More Fun To Compute
If you constantly cry "wolf", people start not believing you anymore.
More like the Tory party were always a wolf in sheep's clothing.
If you constantly cry "wolf", people start not believing you anymore.
Well, since 52% followed him, yeah, we believe, that he represents most of the UK.Did this fucktard ACTUALLY say this?
Gulag for the wrong people. I hope that the Europeans don't think that he represents the views of most of the UK.
Well, then that's not negotiating, that's just words of support (not that there's anything wrong with that). Scotland has to have a referendum to get out of UK, and they have to get Westminster's permission for that for one thing.
Europe has previously supported declarations of independence, and referendums organized without consent by the country to which the region belonged. Countries rarely become independent with permission.
Being negative to illustrate what the country is in for if the a50 button gets pushed is the only thing that can save your arse right now.Well being negative solves nothing
The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.
That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.
It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.
Seems odd.
Wow, I don't think anyone wants to go there. It's downright scary.
Wow, I don't think anyone wants to go there. Supporting Scotland's independence without asking UK, really??? It's downright scary.
The problem with it is, Cameron didn't have the foresight to put any clauses on the vote, like it requiring a significant majority, or something along those lines.The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.
That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.
It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.
Seems odd.
David Cameron
No negotiation until we activate article 50 does 'not' exclude discussion....
so negotiation by the back door then
.Tusk: There's no single market a la carte. #EUCO
Open Europe ‏@OpenEurope 7m7 minutes ago
Tusk: Leaders made it crystal clear that single market access requires acceptance of all 4 freedoms, including free movement. #EUCO
Open Europe ‏@OpenEurope 6m6 minutes ago
#Merkel: EEA model (full access to single market) means accepting FoM. I don't think you can have emergency brake on migration. #EUCO
Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?
I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?
All votes count the same, this is the bedrock of democracy. You can't start cherry picking all of the sudden. The question should be now, why those people vote this way and what can the government and society do. Nobody wants to vote for a possible good future, if their present is shit right now.The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.
That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.
It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.
Seems odd.
Europe has previously supported declarations of independence, and referendums organized without consent by the country to which the region belonged. Countries rarely become independent with permission.
Out of interest, how many other MEP's are so called "fuctards" from the EU mebership, is it just our MEPs or does this happen often.Did this fucktard ACTUALLY say this?
Gulag for the wrong people. I hope that the Europeans don't think that he represents the views of most of the UK.
yes, nearly spat my coffee out, it was truly a great piece of theatre, Farage literally dis engaged any filter in his head and went for it
Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?
I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?
Wow, I don't think anyone wants to go there. Supporting Scotland's independence without asking UK, really??? It's downright scary.
AFP: #BREAKING EU 27 agree 'no single market a la carte' for UK: Tusk
Well, then that's not negotiating, that's just words of support (not that there's anything wrong with that). Scotland has to have a referendum to get out of UK, and they have to get Westminster's permission for that for one thing.
Didn't Juncker make a statement a couple of days ago that "back door" discussions won't happen?
Do you have examples of when Europe has done that?
Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?
I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?
Well, since 52% followed him, yeah, we believe, that he represents most of the UK.
Yup. I don't care if Labour is forever slightly more Right, we need a centrist party now - we don't have the luxury of anything Leftist until this is well and truly over. If they get their shit together and send a clear message, the City will throw money at them.
But to pull this off Labour needs to be absolutely cut-throat, and I doubt they've got it in them.
AFP: #BREAKING EU 27 agree 'no single market a la carte' for UK: Tusk
Didn't Juncker make a statement a couple of days ago that "back door" discussions won't happen?
Open Europe ‏@OpenEurope 7m7 minutes ago
Juncker says he's instructed EU Commission officials not to hold informal talks with UK officials. No negotiation w/o notification. #EUCO
Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?
I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?
The differences in voting results in different age groups is interesting.
That together with the fact that the total differences between the leave and remain votes were so little, I can't believe the UK is going with this.
It makes no sense. Whether or not leaving the EU is a good decision or not, the decision is mostly important for the future of the UK, and the future of the UK voted for a different outcome than this.
Seems odd.
Brexit is going to play a number on the Spanish economy, since we'll lose heaps of British tourists just as the country becomes a net contributor. We are in for a bit of hurt.Am i correct in saying that most EU country's who are not UK should be happy about Brexit?
I mean if the UK does not get acces to free marker or no passporting this could mean a lot of bussineses will move to other european country's?
.@JunckerEU now: "I'll listen to @NicolaSturgeon. #Scotland won their right to be heard in #Brussels".
Even Cameron just said that it would be difficult to have proper negotiations until they know more of their situation regarding the single market.Didn't Juncker make a statement a couple of days ago that "back door" discussions won't happen?
I honestly doubt it.Is it at all possible for Scotland to both remain in the UK and in the EU separate from the UK?
Good article on the effect of bankers leaving
Potentially billions lost in tax revenue. Obviously this only considers tax effect, in reality loads of other industries are dependent on having high spenders around e.g restaurants, bars, and the arts (art galleries, theatre, opera, ballet etc).
Maybe, just maybe, the older generation who voted to leave did so from the life experience of having seen pre and post EU and, gasp, had the future generations best interest in mind.
Also, welcome to democracy.
It literally means most of it, which is the whole problem of the situation!If you think 52% of anything counts as most of it, then you are no brighter than Farage.
Why do people keep saying this? I hate it too, but 52% is undeniably a majority.If you think 52% of anything counts as most of it, then you are no brighter than Farage.
Is it at all possible for Scotland to both remain in the UK and in the EU separate from the UK?
Are the public going to realise that there's no point going through with this if it won't affect immigration? Do they have the brains to understand what leaving the single market will do?
Sadly, I know the answer. They'll believe whatever farage and the press tell them.
If you think 52% of anything counts as most of it, then you are no brighter than Farage.
Is it at all possible for Scotland to both remain in the UK and in the EU separate from the UK?
AFP: #BREAKING EU 27 agree 'no single market a la carte' for UK: Tusk
I hope that the Europeans don't think that he represents the views of most of the UK.