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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Here comes the austerity mark 2 well done.


Why do so many people expect a economic crash? UK will join the European Free Trade Association like Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Island. All these countries have a wealthy and growing economy. It's almost impossible to leave the EU in less than 2 years and to negotiate all conditions.

Yea I think so too but remember that all three of those countries are in the Schengen Area while Britain isn't...which means freedom of movement and free immigration.

Anti immigration was one of the deciding point for Brexit and as such I doubt them agreeing to freedom of movement with whatever deal they cook up in Brussels.


If I was a youth in the UK right now, I'd feel robbed of my future.

A sad day for the european project, and what will go down as one of the worst decisions in the history of the UK.
Not really we voted no because of the ukrainian deal it gave more power to company's and make everything worse it's a long list not going to name it now, still our government doesn't listen en EU doesn't listen either and we clearly said no.

And as I said, it wasn't a binding referendum, as much your goverment said it would take into consideration the opinion of people. If you think about it, not every decision a goverment makes is ratificated by their people on referendums (at least in sane countries).

My country said no, or would have said no, to a lot of decisions by our goverment, but that's the point of having a goverment, so they make the decisions.


What control does Farage have over this anyway?

Nothing. Its just a continuation of the mistaken equation of Brexit voters with UKIP voters that led to todays result.

The majority of Brexit voters were not UKIP voters but from all parties across the UK who decided to ignore their parties leaders.

Finding out why rather than branding them as racists might have changed todays result.
It's a massive thunderstorm, nature showing it's displeasure with our decision. Quite fitting actually.

Go down South we voted remain here.


Why do so many people expect a economic crash? UK will join the European Free Trade Association like Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Island. All these countries have a wealthy and growing economy.

I'm not sure if anyone is predicting a crash. I've seen predictions of slowdown and recession caused mostly by uncertainty. Global markets are dropping fast. Also:



I'm not even mad, just very sad that this happened. At least I can take some pride in knowing my City voted to stay.


So that's every single election, since I've become voting age, that has gone against what I wanted. What a grim result.
I am concerned that this set the start of the disintegration of the EU. The far-right on the rise and the growth of Euroscepticism which is all fueled by the fear they peddle of immigration, "taking the country back", etc. Other countries like Netherlands and Denmark had already started talking about their exit, both again peddling fear about immigration (Muslims). That entire campaign was about fear and nationalism with outright lies, not about the actual issues of the EU which can be solved easier by remaining in the EU than leaving it.


UK's membership contribution was, nominally, £350m. Farage claimed if we left, that could go towards the NHS. That was a blatant lie, because the UK negotiated special conditions when we originally entered the EU that gave us a rebate, so that the actual amount was about £200m less. Farage has now admitted it was a lie.

That and him, along with the vote leave campaign kept promising that money for fucking everything.

The potential consequences are now really sinking in. Both mine & my other half's jobs are reliant on imports while our first child is on the way. We waited all these years until we were in 'stable' jobs & didn't need government cash to pay for our family. The management meeting at work this morning is going to be 'fun'.


And so it begins.

Hey, at least the UK can be like the US with it's shitty health care system, right? Right?
This is all fucked.
I'm worried because I have an existing health condition, and we all know how that works out for people in America.


If I was a youth in the UK right now, I'd feel robbed of my future.

A sad day for the european project, and what will go down as one of the worst decisions in the history of the UK.

I'm a youth in the UK and yep. Fuck everything. This country is doing everything to make the rest of my life hell and I'm sick of it.

Thanks a fucking lot boomers.


Can someone explain?

Why was it done this way?

Referendums are quite binary, 1 person, 1 vote....it is quite ironic as before yesterday remain were all for this, as everyone presumed London would give a shit...

Now suddenly all we are hearing is 48% percent of the population did not want this


This is undoubtedly going to fuck over America's economy too isn't it? Kind of dread opening bell on Wall Street today...
at the very least, 2-3% drop on major indexes at the end of the day, most likely going to mirror nikki at 8% down at the end of the day
Well its not all doom an gloom, this now means the government has got to get off its arse and work for the people of Britain, start planning ahead and making good deals for the exit and our future.

Its likely not going to be for quite a while, so nothing will change just yet but the government know the people are not happy with how things were going, so they have to now work hard to make things better.
Referendums are quite binary, 1 person, 1 vote....it is quite ironic as before yesterday remain were all for this, as everyone presumed London would give a shit...

Now suddenly all we are hearing is 48% percent of the population did not want this

And I'm sure, so sure, that if the result was reversed we wouldn't be hearing anything about how 48% wanted Leave, no sir. It's perfectly natural.


The fuck, Farage? You already ignored a murder today, give that some time to sink into people's minds before declaring your "plan" is built on bullshit.
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