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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

He uses Mr.Flapper for hit confirms! I told you guys! ^_^
Hmmm... I don't often do SJ Talon M. I think she has a super jump hit confirm with it but not of the variety that you were talking about earlier. I think Ankle Slice can confirm into Jam, it's just tough. Fairly certain you have to end the air series with a Talon Dive L (possible even Crescent Scythe H xx Talon Dive L -- make sure you're underneath the opponent, too). Don't think you can fit a Neck Slicer in there but an S, I think you can. If you can link HyperGrav, you can do Jam Session iirc.

See this post on SRK (has vid)


My X-23 isn't too technical, sorry T_T She's for cleanup/comebacks/intuition on my team.

Thanks for the heads up!


this was amazing, I truly love watching a good RR. cold star locks em down while the coon jumps to the other side. serious bidness.

That team is a demonstration of some theorizing I had about Rocket Raccoon/Strider (can teleport to either side, self-pickup from hard knockdown OTG), though he doesn't seem to be getting Vajra hits very much. Perhaps in different matchups that would happen more often.

mr. puppy

Seriously, that reset into unblockable setup is something I need to steal for myself.

I set some of that shit up in training mode. Problem is: anybody that actually plays from the air has no problem with this. Fucks up Viper pretty good though (unless she can get an EX seismo out)

Twas reading the Spider-Man boards and stumbled upon it

SRK said:
you are allowed to call assists after getting hit/blocking/pushblocking after super jumping. it's true!

Probably going to be most useful against Missiles. Vajra's the only other one that gets you in the sky anyway.

SJ, block em, fly/dash over, use a controlling assist from the air maybe? Probably not super useful for a ton of characters, but good thing I can lol across the screen whenever I want in the air.


You are also allowed to call assists at sj height after teching throws. It makes for some cheesy option select with Jam Session.
Also, Storm and BP are currently divorced. Rogue has dumped Gambit. All is right in the world.
When did that happen? Now we need a MvC4 just so Storm can shut the hell up about Black Panther. I seriously have trouble playing her just because of those lines. Makes me sad.

Twas reading the Spider-Man boards and stumbled upon it.
That really messes with Dormammu and Morrigan's keepaway.

I don't find Vajra that hard to deal with actually.
Even with Firebrand? I admit I've gotten used to it over time, and I'm much better against it, but I still hate fighting Vajra. More than Hidden Missiles.

You are also allowed to call assists at sj height after teching throws. It makes for some cheesy option select with Jam Session.

mr. puppy

here's a stupid idea: viper/dante/frank

Even with Firebrand? I admit I've gotten used to it over time, and I'm much better against it, but I still hate fighting Vajra. More than Hidden Missiles.

yeah its actually a bit harder with firebrand, but i try to stick the ground more when I see a vajra team. I also switch my taskmaster assist accordingly (my main of mains is fb/dante/task).....I like to run his vertical missiles if I'm dealing with air characters but I do the horizantal arrows if I see vajra. Or I put Dante first if its a long set and I'm having trouble. I actually had some trouble online the other day against a guy who did trish/wesker/strider b/c trish wants to up-back and calling strider helps her out. Funny thing was: I just always tried to snap in wesker b/c the team falls apart when trish has no otg assist.

Azure J

You are also allowed to call assists at sj height after teching throws. It makes for some cheesy option select with Jam Session.

You know what makes this extra funny though? This is coming a bit after DevilJin made a video on stalling out MorriDoom with Viper and while I knew the assist call would work since he demonstrated with regular double jump Burn Kick Feints, I would never have thought that getting hit with missiles also reset assist call values like it did with resetting specials in the air.

Holy shit Jam Session is the best.
Black Panther is a beast.
I must say nothing.

yeah its actually a bit harder with firebrand, but i try to stick the ground more when I see a vajra team. I also switch my taskmaster assist accordingly (my main of mains is fb/dante/task).....I like to run his vertical missiles if I'm dealing with air characters but I do the horizantal arrows if I see vajra. Or I put Dante first if its a long set and I'm having trouble. I actually had some trouble online the other day against a guy who did trish/wesker/strider b/c trish wants to up-back and calling strider helps her out. Funny thing was: I just always tried to snap in wesker b/c the team falls apart when trish has no otg assist.
Why wouldn't you keep vertical arrows vs. Vajra? I imagine it counters the assist rather well.

Any good vids of competitive X-23 play? I'm curious.
Tatsu was the only regular X-23 player, and he likes SFxT more than this game.

mr. puppy

You know what makes this extra funny though? This is coming a bit after DevilJin made a video on stalling out MorriDoom with Viper and while I knew the assist call would work since he demonstrated with regular double jump Burn Kick Feints, I would never have thought that getting hit with missiles also reset assist call values like it did with resetting specials in the air.

Holy shit Jam Session is the best.

the funny thing about morridoom is that unless you're chrisg, a lot of morrigan players don't rush down well. in the hands of chrisg, i would never win with the shit i do against morridoom


Any good vids of competitive X-23 play? I'm curious.
Some Dutch players play X-23 a lot. A Japanese player by the name of Kubo plays X-23 competitively. Outside of those 2 it's just a bunch of random players who come up at major tournaments once in a while. She is a very under represented character though she is still very good.

Canada Cup is entertaining the idea of doing 5v5 for Marvel. Might be interesting if they do 2 USA teams.


Some Dutch players play X-23 a lot. A Japanese player by the name of Kubo plays X-23 competitively. Outside of those 2 it's just a bunch of random players who come up at major tournaments once in a while. She is a very under represented character though she is still very good.

Canada Cup is entertaining the idea of doing 5v5 for Marvel. Might be interesting if they do 2 USA teams.

How would they divide up the teams? By coast, or some other method?

Azure J

the funny thing about morridoom is that unless you're chrisg, a lot of morrigan players don't rush down well. in the hands of chrisg, i would never win with the shit i do against morridoom

Yeah. The chip game is potent enough, but when faced with people who know what to do against projectile flooding, a lot of MorriDooms get in real trouble. At the same time, I feel like people are too conditioned to seeing MorriDoom and thinking "oh lawd, dat zoning" all the while forgetting about Morrigan's buttons and strange (good) movement.

I feel like Chris G is going to be the one that uses all the Morrigan technology through the duration of this game. He has the movement, projectile patterns and team concepts down. I will thoroughly lose my shit the first time someone busts out Soul Drain loops though. God bless the succubus.


Does anybody have a link to that contest entry video with the dude in the terrible wolverine costume with tin foil claws yelling 'IT'S MAHVEL BABY YEEEEAH!'?
Trying out gimmicks with the Raccoon online is just frustrating when every time you want to OTG with a bear trap a spitfire comes out instead >__>

Still, my Strider is improving even if it's still ass. Almost got a reverse OCV with him without XF3+Ouroboros :D
@Karst Firebrand Rawtag setup www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcd2Vk2tXo4 , have you experimented with this?
Yeah, but I've never been able to get it to work with Dormammu. His normals are slow...if you get it to work, I'd love to know.

A part of me wonders if it depends on where Bon Voyage starts from...it would be a good way to land an unblockable without having to TAC. I've been using Firebrand/Dormammu/Morrigan again more lately. It's not a good team, but I have a soft spot for Firebrand.
Ugh. I bet all Dante users are Republicans.
No Republican would be caught dead using a character that metrosexual looking.

Besides Beef, most gamers are Democrats. Haven't you noticed all the mutual tendencies?
-General ineffectualness.
-Constant complaining about the state of things.
-Boogeyman-ing corporate entities.
-Endless complaints about portrayals of women.
-Too busy bickering and nitpicking among themselves to make anything happen.
-A strong desire to kill God.
-Distaste for tasks that are too difficult.
-Simultaneously complaining about the degradation of the state of things while contributing to it.
-Overly emotional attachment to figures that have no interest in them.

But both groups are greedy bastards, always wanting more! :3
I dub this "being human".
Ugh. I bet all Dante users are Republicans.
Nah, that would be Haggar players. They've got to spin all day to get anything done.

No Republican would be caught dead using a character that metrosexual looking.

Besides Beef, most gamers are Democrats. Haven't you noticed all the mutual tendencies?
-General ineffectualness.
-Constant complaining about the state of things.
-Boogeyman-ing corporate entities.
-Endless complaints about portrayals of women.
-Too busy bickering and nitpicking among themselves to make anything happen.
-A strong desire to kill God.
-Distaste for tasks that are too difficult.
-Simultaneously complaining about the degradation of the state of things while contributing to it.
-Overly emotional attachment to figures that have no interest in them.

I dub this "being human".
I'd say these apply to both.

-Republican whining
-If you vote democrat and have a business you may as well be a commie to them
-Republicans would love to kill everyone else's God
-Republican whining about everything falling apart and then shitting on women. Not to mention those "drill baby, drill!" chants from way back. The list goes on.

I'd say they are both similar parties in a lot of ways. Of course... most of these are just joking generalizations. Lots of democrats are religious(dem hispanics).
But both groups are greedy bastards, always wanting more! :3
This is just a human thing.
Yeah, if they didn't already have everything in the world. >:|
Who is "they"?

I'd say these apply to both.

-Republican whining
-If you vote democrat and have a business you may as well be a commie to them
-Republicans would love to kill everyone else's God
-Republican whining about everything falling apart and then shitting on women. Not to mention those "drill baby, drill!" chants from way back. The list goes on.

I'd say they are both similar parties in a lot of ways. Of course... most of these are just joking generalizations. Lots of democrats are religious(dem hispanics).
1) Nah. Only Democrats have whining down to such an art that they'll actually blame Republicans for not solving problems when Republicans are in the minority. When Republicans are in charge, instead of blaming invisible Democrats, they spin!

2) Well, both parties tend to hate people who disagree with a core tenant. If you're a pro-life Democrat, you'll get shunned.

3) Republicans would love to kill everyone else's god, but Democrats want to kill all gods!

4) There's a difference between whining and strategically using issues to make the populace upset. Republicans use the stupidity of their voter base to motivate people to oppose Democrats. Democrats just complain. The problem with Democrats is that they say they want things, but when they come to power, they never follow through with it. Republicans are totally willing to move toward establishing a theocracy in the United States if people would let them.

Minorities tend to be very religious, and minorities tend to vote Democrat because the party is seen as being pro-minority. However, minorities, being religious, are often also pro-life. The Bush campaign's big plan for his election was calling minority residences and convincing them that they should vote Republican because they generally share a pro-life attitude. It worked!

And of course, I'm just having fun generalizing. Though seriously, it's not a coincidence that GAF is largely liberal and is a gaming site. If we were 100% serious about these generalizations, it would be like having a conversation in the OT forum!
None of the Dante players I know are Rep. Only Rep gamers I know are shooter fans. Hell I would say most gamers don't really identify themselves with a party.
The real defining attributes of gamers: disillusionment with reality and general antipathy.

"Whatever, man."
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