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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Perhaps a more useful poll (same source):


Those who voted Remain think the next year will be worse both for the country and for them personally, those who voted Leave think the next year will be about the same with slight optimism for the country.

Read the rest of the poll about job losses, higher taxes, state of the NHS it will open your eyes. The only thing seen as positive is immigration levels.
As much as I hate Rajoy, he's dead right.

Negotiating with Scotland before a proper declaration of independence would be a severe violation of the UK's sovereignty and goes well against the EU's mission.

Then, you also need to keep in mind that admission is debated on an individual basis under conditions that vary for each country. Each member state is different. There's not a universal form for European membership. Scotland will have to declare independence and then fill a whole lot of paperwork, no matter how accelerated the process is. Negotiations will and should take a while.

There's no possible "out of UK and into the EU" situation.

Honestly I think Nicola Sturgeon herself knows this, and that the only realistic way for Scotland to stay a part of the EU is to have another referendum and leave the UK.

Sturgeon can now say that she, in good faith and with cross-party support, attempted to negotiate a way for Scotland to remain as part of the EU and inside the UK but found no way forward in this approach.

Meanwhile, the sympathy and encouraging words from Juncker, Verhofstadt, Schulz will help her side in the coming referendum.
I said that the UK fails, not that the UK citizens suffer. I would recommend people interested participating in an inclusive Europe relocate, which thanks to the EU, they can!

Genuine question then. What does someone like me do? I'm a carer and my GF is disabled meaning we rely on benefits to an extent. I'm worried about our future since I may no longer be able to remain her carer, but she'd still be receiving full benefits for her disability. Other countries don't want people like us so where do I go?


Scotland // On leaving the EU being 'democratically unacceptable':
Agree: 52%
Disagree: 33%
(via Survation / 24 - 28 Jun)

Looks tough for tories who want to leave the EU and keep the UK...


Honestly I think Nicola Sturgeon herself knows this, and that the only realistic way for Scotland to stay a part of the EU is to have another referendum and leave the UK.

Sturgeon can now say that she, in good faith and with cross-party support, attempted to negotiate a way for Scotland to remain as part of the EU and inside the UK but found no way forward in this approach.

Meanwhile, the sympathy and encouraging words from Juncker, Verhofstadt, Schulz will help her side in the coming referendum.

It is going to be awkward if the UK parliament ends up chickening out of Brexit, but Scotland secedes.
Scotland // On leaving the EU being 'democratically unacceptable':
Agree: 52%
Disagree: 33%
(via Survation / 24 - 28 Jun)

Looks tough for tories who want to leave the EU and keep the UK...

Yeah no wonder the tories abstained during the Scottish Parliament debate, when Brexit occurs the effect on Scottish politics will be way more dramatic than just the threat of it.



God, I hope Parliament is level-headed enough to remind themselves this man isn't representative of a large portion of the UK.


Yeah but it's based on immigration, 71% think prices will go up more than 50% think taxes will rise.

Look, everybody everywhere think taxes will go up. Show me a poll where people wouldn't be concerned about that. Same for prices.

That's not the item to concentrate on, it shows you very little.

I read through the poll and I don't find it depressing. I don't mean to say that things are great and fine, obviously we are in a crisis, but the poll seems fine to me.
Genuine question then. What does someone like me do? I'm a carer and my GF is disabled meaning we rely on benefits to an extent. I'm worried about our future since I may no longer be able to remain her carer, but she'd still be receiving full benefits for her disability. Other countries don;t want people like us so where do I go?
Firstly I'm very sorry for your situation. I can say that I support not just freedom of labour but absolute freedom of movement with no restrictions on benefits to immigrants. Have you explored your options in the other 27 EU nations? Do either of you have a route to citizenship through ancestry?

England (assuming you live there) and the Tory government is failing you massively. If I had to stay in the UK I know Scotland would be ther place for me at the moment.


While GAF applaud the hard line the EU now seem to be taking, remember it is a double edge sword, the more you push, the greater risk of a push back, the EU (if they want the UK to remain) need to be firm but fair... so far we have had a series of senior politicians from the Tories say Immigration and Trade...


So you have a situation where the politicians can turn round and say to the people of the UK, look we keep trying and look what the EU are trying to do, they are trying to punish us for exercising our democratic right....

Dont think that leave voters wont lap that up, they will....inc France right wing (elections next year)
It is going to be awkward if the UK parliament ends up chickening out of Brexit, but Scotland secedes.
With the utter shitshow that the Tories have become (one that is going to stay for a long time), the way the Tories deal with Scottland and the realisation that English and Welsh voters (the majority) might well fuck their own interests over and over again (there being a huge disconnect between them and the Scots), as well as the massive instability, the loss of jobs and the crash dive of the pound caused even by several months long, temporal limbo IF parliament decides to not do a Brexit after all, I'm pretty sure that Indyref2 will still have very good chances to succeed either way.

The last referendum was rather close (less than 10 percent between remain/indy) and people that voted for remain based on the promises the Tories made and the promise that remaining in the UK was the only way to stay in the EU AND keep a positive economical and financial status quo, got SERIOUSLY burned. The emotional shock on friday and the last few days alone will go a long way as well.
Look, everybody everywhere think taxes will go up. Show me a poll where people wouldn't be concerned about that. Same for prices.

That's not the item to concentrate on, it shows you very little.

I read through the poll and I don't find it depressing. I don't mean to say that things are great and fine, obviously we are in a crisis, but the poll seems fine to me.

So the fact more folks think NHS, education will all get worse than better is not bad, jesus wept. I give up


Unconfirmed Member
I'd still like to know what Nicola Sturgeon's plan for Scotland is considering the arse fell out of the oil market five minutes after they voted for stay.

If you think leaving the EU is bad imagine what leaving the EU and the UK would do.


Where the fuck did this "We've had enough of listening to experts" nonsense come from? That's something I'd hear on Fox News in the US; not here. How did England become as goddamn thick as the yanks?

"We've had enough of listening to experts so I'm going to ask Henry down the road about my gout and pension scheme. I mean, the experts might know more but I've had enough of their expertness coming into my country stealin' my jobs. I trust Henry because he's one of us...He's born here after all and he's white sooooooooooo..."

"What's that son? Your teacher is an expert in maths? We've had enough of listening to experts here. Go learn Maths by nodding your head in sync with the parakeet in the living room"


God, I hope Parliament is level-headed enough to remind themselves this man isn't representative of a large portion of the UK.
He is though. Not a majority, but not an insignificant number either.

Semi-related anecdote: A co-worker was impressed when he heard that Farage had placed a £1000 bet on Leave winning: "wot a geez'"


You know Scots, maybe you could join Austria? We are much alike, we both have a "bigger brother" country we kinda don't like that much and we both have the supperior dialect in our language. And we could use some people who are good a soccer. You would have to settle with a bunch of stupid politicians though.

Just sayin.

It's "football", not "soccer". No wonder you guys suck when you modeled yourself after Americans.
While GAF applaud the hard line the EU now seem to be taking, remember it is a double edge sword, the more you push, the greater risk of a push back, the EU (if they want the UK to remain) need to be firm but fair... so far we have had a series of senior politicians from the Tories say Immigration and Trade...


So you have a situation where the politicians can turn round and say to the people of the UK, look we keep trying and look what the EU are trying to do, they are trying to punish us for exercising our democratic right....

Dont think that leave voters wont lap that up, they will....inc France right wing (elections next year)
You seem to have no idea what "fair" means. The EU has always had a clear line towards EEA membership towards any outside nation. It's not about punishment, the UK doesn't get special treatment.

Par Score

I'm surprised anyone still looks at YouGov polls. They are useless.

FINAL CALL – YouGov/Evening Standard London mayoral election: Sadiq Khan 57%, Zac Goldsmith 43%

Actual Result London mayoral election: Sadiq Khan 56.9%, Zac Goldsmith 43.1%

FINAL CALL – YouGov/Times Scottish Parliament constituency: SNP 48%, Lab 22%, Con 19%, Lib Dem 7%

Actual Result Scottish Parliament constituency: SNP 46.5%, Lab 22.6%, Con 22%, Lib Dem 7.8%

FINAL CALL – YouGov/ITV Wales Welsh Assembly constituency: Lab 33%, Con 21%, Plaid 19%, UKIP 16%, Lib Dem 8%

Actual Result Welsh Assembly constituency: Lab 34.7%, Con 21.1%, Plaid 20.5%, UKIP 12.5%, Lib Dem 7.7%

Yeah, really useless.
While GAF applaud the hard line the EU now seem to be taking, remember it is a double edge sword, the more you push, the greater risk of a push back, the EU (if they want the UK to remain) need to be firm but fair... so far we have had a series of senior politicians from the Tories say Immigration and Trade...


The EU have accepted that we're gone, and now they'll be doing their damnedest to make sure they come of best out of the deal.

...and unlike us, it seems they have a plan.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'd still like to know what Nicola Sturgeon's plan for Scotland is considering the arse fell out of the oil market five minutes after they voted for stay.

If you think leaving the EU is bad imagine what leaving the EU and the UK would do.

Scotland originally held its referendum knowing oil was scarce and going out of style. Economic growth was planned on having an educated workforce and open borders. Only one of these things has changed.


Genuine question then. What does someone like me do? I'm a carer and my GF is disabled meaning we rely on benefits to an extent. I'm worried about our future since I may no longer be able to remain her carer, but she'd still be receiving full benefits for her disability. Other countries don't want people like us so where do I go?

I don't envy your position and wish you the best, but over the coming months and potentially years, as reality sinks in for the nation and the conversation of staying in the EU picks up steam, it is in your best interest to talk to the people around you and campaign however you can to stay.

People in a similar situation to yours are the ones who'll bleed first and the most.


You seem to have no idea what "fair" means. The EU has always had a clear line towards EEA membership towards any outside nation. It's not about punishment, the UK doesn't get special treatment.

indeed, but if anything has taught us, we the UK expect special treatment, it has been discussed plenty that we all ready get huge concessions and we still voted to leave...

you are thinking logically, you have to think like a leave voter
indeed, but if anything has taught us, we the UK expect special treatment, it has been discussed plenty that we all ready get huge concessions and we still voted to leave...

you are thinking logically, you have to think like a leave voter
No one should be thinking like a leave voter. Especially not the EU negotiation team.


Unconfirmed Member
indeed, but if anything has taught us, we the UK expect special treatment, it has been discussed plenty that we all ready get huge concessions and we still voted to leave...

you are thinking logically, you have to think like a leave voter
You shouldn't, because it has been officially ruled out over and over and over and over again now.
Firstly I'm very sorry for your situation. I can say that I support not just freedom of labour but absolute freedom of movement with no restrictions on benefits to immigrants. Have you explored your options in the other 27 EU nations? Do either of you have a route to citizenship through ancestry?

England (assuming you live there) and the Tory government is failing you massively. If I had to stay in the UK I know Scotland would be ther place for me at the moment.

My GF briefly has access to German citizenship but unless I read it wrong that goes kaput when her father dies which is probably not very far off as he's not well, which in turn means trying to start that process right now would be incredibly difficult too. I don't have any options for citizenship myself. Outside of that, I think moving to the other nations would only leave us wondering what happens down the line to the expats and even then while benefits are not restricted to immigrants, we'd still be subject to whatever happens to the UK as they'd where the benefits are claimed.

From what I can work out the only way to assure her financial stability would be German Citizenship which is just something we can't try to work on right now.

I don't envy your position and wish you the best, but over the coming months and potentially years, as reality sinks in for the nation and the conversation of staying in the EU picks up steam, it is in your best interest to talk to the people around you and campaign however you can to stay.

People in a similar situation to yours are the ones who'll bleed first and the most.

Yeah I'm preparing myself for the worst. The irony of this whole thing is that a lot of the smaller towns and cities that were leaning heavily towards leave are also some of the places that rely on that kind of support the most. I just hope people actually realize what they've done to themselves before it's too late, but I doubt we'll be so lucky.


indeed, but if anything has taught us, we the UK expect special treatment, it has been discussed plenty that we all ready get huge concessions and we still voted to leave...

you are thinking logically, you have to think like a leave voter

Leave voters seem happy with the WTO deal, hopefully Boris just goes for that and we avoid all the drama.


27% of Britons say the UK should try to reverse the referendum decision and stay in the EU.
(via YouGov)

Not really much of a basis for the Lib Dems to rebuild on this.
Don't have time to look at the details of the polls, but its relevance depends how the questions are phrased and whether the attribution of expected price and tax rises are directed at this dumb referendum.

(Both will likely rise on exit so these views are justified.)
You seem to have no idea what "fair" means. The EU has always had a clear line towards EEA membership towards any outside nation. It's not about punishment, the UK doesn't get special treatment.
Rather, the UK no longer gets special treatment.
While GAF applaud the hard line the EU now seem to be taking, remember it is a double edge sword, the more you push, the greater risk of a push back, the EU (if they want the UK to remain) need to be firm but fair... so far we have had a series of senior politicians from the Tories say Immigration and Trade...


So you have a situation where the politicians can turn round and say to the people of the UK, look we keep trying and look what the EU are trying to do, they are trying to punish us for exercising our democratic right....

Dont think that leave voters wont lap that up, they will....inc France right wing (elections next year)
The misunderstanding lies in the fact that you think this is a conversation when it's really each party exposing their starting points and giving hints on what their red lines are. This won't be a conversation until article 50 is triggered and negotiations truly begin.

Also, what you call "France right wing" is really its populist far right. There's a pro-European right wing party, and it's tracking ahead of FN. That's like equating UKIP to the whole right in the UK.

I'm actually curious to see how the current situation will pay off for these anti-EU parties. This could embolden them, but it might just as well be a cautionary tale when people realize that cumbersome and irritating as it is, the EU also shields them.


Where the fuck did this "We've had enough of listening to experts" nonsense come from? That's something I'd hear on Fox News in the US; not here. How did England become as goddamn thick as the yanks?

You only need to look at the Brexit thread pre-Referendum to see plenty of examples.


indeed, but if anything has taught us, we the UK expect special treatment, it has been discussed plenty that we all ready get huge concessions and we still voted to leave...

you are thinking logically, you have to think like a leave voter
Are you saying we should just lie so that people vote the way we want?

I don't mean that to sound snide, that just seems to be what your recent posts are getting at


While GAF applaud the hard line the EU now seem to be taking, remember it is a double edge sword, the more you push, the greater risk of a push back, the EU (if they want the UK to remain) need to be firm but fair... so far we have had a series of senior politicians from the Tories say Immigration and Trade...


So you have a situation where the politicians can turn round and say to the people of the UK, look we keep trying and look what the EU are trying to do, they are trying to punish us for exercising our democratic right....

Dont think that leave voters wont lap that up, they will....inc France right wing (elections next year)

What punishment? I think you're absolutley fucking deluded. There's options on the table where we stay in the EU where we always had a special deal, leave and keep asccess to the single market in the EEA and have the same deal as everyone else because that makes the most sense, or decide to go away from that. There's no punishment here, it's not like "You'll be in the EEA if you beg", it's that access to the EEA has obligations, which we should adhere to.

It's no wonder they want to get rid of us as soon as possible. Sure, trade and shit, but we just cry until we get our way and then blame the very union that gave us all that. That has nothing to do with "exercising democratic rights" or whatever absolute bullshit you want to try and spin this into. We're in as we are now, EEA, or get some magic negotiator that sprinles fairy dust on everyone to allow us to remove freedom of movement, keep the banking passport and have full access to the single market. Also we all get a free pint from Angela Merkels own funds as a "Cheers mate, you really can have it all!".
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