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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Well, then that's not negotiating, that's just words of support (not that there's anything wrong with that). Scotland has to have a referendum to get out of UK, and they have to get Westminster's permission for that for one thing.

Europe has previously supported declarations of independence, and referendums organized without consent by the country to which the region belonged. Countries rarely become independent with permission.


Unconfirmed Member


The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.

That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.

It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.

Seems odd.


Europe has previously supported declarations of independence, and referendums organized without consent by the country to which the region belonged. Countries rarely become independent with permission.

Wow, I don't think anyone wants to go there. Supporting Scotland's independence without asking UK, really??? It's downright scary.


Well being negative solves nothing
Being negative to illustrate what the country is in for if the a50 button gets pushed is the only thing that can save your arse right now.

You are about to witness the biggest economic war game of your lifetime.

The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.

That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.

It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.

Seems odd.

If we Leave, by the time all the paperwork gets done, there'll be more alive Remain voters than Leavers. That's a bitter pill.


Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?

I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?


The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.

That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.

It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.

Seems odd.
The problem with it is, Cameron didn't have the foresight to put any clauses on the vote, like it requiring a significant majority, or something along those lines.

He just used it as a bargaining chip to get UKIP voters on his side for the GE, and didn't give it a great deal of thought outside of that.
Tusk: There's no single market a la carte. #EUCO

Open Europe ‏@OpenEurope 7m7 minutes ago
Tusk: Leaders made it crystal clear that single market access requires acceptance of all 4 freedoms, including free movement. #EUCO

Open Europe ‏@OpenEurope 6m6 minutes ago
#Merkel: EEA model (full access to single market) means accepting FoM. I don't think you can have emergency brake on migration. #EUCO


Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?

I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?

Best for them is keep them in single market, strip the UK of power.

Metal B

The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.

That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.

It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.

Seems odd.
All votes count the same, this is the bedrock of democracy. You can't start cherry picking all of the sudden. The question should be now, why those people vote this way and what can the government and society do. Nobody wants to vote for a possible good future, if their present is shit right now.


Europe has previously supported declarations of independence, and referendums organized without consent by the country to which the region belonged. Countries rarely become independent with permission.

Do you have examples of when Europe has done that?

Funky Papa

Europe won't meddle into the whole Scottish mess, other than *maybe* stablishing a very early, extremely provisional framework for admittance in the event of a declaration of independence.

Supporting Scotland's independence before its formal declaration would be contrary to its principles and would probably result in even more complex negotiations, not to mention that both France and Spain could rightfully throw a fit since they also have issues separatist issues. The EU was conceived as a force if stabilisation, not the contrary.


Did this fucktard ACTUALLY say this?

Gulag for the wrong people. I hope that the Europeans don't think that he represents the views of most of the UK.
Out of interest, how many other MEP's are so called "fuctards" from the EU mebership, is it just our MEPs or does this happen often.
Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?

I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?

No, I don't think so. This situation creates uncertainty, both in the UK (to a huge extent) and the EU (to a lesser, but nevertheless significant extent). Uncertainty tends to delay investment, therefore making this a bad situation for everyone. Frankfurt or Paris might profit from this situation, but I don't think it'll help France or Germany overall.

Par Score

Wow, I don't think anyone wants to go there. Supporting Scotland's independence without asking UK, really??? It's downright scary.

"We recognise Scotland as the continuity UK and confer to Scotland the UK's continuing membership of the EU, the rest of that fucking island can do one into the middle of the Atlantic"

AFP: #BREAKING EU 27 agree 'no single market a la carte' for UK: Tusk

Quelle surprise
Well, then that's not negotiating, that's just words of support (not that there's anything wrong with that). Scotland has to have a referendum to get out of UK, and they have to get Westminster's permission for that for one thing.

One way for labour to regain the Scottish vote is to offer a second referendum.


Didn't Juncker make a statement a couple of days ago that "back door" discussions won't happen?

Yes. But Juncker, Tusk, Hollande, Merkel will tremble for the might that is the Holy Britannian Empire.

Do you have examples of when Europe has done that?

Kosovo most recently for an independence declaration without support of the parent country. It also set the terms for Montenegrin independence referendum showing what kind of majority a Scottish referendum would need to get.


Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?

I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?

It's much more complex.

In the short term everyone loses a bit. In the long term it's too hard to tell what will happen, too many moving parts.


Yup. I don't care if Labour is forever slightly more Right, we need a centrist party now - we don't have the luxury of anything Leftist until this is well and truly over. If they get their shit together and send a clear message, the City will throw money at them.

But to pull this off Labour needs to be absolutely cut-throat, and I doubt they've got it in them.

Me neither. They're going to chase after a base that has gone to UKIP instead of building a new one. They'll elect some wanker who says the magic words: "Tough on immigration".

They don't have a Tony Blair figure who can reinvent the party and seem "Prime Ministerial" (can eat a sandwich with dignity).


Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?

I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?

It's a trade-off. This could bring some change into the EU but it loses some of its power.


The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.

That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.

It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.

Seems odd.

Maybe, just maybe, the older generation who voted to leave did so from the life experience of having seen pre and post EU and, gasp, had the future generations best interest in mind.

Also, welcome to democracy.

Funky Papa

Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?

I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?
Brexit is going to play a number on the Spanish economy, since we'll lose heaps of British tourists just as the country becomes a net contributor. We are in for a bit of hurt.
Good article on the effect of bankers leaving

Potentially billions lost in tax revenue. Obviously this only considers tax effect, in reality loads of other industries are dependent on having high spenders around e.g restaurants, bars, and the arts (art galleries, theatre, opera, ballet etc).

In the telegraph though, message will not get through to the right people. :(

Joining this conversation late but in despair as I watch my and my wife's future crash around us.

C'est la vie, at least we've got democracy right?! I guess this schadenfreude for what happened to the miners.......


Maybe, just maybe, the older generation who voted to leave did so from the life experience of having seen pre and post EU and, gasp, had the future generations best interest in mind.

Also, welcome to democracy.

You can't be wise enough to do a comparison like that, while also being dumb enough to think the UK exists in a vacuum where all that's changed is EU membership in the last 50 years.


Are the public going to realise that there's no point going through with this if it won't affect immigration? Do they have the brains to understand what leaving the single market will do?

Sadly, I know the answer. They'll believe whatever farage and the press tell them.


Is it at all possible for Scotland to both remain in the UK and in the EU separate from the UK?

People have mentioned the precedent of Denmark and Greenland but not sure how that happened or the details of how it's similar or different from this.


Are the public going to realise that there's no point going through with this if it won't affect immigration? Do they have the brains to understand what leaving the single market will do?

Sadly, I know the answer. They'll believe whatever farage and the press tell them.

But German cars.


Is it at all possible for Scotland to both remain in the UK and in the EU separate from the UK?

Yes, see Denmark which is in EU but has parts that aren't. It's very compex though so if anything like that was to happen, it's probably not the right time.
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