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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Unconfirmed Member
I'm ashamed to be British/English after today. Thanks for voting for being scared of brown people and muslims.

Sorry Scotland/N-Ireland we failed you.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
What is the expected effect on the British left?

This would probably embolden Labour, correct?

No, they will tear themselves apart. This wasn't a left/right issue, both main parties are bitterly divided.


A position in which it was subservient to an unaccountable, bloated bureaucracy? Where bailing out weaker members is the norm? The UK will simply have to learn to stand on it's own, and considering that it was the economic power of the world one century ago, it should have no problem landing on it's feet.

Okay, I shouldn't have to highlight this but a century is a very long time ago. You think being "subservient" to a bureaucracy where Britain had a seat at the head of the table is bad. I wonder how you will feel about being bullied by US, China and probably the EU too for trade deals and pretty much anything.


Germany and France are left paying the bills.....Not happening.

All this reward and punish, my god, at the end of the day people either want to free trade or they want tariffs. And Germany will veto tarrifs as we are their best customer. The end.

Merkel will have to bring down fire and lightning on the UK, or at least appear to, otherwise showing how easy and potentially even beneficial leaving the EU is would make her weak against our own party of EU haters, the rightwing populist AfD party.

We won't give you candy for behaving like spoiled kids. The UK threatened to leave the EU for so long to get their way, no way that'll work after actually picking the ball up and turning around. UK isn't Europe's special snowflake overlord.


Parliament overturning the expressed will of the people will certainly lead to interesting reactions.

A general election where an MP stands on the platform of staying in the EU is definitely more of a mandate than a referendum, and I am positive we will have a general election before article 50's two years are up.

We French need to do the same : No more uncontrolled borders, no more fuarked up currency, no more dictatorship.

La France avant tout.

Like Victoria Nuland said : "Fuck the EU".

Forgive my possibly ignorant American perspective: Who is the dictator? Did the EU dictate (maybe that's the dictatorship you're referencing) how the various countries' borders and immigration policies work? And, last but not least, how did the Euro currency fuck stuff up?

In all sincerity I'm unaware of how the EU was an invasive thing.


In a speech, President Obama just emphasized that the EU remains a valuable partner to the US. It is important to note what he did not say.

Under a presumed Clinton administration, it is safe to assume that any trade negotiations between the US and whatever is left of the UK will take a backseat to US-EU agreements.

So any dreams the Leave side might have had that their trans-Atlantic cousins would naturally jump in and give this a big hug should die right now. The American foreign policy establishment is very displeased with this and will act accordingly.

I don't think we are last in the queue, more take it or leave it from US which is so much worse on our own. All the nations will have us over a barrel now.
I don't think Remain expected to lose and I don't think Leave expected to win, that's why were in this twilight zone feeling of like - fuck, what do we do now?!

A few people in my office who voted for leave now want a 2nd referendum as they think they made the wrong choice. When you bamboozle people with stats and half facts and you base your motives on scaremongering and propaganda then of course it's difficult for people to make an informed decision. As someone who went through the Indy ref not too long ago I could see this a mile off.

It's really sad, actually.


In a speech, President Obama just emphasized that the EU remains a valuable partner to the US. It is important to note what he did not say.

Under a presumed Clinton administration, it is safe to assume that any trade negotiations between the US and whatever is left of the UK will take a backseat to US-EU agreements.

So any dreams the Leave side might have had that their trans-Atlantic cousins would naturally jump in and give this a big hug should die right now. The American foreign policy establishment is very displeased with this and will act accordingly.

Special Relationship ended with UNITED KINGDOM

is my
best friend


Please no, the Canadian constitution and our structure of government kinda depends on the monarchy being in place. If it dissolves, we have to rewrite a shit tonne of laws. The headache of paperwork is pretty much the single biggest reason Canada is in the Commonwealth.

Best thing I've read all day
You see, thats the issue with this debate, the scare mongering, how do you know it will be worse ? You dont.

Uk has to pay into a club where UK, France and germany are the major contributors. Most take out.

We import from EU more than we export, so what exactly will get worse ? If there are tarriffs, then EU will pay more. Germany will make sure that does not happen as it affects them the most, and lets face it, Germany runs EU.

So how will it be worse ? If anything, being 5 th largest world wide economy, EU needs UK as much as UK needs EU.

It will find a balance when both sides want good trade, and be real, all UK ever wanted was a free trade agreements and friendships, not united states of federal Europe (but as usual nobody fuckin listens)

There are those that are vindictive, want revenge, want blood, luckily Merkel et al will be smart and not hurt everybody.

But we know

History speak for itself
You can't stop paying your membership fee to be into a club and act like you have a place to say anything about the club.
UK was a powerhouse financially Because it was in the EU, their major attractiveness is GONE.
Being out of the EU means that any external financement after the next 2 years is seriously stopped or halted
Uk imports will be taxed as heck since it's a massive exchange of goods from a market to another , we all know how that turns out.
Even if a trade agreement is made to prevent this , the terms will NOT be in Uk favor , since their money power will drop.

We have decades of knowledge on how economy works , saying " how do you know" is nonsense since we know how things go bad in many scenarios
Aw, you want us to be the 5th biggest economy again. That's sweet, <3 you France.

If that means no more terrorism flowing the borders, no more stupid laws and norms preventing our own firms from being competitive and no more unelected pricks dictating how we should behave then go ahead Brits.


What is the expected effect on the British left?

This would probably embolden Labour, correct?

Labour are a fucking shambles right now. They've got no real leadership contenders and anyone that replaces Corbyn will like move back towards the right and their party is already fractured both due to Corbyn and the Labour MP's wanting out.

If a snap GE was called right now, I could see them losing seats.


Congrats on putting the smile on Boris and Farage instead. Labour are really going to need to work for my vote once Corbyn goes after this shitshow.


Ok, flip it around. How do you, or anyone for that matter, know that we'll get a better deal we had yesterday? Why on earth would we? If the terms of trade became more favourable upon leaving the EU, you may as well call the whole thing off and have all 28 members leave.

Incidentally, the EU represents 57% of our trade and we represent 9% of theirs. That alone should tell you that we are not the ones in the position of strength come negotiation time.

But the 9 % is a bigger number than the 57 %, so if a 20 % tariff was applied, it would cost EU more. Wont happen anyway, of that 9 %, most of that is Germany export, you know where this is going dont you.

Nobody knows if it will be a better or worse deal. True, now we are being truthful.

Would not be surprised if Uk chipped in still but less to show solidarity, could control its own border with a trade agreement and was called something like associate member.

They will find a way, or its bad for everyone. If the election had asked if UK wanted to be in Europe and be a trade partner without being in EU, it would of been 100 % remain. There is a difference.



We French need to do the same : No more uncontrolled borders, no more fuarked up currency, no more dictatorship.

La France avant tout.

Like Victoria Nuland said : "Fuck the EU".

Good lord, another mindset that seems to have time-traveled from the 19th Century. Tell me, how goes the conquest of Indochina?


It's still blowing my mind what David Cameron did. He gambled away the future of thousands of people. Think about that.

Yeah the final irony that he did this because he was spooked about losing party support to UKIP and ended up handing them their dream ticket on a silver platter. What a moron.
Article 50 actually states the following

Point 1 simply means that any member state may, according to their own conatitutional requirements, decide their future in the Union.
With the referendum (the constitutional requirement) they have already done that.

Now it's a matter of legally trying to prove if it also constitutes a "notification" as stated in point 2.

No. Point 2 refers back to point 1:

2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention.

It's predicated on the decision to withdraw having been made by the member state. That hasn't happened in the UK.

Look I know that Juncker, Schultz and Tusk are probably fuming right now, and that there are plenty of European citizens licking their lips at the idea of the UK "being made an example", but they're all going to have to sit their arses back down and wait. Nothing is going to happen for a while.


As was said before, if Germany offers UK a better deal outside the EU than inside they might as well end the EU because there's no point in being there.

There's no reason for them to do it and if they do they are idiots.



We French need to do the same : No more uncontrolled borders, no more fuarked up currency, no more dictatorship.

La France avant tout.

Like Victoria Nuland said : "Fuck the EU".

Dictatorship? lol

I'm not surprised at all. If there is another european country as xenophobic as the UK that is France. Their sense of superiority is really something,
Forgive my possibly ignorant American perspective: Who is the dictator? Did the EU dictate (maybe that's the dictatorship you're referencing) how the various countries' borders and immigration policies work? And, last but not least, how did the Euro currency fuck stuff up?

Euro is crap, prices have been multiplied by 10 in 10 years, it's preventing our firms from being competitive on the international siege, I needn't even expend on that.How can you even adjust your economy when you can't even control your own currency ?

France is a far cry from Greece and yet we share the same currency which is a fucking nonsense and we have to bail them every fucking year for the sake of this false idol.

Regarding Immigrations and border : Most terrorists from the November attacks came from Belgium and took advantage of the no border policy to commit those terrors,let alone the thousand of refugees and illegals that have been flooding the past year.

I don't want some extra-national organization dictating the way my country or my politicians should be have : Vive la France et vive le Roi.


What is the expected effect on the British left?

This would probably embolden Labour, correct?
British Left is non existent in the UK right now.

Labour has been decimated by the rise of the SNP and Corbyn doesn't have a clue.

They're being hit hard by a growing UKIP vote in working class areas and the Tories have enough of a hold on England that they're not going to get in again any time soon without a resurgence of the Lib Dems, who are also dead because they fucked students.
So are you guys gonna have anarchy in the uk soon?

Most of the people on /r/anarchism were actually voting stay, interestingly enough. While a UK without the EU provides us with authority, it does not escape us from it, and many Anarchist simply prefer the legislation the EU provided, to our own.

In addition our presence in the EU places less significance on or borders with European nations, which is closer to anarchistic ideals. They're both pretty bad options I guess. Some from /r/anarchy were saying they were just putting smiley faces and other nonsense onto their ballots *sigh*.
Just spoke to my parents. Both leave voters, both over 60. They're delighted because they think the immigrant hordes have been stopped and the NHS will have more money now. Had to bite my tongue, no point in arguing over it now.


listen to the mad man
It's predicated on the decision to withdraw having been made by the member state. That hasn't happened in the UK.

Look I know that Juncker, Schultz and Tusk are probably fuming right now, and that there are plenty of European citizens licking their lips at the idea of the UK "being made an example", but they're all going to have to sit their arses back down and wait. Nothing is going to happen for a while.

I feel it is immoral that 73 UK MEPs plan on drawing 14 million Euro of salary from hard-working European tax payers. The chamber should expel them without pay or else they should resign and refuse to accept pay. Anyone who doesn't is a self-serving welfare leech.

The only possible argument against this is that sometimes it is worth paying money into a shared institution in order to guarantee future stability and a space to work together for mutually beneficial outcomes, and lord knows that argument has been soundly rejected by the British people


CliffyB's Cock Holster
UK was a powerhouse financially Because it was in the EU, their major attractiveness is GONE.

How so? The UK has never been in the Eurozone monetarily, and my impression is that London grew in importance largely off the back of English being the most widely used language of finance and big business.


Anyone watching channel 4 news? Asking ppl why they voted leave - "stop Muslims coming here", "get all foreigners out". Can't help but feel most people who voted leave did so because of some nostalgic desire for an all white England.

Heard about an Asian woman copping abuse from an elderly man in a supermarket on the radio today. He said "we've got our country back and now we can get ppl like you out". It's fucked up. It really is all about foreigners for leavers.
Euro is crap, prices have been multiplied by 10 in 10 years, it's preventing our firms from being competitive on the international siege, I needn't even expend on that.How can you even adjust your economy when you can't even control your own currency ?

I call bollocks on prices increasing 10x in 10 years!
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