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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Just heard a leave voter on the radio say "we've all got to accept it and move on - we're going to finally set sail towards a bright future and the "hard times" we will endure on the way there are a part of life".

His sense of adventure is through the roof.


Why are such idiots powerful politicians all of a sudden?
a) We let them
b) PC movement in the 90s was an utter failure. Any attempts since for a vocal minority to claim moral authority in a similar way seems to have experienced similar blowback. People won't change how they think no matter what so they will elect people to represent them. This seems to disenfranchise otherwise moderate voters. We saw this in this referendum too.


Just heard a leave voter on the radio say "we've all got to accept it and move on - we're going to finally set sail towards a bright future and the "hard times" we will endure on the way there are a part of life".

In other news, we are poor and we may still be poor tomorrow, but we finally got you where it hurts the most. we voted leave and you rich Brits in the South will feel our hardship too. Bloody hell.


In other news, we are poor and we may still be poor tomorrow, but we finally got you where it hurts the most. we voted leave and you rich Brits in the South will feel our hardship too. Bloody hell.

Yup, these guys are like economic suicide bombers imo.


Gold Member
Whoever on GAF coined that phrase 'a sense of adventure' is a genius. It is just so fitting. I agree with the comment above as well.

We're now in the phase were people are actually realising how awful this is. Day by day it spreads a little further. Within a fortnight it won't matter.

The problem we have now is the politicians, who won't be able to swallow their own pride and return to Brussels tail between their legs and say 'this was a major fuck up, we're to blame. Let's never fight again, because let's face it - we have it pretty fucking good'.


Why are such idiots powerful politicians all of a sudden?

Well, Soini's case is that he's the chairman of the second biggest party in the coalition government. It's a populist party that gained 17,7% of the vote in the last election. The largest party (Center) had 21,1%. After negotiations the Center party's chairman and our current MP decided to form a coalition with the Finns and conservative National Coalition.

There has never been a situation in Finnish politics that one party gains a majority in the parliament, almost all governments are coalitions. Furthermore the seats are usually distributed using the d'hont method based on the seats in the parliament. So The biggest party gets the first pick (PM), second biggest party the second highest seat. If there are three parties that have almost equal seating in the parliament, the third pick goes to the third party. If it's a coalition of two big and few smaller parties, you get the biggest sharing the most important seats... (BTW. The second highest seat is considered to be the Minister of Finance, but Soini wanted the Minister of foreign affairs one). Edit. Forgot that the minister seats that are set up are also negotiated during the government negotiations.

Anyway, it's the party that's not racist but #1 with racists. Luckily their electorate has almost completely abandoned them after one year in the government. In recent polls their support is only about half what it was.


Just heard a leave voter on the radio say "we've all got to accept it and move on - we're going to finally set sail towards a bright future and the "hard times" we will endure on the way there are a part of life".

I'm going to accept it and move on, I'm going to take myself to NZ and let the racists enjoy the fruits of their labour.


I'm going to accept it and move on, I'm going to take myself to NZ and let the racists enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Yeah, I think that I'm going to have to learn German and find a way out. It really feels like London (and England) is a sinking ship no matter how the politicians spin it.



Oh, apparently we have a "loud discussion of leaving the EU". Righto. And then he got verbally slapped for going off the government line.

Why are such idiots powerful politicians all of a sudden?

He spent the last election cycle whining about how everything is the governments fault (and the EUs too, I think), the "salt of the earth" jumped to support him and his party and surprise surprise, he turned out to be shit at governing. Probably won't survive the next election.
Yeah, I think that I'm going to have to learn German and find a way out. It really feels like London (and England) is a sinking ship.

If a Nexit is ever a thing i will also leave the Netherlands and go to Germany or the USA.
Following the Brexit, so i can at least explain why a Nexit is bad.


Leave voter: "I voted leave because I don't want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats who don't have my best interests at heart". I want my freedom".

Radio host: "Do you think your government have your best interests at heart?"

Leave voter:"No, but I'd rather be ruled by them -our own people as opposed to unelected foreigners".

Damn, these people are crazy.


Yeah, I think that I'm going to have to learn German and find a way out. It really feels like London (and England) is a sinking ship no matter how the politicians spin it.
While the German language is a headache to master, it's thankfully related to English, kinda-sorta, so you'll be fine if all you need is just some basic proficiency. Plus, depending on where you go you might even be able to get by with just a bunch of grunts and gestures on top of English. Especially in IT related jobs.

Best of luck!


While the German language is a headache to master, it's thankfully related to English, kinda-sorta, so you'll be fine if all you need is just some basic proficiency. Plus, depending on where you go you might even be able to get by with just a bunch of grunts and gestures on top of English. Especially in IT related jobs.

Best of luck!

Do you think I can get away with learning it via books?


Leave voter: "I voted leave because I don't want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats who don't have my best interests at heart". I want my freedom".

Radio host: "Do you think your government have your best interests at heart?"

Leave voter:"No, but I'd rather be ruled by them -our own people as opposed to unelected foreigners".

Damn, these people are crazy.

Would someone on radio/tv please start correcting them with all this "unelected undemocratic" EU bullshit?
I mean ffs, I know they haven't used their power since forever, but the UK is still a monarchy!


Would someone on radio/tv please start correcting them with all this "unelected undemocratic" EU?
I mean ffs, I know they haven't used their power since forever, but the UK is still a monarchy!

Monarchy aren't "foreign" tho. I suspect that's why they get a pass.


Do you think I can get away with learning it via books?

Well the best way to learn is to live there, German courses are available too. I know quite a few people living in Germany who've moved there with no proficiency with the language at all and they're learning quite fast.

You could also try things like duolingo.


Anyway, it's the party that's not racist but #1 with racists. Luckily their electorate has almost completely abandoned them after one year in the government. In recent polls their support is only about half what it was.
"Umm, so apparently politics, once you have actual power and aren't just in opposition, is really *coooooooomplicated* and delivering on my promises isn't easy, so yeaaaah, let's forget I ever said anything"


Well the best way to learn is to live there, German courses are available too. I know quite a few people living in Germany who've moved there with no proficiency with the language at all and they're learning quite fast.

You could also try things like duolingo.

That's reassuring, thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it.
Actually rather than that I think it's more likely that your country descends into civil war as businesses move to the mainland, new foreign investments dry up and your economy continues to destabilize due to the continued uncertainty over the UK leaving the EU.

A stalemate will hurt both sides for sure, which is unfortunate, but this is a situation of the UK's own making.

Just call the whole thing off please, thanks.

While we've done the whole civil war thing before, I don't see it happening again.

They don't really have to do anything but bait the Tory in charge. The racist hordes of England might give the new PM 6 months but with EU leaders goading them to push the button (and I'm sure Farage won't be quiet) the pressure to act in the UK will be intolerable.

The Tories will be in charge, no doubt. I don't see "the button" being pushed though. Honestly, the funniest thing is a bunch of forum posters thinking they're the only one's that have noticed the obvious. Art. 50 isn't being invoked any time soon, it's our biggest card.

The EU wasn't super fond of the UK to begin with, then they go and make things worse for every EU country by doing some stupid and unnecessary political move, add the increase in racism and xenophobia, and the decades of UK media spinning the EU as the bad guys, the very real benefit to Germany and France of seeing the "end of London", all this while leaving the EU is actually supported by a majority (or close to it at this moment) of the UK population, and has political benefits for people on both sides, given all this and more, it just shouldn't be that complicated for the EU to nudge the UK into pulling article 50, considering the massive difference in political and economical power between the 2.

You can't "nudge" us into invoking Art. 50. This club has rules. Of course you can change the rules but I think at the moment the rEU (or at least those in charge) thinks it's a lot more united than it is! Amend the rules to allow the majority to kick out a troublesome tenant and see how quickly it all goes to shit...

Example 1: Greece would have gone long ago. And we're nowhere near that level of disarray!


That's reassuring, thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it.

You should also know that you don't have to worry too much about the cases, articles and so on. We know that German is crazy and we don't expect anyone who isn't a native speaker to be perfect in it. Just give it some effort and our hearts will melt away. 😘


You should also know that you don't have to worry too much about the cases, articles and so on. We know that German is crazy and we don't expect anyone who isn't a native speaker to be perfect in it. Just give it some effort and our hearts will melt away. 😘

I can attest that this is very true.
Leave voter: "I voted leave because I don't want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats who don't have my best interests at heart". I want my freedom".

Radio host: "Do you think your government have your best interests at heart?"

Leave voter:"No, but I'd rather be ruled by them -our own people as opposed to unelected foreigners".

Damn, these people are crazy.

This might drive you mad but seriously, if the Queen said we should stay in the EU I would have voted Remain.

Not trolling.

Mr. Sam

Thank you for providing ein schulter, DeutschGAF.

Somebody linked me to a FinancialTimes article, which is pay walled, with the following quote:

"British diplomats paid to defend their country were reduced to tears in meetings with EU colleagues."

It sounds as if it's going very well!


This might drive you mad but seriously, if the Queen said we should stay in the EU I would have voted Remain.

Not trolling.

Quiche, why. I love you. But why.

Thank you for providing ein schulter, DeutschGAF.

Somebody linked me to a FinancialTimes article, which is pay walled, with the following quote:

"British diplomats paid to defend their country were reduced to tears in meetings with EU colleagues."

It sounds as if it's going very well!

Oh boy.

When I first read the news I teared up myself. Not because of "they are hurting the EU, how could they" but "those poor people, how could they".
Thank you for providing ein schulter, DeutschGAF.

Somebody linked me to a FinancialTimes article, which is pay walled, with the following quote:

"British diplomats paid to defend their country were reduced to tears in meetings with EU colleagues."

It sounds as if it's going very well!

"Strong men also cry."

Just a bump on this windy scenic adventure. Allons-y!


Quiche, why. I love you. But why.
The queen still commands massive amounts of support and respect in the British working class. Some people literally have lived under her all their lives. She is also deeply embedded into people's daily lives and in how people grow up.


Do you think I can get away with learning it via books?
That's a terribly dry way for sure. It will be a test of your dedication. Don't forget we pronounce things differently (e.g. SCH/CH), so you will be in trouble if you don't regularly speak with a teacher/native/etc or abuse a voice recorder. Plus, we have extra letters (ÄÖÜ, ß) that might confuse you - and it's always a bit more fun to learn stuff in groups. So at least in the very beginning I'd recommend joining a group. After that books and apps plus some you tubing and movie watching should suffice - we have a fucked up grammar, but on a superficial level you should feel right at home. I pity you for having to grok irregular verbs and such, though. As such getting the pronunciation right is far more important than mastering the grammar - most Germans will be able to piece together what you want if they can parse your words.

Also, how about reading some blog from an expat? I only know of one from an American, https://ohgodmywifeisgerman.com/ , but Google should help. There's a surprising amount of those on the net, and they are chock full of useful tricks and tips - plus, depending on the blog, it's good fun.


The queen still commands massive amounts of support and respect in the British working class. Some people literally have lived under her all their lives. She is also deeply embedded into people's daily lives and in how people grow up.

I get that and I don't mind. But why did they vote Leave?


Just heard a leave voter on the radio say "we've all got to accept it and move on - we're going to finally set sail towards a bright future and the "hard times" we will endure on the way there are a part of life".

"Get on board with our racist bullshit and cratering of the economy because reasons"


Thank you for providing ein schulter, DeutschGAF.

Somebody linked me to a FinancialTimes article, which is pay walled, with the following quote:

"British diplomats paid to defend their country were reduced to tears in meetings with EU colleagues."

It sounds as if it's going very well!

These are people who have worked together for a long time and have formed good relationships with others, and now instead of cooperating they are put on opposite sides of the negotiation table.


Coming later this month (on Blu-ray, I mean, obviously)



This might drive you mad but seriously, if the Queen said we should stay in the EU I would have voted Remain.

Not trolling.
Why though? Living in a Monarchy myself I couldn't imagine ever taking "guidance" from royalty. I mean for heavens sake the British (and swedish) royal family were quite fond of Hitler back in the day o_O
Not trolling

But #1 with trolls

Whatever. I'm not one of those people who responds to every person who quotes out of principle. But here you are I guess. I don't really know what to say to this, I'm guessing you're slightly calling me a racist (referencing that one Simpsons thing in some way) but I really don't care.

Quiche, why. I love you. But why.

This honestly merits a bit more thought. As a username I actually recognise from a lot of EU migrant topics I thought we saw eye-to-eye on quite a few topics. And I think we do (not trying to put a target on your back here!).

It's the strangest thing. When it comes to religion I'm probably agnostic, but...it's the Queen. That's a hard thing to shake for some people. I think if she came down on one side or the other I think it would make a huge difference.


Why though? Living in a Monarchy myself I couldn't imagine ever taking "guidance" from royalty. I mean for heavens sake the British (and swedish) royal family were quite fond of Hitler back in the day o_O

To be honest, if Eli would ever speak out on something, you would know that the shit just got real.
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