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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I was speaking to my girlfriend's parents today, both of whom voted Leave.

When I asked them why her mum, who has also come across as extremely ignorant to me, said this:

"This country has become a joke. You can't even discipline your children any more!"

I knew EXACTLY where she was going with this so I responded with "There's a big difference between disciplining a child and beating them."

She spoke over me. "No, it's against the law in some places to discipline children these days. You're not allowed to give them a smack or anything."

"So you voted out of Europe because you want to be able to smack children?"
"When I was at school teachers would often cane the naughty kids and..."




not tag worthy
Was out in town in Dartford people of all races still talking to each other . Seems everyone is embarrassed and being extra polit to each other.

Still once the banks leave we will have a few empty buildings which to live. Wonder if shops will keep going.

I hope beyond hope the government tells the EU they made a mistake they will take the deal given or anything these messed up please let us sort out our people.

I hope The EU have some mercy on us and give us the Norway deal as a form of punishment


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
It's incompetence if a country doesn't have a masterplan how to handle a possible outcome of a voting.

But whatever helps to create that image of an evil EU!

There probably is a masterplan. If there is then it almost certainly does not anticipate invoking Article 50 immediately, because that would be stupid.
There probably is a masterplan. If there is then it almost certainly does not anticipate invoking Article 50 immediately, because that would be stupid.

Thinking that the other negotiating party would accept the uncertainty of such delaying is maybe an even bigger showcase of incompetence than not having a plan in the first place.


not tag worthy
Hopefully going to France on holiday soon. When I am there I am worried any French people (besides my fanoly) I see will hate me .. Feels bad man
They should consider expelling the 73 UK welfare leeches who currently intend to continue cashing 14 million Euro worth of paycheques over the next two years while they twiddle their thumb, which they almost certainly do have the power to do.

Until the EUPs laws cease to impact the UKs legal system, I don't see how it can be justified in removing their MPs.
There's no "if", none of the parties with actual representation in the parlament wants a referendum.

Unlike England or France, which right-wing fascists are capitalizing the discomfort of working classes with their bigotry. In Spain it was intellectuals that understands the needs of the people but actually want a better EU, not getting out of it.

For much fear mongering is thrown out by some of our parties.

Lol, its pointless even trying to debate this with you


I saw a really good post in the comments section of The Guardian today:

It's certainly a dynamic I've not thought of, but it's a nice trap to have been set by Cameron and it does dump whoever is the next PM into the shit if they are a Brexiter. Interesting times.

boris' ambition has turned cameron's legacy from middle of the pack pm to top three worst in last century - so this at least seems fair game

that said the problem is the beneficiary is farage when boris alienates the leave voters instead of lumping it all on cameron
There probably is a masterplan. If there is then it almost certainly does not anticipate invoking Article 50 immediately, because that would be stupid.
Stupid for the UK maybe, but the EU doesn't have to accept that. The other countries can't just sit back and see how long the UK wants to drag this out in its own interest. This hurts everybody the longer it takes. So trigger Article 50 next week and start the negotiations and planning.

Who would have written that master plan? Because I've seen nothing of the sort from Leave figures that looks like an actual plan for what steps to take.


Genuinely curious, your thoughts on Scotland's place in all this given they voted stay? Or is it a case of "Fuck them, they bear the mark of Kain"?

I hope the Scots do what they should have done back in 2014 and bail out of what is increasingly becoming a far right, racist, ultra nationalist UK. Then they can do like Ireland and be an EU member in its own right and able to sit at the top table influencing decisions while England (and Wales) remain on the periphery. That was something I could never understand from the "Better Together" lot two years, arguing that remaining in the UK ensured Scotland remained as a key part of the EU. I made the point that Scotland could just as easily be a part of the EU in its own right. The whole "Better Together" argument is now invalid.


Yeah keep twisting my words.

My point is it's not the 'British way' to turn on each other in a crisis. The country was split by a vote and now need to make amends and hope/work for the best.

If it's not "the British way", then why did you vote to leave the EU knowing it would lead to the breakup of the UK? Unless you wilfully ignored all of the headlines explaining how Scotland would seek to leave and the tensions it would create in Northern Ireland. Never mind all the warnings about the lack of any credible exit plan and economic repercussions, both of which have already come true. Your representatives have already walked away from the bullshit promises they fed an ignorant electorate.

You don't get to fuck everything up for everyone and then turn around, shrug your shoulders and claim we should all work together now to fix the gigantic mess you made. You people had all the answers a few days ago.

As a Northern Ireland resident, the two-faced hypocrisy of the English banging their drum about sovereignty while pulling Ireland and Scotland into a black hole against their will is shameful.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Yes, and now that you have decided that, the UK shouldn't drag the process out any longer then needed. You're not leaving in two weeks, you're leaving in two years from the moment the UK says they are out. So your government should officially notify the EU of that as soon as possible so the process can get on its way. This should be done next week I think if the UK government accepts the results of the referendum.

OK, lets look at the "any longer than is needed" thing. I expect that negotiations - unless there is some super-wizard wheeze - will take somewhere between 2 and 7 years. That's if the go reasonably smoothly. There's nothing to be gained by starting the football match before one team is ready, it just wastes energy and you have to start over. Start too early here and you may tag a year onto the end.

We need a bit of calm reflection rather than yelling.


Until the EUPs laws cease to impact the UKs legal system, I don't see how it can be justified in removing their MPs.

It can be justified in the sense that most regulation being developed and voted on right now will go into force 1-2 years from now. In other words, they would be amending, influencing and approving or disapproving legislation that will not affect them anyway (in the legal sense). That would be undemocratic to the rest of Europe and similar to giving, say, Turkey a vote in EU law.


There is a pretty huge change that a non-Brexiter will be elected PM over Boris.

If Boris claims he'll enact article 50, he loses. You can't run that referendum twice, but that is essentially what the next election will be, and people will come out massively against an exit, and the pro-Brexiters will be staying home in large numbers.


This is a really interesting angle I hadn't considered. If Cameron has managed to piss of his mates in the City then the Conservatives are screwed.

It's like how a friend was telling me all through the Thatcher years she kept the Police on side by refusing to make cuts, but this government hasn't realised that and has lost the support they used to have.

If Cameron's just poisoned the good old boy network of the City then that's possibly the biggest seismic shift out of all of this.

I certainly can't claim that these people represent everyone but there is palpable anger. One of the MD's talked about how his wife dropped the kids off at school and had to contend with friends openly weeping since they did not know if they had to leave, some had already been told to go to NY, or the continent. These are all solidly Tory voters. They are beyond furious.

The Labour Party is such a shit show right now that it is unable to take advantage. Hopefully Corbyn is binned next week.

On a more personal note, the last 48hrs have felt like a funeral. Consoling friends and family, some legitametly worried about their homes. Others whose jobs depend on research grants and EU funding. Many of them wondering what it means for their relationships, would couples be forced apart etc.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Stupid for the UK maybe, but the EU doesn't have to accept that. The other countries can't just sit back and see how long the UK wants to drag this out in its own interest. This hurts everybody the longer it takes. So trigger Article 50 next week and start the negotiations and planning.

Oh yes it does. That's what Article 50 says.

Who would have written that master plan? Because I've seen nothing of the sort from Leave figures that looks like an actual plan for what steps to take.

It will be in the Civil Service, and it will be secret.


OK, lets look at the "any longer than is needed" thing. I expect that negotiations - unless there is some super-wizard wheeze - will take somewhere between 2 and 7 years. That's if the go reasonably smoothly. There's nothing to be gained by starting the football match before one team is ready, it just wastes energy and you have to start over. Start too early here and you may tag a year onto the end.

We need a bit of calm reflection rather than yelling.

The actual process can start whenever but the UK should lose representation in the EU parliament ASAP because of the conflict of interest in the negotiations.
OK, lets look at the "any longer than is needed" thing. I expect that negotiations - unless there is some super-wizard wheeze - will take somewhere between 2 and 7 years. That's if the go reasonably smoothly. There's nothing to be gained by starting the football match before one team is ready, it just wastes energy and you have to start over. Start too early here and you may tag a year onto the end.

We need a bit of calm reflection rather than yelling.
Isn't the period 2 years? So why are you getting 7 years from?

There is nothing to be gained for the UK, but everything for the EU. You can't just say you're out of the union and then stay in until it is convenient for you to leave. Once the government accepts the referendum, the process of getting the UK out should be started. That should be pretty soon.

It shows the incompetence of the Leave people that there is absolutely no idea about how to deal with this.

Oh yes it does. That's what Article 50 says.

It will be in the Civil Service, and it will be secret.
And the EU might interpreted it differently.

That secret plan should be out in the open pretty soon then to stop any further confusion. Of course this is literally the day after, but the necessary steps should be public in the next week, maybe two.


Unconfirmed Member
Hopefully going to France on holiday soon. When I am there I am worried any French people (besides my fanoly) I see will hate me .. Feels bad man
I'm not French, but I am in a country who'd have every reason to want the UK to remain, but I would never look down on individual citizens just because a bunch of people in their country of origin made some bad decisions like that. I don't think the French would do either. Unless you went about parroting Leave rhetoric, I'm sure they'd assume you're just a British person and not out to undermine the EU or their livelihood or whatever. And you have to remember, there are plenty of EU sceptics in France too, so even if you were a Leave supporter there are probably enough people to back you up.
It can be justified in the sense that most regulation being developed and voted on right now will go into force 1-2 years from now. In other words, they would be amending, influencing and approving or disapproving legislation that will not affect them anyway (in the legal sense). That would be undemocratic to the rest of Europe and similar to giving, say, Turkey a vote in EU law.

Some of them will, some of them won't. Certainly, we will still be contributing to the EU budget during this period.
Isn't the period 2 years? So why are you getting 7 years from?

There is nothing to be gained for the UK, but everything for the EU. You can't just say you're out of the union and then stay in until it is convenient for you to leave. Once the government accepts the referendum, the process of getting the UK out should be started. That should be pretty soon.

It shows the incompetence of the Leave people that there is absolutely no idea about how to deal with this.

It's not leave trying to circumvent written treaties.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
There is a pretty huge change that a non-Brexiter will be elected PM over Boris.

If Boris claims he'll enact article 50, he loses. You can't run that referendum twice, but that is essentially what the next election will be, and people will come out massively against an exit, and the pro-Brexiters will be staying home in large numbers.

I wouldn't write Boris off that quickly. I've been giving some thought to the political fallout and will post at more length, probably tomorrow, but I don't think it will be all that easy to put someone else in.
Isn't the period 2 years? So why are you getting 7 years from?

There is nothing to be gained for the UK, but everything for the EU. You can't just say you're out of the union and then stay in until it is convenient for you to leave. Once the government accepts the referendum, the process of getting the UK out should be started. That should be pretty soon.

It shows the incompetence of the Leave people that there is absolutely no idea about how to deal with this.

The period can be extended by mutual agreement. I've seen the 7 year figure used as an upper boundary elsewhere.


Some of them will, some of them won't. Certainly, we will still be contributing to the EU budget during this period.

Still be doing that, functioning as part of the EU as a nation so only right until we leave we still are represented. We will still have our MEPs, veto etc.
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