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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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David Cameron is the worst prime minister in the UK's deplorable history.

I'm ashamed to live in this country and I'm ashamed my hometown is full of a bunch of racist xenophobes that lack the necessary brain cells to make an informed decision. The political right has regressed the UK; the political right will continue to dominate UK politics. What a lamentable time to be living in; I'm well and truly despondent and I have not slept at all.


Still going on with their threats aren't they?

What do you expect them to say? 'Oh yeah we'll give you a great deal, you'll get everything you wanted!' Their priority now is keeping the Union together and if the UK gets most of the benefits of the EU without being a member then it sets a precedent that it's not necessary to stay in.


Had a great time following the whole process with everyone in the thread today. I can see the dialogue is going to spin into insanity for awhile, so it'll be a bit before things settle down and we can have a real conversation again.

A major day.


What threats?, UK voted leave, why would EU want to prolong the process?

We in the netherlands voted on two referendums one in 2005 and one this year. We said no two times and did the EU listen? off course not because a no is a yes instead for them. That isn't democracy we raised our voice we said no and they shuffled it under a rug like it's nothing.


It's just football ofc but the Premier League and lower divisions will have to offload a lot of EU players now I guess.
So uuuuh... what are the consequences for this? Globally, I mean. For both Europe and stuff.

I can already see the dollar has gone down for some reason.


What threats? It's reality now. IN "threatened" us that the pound was going to tank and, oh look, the pound just tanked.

The EU want us out quickly before the collateral damage gets too much for them to bear. This isn't "if you don't buck your ideas up, you can find somewhere else to live", this is "I've packed your bags and changed the locks, bye".
Basically. You reap what you sow.
Yes, that plan is for other nations to unilaterally offer concessions on every economic issue while also demanding nothing in return from England. Belgium is literally going to pay for the wall that keeps all the migrants out, and if they complain the wall will get 50 feet taller.

"We don't want to be part of the EU, but we want all the benefits of being part of the EU but none of the obligations!"


Lol why on earth would inflation and rates rise in such a situation. The BoE would ensure the opposite.

Inflation rises if the price of goods and services go up. There will be less migrant labour, so probably a tighter about market. What we import may see tariffs added, and so become more expensive. The fund (sterling) is falling, which makes EVERYTHING we import more expensive.

Offsetting that, we'll have a recession, which reduces the demand for goods and services, which is generally deflationary.

It's hard to know how it would play out, but it could well end up being inflationary, especially if sterling continues to fall. Far from impossible.
I went to bed with early reports of Remain winning it, now I wake up to this.


It's bad, for the UK and for the EU. There's no other way around it.

The only interesting thing now will be to see what Scotland does.


This honestly feels like an inflection point in England's already downward momentum, symbolically it's the twilight of the once great British empire, now literally smaller than the tiniest EU countries who are strong together. Has anyone other country dropped in prestige/power/wolds position this much (over past 150 years or so) Honest question

Um, the UK is the worlds 5th largest economy, and before this was reckoned to be the 4th largest by 2013. It's one of the strongest military powers in the world, and one of only an extremely small number of nations with true a true blue water navy with force projection. in terms of soft power, the UK is actually reckoned to the strongest country in the world, and it's capital London is one of the two "world class" cities in terms o global importance and links. Oh, and it's language is the worlds. I think the UK is probably the BEST case example of an empire fading, not the worse.

Obviously, all that was before this vote. Now, we're just fucked and exposed to the world what a nasty bunch of people we are.
All those here saying " it's the end of the world" " UK is finished " are making me laugh so hard . Amazing knee-jerk reactions.

The economy immediately tanked and Scotland's exit is all but guaranteed.

In one fell swoop the Brexit cunts have destroyed the UK and the lives of countless unborn generations.


Eugh i would flee to Canada but im a pithy student. There goes a few of our industries...why does Farage say a vic for ordinary people...

Farage is a nob. He also said its a result 'for decent people'. Is he saying my wife isn't decent because she voted stay? I'm a Leaver but can see he's a dick and an embarrassment.


Lol why on earth would inflation and rates rise in such a situation. The BoE would ensure the opposite.

Short term: The exchange rate drop.

iPads and imported goods are going to be more expensive in pounds as foreign companies adjust prices to account for the lower exchange rate.

Long term: Higher tariffs on goods.

Imports cost more because they don't enjoy EU tariff exemptions anymore.


Citi is the latest bank to add to a growing stack of analysis over what could happen if the UK votes to leave the European Union, suggesting consumer price inflation could balloon to 3-4 per cent for several years after a potential “Brexit” amid expectations sterling would depreciate sharply.

Citi number crunchers have concluded that if the UK votes to leave the EU, sterling would depreciate by 15-20 per cent, the same figure arrived at by Goldman Sachs, writes Joel Lewin.

“The experience of recent years makes it clear that UK inflation is highly sensitive to exchange rate swings,” note Citi strategists, adding “it is possible that the outcome would be far worse”.


Birmingham was the big shock

and if you remove Scotland the map is all leave spotted with yellow, I dont think there can be any debate about the win

Daffy Duck

I feel sick......if you'd have asked me a month or so back if I would've cared like this if we left I'd have laughed at you because I thought I didn't care....I now know i cared a lot.

I'm glad I voted remain and it was very close here in Stratford-upon-Avon (51.6% leave v Remain 48.4%).

I'm gutted.


Hello everyone. I, must like some others here, are uncertain as to what the implications of this move exactly are. Can someone explain why there is so much gloom regarding this situiaton? Are there any bright sides?

Please explain in as simple a way as possible.


Just heard on the radio that Moody are saying "most likely" to lost its AAA rating.

I really hope the youth don't take this lying down and have massive protests over the next few years.


Farage already walking back his bullshit. saying it was a mistake to claim NHS would get 350m a week after brexit.

Hook line and sinker people fell for the bullshit and now they can reveal their bullshit
I have never been ashamed to be British before, but I am now.

Fuck's sake.

This was basically a vote of haves vs have not. Fuck all to do with Europe. If you ever wanted proof of how distinct the North/South divide or indeed the divide between London and the rest of the country is, you need look no further than this referendum.


Cannot wait for the response by Schulz and Junker. It won't be a nice one, and the upcoming negotiations will lead to a rude awakening in the UK if the hard-line stance of German politicians are anything to go by. You want to reap the benefits, then you need to take the common rules and responsibilities, as easy as that.

I voted Remain but their comments this week did not help

The 'fuck the UK then' sentiments now manifesting on here and Twitter are disheartening.

We tried...but outside the extremists I know many who voted Leave who had passionate beliefs. I respect them if not agree with them.


You know you are the EU, right? Like, you can't leave your own party because you think it's a drag, you need to call the cops and kick everyone out.

I know I'm stuck with it, but having all these european institutions in Brussels seriously harmed our city, at a citizen level, this was very badly handled unfortunately. There are some good ideas in the European Union, but the price to pay for us, people of Brussels, is very high.
The left wing in the UK can either:

1. Fix their poor policies of immigration and integration.


2. Call everyone racist and uneducated, and thus continue to chase potential moderates into the arms of true far-right groups.

Seeing how the thread is going, I fear I know which way this will go. Hopefully, the left in my own country doesn't use the same poor politics when attempting to defeat Trump.
When said people are willing to burn the country to the groud to get rid of all the 'brown people', words like 'uneducated' and 'racist' barely fucking cut it now do they?
My Facebook feed currently has the ugly side of Remain voters basically saying all Leavers are fat on the dole racist scum bags who have shitty kids etc etc
Lol why on earth would inflation and rates rise in such a situation. The BoE would ensure the opposite.
Pound crashes.
Imports cost more.
Inflation goes up.
Bank of England has a mandate to keep inflation below 2%.
Interest rates are how they do that.

All on the BBC half an hour ago


I for one welcome all British refugees. Come to Deutschland. (You should really think about it and it's sad this isn't a joke.)


Being absolutely serious, a Tory government set it's stall out to actively try and destroy my city, and it's only because of EU funding that it's managed to truly recover.



I must be having a nightmare.

I'm still asleep.

That's the only rational explanation for why we're living in a world where dumbfucks voted to leave the EU.

Somebody wake me up.


Worth mentioning that every single council district in Scotlans voted remain. Gives the SNP a very strong hand here.


The fact that they don't have a set plan after leaving is cracking me up so much because it's so fucking stupid. I just can't believe this is happening.
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