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UFC 193 OT: Ronda Rousey vs Holly Holm / First PPV headlined by 2 womens Title Fights

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One of the worst beatings I have seen in a championship match in a long time. Ronda was destroyed by Holm. I honestly feel bad for her since she was made to look like a fool by Holm.

damn son indeed

Mory Dunz

I think it was then that she realized she was outclassed.

It's like when Vegeta was fighting Frieza and him realizing he wasn't actually a Super Saiyan.

It was an "Oh Shit." moment.


Now it all makes sense, back from when she wore that vegeta shirt...

bought into your own hype, got beat by a skinny blond girl... :)
I don't think Ronda wants any part of a rematch the way she got handled. That's the type of beatdown that just makes you contemplate life and what it all means, like a double rainbow.


So Rousey has a shorter reach and she falls for the telegraphed punches by being too overaggressive and open. Those hits took the wind out of her. Straight into her face and fierce.

Talks about boxers, falls to a striker like an amateur. #1 - don't let her extend.

Ali vs. Frazier - Fight of the Century, except, this was a cheap version of Frazier that got knocked the hell out.
her striking coach is a fraud, both as a coach and as a human being

ronda's mom isn't a fan of him either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhelhurItP4&t=24m24s

she probably saw the downfall coming a mile away

I'm aware of all these things. Well I don't know Edmond personally so I wouldn't go as far as to insult him as a human being but generally, yes, he's not a proven Boxing trainer and I know Ronda's mom doesn't like him.

Ronda's been there her whole career though. And there's something to respect about sticking with your Camp like that. But she hasn't improved in the stand up nearly enough and it cost her tonight. She needs to link back up with Hayastan and find a decent striking coach.
I'm aware of all these things. Well I don't know Edmond personally so I wouldn't go as far as to insult him as a human being but generally, yes, he's not a proven Boxing trainer and I know Ronda's mom doesn't like him.

Ronda's been there her whole career though. And there's something to respect about sticking with your Camp like that. But she hasn't improved in the stand up nearly enough and it cost her tonight. She needs to link back up with Hayastan and find a decent striking coach.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
The grappling is the most shocking part of all. Ronda failed throws, allowed Holly to get up, and was even taken down.

Sifu Jackson can be credited here, but I also think after a few camps The Dolce Diet finally took its toll on Ronda. She looked flabby n sick, tiring quickly. The perfect storm, with the blueberry bro science breakfast bowl being the catalyst.

Blueberry is used for preventing cataracts and glaucoma and for treating ulcers, urinary tract infections (UTIs), multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), colic, fever, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. Blueberry is also used for improving circulation, and as a laxative.
It's all there black and white, her body was squeezing out necessary fluids, vitamins and nutrients with this fruit based laxative.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I don't watch UFC but I know who Ronda is and understand that Dana owns UFC.

What I don't understand is why Dana would be sad about Ronda losing?
Its easy to shit on Rousey right now, but she's strong willed. I think she will come back for a rematch.

No idea if she'll win or not, I lean towards no, but I don't think she'll just abandon the sport. I also think she can give a Holm a more competitive fight than she did but she needs to stop thinking she's a boxer all of the sudden and focus on her grappling game.
I think it was then that she realized she was outclassed.

It's like when Vegeta was fighting Frieza and him realizing he wasn't actually a Super Saiyan.

It was an "Oh Shit." moment.

I would be surprised if Ronda makes a comeback. It's possible she's mentally broken. Big egos like hers takes a massive hit when they're completely outclassed.

If she doesn't have a rematch immediately, I expect her tune-up fight would look bad even if she won. Her aura of invincibility is gone.
Rousey might have a shot if she can trick Holm into agreeing to a ladder match for the next one. Fake a KO, let Holm climb the ladder, dump her all the way to the floor.

Either that, or she should hire J and J Security for the rematch.
Could somebody explain why Ronda only attempted so few take downs?

Most likely bad coaching. She really shouldn't have tried to strike with Holly to begin with. Gameplan should've been to be patient and try to find an opening to get inside and clinch. Even if she continually failed to get the throws, it couldn't have been any worse than getting clipped hard so many times.


The grappling is the most shocking part of all. Ronda failed throws, allowed Holly to get up, and was even taken down.

Sifu Jackson can be credited here, but I also think after a few camps The Dolce Diet finally took its toll on Ronda. She looked flabby n sick, tiring quickly. The perfect storm, with the blueberry bro science breakfast bowl being the catalyst.


Remember to ask questions and investigate, friends.


I don't watch UFC but I know who Ronda is and understand that Dana owns UFC.

What I don't understand is why Dana would be sad about Ronda losing?
De-values UFC and her name brand. She is recognizable, as you stated, you are perfect example of that. No one wants to watch a loser and her losIng makes her look bad and thus UFC look bad since they have so much invested in her.


And Ronda thought she could enter the sport of boxing next.

Speaking of boxing... Ronda reminded me of Tyson tonight. All those first round finishes, never went into championship rounds, the controversies surrounding her camp, the less than great shape she's usually in... It all contributes to a magnificent fall.
Holly...amazing focus and impressive technical striking.
She's a fierce competitor. Now way in hell she isn't going to train like mad to get revenge.

Totally nuts to say she doesn't want another shot.

It was totally nuts to say Holly would dominate Rousey before a couple hours ago. Things change. Rousey has been a front runner for a long time now banking on opponents being afraid of/intimidated by her. So like I said we will see what she is made of. I think she's just gonna do movies and retire.
Watching the fight back I get the feeling Ronda's smugness had her on some I'm gonna beat you at your own game shit. Its like watching somebody try to outbox a boxer without knowing how to box.
She's a fierce competitor. Now way in hell she isn't going to train like mad to get revenge.

Totally nuts to say she doesn't want another shot.

I wonder how much her schedule is going to change? Before the fight she was saying that UFC 200 would probably be her earliest return date because she was planning on shooting movies during that period. So it definitely seems like she was planning on just steamrolling Holly like she did with every other opponent. But now it's pretty clear that she needs to make some pretty dramatic changes to her game if she's going to be able to compete with Holly.
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