This is spot on.
People have said this about Boris for years, he's unfit for public service.
This is spot on.
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
[IMG ]http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1466885120745.jpg[/IMG]
36%, bravo
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
It's an official government site. You have to log in to that service through your bank account. That way they can verify your identity.
But a coalition was exactly what fucked them up. If they get partnered with the Tories again, those EU promises go right down the drain for a flash of power.
Lib Dems already played their hand, they can't be trusted.
Not surprised in the slightest.Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
I'm starting to think nothing will happen. Everyone seems too chicken shit to actually be the one to pull the trigger.
They could just ignore the vote and remain. Didn't we do this to Hamas a few years ago? I know the situation is not the same, but the votes are not binding. Dutch government does it all the time. The people vent their anger by voting against their own wishes and the Dutch government just goes lol. Nothing happens after that, people are happy they voted and everyone goes back to their ps4 and reality shows.
There's fuckall he can say which wouldn't cause a panic the best thing at the moment is radio silence until people wrap their heads around the implicationsradio 5 being critical of osbourne.
He has done a disappearing act. Did not get his own way and has simply gone to ground
I'm starting to think nothing will happen. Everyone seems too chicken shit to actually be the one to pull the trigger.
Not really, there's a lot of Tories that want to stay in the EU even if it's clearly not all of them. A term of the coalition could be to stay in the EU when at which point they can just blame the Lib Dems for keeping us in the EU.
Anyway, went to their website and it looks like they're really going to go full steam ahead on the EU issue. It might be a very smart play if they become the default party that's just the opposite of UKIP and almost a one policy party.
Once the Lib Dems betrayed the students, this country's political class lost the youth, and damned us all.
That exact behavior is the reason why UK will not be welcomed into the EU even if they want in.
EU is a concept that started with the recognition that the european states dont want war ever again and that there are issues in this world that a nation state cant tackle alone. that also means that they have to work together and cooperation is impossible without trust.
A country that acts only to its self interest will leave the union as soon as the interest of that country doesnt align with the union and thats exactly what the EU does not want.
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
radio 5 being critical of osbourne.
He has done a disappearing act. Did not get his own way and has simply gone to ground
radio 5 being critical of osbourne.
He has done a disappearing act. Did not get his own way and has simply gone to ground
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
They would not be taking advantage of the situation at all would they....this kind of nonsense is not helpful at all...it just serves to bring more disconnect.
It's becoming fairly apparent they never wanted to actually leave, they knew how fucked the country would be if it happened, especially for their own self-interests. They must have known Cameron was going to go on a leave vote too, but they never believed it would happen.
This was supposed to be a ploy to get it close, say "rats, but look how great we did" and advance their own careers with it. Now they're fucked.
And why do you expect any of them to bother? 52% set the country on fire, so let the leaver politicians sort that shit out.
In all seriousness he's likely behind the scenes. It's not really his job to be a PR master.
To bring up this old chestnut...the tution fees betrayton of the Lib Dems was as follows:Not really, there's a lot of Tories that want to stay in the EU even if it's clearly not all of them. A term of the coalition could be to stay in the EU when at which point they can just blame the Lib Dems for keeping us in the EU.
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
That's a point regardless of an article 50 declaration the Eu can easily fuck up the uk economy by leaking what they're going to do sans push back because there's no one in atmEU will probably publicly state their draft terms of the brexit which will basically be something like:
1. UK Banking Licenses mean shit in the EU (non-negotiable)
2. If UK accepts Freedom of movement and Schengen -> Access to single market
3. If Uk does not accept Freedom of movement of Schengen -> WTO terms
If this happen UK will be forced to respond or otherwise the financial industry will just start moving out.
The awful state of both Remain and Leave campaigns will have had a lot to do with it, I'm sure. So much negativity on both sides. Although the truism that younger people are less likely to vote will have played its usual part too.That's so shit of them. The Indy Ref electrified young voters, having 16 and 18 years olds voting helped a lot there.
Is that actually national turnout by age group? Or some sky poll turnout estimate or something else?
If that's the national turnout or something like it then well wow, that rather puts a new complexion on things doesn't it.
This goes a long way to explaining why, in the 10 years I've been able to cast a vote, I've never once voted for something that has ultimately gone on to win, and I've voted at every possible opportunity. My generation really are lazy cunts.
Genuinely makes me feel like I might as well not bother turning out for the next 20 years until the baby boomers finally die off.
That said, fucking A, get out and vote. What did you have to do that was more important than voting for a once in a generation, if not longer, decision like this?
Aren't exit polls by their nature more accurate than pre-election polls?
Once people show up you can get a pretty good snap shot of the who, what, when, of voting which is why political parties feverishly comb through the exit polls in the US, at least.
That said, fucking A, get out and vote. What did you have to do that was more important than voting for a once in a generation, if not longer, decision like this?
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
radio 5 being critical of osbourne.
He has done a disappearing act. Did not get his own way and has simply gone to ground
EU will probably publicly state their draft terms of the brexit which will basically be something like:
1. UK Banking Licenses mean shit in the EU (non-negotiable)
2. If UK accepts Freedom of movement and Schengen -> Access to single market
3. If Uk does not accept Freedom of movement of Schengen -> WTO terms
If this happen UK will be forced to respond or otherwise the financial industry will just start moving out.
Election Day in the United Kingdom is by tradition a Thursday. It has been suggested that this tradition arose as the best of several circumstances: Friday pay-packets would lead to more drunken voters on Fridays and weekends; having the election as far after a Sunday as possible would reduce the influence of Sunday sermons; many towns held markets on Thursdays, thus the local population would be travelling to town that day anyway. Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, all future General Elections shall take place on the first Thursday in May every five years, barring special circumstances. Most other European countries hold all Elections on Sundays. Polls in the United Kingdom open at 7:00 and close at 22:00.
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
They'll probably show up. Attached to a tree with any luck.You could say pretty much the same about Johnson and Gove though ��
Town showered with EU cash votes to leave EU
“What’s the EU ever done for us?” Zak Kelly, 21, asks me this standing next to a brand new complex of buildings and facilities that wouldn’t look out of place in Canary Wharf.
“Well, I know … they built all this,” he says, and motions his head at the impressive facilities that are all around us. “But we put in more money than we get out, don’t we?”
Wales isn’t just a net EU beneficiary, EU capital funding has been an essential part of attracting firms to come here. All around town are signs marked with the EU flag for the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone. The website notes that as an EU tier 1 area, “companies can benefit from the highest level of grant aid in the UK”. Earlier this year the sports car company TVR announced it would build a factory and create 150 jobs there. Will it still come? Will the Circuit of Wales, a multimillion-pound motor racing circuit a private company has been proposing to build on the town’s outskirts creating 6,000 jobs? Will the £1.8bn of EU cash promised to Wales for projects until 2020 still arrive? And what happens after? Will central government really give more money to Ebbw Vale than the EU has?
Even Kelly looks like he could be doubtful on this point.
Michael Sheen, the Welsh-born actor from Port Talbot, tweeted: “Wales votes to trust a new and more rightwing Tory leadership to invest as much money into its poorer areas as EU has been doing.”
“It is what it is,” says Kelly. “We’ll see, won’t we?”
Given that only works out to about 67% percent turnout across all brackets, as opposed to the 72% declared overall turnout, I'd have to say it's just based on polling data.
This will not happen.
The EU IS NOT allowed to make ANY decisions/negotiations at all until we make a formal and explicit decision as to Article 50.
Just looked up why the UK holds elections on a Thursday:
Insanity. And they even went back to make it official no more than 5 years ago.
This will not happen.
The EU IS NOT allowed to make ANY decisions/negotiations at all until we make a formal and explicit decision as to Article 50.
This will not happen.
The EU IS NOT allowed to make ANY decisions/negotiations at all until we make a formal and explicit decision as to Article 50.