the country is out on the fence.


The EU will also want the best deal possible, while having the upper hand in the negotiations. But good luck anyway with your fantasy demands.

I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics


He did not say with the EU though! did you notice that, could be a tactic to hit the EU with.....we have good excellent deals with other countries, so we don't need free trade anymore

John Kerry said this.

He said the British prime minister felt powerless to “start negotiating a thing that he doesn’t believe in” and “has no idea how he would do it”.
Apparently referring to Boris Johnson, one of the frontrunners to replace Cameron, Kerry added: “And by the way, nor do most of the people who voted to do it.”

You're faith is misplaced, they don't know what they are doing.


I was abroad when the results were breaking and had to follow along with it on my phone.

When I got home I received this message:


Talk about adding insult to injury :(

Feel at home has nothing to do with EU.
It only includes a handful of EU countries rather than all i.e Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Denmark, Spain and Ireland. And has non EU countries like Norway and Switzerland as well.

It also works (and has before it even started in Europe) in other countries outside of Europe altogether i.e. USA, Hong Kong, Australia, Macau, Indonesia, New Zeland, Sri Lanka, Israel.

It won't change regardless of Britain being in EU or Schengen or out.


Strange. Leave claimed it could not negotiate trade deals while inside the European Union as one of the reasons they should leave.

Before Brexit (well, before actually exiting), all deals had to be made with the EU. Some of the deals UK wanted were stopped / delayed continuously. There's no surprise, no contradiction.


He did not say with the EU though! did you notice that, could be a tactic to hit the EU with.....we have good excellent deals with other countries, so we don't need free trade anymore

You actually sound like Donald Trump. Seriously.

And I don't know why I bother doing this, as every time someone does you just ignore it, but :

1) we are insignificant compared to the EU in size. We will always come second place in the queue compared to them.

2) we traded more with Lichenstein than we do India. The world is not begging us to leave the EU and start shipping them our cakes.

3) We Literally have no capacity to make trade deals. Literally. They are *incredibly* hard and require massive amounts of expertise. We don't have that, and haven't for decades. Meanwhile, our brightest and best civil servants are currently trying to figure out the impossible and disentangle us from the EU.

This ridiculous fiction that the EU has been holding us back from a bounty of amazing trade deals is completely bananas and contrary to every piece of evidence we have. It's nuts. It is gambling away my future and the future of our children on a fever dream of nationalistic idiocy.


That would be financial suicide, suddenly losing access to 44% of your export market would end UK as a viable economy.

But they also lose 44% of the United Kingdom with Scotland, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar and Falklands so it works out.

Before Brexit (well, before actually exiting), all deals had to be made with the EU. Some of the deals UK wanted were stopped. There's no surprise, no contradiction.

If that is the case, then the United Kingdom still can't as they are still in the European Union...
EU to UK apparently: You get NOTHING
Well, not quite nothing, but:

Have been running around the City of London last few days. Here's an update.

Merkel and Brussels have outright already refused an EEA+ agreement that gives UK migration control, passporting and single market access.

What is passporting? All banks registered in UK have a "passport" that allows them to do business with whole EU. The City depends on it.

Base case is Berlin and Brussels plan to insist on an EEA- (i.e. a worse deal than Norway) that excludes passporting, migration controls.

This would however allow services to continue to have access to the singoe market. But not financial services. Mass migration continues.

This is formal offer. But Paris is planning a turn of cynical brilliance - that could at a stroke smite London and restore Paris to glory.

France cynicallly intends to offer Britain an EEA- that excludes passporting, but givs them a migration cap, and single market access.

This is a brilliant move: "you get less Poles, but we want your banks." It would be in France's interests to encourage UK out to get banks.

This would leave some stuff shirt like Crabb in a disastrous position: Paris and Berlin would have handed him a deal only "bad for bankers."

But the cynical French deal would be exactly the kind of cap migration, free movement for us and single market deal that the public want.

The next Tory muchkin leader would then be a hideous position: have his tax base slasshed at by loss of banks as his voters rejoice.

Paris and Frankfurt would emerge as enormous winners by ending passporting. Hugely boosting popularity of French and German leadership.

/British public will be left moronically clapping the huge triumph of a few less Poles and the punishment for "bankers" and tax base slashed.

//City analysts I met look with unbrindled distain on a Tory leadership class they think are simply muppets. No clue what's about to hit them.
I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics

Just one thing wrong with that, if EU gives UK anything remotely decent every EU country will be heading for the exit.


Sky News

They feel Stephen Crab is looking for a seat at the table (cabinet) not necessarily to win the leadership
I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics

They can say it all they want, they won't get it
The local dip is big, yes, but if we take a look at the numbers in the scale of, say, a year, it's pretty mild. FTSE 250 is now at the same level it was in Jan or Feb this year, for example.
I mean, that's partly the point though. The local dip is big and divergent from the more multinational firms on the 100. Moves earlier in the year mirrored global economic concerns. The current state of the 250 reflects the pressing local risks posed by Brexit.

I don't know whether the actual consequences of an actual exit haven't been priced in yet. The "leaders" of the Conservative government don't seem to have a clear timeline for triggering Article 50. The assumption may be an EEA type arrangement, which would not be economically disastrous. There isn't full clarity on whether the UK would keep bank passporting. Etc.
Some analysts pointed out the FTSE 250 had already underperformed the FTSE 100 in 2016, after years of outperforming the bigger index, meaning markets were pricing in the risk of a Brexit. This should have meant a softer landing on Friday.

Instead, these stocks have plummeted, suggesting that markets weren’t ready for this outcome at all.

Ahead of the vote, gauging how much investors were pricing in a Brexit was challenging. Concern about global economic growth was also buffeting markets and disentangling both effects was difficult.

But the FTSE 100 and the FTSE 250 moved in lockstep during much of the year, including drops in February and June, suggesting that investors’ main focus was on global concerns rather than specific worries related to the U.K. referendum.

Nor did the gap between these indexes widen as betting odds suggested the increasing possibility of a “leave” vote in early June.

But now the British have actually voted to leave the EU, and the gulf has grown vast.

Today the 100 has essentially recovered to per-referendum. The 250 is still significantly down. And certain sectors in particular. (This without considering the fall in the pound.)

El Topo

It's far from "take all of our existing terms or there is no deal" with UK signing, no deal at all means losses for both EU and UK.

Absolutely. If I cut my finger and you cut off your hand, it will be painful for both of us. Just, you know, a wee bit more painful for you. The UK is much more economcially dependent on the remaining EU than vice versa.


How is Wales btw ? It's the only part of UK I've never visited, and I was always curious to do it. With the low pound it could actually be a good opportunity.

Some parts of Wales are breathtakingly beautiful, a bit like the Scottish highlands. All around Breacon Beacons and Snowdonia. Then you have stunning beaches too. Plus if you like driving then it has epic roads (google 'EVO Triangle). Cardiff is reasonably metropolitan with the large student population. It's a bit grim though, not a particularly pretty place & a night out there at the weekend is carnage. Places like Swansea in the south of Wales are pretty run down and really suffering. Then there's the famous 'valleys', which my Welsh friends who grew up in Cardiff find a source of endless amusement. Think the UK-equivalent of red-neck/inbred stereotypes and you're not far off
I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics

Your believe in the UK's strength is admirable.
Sincere question - if an entire constituency can be thrown into complete turmoil by "a few hundred" immigrants - to the point where it dominants conversation for over a decade - do you not think that area might have already had other severe problems to begin with?

Yes, which then get exacerbated. Poorer areas already struggling socially have to deal with new problems. A veritable tipping point for some.


Feel at home has nothing to do with EU.
It only includes a handful of EU countries rather than all i.e Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Denmark, Spain and Ireland. And has non EU countries like Norway and Switzerland as well.

It also works (and has before it even started in Europe) in other countries outside of Europe altogether i.e. USA, Hong Kong, Australia, Macau, Indonesia, New Zeland, Sri Lanka, Israel.

It won't change regardless of Britain being in EU or Schengen or out.

What do you think prompted Three to introduce Feel at Home? It didn't exist before the clamp down on roaming fees
I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics

You're sill living in a dreamworld.


You actually sound like Donald Trump. Seriously.

And I don't know why I bother doing this, as every time someone does you just ignore it, but :

1) we are insignificant compared to the EU in size. We will always come second place in the queue compared to them.

2) we traded more with Lichenstein than we do India. The world is not begging us to leave the EU and start shipping them our cakes.

3) We Literally have no capacity to make trade deals. Literally. They are *incredibly* hard and require massive amounts of expertise. We don't have that, and haven't for decades. Meanwhile, our brightest and best civil servants are currently trying to figure out the impossible and disentangle us from the EU.

This ridiculous fiction that the EU has been holding us back from a bounty of amazing trade deals is completely bananas and contrary to every piece of evidence we have. It's nuts. It is gambling away my future and the future of our children on a fever dream of nationalistic idiocy.

I don't ignore it, but what am I suppose to say to that? yep your right you will be 100% correct?

is that what you want to hear? I am not ignoring you when I feel a deal will be done, that is called disagreeing with you....and until we actually hear what deal we get no one knows


He did not say with the EU though! did you notice that, could be a tactic to hit the EU with.....we have good excellent deals with other countries, so we don't need free trade anymore

The bolded is the exact current doodles on the UK Governments notepad

They scribbled out the rest of your post as silly.
I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics

You actually sound like Donald Trump. Seriously.

Haha I swear to god I was just about to post the same sentence while reading his response just before scrolling down and seeing your post.


If that is the case, then the United Kingdom still can't as they are still in the European Union...

They can't strike any deals yet, yes, but they can be working to prepare them when UK exits. That's what Crabb says, if I understand him correctly, it makes sense.

Absolutely. If I cut my finger and you cut off your hand, it will be painful for both of us. Just, you know, a wee bit more painful for you. The UK is much more economcially dependent on the remaining EU than vice versa.

I'd use a different analogy, but this one would do as well. Yes, that's how things are.


EU to UK apparently: You get NOTHING
Well, not quite nothing, but:

Have been running around the City of London last few days. Here's an update.

Merkel and Brussels have outright already refused an EEA+ agreement that gives UK migration control, passporting and single market access.

What is passporting? All banks registered in UK have a "passport" that allows them to do business with whole EU. The City depends on it.

Base case is Berlin and Brussels plan to insist on an EEA- (i.e. a worse deal than Norway) that excludes passporting, migration controls.

This would however allow services to continue to have access to the singoe market. But not financial services. Mass migration continues.

This is formal offer. But Paris is planning a turn of cynical brilliance - that could at a stroke smite London and restore Paris to glory.

France cynicallly intends to offer Britain an EEA- that excludes passporting, but givs them a migration cap, and single market access.

This is a brilliant move: "you get less Poles, but we want your banks." It would be in France's interests to encourage UK out to get banks.

This would leave some stuff shirt like Crabb in a disastrous position: Paris and Berlin would have handed him a deal only "bad for bankers."

But the cynical French deal would be exactly the kind of cap migration, free movement for us and single market deal that the public want.

The next Tory muchkin leader would then be a hideous position: have his tax base slasshed at by loss of banks as his voters rejoice.

Paris and Frankfurt would emerge as enormous winners by ending passporting. Hugely boosting popularity of French and German leadership.

/British public will be left moronically clapping the huge triumph of a few less Poles and the punishment for "bankers" and tax base slashed.

//City analysts I met look with unbrindled distain on a Tory leadership class they think are simply muppets. No clue what's about to hit them.

I can see this happening and people cheering.
Typical Brits English/Welsh


I know GAF keeps saying it wont happen, but this is now everyone (except May) who has now said immigration must be controlled as part of any deal...

so it is happening, but it is just we don't know what they will get, and I get it it I do, GAF want the EU to screw the UK to the floor, but we are a strong country, we are not Norway or Switzerland...and I have said it lots, there will be a deal done where we control immigration and get a excellent trade deal, it will be worded so both teams feel the won...that is politics

This reads like a Trump parody post.
I mean, that's partly the point though. The local dip is big and divergent from the more multinational firms on the 100. Moves earlier in the year mirrored global economic concerns. The current state of the 250 reflects the pressing local risks posed by Brexit.

I don't know whether the actual consequences of an actual exit haven't been priced in yet. The "leaders" of the Conservative government don't seem to have a clear timeline for triggering Article 50. The assumption may be an EEA type arrangement, which would not be economically disastrous. There isn't full clarity on whether the UK would keep bank passporting. Etc.

Today the 100 has essentially recovered to per-referendum. The 250 is still significantly down. And certain sectors in particular. (This without considering the fall in the pound.)

The FTSE 100 may have recovered in pound-terms, but the pound has lost tons of value in the past couple of days.

Funky Papa

EU to UK apparently: You get NOTHING
Well, not quite nothing, but:

Have been running around the City of London last few days. Here's an update.

Merkel and Brussels have outright already refused an EEA+ agreement that gives UK migration control, passporting and single market access.

What is passporting? All banks registered in UK have a "passport" that allows them to do business with whole EU. The City depends on it.

Base case is Berlin and Brussels plan to insist on an EEA- (i.e. a worse deal than Norway) that excludes passporting, migration controls.

This would however allow services to continue to have access to the singoe market. But not financial services. Mass migration continues.

This is formal offer. But Paris is planning a turn of cynical brilliance - that could at a stroke smite London and restore Paris to glory.

France cynicallly intends to offer Britain an EEA- that excludes passporting, but givs them a migration cap, and single market access.

This is a brilliant move: "you get less Poles, but we want your banks." It would be in France's interests to encourage UK out to get banks.

This would leave some stuff shirt like Crabb in a disastrous position: Paris and Berlin would have handed him a deal only "bad for bankers."

But the cynical French deal would be exactly the kind of cap migration, free movement for us and single market deal that the public want.

The next Tory muchkin leader would then be a hideous position: have his tax base slasshed at by loss of banks as his voters rejoice.

Paris and Frankfurt would emerge as enormous winners by ending passporting. Hugely boosting popularity of French and German leadership.

/British public will be left moronically clapping the huge triumph of a few less Poles and the punishment for "bankers" and tax base slashed.

//City analysts I met look with unbrindled distain on a Tory leadership class they think are simply muppets. No clue what's about to hit them.
This would be absolute fuckery.

I mean, I'm sure that things won't be that bad once everything is said and done, but there's also no doubt in my mind that France is frothing at the mouth, even more so than Germany.

There's also a lot of political pressure to move the financial capital to Europe as ways to prevent Germany from amassing way too much power. Couple that with France's own nationalism and a political class that never forgot the ages long feud with the UK, and you have a turd stew going, baby.
yep, but I also believed (up until the last polls where I caved) that we would win the referendum, and I was called delusional for that

There will be no deal without excepting what the eu is and stands for.

It really isn't a hard concept to grasp.

At all.
You did a good thing anyway. Never been to Cornwall but Scotland is beautiful.

It should also be noted that even the best immigration can cause problems if the other people are racist scumbags.

I'm going to take the Polish out of it because I personally find them to be mostly great, but the last batch of Eastern Europeans to arrive aren't generally exactly the most liberal minded bunch either.


How is Wales btw ? It's the only part of UK I've never visited, and I was always curious to do it. With the low pound it could actually be a good opportunity.

The Northern and Western Coasts of Wales are some of my favourite parts of the UK. Beautiful part of the UK, lovely people.
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