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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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We had arseholes like Cameron, May and Osbourne in charge before. All that has happened is that we have swapped one bunch of arseholes for another bunch of arseholes. If there was something I could do to get these arseholes out of power I would happily do it. If there was a referendum tomorrow asking if I want Boris as PM it would be a big enthusiastic "not in a fucking month of sundays"

But this vote had nothing to do with the arseholes. It was about EU, not your government that you voted for last year.


Apparently those 1000 are high paying jobs. Like really high paying. Meaning that income tax will not be going to HM revenue and customs, but the Paris equivalent.

That's quite soon. Rumour about Morgan Stanley doing the same which has been denied but I've talked to friends there and there is no smoke without fire...


The most fucked up thing in all of this, is if an election was called this year, the tories would probably win again. I can only imagine the outright savagery that would follow that result.

Never have I been so happy Im not living in the UK, but how sad I'm that family and friends will probably be screwed for the long term.
We had arseholes like Cameron, May and Osbourne in charge before. All that has happened is that we have swapped one bunch of arseholes for another bunch of arseholes. If there was something I could do to get these arseholes out of power I would happily do it. If there was a referendum tomorrow asking if I want Boris as PM it would be a big enthusiastic "not in a fucking month of sundays"

If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd suggest the whole thing was orchestrated to oust Cameron and the current tory a-holes in favour of a new bunch. Low and behold we've got a new fight for leadership while the majority of the populace argue among themselves oblivious to the fact that no one chose these dick heads.

But yet I still hear crap about the EU being undemocratic. Their masterplan is extraordinary, and they played us all like a fiddle.
Well there's likely going to be an election so will you be voting labour? I will in the vain hope this might swing the other way but it seems very very unlikely

I live in one of the safest labour seats on the planet even if there was a video of Corbyn giving a pig a blow job, this seat would still vote overwhelmingly labour. So no I don't expect labour to get in at the next general election and there is nothing I can do about that. I expect another Tory INCREASED majority and it will be full of arseholes yet again.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I'm getting annoyed at people saying the moaning and whinging from remain side is anti-democratic and childish.

That's politics and that's life. If you want change or reform or action you have to make your voice heard. It isn't about one side wins a vote and then everyone is just done and moves on.

We only got a referendum in the first place because team leave spent decades fighting this fight quietly poking away. If Leave lost would they have quit? No. They'd have probably said the vote was too close and we should have another referendum, sadly team remain seem too weak for that fight.

This is why protests and marches and petitions are a thing. Those 16m who lost the vote should not let this lie, as Farage says this is our country too and we should fight to reclaim it from these ignorant, naiive, gullible backward thinkers.
And this, I think, is behind some of the current fuss about the timing of Article 50 notification.

Clearly it is in the UK's interest to delay this at least until there are the political structures in place to handle the negotiation and its fallout. That probably means after the next General Election, which I expect to see considerably sooner than 2020.

It is the the EUs interest to push for immediate notification, for three reasons:
- to try and put a plug in uprisings in other member states
- to avoid having to face the fact that internal reforms may be necessary and to do anything about them
- to avoid the nightmare scenario of more than one state in parallel operating Article 50

This last one is a nightmare because of the way article 50 is worded. For example obviously the UK is excluded from discussions about the EU stance on the UKs exit -
but if, say Sweden were exiting at the same time there is no legal provision to exclude Sweden from the UK's discussions and vice-versa, and the EU's negotiating stance would be thrown wide open.

Excellent post. I honestly don't think an exit will happen. King Boris will be seen to be the saviour as he bends Brussels to his will after forcing them to the table etc etc..

btw if my brother in laws firm was to leave you're probably talking a tax loss (personal and corporate) of £100m+

Real Hero

I live in one of the safest labour seats on the planet even if there was a video of Corbyn giving a pig a blow job, this seat would still vote overwhelmingly labour. So no I don't expect labour to get in at the next general election and there is nothing I can do about that. I expect another Tory INCREASED majority and it will be full of arseholes yet again.
So how will leaving benefit us?


In the same way that Northern African people call black Africa people 'Africains" (as if they were not African themselves" : You'll have big trouble making French or Spanish believe that they share much in common with Romanians or Greeks.

Apart from the Romanian language being being more similar to Spanish and French than their own neighbours?

Gee, I've seen you post drivel before but this one surely hits the spot. Inform yourself before posting please.


Did you miss the if What about the Basque problem? Scotland pushing for an out and in will bring that back to the fore.

I missed the IF, sorry.

You can believe or not but the Basque Country is not a problem anymore since ETA has been defeated.

The last poll (March 2016) from the own Basque Gov is 65% against the independence. Catalonian is slowly going that way too.


That's quite soon. Rumour about Morgan Stanley doing the same which has been denied but I've talked to friends there and there is no smoke without fire...

EVERY company is planning to move right now. These are publicly traded companies, it would be unethical for them to not look for better alternatives. There's absolutely nothing holding them in the UK. That's why people saying "but UK has always been successful and nothing will change" are delusional.

Bold One

As a leave supporter and what I would consider broadly a left winger, I honestly cannot stand those fuckers you mentioned. The same goes for that arsehole Boris, that Cunt Grove and that tosspot Nigel. However having said that the old phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" comes to mind.

I wouldn't say voting to leave a trading block like the EU is necessarily a "right wing" thing to do. It all comes down to the reasons why someone would vote to do such an action. I voted to leave because I believe it is in the best long term interests of the UK and the EU. With the UK out of the EU we can now both pursue our futures.

The fact those arseholes you mentioned agreed with me is neither here nor there. Sure they are agreeing with the action but the reasons I voted to leave are a world apart from the reasons they are cheering the leave vote on.

You've been conned,

when you find yourself on the side of Britainfirst, Godlen shower, BNP, Trump et al, you've become your own worst enemy, because now you've opened the door for this lot and I promise you, they do NOT have your best interest at heart.
I've just been talking with my brother in law, who works for one of the worlds biggest hedge funds and they will be leaving

The only out they see, is if France, Spain and Italy have a populist uprising and demand a referendum as well and maybe then the EU will sit down and try to reform

Please, don't make ignorant remarks about our politics.


EVERY company is planning to move right now. These are publicly traded company, it would be unethical for them to not look for better alternatives. There's absolutely nothing holding them in the UK. That's why people saying "but UK has always been successful and nothing will change" are delusional.

Yeah I know. I'm hoping I get NY, don't want to be in Geneva.
So how will leaving benefit us?

Truth be told I didn't vote for it to benefit me personally. I voted because I believe the UK leaving the EU is the best solution for the UK AND the EU. I have no doubt I will continue to get shafted whether we are in the EU or out of it. But at least the UK leaving will allow the EU to get on with the integration that is wants.
In my world there would be no nations and English would be native language. I'm sick of this medieval bullshit when I go to an European country - "oh, he's French, he's a coward because of WW2" or "oh, he's English, he drinks tea at 5 PM and loves monarchy".

We are all humans, nationality and religions are blocking the way for way too long.

If you really want a global language, you might want to start brushing up on your Mandarin.
You've been conned,

when you find yourself on the side of Britainfirst, Godlen shower, BNP, Trump et al, you've become your own worst enemy, because now you've opened the door for this lot and I promise you, they do NOT have your best interest at heart.

Remain did not have my best interests at heart all remain were interested in by the looks of it is how much fucking money they are gonna lose. You can't get any more right wing than that.


Excellent post. I honestly don't think an exit will happen. King Boris will be seen to be the saviour as he bends Brussels to his will after forcing them to the table etc etc..

btw if my brother in laws firm was to leave you're probably talking a tax loss (personal and corporate) of £100m+

That won't happen. An even more exceptional status than what was achieved for UK in the beginning of this year would mean the end of the EU.





If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd suggest the whole thing was orchestrated to oust Cameron and the current tory a-holes in favour of a new bunch. Low and behold we've got a new fight for leadership while the majority of the populace argue among themselves oblivious to the fact that no one chose these dick heads.

But yet I still hear crap about the EU being undemocratic. Their masterplan is extraordinary, and they played us all like a fiddle.

I posted a little earlier about a neighbour planning to join the Conservative Party so he could "at least try to influence the next leader" in the hope of stopping someone from the furthest reaches of the Conservative right.


The sad thing in all this is that the leavers have no plan. Nothing. Zilch nada to deal with the shitstorm that is heading this way. Just look at boris and gove at the conference yesterday. You would have thought they would be cheering. Instead they looked like they were in a funeral.

Oh god the spectre of that circus clown johnson being PM is frightening in itself


The political incompetence in this whole clusterfuck is staggering. It's so unprofessional and childish and immature. Fucking Brexiters don't even have a plan in place and the dude who fucking called the referendum is leaving the mess to let some other random guy take care of it.

It's mindboggingly incompetent. They might as well just have monkeys taking care of it.

Glad that we're finally have a discussion about what a Leave vote means... just wish we did it a few days ago lol.


Remain did not have my best interests at heart all remain were interested in by the looks of it is how much fucking money they are gonna lose. You can't get any more right wing than that.

Yeah, can't get more right wing than wanting to stay in the EU..........................
From Ipsos Mori:

" Just doing some analysis that suggests if same % of young had voted as over 65s we would still be in EU..."

Assuming a similar voting trend amongst those that didn't vote as those that did.


Thing is, they have little power to demand that.

The EU doesn't control the timing it's the country triggering article 50 that does.

The treaty does not say how this process of notification should happen.

It has always been assumed that this would come in the form of a letter from the prime minister to Donald Tusk, the European Council president, and the timing would be in the hands of the British government.

But Professor Wyatt, who has represented clients in hundreds of cases before the European courts, said that EU lawyers might consider any discussion about Brexit between Mr Cameron and Mr Tusk and other EU leaders as effectively notifying the European Council of the UK's intention to leave.

Professor Wyatt said: "If David Cameron attends the European council on Tuesday, he is likely to confirm in discussions with other heads of government that the UK intends to leave the EU.

"He might do this directly in so many words or he might conduct conversations predicated on the UK's departure from the EU, such as suggestions that informal pre-negotiations might take place before Article 50 is formally triggered.

"EU lawyers might advise the council that such confirmation or such conversations are themselves enough to trigger Article 50 and set the clock ticking on the two year period for negotiating a withdrawal agreement."


Another interesting fact: the UK is supposed to take up the presidency of the European council in exactly a year. At that time, the UK will probably be still in the EU officially, but no one is going to take their presidency serious.


The sad thing in all this is that the leavers have no plan. Nothing. Zilch nada to deal with the shitstorm that is heading this way. Just look at boris and gove at the conference yesterday. You would have thought they would be cheering. Instead they looked like they were in a funeral.

Oh god the spectre of that circus clown johnson being PM is frightening in itself

Because they thought it would be a small win for remain. And they could at least look like brave Patriots who at least had the guts to fight for the UK. Now that they'll have to actually follow through. You can see the paucity in their plans.

Its interesting that Boris has stopped the Buffon act. He knows his in deep,deep shit. And that his probably dealt his leadership ambitions a fatal blow.


Remain did not have my best interests at heart all remain were interested in by the looks of it is how much fucking money they are gonna lose. You can't get any more right wing than that.

You...you realize that the "money lost" remainers are talking about is the money that would go to institutions, research and co. right ?


Anyone know the guy? Would love to know if there is any kind of implication in choosing this specific person.

He's Belgian. Been working in the Council for a while. Was also head of cabinet for previous EU President Herman van Rompuy and spokesperson for MEP Guy Verhofstadt. I think he has the center-right political affiliation (CD&V/EPP), but that shouldn't mean much in practice.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
The EU moves fast.

A Brexit task force for the negotiations has already been formed and the EU parliament demands the formal application (the article 50 thing) until Tuesday.


It is absolutely not their call. They have no say in it whatsoever, and are only making themselves look like jerks by demanding it.

Though I can't say I am surprised given what dumb things our MEPs have done in the Parliament.

Plus, that's the President of the EU parliament, not the actual parliament, so even less power than none.
Long live Europa and the Nations : The political organization called "European Union" could die as far as I'm concerned.

Being "European" means nothing : There's not many thing I share with most European, a common continent, a certain sense of democracy and human rights and that's about it.

You don't seem to understand that the more you diluate this European identity the more you'll end with people such as me which know jack shit about what being European is all about.

Yeah I'm European compared to a Brazilian and so what ?

In the same way that Northern African people call black Africa people 'Africains" (as if they were not African themselves" : You'll have big trouble making French or Spanish believe that they share much in common with Romanians or Greeks.

People use this argument for countries themselves as an argument against having nation states. You don't have anything in common with your country men either, besides a few things. Their fucking sense of nationalism can mow itself down the toilet. And while there is a validity to it (I think Nationalism is a bad omen) I think it misses the point of what the EU is and why it has been amazing.

I disagree with what you're saying because you're not taking the long view into perspective. There is no place on earth that has had as much bloodshed, war and fighting as the European continent. Due to its geographical location, Europeans emerged as military frontrunners, and as a result we have had incredible devastating wars. Our ancestors literally would not have been able to imagine a peaceful Europe where everyone is chill and trades. If we track back to just the last 3000 years of modern history, you'd see that what EU has allowed to happen is an incredible level of prosperity and peace. It's with the help of the EU that France and Britain has weeined itself of its colonial past, rather successfully all things considering.
Living on the European continent right now is amazing considering the alternative in the past. And really, if there is one good thing you can say about capitalism, it is that it has the ability to make nations not fight or obstruct one another in favor of working together due to economic gain.

Being in the European Union is not about some shared identity. I think that is a anti-globalization fallacy.
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