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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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What kind of bullshit is that? SMEs were growing faster than as a whole for 10 years in the UK.
Helping small businesses is like one of the greatest thing done by the EU.

It's incredible how suicidial people can be like the majority of farmers were pro-Brexit. Fucking farmers who wouldn't even exist anymore without the subsidies from the EU.

So without the EU they would not have been funded any other way? Fact or hyperbole?

These farmers obviously knew more about the situation than myself or you.


Soon one Bison Dollar will be worth five British pounds and Bison didn't even have to kidnap their Queen.


It's simply another Tuesday for him.


Did you ? His comments after Brexit is VERY different to his April comments.

I know its hard to read an article which puts together his statement from April and the different one today.

This is what he said today

he mentioned the "special relationship" in april and today

back then he also talked about trade agreements, no word on that today which is expected


And? They were free to vote what they please and how they please, with little information with no information, and they vote should count as much as other people. You can't protect people from themselves if they are stupid enough to harm themselves it is outside your own control, you can only provide them of a system that will make every voice be heard and represented in a fare way.

Complaining that democracy doesn't work because stupid/uninformed/racist people are allowed to vote is arguing for an aristocratic system rather than a democratic system.

I think people voting the opposite of what they feel because they think their vote doesn't really matter is a bug, not a feature of democracy.

Not that the outcome would be different, just that those people are idiots no matter what side they vote for.


Why did they want to EXIT?

Concerns about immigration, bureaucratic laws & regulation, and trade. There was also a nationalist patriotic vibe to the Brexit campaign due to the influence of UKIP (UK independence party), but don't tell any leave voter that because that's the same as calling them a racist and xenophobe and that's bullying.

So can the UK vote to enter the EU again?

Technically we can, but it's probably going to be a long and tiresome process and we'll probably get a worse deal before. Plus there's no chance it will happen anywhere close to soon, any negotiation to re-enter will be years away. Heck there might not even be an EU around in a few years.


Did you ? His comments after Brexit is VERY different to his April comments.

I know its hard to read an article which puts together his statement from April and the different one today.

This is what he said today

Didn't see the April, thanks for the correction.

It still sounds like damage control and PR speak, but you can read it optimistically I guess. The UK is still fucked regardless.


In simple terms, here's Germany's trade off:

Make no concessions to UK and make them jump through hoops like Norway & Switzerland do and risk what 10-20% of bilateral trade?


Make concessions to UK and risk further referendums, a break-up of the EU and the Eurozone.
No more artificially low Euro to spur exports, no more sucking up demand from all over Europe.

You will implement EU regulations and you will contribute to the EU budget like Norway and Switzerland do. No fucking rebate this time either.

Glad your not in power mate, Federal states of EU people showing their true dictatorial colours. Wow.

Even posts about crawling back . Fuck me, really.

With views like that I am glad we are leaving. Good luck.
CharmingCharlie said:
I voted to leave because the UK is not interested in the EU. We don't behave or act like European citizens, we don't feel like European citizens and we never will. The UK has god knows how many veto's and opt outs that basically says "hey there EU we are just here to flog shit you can keep all that crazy integration stuff to yourself thank you very much". The UK does NOT belong in the EU.

I also believe it is only a matter of time before it all comes to a head and we will lose all our lil veto's and opt outs as Europe forces through ever closer Union and it will come to a head one day with the EU will go "OK UK it is your turn now, integrate or GTFO".

By leaving now it is going to hurt (personally it would have been better if we had left before all that maastricht treaty crap) but I believe leaving now was our last chance to get out of the EU and still have a future for the UK. If we had stayed any longer we would have lost our window of opportunity to get out and still be viable as a country.

Define "viable". It seems almost as if your rationale was mistaken since your currency is plummeting. At the same time, I'm curious to know as to why the UK is so against assimilating. I understand the viewpoint shared by other posters saying that it was pitched as a better way to help the UK's economy and that EU laws and rules were hindering small businesses, but I don't get the mindset posted above.
All those regulations do not come from the EU comission.
It's true that the commision has more power overall , but the parliament is a regulator made of elected people whose purpose was to spend money wisely ..AND THEY did considering all those communities in Uk that got money from them , all those educationnal programs that tons of Uk students used , and all that research money and healthcare that was also injected into the Uk economy. The whole parliament ( elected people ) did that.

Not to mention that the president of the Eu comission is elected by .... the parliament

Which the UK tried to stop


Glad your not in power mate, Federal states of EU people showing their true dictatorial colours. Wow.

Even posts about crawling back . Fuck me, really.

With views like that I am glad we are leaving. Good luck.

lol how is any of that dictatorial? nobody has to be part of the EU or trade with them, and if you want access to their markets you're going to have to negotiate


I think people voting the opposite of what they feel because they think their vote doesn't really matter is a bug, not a feature of democracy.

Again their own stupidity, they could have stayed at home or actually look for information. Democracy is a system that allows everyone to be hear and represented on equal terms where every vote counts the same. Shit isn't perfect but if you argue a but here or there then it is stops being a democracy and starts to be an aristocracy where you place a filter before allowing someone to vote, that be a test of information or whatever. No matter how stupid someone is, he should be allowed to vote and have his opinion hear in how their country should be represented.

What I find hilarious is that we will not be having this argument if Remain had won, funny how democracy is flawed if it doesn't fit the outcome certain people expect.


Glad your not in power mate, Federal states of EU people showing their true dictatorial colours. Wow.

Even posts about crawling back . Fuck me, really.

With views like that I am glad we are leaving. Good luck. When EU crashes, we might throw you a few chicken wings.

How is that dictatorial? Old and stupid people voted us out, so what obligation do they have to accommodate us?


Define "viable". It seems almost as if your rationale was mistaken since your currency is plummeting. At the same time, I'm curious to know as to why the UK is so against assimilating. I understand the viewpoint shared by other posters saying that it was pitched as a better way to help the UK's economy and that EU laws and rules were hindering small businesses, but I don't get the mindset posted above.

Hasn't the currency not rallied since markets opened? It tanked on the initial result but after the BofE comments it went back up.


Concerns about immigration, bureaucratic laws & regulation, and trade. There was also a nationalist patriotic vibe to the Brexit campaign due to the influence of UKIP (UK independence party), but don't tell any leave voter that because that's the same as calling them a racist and xenophobe and that's bullying.

But don't you find it weird that what Leavers voted on were just what the UKIP wanted? Or Golden Dawn, Marie Le Pens, Donald Trump, Putin, Gert Wilders, etc.

Isn't that just a bit concerning for you?


thanks for the laugh
honestly reckon we'd have been better off if cameron was campaigning for leave. can't see gateshead and burnley turning up in huge numbers to do what he was telling them to do.

all the tory areas went blue anyway.


But don't you find it weird that what Leavers voted on were just what the UKIP wanted? Or Golden Dawn, Marie Le Pens, Donald Trump, Putin, Gert Wilders, etc.

Isn't that just a bit concerning for you?
Not racist, but number one with racists...


Unconfirmed Member
Glad your not in power mate, Federal states of EU people showing their true dictatorial colours. Wow.

With views like that I am glad we are leaving. Good luck.
Um, this is the treatment for associated countries. That's what not being part of the union means. Which part of it is "dictatorial"?
Meeting's done, moving to Frankfurt by years end.

Not even pissed or angry any more, just resigned to the reality of the situation and looking at the few positives, it opens up the opportunity for me to let my house out and create an additional income, so that's nice and those of us who are moving will be helped to relocate, so it's not the end of the world.

Still, would have preferred to stay in the UK...
Hasn't the currency not rallied since markets opened? It tanked on the initial result but after the BofE comments it went back up.

Google states that it it's the equivalent of $1.36, but I'm not sure if Google tracks currency in real-time. What was the lowest point it reached in relation to the USD?


I really don't understand how Labour supporters can still be whining about the "moderates" and "blairites" at this point instead of realising that incompetent Labour leadership is one of the things that made this referendum, and everything else the Tories have done over the past 6 years possible. At this point it's very possible that the Labour party will never win another general election ever again and people are still fighting a battle that has been over for years.

I liked Corbyn but I'm aware that he appeals to a tiny portion of the electorate that I just so happen to be a part of. We need someone that can unite the PLP, the rest of the party, and actually make some positive progress towards genuine social democracy in England. I don't see how anyone can think Corbyn is that man at this point.


I voted to leave because the UK is not interested in the EU. We don't behave or act like European citizens, we don't feel like European citizens and we never will. The UK has god knows how many veto's and opt outs that basically says "hey there EU we are just here to flog shit you can keep all that crazy integration stuff to yourself thank you very much". The UK does NOT belong in the EU.

I also believe it is only a matter of time before it all comes to a head and we will lose all our lil veto's and opt outs as Europe forces through ever closer Union and it will come to a head one day with the EU will go "OK UK it is your turn now, integrate or GTFO".

By leaving now it is going to hurt (personally it would have been better if we had left before all that maastricht treaty crap) but I believe leaving now was our last chance to get out of the EU and still have a future for the UK. If we had stayed any longer we would have lost our window of opportunity to get out and still be viable as a country.

Have you, um, ever been to Europe?

Very few countries in the EU have citizens who "behave or act" similarly. The EU isn't one big country. And most countries are subject various to vetoes and exceptions.

There is no depth or actual concrete reason to any of your arguments here. Just "I don't think the UK is very like "European countries" (what?) so we should leave"
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