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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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This is the same in Austria's presidential election as well, by the way.
The cities - especially Vienna - and Vorarlberg, both of which are the targets of most of the immigration, have voted for the liberal candidate. The rural areas with the least immigrants have voted for the right winger.
well yes, the places that have a lot of immigrants are going to vote for pro immigration parties

but that doesn't show how the non immigrants in those places voted and the ignores that people with little immigration can look at places with a lot of immigration and make an informed decision and basically go "fuck that, we want none of it" not to mention people who moved from places with a lot of immigration to places where there are little


Spot on!

Stoke on Trent.

Our region has had a lot of migrants which I don't mind. The problem begins when they don't want to integrate which is happening right now in my region.

Our public services are over stretched. We don't have enough schools, we don't have enough housing and our transport infrastructure isn't able to cope. I think the response from this vote to show politications that whilst London is all good and well the rest of England is just limping on with no hope in future and the people are tired of the EU and Westminster and want something to change.

So you shot yourself in the foot?

Great plan!
If Leave voters wanted everything to be British made and bring back labour production, does this mean we can finally get the 5 million British born natives kicked off welfare and made to work, to build more houses and other sectors? :D


Maybe young people should have turned out to vote then! I hear it was more like 60% turnout for 18-29 voters.

This is surprisingly true in my experience, a lot of the younger workers in my building didn't vote, they couldn't be bothered getting registered to vote because their vote doesn't do anything or more hilariously because the vote didn't affect them enough so why should they vote on someone else's behalf (even more worryingly the guys is a labour voter.....)

I'm out of that 18-24 band now and I just do not understand the logic that people choose not to vote

The Remain campaign has treated most of the Leave voters with contempt after their parties ignored them for decades. If you watched the debates you would have seen Remain campaigners calling the Leave campaigners stupid liars etc. If you are a Leave supporter I can see how the implication is that they are stupid for believing them.

People cannot ignore this, the Remain campaign was awful, it focused on claiming xenophobia and scare tactics (not that the leave side was any better), I did my own research because they were so badly organise campaigns!
The remain camp should have focused on all the benefits of the EU and why we should stay, seeking to change peoples opinions and reassure them on immigration - but they didn't they frequently resorted to calling leave voters names and saying they were closet racists (some will have been) which has had the same affect telling a teenager not to do - they did what you didn't want

Blame should be apportioned all round here, you cannot fight a campaign supposedly vested in peace and tolerance by saying those who have concerns views are utterly irrelevant and should be shunned, it breeds contempt and opposition

I despair that too many people were so up their own arse believing their way was right that they couldn't see this and actively campaign the positives and educate people

sometimes I feel that other left/liberal members of society are becoming so insular in their fight to be inclusive that they are creating those they dislike


It's not bullshit, all those issues he talked about are very real in the UK.

There are people who voted leave simply because they wanted to stick two fingers up to the government who they feel has failed and neglected them.

Well, they most definitely succeeded in that. How's that working out?
I never said it will help thats just jumping to conclusion also no i am not a leave voter i am from austria jumping again but does it help to call everyone that voted leave a racist? Does it help that the eu prevents deportations for serious criminals, does it help that the eu makes immigration from outside the eu harder, does it help that you have Pakistani groups that sexually abuse and rape children in the thousands and everyone that talks about it gets screamed down with racist (bbc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAErXUlMYXM) to the point that the media and politicians actively ignored because they feared being call racist by the opposition?

The willful ignorance of people that dont want to deal with or see the problems with immigration are the true PR for the leave vote and even for right wing parties.
You are really doing this to yourselves and dont even notice it.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Stop hijacking the EU debate to espouse your racist garbage under the guise of reasonable debate. It is incredibly transparent.

Pakistani sex gangs! In a thread about the EU?



Junior, please.
Things of this magnitude shouldn't be decided by Joe Public. Clearly most of them don't know what they're voting for, leaving isn't going to fix anything.

Absolutely gutted this morning.


well yes, the places that have a lot of immigrants are going to vote for pro immigration parties

but that doesn't show how the non immigrants in those places voted and the ignores that people with little immigration can look at places with a lot of immigration and make an informed decision and basically go "fuck that, we want none of it" not to mention people who moved from places with a lot of immigration to places where there are little


People just don't want to think logically about the voting patterns because they are unhappy with the result.
What a dangerously infantile reaction. Complete lack of understanding of what the EU is.

Indeed. They have no fucking clue what the EU is or does, but hey, let's stick it to the government by voting leave, right? As if that will magically improve their lives. Newsflash: it won't.


GAF's Bob Woodward
so surprise surprise Camerons threat to trigger article 50 if we voted leave, was hot air

Isn't this the next step though? What else is he going to do? I haven't heard any noises that suggest he's going to delay the process... (?)

Honey Bunny

Interesting breakdown, blue is Leave yellow is Remain.



They also did one based on age with almost all areas with aging populations being blue.


Unconfirmed Member
Remember to buy the dip, time to make some money out of suckers.

I'm sorry, I know you probably won't respond, but I've got to ask.

Do you have any sympathy for the people who are being negatively affected by all of this? A good portion of the posts you've made throughout this have been you bragging about profiting from the situation while ignoring all of the posts about how some people are already feeling the affects of this decision.

Once again, sorry, but I feel like I need to ask this.


Honestly, get out there and go and speak to some of these people. Go up north, you might be surprised.

I went to university in Durham and did social work while I was up there. I can tell you that the vast majority of them are not racist, not in the slightest. There are however many frustrated people up there where the struggle is real for them and they didn't see any way out. This result, to them, will feel like a new beginning.

Whether it will help them or not is besides the question but there are people out there who genuinely think "it can't get any worse than what it is now". That's what the nation was up against, a lot of people who had nothing to lose.


'getting out there and speaking to voters'. What, you mean the many million who voted for, or the many million who voted against? I'm sure speaking to all of them would settle your mind about it

And the idea that the immigration phobia is a legitimate fear. It's not a legitimate fear. Immigration is a complete non-issue. It is a good thing for any country top-to-bottom. 'Stealing jobs' isn't immigrants, it's employers 'giving your job away'.

And to top it off, we know that the places with least immigrants were the most staunch Leave voters, so they don't even experinece any issues with immigration, it's just the narrative they've been fed


If Britain is anything like here their own border controls would probably help. The free moment agreement are lovely and I personally don't want to leave the EU but the border nations in the EU are not doing their job.

People are smuggling across the border all the time, the national public tv service here recently did a report on street children in Stockholm and found the majority of them to come from countries such as Morocco. They sneak/smuggle their way into EU because once they reach/enter one country they can travel on to the rest without any controls in between. Many of them should be sent back to their home countries by law but when the immigration service/police are usually done investigating their case they already moved on to another european city or vanished. They basically live below the radar and there isn't a thing the local government can do about it because they move around constantly and there are no controls at the actual borders.

People talk as if immigration equals racism although even when it comes to the actual immigrants the system is completely broken. If the rules were followed very few of them would even reached a country such as England because they are suppose to give their fingerprints and stay in the first safe country they enter and everyone knows Britain can't possibly be the first EU country that they arrived in.

The UK always had their own border checks. Have you ever tried to go from Sweden to the UK? You will need to go through a border check. They aren't part of the Schengen area like Sweden is.

(Not to say that Stockholm doesn't have a problem with immigration of North Africans, but also a big issue with begging Roma. The Swedish way of "we cannot talk about this, it's racist" does not help.)


Well, these are stupid, but I heard that work permissions of >100 EU PL players can be affected by the Brexit (such as Payet), since they do not have enough national team matches.
Maybe one can see it as a good thing for giving a chance to young british players, but will most likely mean that PL level will drop.
Payet and players like him would definitely get a work permit. It'll be a concern for the younger EU players who don't have many (if any) caps with their national teams.
I feel there are valid reason to be angry with this country, I know I can't stand the fact that our public services aren't being funded enough, that private business get thought of more than the public, that areas get neglected by the government etc. but not one of those problems is down the EU.

These are all caused by our own government and the 'problem' with immigration is national news outlets blowing up the 'problems' to far great heights than it actually is. Are there issues caused by groups not being integrated? Of course, but it's nowhere near as bad on the whole as some people think. We have studies and evidence to show that the general population blow problems out of proportion and they get exaggerated. Take for example benefit cheats, listening to some you would think it was the main reason we the country struggles yet it's actually a tiny fraction of our money and we lose more from collection errors but does that matter? Of course not.

To the leave voters who want to feel persecuted because others are (justifiably) calling the leave campaign xenophobic, when the evidence shows that the 'problem' isn't nowhere near as big as it's been made out to be and any small amount of research will show you otherwise it becomes clear that people voting for these reasons aren't doing so based on evidence but either ignorance of the facts or bigotry. Shit, we now have polls that show immigration is considered 'a force of ill' amongst the vast majority of leave voters, and why is that? Probably because 'they are pushing our hospitals and doctors past breaking point' even though immigration is a net benefit and the real concern is the current government attempting to force the NHS into disrepair to sell it off to private companies.

But no, it's apparently unfair to call out the leave campaign for its blatant bullshit and attempts to push 'national pride' ( a disgusting ideal in my opinion) to make people vote for specific reasons that they themselves admit an hour after results isn't possible but why should that matter, everything will be better now….


If they ignore it we will have mass rioting just like we did a few years ago and half the people who took part just did it for shits, not because of Duggan.

Now you give them a reason to riot and we will have major problems.

They would not fucking riot. The Leave voters are primarily age 50 and up. The rioting a few years ago was from angry young people, if anything those same people have cause to riot now because their voices weren't heard here.


I never said it will help thats just jumping to conclusion also no i am not a leave voter i am from austria jumping again but does it help to call everyone that voted leave a racist? Does it help that the eu prevents deportations for serious criminals, does it help that the eu makes immigration from outside the eu harder, does it help that you have Pakistani groups that sexually abuse and rape children in the thousands and everyone that talks about it gets screamed down with racist (bbc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAErXUlMYXM) to the point that the media and politicians actively ignored because they feared being call racist by the opposition?

The willful ignorance of people that dont want to deal with or see the problems with immigration are the true PR for the leave vote and even for right wing parties.
You are really doing this to yourselves and dont even notice it.
And what has any of this got to do with EU immigration ? Pakistani immigrants are not EU citizens not are they refugees from a country at civil war causing a refugee crisis.
I'll ask again as my post was probably missed, thread moving fast.

Have we heard from the royals yet?

I do not believe so, but then its an odd situation as they are mandated to keep out of government affairs (yes Charles 'poision' pen letters) so at best they will release a carefully worded statement about weathering the storm and listening to subjects, with hints of this being the wrong choice

Or I suppose she could come to number 10 in a tank and retake the country? who knows this is unprecidented
Trying to reduce complex opinions again. Everyone is perfectly well integrated in your little bubble isn't it? Sometimes I wonder what "side" are the more open-minded.

It's not about being fucking open minded, it's about not gutting your country. People are actually trying to downplay the severity of what just happened with, "think of their feelings". Fuck their feelings. They actively voted to literally worsen their current decision big time. It's not a bubble, they're idiotic, xenophobic people who got used, and sadly, the party that played them is even saying they were played without a shred of shame.

It's not a complex opinion. Don't even try that shit. There was loads of information detailing what would occur if the UK left the EU and they voted against their interest. Calling it complex is a travesty and so is hiding behind it. There are some decisions you don't leave up to a bunch of emotional idiots.


Don't want to sound too pessimistic about this, but depending on how this will affect the economy in the long term, such a chance might not arise again. The next generations will grow up outside the EU, unless your country would actually go as far as to split up over this (which seems rather likely to me now).

I don't see the UK splitting apart over this, but the threats will come fast and furious
I'm sorry, I know you probably won't respond, but I've got to ask.

Do you have any sympathy for the people who are being negatively affected by all of this? A good portion of the posts you've made throughout this have been you bragging about profiting from the situation while ignoring all of the posts about how some people are already feeling the affects of this decision.

Once again, sorry, but I feel like I need to ask this.

If you play the game, prepare to win and lose. Nobody cries for me if I make a bad investment or bet.
storm in a tea cup for the dow, its been swinging from 15000-18000 for a few years. I've seen worse drops. FTSE hasn't dropped that much so far. BIg drops in the DAX(Germany) but again the DAX moves like the DOW, 400-600 point moves are quite common.

DAX has been this low 3-4 times in the last 12 months

It's almost a 650 points drop for the DAX. And no, that's not common, not at all. DAX dropping 200 or 300 points is happening on a more or less regular basis, 600+ is pretty much unheard of, unless there is a major recession.


But those things don't apply to the UK. They manage their own borders. Those people in Calais weren't camping there for the good weather. UK is not part of Schengen, you don't get in without a passport check.

Ah. In that case I was wrong and I actually have no idea what their immigration problems are. I still think the EU are a problem when it comes to countries individual sovereignty at times but the UK already had the best deal when it comes to this, perhaps they want more?

At any rate I freely admit I was wrong!
Yeah pretty much, most people just read that headline and think that OMG OMG OMG THE SKY IS FALLING! When in reality they are talking of the dip point, the market stabilize hours later and people still have in their heads that headline instead of what is actually happening in the markets. The same goes for the FTSE going down to LAST MONDAY LEVELS! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!

as if what happenned today could not happen tomorrow because the market have become volatile. As fi volatile market aren't the worse thing for any kind of stable economy.

But yeah , carry on. Doesn't matter at all /s


Anyone who believes that immigration to the UK will simply stop because of this is wildly missguided, we will continue to take these immigrants, but now won't have the help and support to support them that the EU used to provide.

You know those overstreched and underfunded GP's/Schools/Hospitals....

That's gonna get worse.....



My wife is technically Irish, her mother was born in Ireland and is an Irish passport holder, I wonder if she can get an Irish passport for herself and my son although I hear changes in nationality can screw up the us visa waiver


I blame them partly. But mostly the likes of Farage and Boris, who absolutely know what they are doing, playing into the fear and anger of people without having an actual plan when those people follow them.

Because they both have a completely deluded view of the UK's place in the world. It's honestly like they were put in stasis back during the height of the empire and have just woken up..


That's an awfully simplistic way of looking at this. By making this a race issue you are the one deflecting the real issues in a lot of these communities.

Honestly, get out there and go and speak to some of these people. Go up north, you might be surprised.

I went to university in Durham and did social work while I was up there. I can tell you that the vast majority of them are not racist, not in the slightest. There are however many frustrated people up there where the struggle is real for them and they didn't see any way out. This result, to them, will feel like a new beginning.

Whether it will help them or not is besides the question but there are people out there who genuinely think "it can't get any worse than what it is now". That's what the nation was up against, a lot of people who had nothing to lose.

How can that be besides the point? Why is anyone voting for something that they don't think will actually help them?
This is a fuckup of glorious proportions, and I say it as someone who has little faith in the EU. Conservative party plays populist games and creates a monster.
They would not fucking riot. The Leave voters are primarily age 50 and up. The rioting a few years ago was from angry young people, if anything those same people have cause to riot now because their voices weren't heard here.

Still a couple million 18-24 yr olds running round cities and towns causing havoc.

Yeah we'll be fine thanks for reassuring me bro.
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