(No joke - it will be a big thing in the run up to the next election. All the rumours from his camp are that him winning again means he won't have to pretend to get on with the parliamentary party anymore).
The opposite is planned. After what they pulled last time, when Corbyn tried the nicely-nicely approach, this time it's all out war.
The NEC has been stuffed with pro-Corbyn candidates, pro-Corbyn CLPs have been on manoeuvres to skirt the disgraceful ban on meetings to prepare for Conference, and the coming "Re-selections" will be De-selections for any Anti-Corbyn candidates.
The Labour Party will be unrecognisable come 2020.
Well, can't say I blame the guy for consolidating power for himself and his movement when he can. And maybe the demographics will shift enough by the next general that his Labour will have a shot. Of course then they'd be competing in addition to any MPs/A whole new party that comes out of this.
It will be interesting to see develop but I can't help but feel like we're all fucked in the meantime.