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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Why do so many people expect a economic crash? UK will join the European Free Trade Association like Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Island. All these countries have a wealthy and growing economy. It's almost impossible to leave the EU in less than 2 years and to negotiate all conditions.

Switzerland thrives because of its banks, Norway because of its rich oil reserves and Liechtenstein is small you can't even begin to compare it to an country with 65 million residents.


I am concerned that this set the start of the disintegration of the EU. The far-right on the rise and the growth of Euroscepticism which is all fueled by the fear they peddle of immigration, "taking the country back", etc. Other countries like Netherlands and Denmark had already started talking about their exit, both again peddling fear about immigration (Muslims). That entire campaign was about fear and nationalism, not about the actual issues of the EU which can be solved by being in it still.


that is why it was right, we abandoned a sinking ship, if not us it would of been someone else


Isn't weak pounds good for exporting companies though? Just being curious.
(Strong Yen sure isn't doing a favor for Japanese exporting companies and that's why stock market is crashing over here).


If I was a youth in the UK right now, I'd feel robbed of my future.

A sad day for the european project, and what will go down as one of the worst decisions in the history of the UK.

How much of that youth even bothered to vote though? They fucked themselves if they didn't.


ScotGaf here.

This I don't blame on EngGaf ... EnGaf? Whatever.

This is on London.

You do not spend generations being the face of milk snatching, DWP, and TV AM and then turn around and ask the people you have been victimising for years on end for a solid.

That gets you this.


So the Leave camp are now saying they don't want Article 50 invoked immediately?! Do they want out of the EU or not? Jesus......
With the GBP plummeting, what impact will that have on the global economy? What is going to happen when the US Stock Market opens? What are we going to wake up to?

Even if the us market tanks a little it will rebound hard within a week. All the money pouring out of UK and EU will have to go somewhere, and the US is the default safe haven of choice for all money managers, hedge funds, citizens, countries, etc. If you see any dips in the US stock market, it would be a great time to buy in.

Overall it really won't have any impact on the US, The UK -> US trade market is around $5.5b USD annually (US -> UK is around $4b); the US does more than that in a single DAY of trading with China.
All your old people screwed you over. Time to kick your grandparents to the curb.

People who won't even be around to see the damage they've done.

You should lose the right to vote at 60.


I was jumped in the last thread for daring to suggest these old cunts not be allowed to vote. I was given ridiculous anecdotal evidence to suggest they trend towards remain.


I'm not going to say I told you so though, I need to start figuring out my move to Frankfurt... not sure what my girlfriend is going to do as her job is here...

Guess I'll put my house up for rent when I leave...

Sigh. A bunch of old, racist bigoted fucking cunts just decided my foreseeable future for me. Cunts who won't feel the consequences of their actions... absolute fucking disgrace.


Reposting from last thread since thread was closed.


It was bound to happen tbh after the insane Paris attacks. People are scared and fear wins.

The funny thing is that the British have had south asian (or Pakistani) imimigrants for decades now. Three generations born and raised in the U.K so they should be used to them. They should know not all muslims are evil. But nope, they let ISIS win.

You guys can come to the U.S. Queen Hillary's got your back.

Merryweather was right. Fear always wins. Fucking hell, UK. :(

I shoulda sold stock today! The markets were up!


I am concerned that this set the start of the disintegration of the EU. The far-right on the rise and the growth of Euroscepticism which is all fueled by the fear they peddle of immigration, "taking the country back", etc. Other countries like Netherlands and Denmark had already started talking about their exit, both again peddling fear about immigration (Muslims). That entire campaign was about fear and nationalism, not about the actual issues of the EU which can be solved by being in it still.

At this point, the disintegration of the EU is a legitimate concern. Far-right parties and Donald Trump will have a ball.


Things like these is why I believe there's no such thing as the Illuminati. No one is controlling world's events, anything can happen.


So the Leave camp are now saying they don't want Article 50 invoked immediately?! Do they want out of the EU or not? Jesus......

Article 50 has a two year automatic timer associated with it.

The Leave camp want more than two years for EU exit negotiations.
It's just a bit odd to see gaf so pro establishment
I mean the more Tory the more privileged the more London the more banker the more "stay".
It seems to me it's quite unclear as to how this will shake out but I am sure even Sanders has mixed feelings: voters rejected the conservative entrenched establishment, and their rather arrogant idea they could throw out a referendum to shut up critics. It's democracy warts and all not warped by electoral bohndaries or low turnout.


So was I lucky in importing my sega saturn, super famicom and games from Japan before this shit kicked off then?


Nothing. Its just a continuation of the mistaken equation of Brexit voters with UKIP voters that led to todays result.

The majority of Brexit voters were not UKIP voters but from all parties across the UK who decided to ignore their parties leaders.

Finding out why rather than branding them as racists might have changed todays result.

Don't say that, it's easier to treat people who are for Brexit as racists and idiots.


Come to America. Our boomers are on the downslope.

Well lets hope Trump doesn't get in. Might just take you up on that offer if that's the case.

Though all the money I could possibly come up with would only get me around $5 the way the pound's going.


Good riddance, dumbasses. Hope you enjoy your xenophobia.
Don't come crawling back to us when your economy hits the floor.

We will accept Scotland, though, they seem like decent people caught in this shitshow.
What a nice post...


And I'm sure, so sure, that if the result was reversed we wouldn't be hearing anything about how 48% wanted Leave, no sir. It's perfectly natural.

True, just saying no point bitching that it was done as a referendum....if it has been by counties it would of been a landslide for leave


I'm worried because I have an existing health condition, and we all know how that works out for people in America.

Sidebar: At least for the US, it depends on the condition and your plan. My prescription is free, but I pay out the ass for basic doctor's visits and in weekly premiums. I'd hope you guys would at least stand to try and keep NHS, cause that'd be even more fucked.
Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, has told ITV’s Good Morning Britain that he thought it was a mistake for the Vote Leave campaign to say that it could save £350m a week by leaving the EU and that the money could go to the NHS.

This just keeps getting better.

Lol we shouldn't have lied... but oh well.

Sky Chief

As an American citizen who lived in the UK three different times for over six years and have visited at least once a year for the last 20+ I'm pretty shocked. I know a lot of people complain about Brussels bureaucrats bossing them around but I never thought they would do something do short-sighted.

Honestly, I'm a little scared what this means for our own upcoming election and how this is going to effect the global economy in the short term. Crazy times.


Well done Cameron, not only have you fucked up the entire Union but you've empowered all the far-right parties across the world too. He should be fired into the sun.

Perhaps the biggest political fuck-up and catastrophe in the last decade
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