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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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But it's a direct correlation with young people which is the common factor here

'This vote has robbed young people of a secure future! Just like we did five years ago!'

I guess 52% of the voting turnout just really wanted to make sure that the future generations were proper fucked




Gisela is one person, and that's one sound bite, she's not THE campaign. That's just her personal view, doesn't say that's what WILL happen.


B-b-b-b-but bankers are wankers!

They did like, sort of, lay the foundations for and trigger the entire global recession of 2007/8

I guess 52% of the voting turnout just really wanted to make sure that the future generations were proper fucked

Not what I'm saying at all, I never commented on that.

We're just discussing the words of a Liberal Democrat MP that are dripping with hypocrisy
I keep seeing this, but plenty of the British left voted for Brexit too. Similarly, many on the right, the Prime Minister included, campaigned to remain.

Just an outsider looking in here.

The vote was pretty close, so It's very reasonable to think that voters on the leave or stay issue were from both sides of the political a spectrum.

In the end the people's voice spoke really, and if anything this should at least be a wake up call that this will happen again and again (my money was on Greece doing it first but çe la vie.)


Yes they are a better vote than one solely fuel by xenophobia.

Ah yes over 17 million people turned xenophobic, bad and racist figuratively over night, including places like Birmingham, please tell me more.
Immigration has issues and calling everyone bad names that sees this worked so perfectly wonderful for this vote right?
Yes! It won't -always- be a good thing, and lot of the times it will be a good thing, but the will of the people should always stand.

If you let the people decide their future without any control, half of them will run into the fire thinking its for the greater good. Which is what happened overnight in Britain.


A bunch of xenophobic, bigoted, women hating, climate change denying, technology fearing, trickle down wealth believing racists just decided the future of a nation

Name calling is hardly going to help. If that is how you react when you see people with opinions that are different from yours... I don't know.


The amount of people I'm talking to in work who voted leave because "they didn't think they'd actually win" is breaking my heart.

PSA: when the future economic stability of your entire country is at stake - that is not the time for a petty protest vote


I wonder if U.S. markets will hit the circuit breaker point because of this. I'd like to say probably not, but.... *sigh*



In other words: The dumb people ruin it for everyone, when the not-dumb people take all the economic benefits for themselves.

As much as there's validity to this, it comes across as really elitist and intolerant

'You're dumb if you don't have a degree'


I can't believe the number of people who voted in such an important referendum did so because they were "sure that leave wouldn't win"
Who the fuck thinks this is a logical idea.
Would be interesting to find out how many people regret their votes.
I'm a bit surprised - and scared - by some people I know wanting a Nexit referendum, for the Netherlands to go out of the EU now :(

This really isn't out of the question, no. Geert Wilders' PVV could make that happen if they win the election in 2017 or it could even happen without the need for that. There's obviously a lot of buts and ifs in there, I know. But it's really not outside the realm of possibilities.

I'd say the chance of the people voting for a leave in the Netherlands, would be fairly small. But then again I thought the same for the UK referendum, so I better not make any predictions on that again.
They did like, sort of, lay the foundations for and trigger the entire global recession of 2007/8

There is no sort of, they did, specially Lehman and AIG and others institutions, the didn't sort of create the crisis, they create it and exploit it until they couldn't anymore and needed someone to pay the bills of the party, there is no discussion about that.

Venom Fox

Doubt we will leave. The referendum isn't law. It was just a guideline for the government to follow. Once people who voted Leave see what the implications of leaving are, I expect the government to ignore the referendum.

Jesus Christ. Shit show if I've ever seen one.
Tim Farron saying young people's future have been robbed. Bit rich for a Lib Dem MP to say that after the Lib Dems supported increasing tuition fees, innit?
Tim Farron was one of the 8 Lid Dem MPs that kept his job (so he must have done something right) and since you bought up the past he did vote against the tuition fees:
http://www.libdemvoice.org/tuition-fees-how-liberal-democrat-mps-voted-22346.html (overall 21 against, 27 for, 8 abstain = 100% blame after 4 years constantly having bought it up)

How reliable is this graph? It's downright disgusting, and humanity should weep if this is representative.
The UK has voted to leave the European Union. On referendum day I surveyed 12,369 people after they had voted to help explain the result – who voted for which outcome, and what lay behind their decision.
There is full data too to poke at yourself.

Though I expect the blog to be updated as:
More than three quarters (77%) of those who voted to remain thought “the decision we make in the referendum could have disastrous consequences for us as a country if we get it wrong”. More than two thirds (69%) of remainers, by contrast, thought the decision “might make us a bit better or worse off as a country, but there probably isn’t much in it either way”.
I think the last one was meant to say leavers.

You know UK, you can always join the US as three (or four or five, depending on what Wales and Cornwall want) states. You just gotta dump the monarchy.
By dump you mean giving them to Canada?
With so many voters unhappy with the EU (a lot more than expected) it highlights some big things that need addressing, so the government know they need to make some massive changes to make things right now, as they are going to have to step up, grow some balls and start running our county for the people, if they want their trust back again.

Despite what some people think, change is not always a bad thing either and while it might be a little while before things like the Pound stabilise again (and it will) Britain has been though far, far worse situations than leaving the EU, so it might take a while but I think some good things will come from this result eventually.


No surprise that the few London boroughs that voted to leave have high white British populations. Reaffirms my thoughts that the leave vote was rooted in the desire to not be around / live among people who don't look or sound like white native Brits.


I've been sitting here reading this shit for hours, the hilarity of it all.

Gives more reason for commonwealth countries to leave the commonwealth, you guys have all gone mad but the difference is it wouldn't affect any commonwealth country one bit, this votes gonna fuck the UK right in the ass for a good while.

Hope you guys like it hard and rough because man your going to get a pounding, unless the EU is actual the beacon of democracy it makes out to be then you might be fine with a little hard work.


Name calling is hardly going to help. If that is how you react when you see people with opinions that are different from yours... maybe you shouldn't assume the worst.

if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck

if people vote against their own self-interest and to the damaging detriment of others because they are afraid of the brown and Polish people, then they're fucking racist.

This is a dumpster fire that is built on the hate, prejudice and fear against the Other.


People should be more concerned about dark10x

He was ready to commit suicide last night. Really.
Wonder how that guy who threatened to beat you up if he ever met you in real life is doing. Dude was crazy.
Name calling is hardly going to help. If that is how you react when you see people with opinions that are different from yours... I don't know.
I thought Remain was supposed to be the tolerant camp?


if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck

if people vote against their own self-interest and to the damaging detriment of others because they are afraid of the brown and Polish people, then they're fucking racist.

This is a dumpster fire that is built on the hate, prejudice and fear against the Other.

i'm sorry so many people voted without thinking about what you wanted

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The amount of people I'm talking to in work who voted leave because "they didn't think they'd actually win" is breaking my heart.

And I'm seeing A LOT of that on twitter. It's mind blowing. I'm not a proponent of this, but it's the biggest case of voting being a privilege and not a right in quite some time.

It's that kind of stuff that leaves people's gut twisted up here in the US. There are so many people that approach voting with a nihilistic, flippant, or incoherent mindset; especially the younger ones who ironically do not agree with or like what the older generation votes for.

Venom Fox

I think the government will call for another EU vote once people see what they have caused. The damage may be irreversible at this point though.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Just going to leave this here.

Its a chart showing turnouts for MEP elections for the UK (and the rest of Europe by way of comparison).

When you have an average turnout of ~30% over a period of over 35 years it kinda shows how disconnected the British electorate has always been from Brussels. Most people wouldn't be able to name their regional MEP's, let alone know what they do.

This for me is fundamentally why Leave won. The public in this country have never been engaged with the idea of pan-European democracy, and instead have always viewed it as a meddlesome and unwanted overlord.


if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck

if people vote against their own self-interest and to the damaging detriment of others because they are afraid of the brown and Polish people, then they're fucking racist.

This is a dumpster fire that is built on the hate, prejudice and fear against the Other.

A fair bit, if not most of it is ignorance as well. Not that that is great



This was the equivalent of a coup by the government on itself.
Gisela is one person, and that's one sound bite, she's not THE campaign. That's just her personal view, doesn't say that's what WILL happen.

Of course it's just her personal view, but there's no denying the fact that this was used as part of the propaganda for the Leave campaign, and many people bought into it, too.

And now suddenly nobody even remotely hinted at the money going to the NHS.
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