The polls were relatively close until the civil war broke out post-Brexit. It seems to me that Corbyn could read out Labour's 1945 manifesto and he'd still get hamstrung by mass media and the PLP. At this point, as much as I wish it weren't so (as I do have a huge interest in politics and do wish to see this country better itself) I'm really starting to cease to care, the EU referendum's result was absolutely at odds with my personal beliefs to the point where I can hardly reconcile what happened; the greater British public not holding popular views on Corbyn does little to convince me to stop backing him. I think if, following the party conference this month, the party decides to accept the result and unite behind him (I'm not holding my breath), then we could see stronger opposition week in, week out.
I think it's still too early to call it, either way. We've got nearly four whole years before the next GE, and June showed how decades can take place within days. Anything could happen.
There was a brief window when they were close, but that was months before the Vote of No Confidence.

Plus there's the question of how far ahead they should be. Like, an opposition just being nearly at the same point as a government that's been conducting austerity (quote unquote) for 6 years is pretty lame.