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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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A typical post in this thread.

The UK had a strong economy yesterday. It will have a strong economy tomorrow. Nothing will change despite the doom mongering of the skies are falling crowd.
People lose their jobs, income and EU subsidies in poor regions. So yes, for some the skies are falling down on their lives because of this.



This is the shit that annoys me. Flat out lies from one side and they won. My god.


People really already got fired straight away? Damn.

Because over the last year we have seen multiple dips with the market recovering back to normal levels. Those were because of China then. So good money can be made if the same happens again.

Lots of people sounding very bullish tho, when it just seems like a select few options would give favorable returns.

Especially since no one knows how this is gonna affect UK market long term.


For decades, the major political parties throughout the developed world have been cutting taxes, chipping away at social services and public investments, advocating privatization, deregulating finance, and generally satisfying a small number of economic ideologues and a very large number of delighted private corporations. They've allowed transnational capital to run roughshod over just about everyone and everything else — cutting them every possible deal and extending them every possible advantage at the expense of ordinary taxpayers, labor unions, education, healthcare, social welfare, you name it. Transnational capital has rewarded them by moving anything that can be done more cheaply out of the developed world, and by doing contortions to avoid paying taxes back into the countries in which they hawk their goods and services.

The justification has often been that we can't afford our old ideas about society, that we all have to tighten our belts; meanwhile, trillions of dollars languish in offshore accounts. We've been told that the complete failure to regulate financial instrumentation or the housing market was somehow our fault, that government is wasteful and corrupt, that it can't do anything, that public services are always inefficient, that the welfare state is making us all poorer, that bureaucracy is always bad for business, that equitable federalism is impossible, that losses must be public, that gains must be private, that trade between nations is a zero-sum game, that only a few people can be wealthy, and only if they work hard.

Meanwhile, the bitter legacy of colonialism, coupled with a century and half of industrialization that has demanded repeated foreign misadventures and sustained environmental devastation, has turned the parts of the world that we depend on to fuel our batshit society into a cauldron of war, suffering, and extremism. Now those brown people who used to do our bidding for pennies are coming here, often because we have ruined their homeland (directly, through war; indirectly, through climate change), and they are the problem. We simply can't afford them. No, don't crunch the numbers. Don't check our figures. Don't ask about the offshore accounts. We're telling you: They are the problem. Getting rid of these dusky foreigners will bring back the industries we gutted, the services we dismantled, and the jobs we sold. Things will be just like the old days. Promise! But to do that, we have to try some more austerity, and we have to get rid of the bureaucrats. It's the only way.

I know this was a couple of pages back but it cannot be quoted enough.


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So to be clear, you disagree with the 90% of professional economists in the UK that we will almost certainly be worse off for leaving the EU and will probably experience a recession as a result of Brexit?

Yes I do.

There are plenty of countries that have strong economies that aren't a member of the EU. If they can do it so can the UK.

The reality is that we have to ensure that is the case and I'm positive that will happen.
Lots of people sounding very bullish tho, when it just seems like a select few options would give favorable returns.

Especially since no one knows how this is gonna affect UK market long term.
Oh, I wouldn't invest in the UK at the moment. But some of the German, French, Dutch, US companies might re-bounce quickly. It's all speculation, but I can see the temptation. People don't want to miss out.

Well if UK is leaving. I hope the banking industry moves to the Netherlands. I think we'd be a decent fit.
Financial Times reports banks are looking at Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam and Dublin to move business to. So maybe.
The party line came with a warning of restructures...either my department gets reclassified as something else or we are likely to get moved to Lux.

I was so angry today I almost cried at my manager today. I am a grown man and haven't cried since the opening of TLOU...fuck today.

Fuck man.

I know it's hard and almost pointless in suggesting it right now, but try to stay positive. We'll have a much view of things on Monday, try to enjoy the weekend if you can.


Good job UK. Don't let the media get you down and scare you about the future. You were one of the greatest nations in modern history before the EU and I have no doubt that you will be one after the EU.

I find Obama's comments about "putting the UK in the back of the queue" in regards to new trade deals absolutely shameful. The UK is our greatest ally and we should support them in their independence.


Yes I do.

There are plenty of countries that have strong economies that aren't a member of the EU. If they can do it so can the UK.

The reality is that we have to ensure that is the case and I'm positive that will happen.

Clearly the UK needs to be like the USA or China, clearly if these countries can have strong economy nothing stops the UK from being similar!


True, but it will be less strong than it could have been due to higher trade tariffs.

What about free trade deals it can now negotiate with other countries? There are always pluses and minuses. Things seem to be black or white for the majority of doom mongers in this thread. There are shades of grey a plenty. Should the UK have voted remain? Of course. This chicken little shtick is getting tiresome though.


The European Union and a series of arrogant, elitist governments and bureaucrats have failed the people of Britain.

Can anyone really be that surprised at the result? You see that arrogance in some of the comments in this very thread. There's nothing ignorant about the people who voted to leave. They've been disenfranchised and left out. This was their opportunity to strike back, and they took it.
Issues of immigration and race have played an undeniable part in this election. I'm not sure to what extent generally though, as most of the leave voters I know don't seem to rank immigration particularly highly.

I must add though; the coffee shop middle classes in the Remain camp who are currently bombarding Facebook etc with cries of 'Racism' and 'Xenophobia', should pause and take a long hard look at themselves.
For many years now we have heard grumblings of discontent, particularly from poor working class areas, at the failings of broken immigration policies and a drive for multiculturism that completely failed to address the critical importance of integration.
Instead, as they laughed into their cappuccino, those middle classes sitting in their nice, middle class surroundings, preferred to dismiss all concerns as the product of a lack of education and racism.
By ignoring these growing problems and casually dismissing large sections of the population they, and the politicians who did the same, have directly added to the growing sense of disenchantment and disconnect which fueled yesterday's result.

Absolutely spot on. Hell there's a fair few of those types in this very thread.

This has been a long time coming, anyone who can deny the uprising is in complete and utter denial.
Yeah no , in 2001 , you needed 8 to 12 francs to get a 3 course meal and converted into euro it's less than 2 euros.
Now you'll need 4 times more

4times is not 10 nor 100.

First of all, that's incredibly cheap.

And I was making fun of the guy who claimed everything got 10x more expensive. It was just a joke


Yeah how dare they want England to remain England and not turn into Mogadiscio or Peshawar ?

I live in an area that's seen racial riots in the last decade and some of the filth I've heard today from leave supporters, including 'time to sort out the muslim' problem actually scares me and I've heard worse than that.

I'm not saying all leave voters are like that, I know several leave voters who have well reasoned arguments & there's been a few examples in this thread, but dismissing this emboldened xenophobia as simply wanting England to remain England seems willfully blind.
Yes I do.

There are plenty of countries that have strong economies that aren't a member of the EU. If they can do it so can the UK.

The reality is that we have to ensure that is the case and I'm positive that will happen.

And you'll see that UK has very little in common with these countries.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
For decades, the major political parties throughout the developed world have been cutting taxes, chipping away at social services and public investments, advocating privatization, deregulating finance, and generally satisfying a small number of economic ideologues and a very large number of delighted private corporations. They've allowed transnational capital to run roughshod over just about everyone and everything else — cutting them every possible deal and extending them every possible advantage at the expense of ordinary taxpayers, labor unions, education, healthcare, social welfare, you name it. Transnational capital has rewarded them by moving anything that can be done more cheaply out of the developed world, and by doing contortions to avoid paying taxes back into the countries in which they hawk their goods and services.

The justification has often been that we can't afford our old ideas about society, that we all have to tighten our belts; meanwhile, trillions of dollars languish in offshore accounts. We've been told that the complete failure to regulate financial instrumentation or the housing market was somehow our fault, that government is wasteful and corrupt, that it can't do anything, that public services are always inefficient, that the welfare state is making us all poorer, that bureaucracy is always bad for business, that equitable federalism is impossible, that losses must be public, that gains must be private, that trade between nations is a zero-sum game, that only a few people can be wealthy, and only if they work hard.

Meanwhile, the bitter legacy of colonialism, coupled with a century and half of industrialization that has demanded repeated foreign misadventures and sustained environmental devastation, has turned the parts of the world that we depend on to fuel our batshit society into a cauldron of war, suffering, and extremism. Now those brown people who used to do our bidding for pennies are coming here, often because we have ruined their homeland (directly, through war; indirectly, through climate change), and they are the problem. We simply can't afford them. No, don't crunch the numbers. Don't check our figures. Don't ask about the offshore accounts. We're telling you: They are the problem. Getting rid of these dusky foreigners will bring back the industries we gutted, the services we dismantled, and the jobs we sold. Things will be just like the old days. Promise! But to do that, we have to try some more austerity, and we have to get rid of the bureaucrats. It's the only way.


Good job UK. Don't let the media get you down and scare you about the future. You were one of the greatest nations in modern history before the EU and I have no doubt that you will be one after the EU.

You're right, 1973-74 was superb for the UK.
The European Union and a series of arrogant, elitist governments and bureaucrats have failed the people of Britain.

Can anyone really be that surprised at the result? You see that arrogance in some of the comments in this very thread. There's nothing ignorant about the people who voted to leave. They've been disenfranchised and left out. This was their opportunity to strike back, and they took it.

These people ignored the consequences of leaving, and were actively lied about them too. That's the very definition of ignorance.
No racism or xenophobia here, no sir!

How is that racism or xenophobia ?

People from Peshawar or Mogadiscio wouldn't want their city to become London or Manchester then why is the other way around not acceptable ?

Uncontrolled immigration and no integration policy is driving my country and many other European societies on the verge of civil war : 2 police officers killed at their home in front of their kids by an islamist just 2 weeks ago, just a few kilometers away from Paris.

When I go to Casablanca or Dakar I don't want them to be like any other Western Europe city.

Sorry for living a country that has been existing as a nation for more than 14 centuries with a rich and dense history, culture, ethnic and religious background as the result.

Might as well call all the Polish and the Hungarian racists retards as basically 90% of their population want 0 refugee on their soil.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The European Union and a series of arrogant, elitist governments and bureaucrats have failed the people of Britain.

Can anyone really be that surprised at the result? You see that arrogance in some of the comments in this very thread. There's nothing ignorant about the people who voted to leave. They've been disenfranchised and left out. This was their opportunity to strike back, and they took it.

It's a weird definition of 'disenfranchised and left out' that involves receiving £60 million a year from the EU.
Good job UK. Don't let the media get you down and scare you about the future. You were one of the greatest nations in modern history before the EU and I have no doubt that you will be one after the EU.

Am I crazy or do some people think they just voted for the invention of a time machine?


I have hard time believing the UK would ever rejoin the EU now. If I EU even still exists in couple decades it's most likely even closer union than it is now, and no way UK would be given the same kinda exceptions and rebate it had that time around. Countries like Poland who had to eg. accept joining euro at some point in their membership agreements would never allow it.
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