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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

None of the Dante players I know are Rep. Only Rep gamers I know are shooter fans. Hell I would say most gamers don't really identify themselves with a party.

Why are you taking the things I say seriously?

EDIT: Huh...I never knew Morrigan said "Shell Kick" during her Shell Kick.
The only Politics that need be involved in Marvel are whether or not you'd re-elect Mike Haggar as the Mayor of Earth.
I'll let him start as Mayor of Chicago and see if he can survive.

On a related note, today I tried to convince my students that Captain America > Iron Man, and that Iron Man isn't even a superhero.
Logan made a suicide pact with a sixteen year old girl and became obsessed with killing her through AvX.

And it is heavily hinted that Logan has had sex with both Kitty and Jubilee at least once. While they were still underage.

Storm/BP ended up on opposite sides and got divorced after Phoenix Namor trashed Wakanda.
Logan made a suicide pact with a sixteen year old girl and became obsessed with killing her through AvX.

And it is heavily hinted that Logan has had sex with both Kitty and Jubilee at least once. While they were still underage.

Storm/BP ended up on opposite sides and got divorced after Phoenix Namor trashed Wakanda.
How can Logan commit suicide?

How were Storm and Black Panther on opposite sides?

Not seeing the Logan douchebaggery.
No, she said to kill her if she went out of control, so through out the entire event he tried to kill her. And she never lost control, he just was snikt happy.

And Logan bangs anything anywhere.
Nothing more than they fought, insulted, BP threw a hissy fit due to Phoenix Namor flooding Wakanda and then got divorced from Storm after he beat her in a fight by manipulation.

Nothing else.
Nothing more than they fought, insulted, BP threw a hissy fit due to Phoenix Namor flooding Wakanda and then got divorced from Storm after he beat her in a fight by manipulation.

Nothing else.
What did they fight over, though? You're either intentionally not doing a good job of explaining it to me, or need to work on this. :p
Over Storm being on the X-Men side and BP being on the Avengers side. And T'challa being an inattentive ass to Storm. So pretty much, just BP being..... your everyday jock.

You caught on...... damn.


Honestly AvX was just one big over hyped excuse to try and put the Marvel universe back in a scenario closer to what it was in the 90's to make it easier on the writers to come up with stuff. In the process some character assassination happened and a lot of forced sort of instances happened.
  • Xavier is suddenly all that is respectable again.
  • Cap douchebagged like crazy and his solution to the Phoenix 5 was to just do what the X-men were trying to do to begin with before they went to war with them and caused the Phoenix 5 to begin with.
  • Mutants are feared and hated in the world as well as BACK in the population.
  • Generally Mutants are being forced into every team around to give them more face time and to re-establish brand strength in the "X" brand of comics from Marvel.

Whole thing came off as out of character fan fiction for most of the folks involved. Generally, it just felt forced and was done just to put the mutants back in position to do older 90's style of X-men themes and comics in the Marvel universe. They're even using the new Hellfire Club to establish right now that Sentinels will be coming back in a big way to the comic stories.

Sad thing is the event could have been good if they had just respected the way the characters had been developed and handled them in character...well that and actually used some quality art. Compare Civil War to AvX...sloppy art in AvX.

Sorry, I'll shut up now but this event was a letdown for me and it hurt.
Honestly AvX was just one big over hyped excuse to try and put the Marvel universe back in a scenario closer to what it was in the 90's to make it easier on the writers to come up with stuff. In the process some character assassination happened and a lot of forced sort of instances happened.
  • Xavier is suddenly all that is respectable again.
  • Cap douchebagged like crazy and his solution to the Phoenix 5 was to just do what the X-men were trying to do to begin with before they went to war with them and caused the Phoenix 5 to begin with.
  • Mutants are feared and hated in the world as well as BACK in the population.
  • Generally Mutants are being forced into every team around to give them more face time and to re-establish brand strength in the "X" brand of comics from Marvel.

Whole thing came off as out of character fan fiction for most of the folks involved. Generally, it just felt forced and was done just to put the mutants back in position to do older 90's style of X-men themes and comics in the Marvel universe. They're even using the new Hellfire Club to establish right now that Sentinels will be coming back in a big way to the comic stories.

Sad thing is the event could have been good if they had just respected the way the characters had been developed and handled them in character...well that and actually used some quality art. Compare Civil War to AvX...sloppy art in AvX.

Sorry, I'll shut up now but this event was a letdown for me and it hurt.
I love details.
how dare you say that!
Oh... I nearly challenged you to fight. Luckily I remembered that I'm about as dangerous as a wet noodle in this game now.
1) Nah. Only Democrats have whining down to such an art that they'll actually blame Republicans for not solving problems when Republicans are in the minority. When Republicans are in charge, instead of blaming invisible Democrats, they spin!
Democrats are the master whiners. If Aliens ever came to Earth and decided to blow us up the conversation would probably go like this with America.

Alien group #1: "Holy shit who are these democrats? They are so fucking bitchy, but they don't do shit. Goddamn these people are even more useless than the grefax worms of sector 115! Wipe them out before their shitty whining infects the galaxy!"

Alien group #2: "No, man. The republicans are worse. Their God is a cosmic zombie and they have no respect for nature or their fellow individuals of the same species. Also, they want to stockpile their nukes like they are preparing for species wide extinction . I don't want none of that shit in ten thousand years when they've mastered Dyson spheres, portable anti-matter weaponry and wormhole travel."

Alien group #3: "To hell with all these crazy apes! *mashes big red button and laughs like Frieza as planet explodes*"
2) Well, both parties tend to hate people who disagree with a core tenant. If you're a pro-life Democrat, you'll get shunned.
I don't know if they'd go that far. Are there any examples of this actually happening? I can at least understand why they would. Republicans tend to shun anyone that decides to use that gloriously large brain God gave us. LOL
3) Republicans would love to kill everyone else's god, but Democrats want to kill all gods!
Sounds like something a drunk Fox news anchor would say haha.
4) There's a difference between whining and strategically using issues to make the populace upset. Republicans use the stupidity of their voter base to motivate people to oppose Democrats. Democrats just complain. The problem with Democrats is that they say they want things, but when they come to power, they never follow through with it. Republicans are totally willing to move toward establishing a theocracy in the United States if people would let them.
I actually thought we were talking about the masses, not the politicians in particular. Yeah, they don't whine as much as they spin and manipulate. They are really good at shifting the political conversation rightward. I think that isn't working as effectively nowadays though. People are really fed up with them and Obama's charisma came at the right time. Democrats have it way too easy now.
Minorities tend to be very religious, and minorities tend to vote Democrat because the party is seen as being pro-minority. However, minorities, being religious, are often also pro-life. The Bush campaign's big plan for his election was calling minority residences and convincing them that they should vote Republican because they generally share a pro-life attitude. It worked!
That actually worked? Maybe it did with Black people and Cubans. I can't imagine many Dominicans, Mexicans or Puerto Ricans falling for that. Yeah... I'm probably underestimating the power of the Catholic Church. :p
And of course, I'm just having fun generalizing. Though seriously, it's not a coincidence that GAF is largely liberal and is a gaming site. If we were 100% serious about these generalizations, it would be like having a conversation in the OT forum!
That much is true. I'll definitely agree that gamers are more likely to be democrats. I can't really go into detail why(mostly because I don't care enough to investigate lol), but it is what it is.
The only Politics that need be involved in Marvel are whether or not you'd re-elect Mike Haggar as the Mayor of Earth.
It's a simple question, really. It is only a matter of finding out whether or not you can survive 1 minute in the ring with him.
On a related note, today I tried to convince my students that Captain America > Iron Man, and that Iron Man isn't even a superhero.
Good man


I love details.

Did what I could to keep from throwing out any specific spoilers, but kept it clean enough to give the general results. I left out some BIG stuff though as Crimson will vouch for.

Just so you know they've already revealed that sometime over the next year they will be bringing back classic Cyclops and Jean Grey...like REALLY classic. Time travel and shit. Marvel stated the idea was he saw what he'd grow to become and doesn't like it so yeah they really did their best to just use a major story event to just undo EVERY piece of mutant related anything thats happened this decade so they could try to bring back the X craze of the 90's by using the exact same cast and setup for them in the universe as back then.

Whole event sounding very forced yet given all these results?

Honestly what Marvel needs to do is simple...develop villains to fight. They're spending too much time fawning over their favorite heroes like fans now that they've grown up to become writers and forgotten to write stories that are driven by villains. All they end up with that are developed are heroes so its just heroes vs heroes and when it comes time to do an event for sales they haven't got anyone built yet. Time to brainstorm some new faces.
It's a simple question, really. It is only a matter of finding out whether or not you can survive 1 minute in the ring with him.

Azure J

Too much to quote and give generic "Azure is amused, lolsmiley code here" replies to, but I have to say Goddamn SolarPowered, that Haggar comment got me bad. Smurf, my bro's going to be on pretty much all day tomorrow. Just send an invite and get your free wins in. :p

Now, I just need to try watching some more of this Marlinpie footage and try learning how to implement a pressure game on characters.

Tangent: I identify as liberal (although I'm more of a free agent, don't really subscribe 100% to either side), I'm black (mixed really, Jamaican and Nigerian :p), pro-choice, religious (but not in that stereotypical way), and play Dante. What do I win? :D


The only Politics that need be involved in Marvel are whether or not you'd re-elect Mike Haggar as the Mayor of Earth.
It's a simple question, really. It is only a matter of finding out whether or not you can survive 1 minute in the ring with him.
shaowebb said:
Too much to quote and give generic "Azure is amused, lolsmiley code here" replies to, but I have to say Goddamn SolarPowered, that Haggar comment got me bad.

What no love for the thought of Haggar vs Macho Man yet?

I can fix that...here's a teaser.


mr. puppy

marlinpie bringing Modok/Dante/Sentinel last night. Time to lab it!

(Do Modok or Dante even get anything out of Drones? Seems like a terrible assist for them)
Just been sticking to offline and doing training mode for the past few days in anticipation for Canada Cup. Should put more time in there regularly without distractions. <3 training mode and putting together more situations for a bunch of new options.

This game is faaaaaaaaar from over. Surface is scratched but there's so much more to see in this game too.
marlinpie bringing Modok/Dante/Sentinel last night. Time to lab it!

(Do Modok or Dante even get anything out of Drones? Seems like a terrible assist for them)
Anyone with an air dash can use the drones for mix-ups. MODOK + drones is really sick, though. I got perfected 3 times by a guy that used the combination so many instant overheads during the small period you are stuck blocking drones...

Just been sticking to offline and doing training mode for the past few days in anticipation for Canada Cup. Should put more time in there regularly without distractions. <3 training mode and putting together more situations for a bunch of new options.

This game is faaaaaaaaar from over. Surface is scratched but there's so much more to see in this game too.
I'd say about 20% of the game is discovered. This game will look really different in a few years.

Tangent: I identify as liberal (although I'm more of a free agent, don't really subscribe 100% to either side), I'm black (mixed really, Jamaican and Nigerian :p), pro-choice, religious (but not in that stereotypical way), and play Dante. What do I win? :D
You win nothing for being another person who claims to be independent but always votes for one side!

Did what I could to keep from throwing out any specific spoilers, but kept it clean enough to give the general results. I left out some BIG stuff though as Crimson will vouch for.
Spoil it all for me. I only know about comics from you guys and GFAQs, so I need to be educated constantly about what's going on and what has happened.

Just so you know they've already revealed that sometime over the next year they will be bringing back classic Cyclops and Jean Grey...like REALLY classic. Time travel and shit. Marvel stated the idea was he saw what he'd grow to become and doesn't like it so yeah they really did their best to just use a major story event to just undo EVERY piece of mutant related anything thats happened this decade so they could try to bring back the X craze of the 90's by using the exact same cast and setup for them in the universe as back then.

Whole event sounding very forced yet given all these results?
Time travel is nearly always terrible. Basically, unless you are Chrono Trigger or Back to the Future, you don't mess with time travel.

Honestly what Marvel needs to do is simple...develop villains to fight. They're spending too much time fawning over their favorite heroes like fans now that they've grown up to become writers and forgotten to write stories that are driven by villains. All they end up with that are developed are heroes so its just heroes vs heroes and when it comes time to do an event for sales they haven't got anyone built yet. Time to brainstorm some new faces.
I think this is the problem:
1) Everyone is too attached to current characters to let them die (like, gone for good).
2) You can't have truly epic events without there being some deaths.
3) New characters are hard to take seriously because you have to wonder where the hell the character has been all this time, and it's hard as hell to give them a good rep (Black Panther is my poster child for how not to do things).
4) There's only so much old characters can do with their lives before it all seems silly.

Basically, comics as a medium have to grow up and learn how to actually progress a story beyond everything being a Simpsons episode where everything gets reset because they don't know what to do with it.

Oh... I nearly challenged you to fight. Luckily I remembered that I'm about as dangerous as a wet noodle in this game now.

Democrats are the master whiners. If Aliens ever came to Earth and decided to blow us up the conversation would probably go like this with America.

Alien group #1: "Holy shit who are these democrats? They are so fucking bitchy, but they don't do shit. Goddamn these people are even more useless than the grefax worms of sector 115! Wipe them out before their shitty whining infects the galaxy!"

Alien group #2: "No, man. The republicans are worse. Their God is a cosmic zombie and they have no respect for nature or their fellow individuals of the same species. Also, they want to stockpile their nukes like they are preparing for species wide extinction . I don't want none of that shit in ten thousand years when they've mastered Dyson spheres, portable anti-matter weaponry and wormhole travel."

Alien group #3: "To hell with all these crazy apes! *mashes big red button and laughs like Frieza as planet explodes*"
At least the aliens all learned English for me, unlike many immigrants.
I sincerely doubt that any alien race we encounter will not be warlike. There are no dominant species that are not violent in any ecosystem.

I don't know if they'd go that far. Are there any examples of this actually happening? I can at least understand why they would. Republicans tend to shun anyone that decides to use that gloriously large brain God gave us. LOL
I'm coming from the angle of working in politics, so my thoughts tend to be more about interactions between dedicated people, and not half-hearted voters. That might make the claim more clear.

I actually thought we were talking about the masses, not the politicians in particular. Yeah, they don't whine as much as they spin and manipulate. They are really good at shifting the political conversation rightward. I think that isn't working as effectively nowadays though. People are really fed up with them and Obama's charisma came at the right time. Democrats have it way too easy now.
The masses aren't educated enough to have opinions I respect enough to make fun of.

That actually worked? Maybe it did with Black people and Cubans. I can't imagine many Dominicans, Mexicans or Puerto Ricans falling for that. Yeah... I'm probably underestimating the power of the Catholic Church. :p
It was primarily blacks that were targeted. What's different between the groups, in your opinion?
Both parties can go shoot themselves.


And Karst, I do agree that they should focus on younger heroes as well.

The editorial staff at Marvel is stupid.
Nova mirror matches are so so fun.

What's with all these Novers? gosh
People always gravitate toward the characters that take the least amount of thought to play online. Nova is becoming popular in the scene, so online players are picking him up and finding out that you only have to know how to air dash forward and hit j.H to play him. Yet Morrigan remains relatively unplayed, because that means they have to learn to play the game. Heck, Magneto is relatively unused online just for this same reason. Everyone has always known he's great, but he's hard as hell to play.
dang, making me feel bad for trying out a new team (nova/task/akuma).

though i'm pretty sure i'm always in character identity crisis, so i'll probably be thinking of another team to use in a couple of weeks.
Should have known it was all over once Floe picked him.
Oh damn, even Floe is using him? Well, he's still not NerdJosh tier. When that happens, then it's really all over.

dang, making me feel bad for trying out a new team (nova/task/akuma).

though i'm pretty sure i'm always in character identity crisis, so i'll probably be thinking of another team to use in a couple of weeks.
Well, don't feel bad about it. The game has a healthy balance of easy to use and hard to use characters for a reason. It took me months and months to not suck with Morrigan, but I OCVed several people my first time using Wesker last week. I'll keep using Wesker because he's fun to play. It's not like the goal of the game is to use the hardest characters possible. Then we'd all be playing something like Strider/Shuma-Gorath/Rocket Raccoon. Easy characters are there for a reason. Though, it's usually not normal to make a character with really low health also easy to use. Usually the tradeoff is high health = high damage + easy to use, and low health = low damage + hard to use, with the kicker being that the low health characters have a lot more potential when you put work into them. Ultimate decided to mix this up by adding Vergil and Nova, who are low health characters that are easy to use and have high damage.


Vergil shouldn't be having high damage. They only balanced his damage based around his normals which if that's all you use in combos his damage would be less than Weskers. They forgot to take his specials and hypers into consideration. Nova hits like Wesker with an even more damaging hyper. Although Nova is more in the average category of health with IM IMO.
Vergil shouldn't be having high damage. They only balanced his damage based around his normals which if that's all you use in combos his damage would be less than Weskers. They forgot to take his specials and hypers into consideration. Nova hits like Wesker with an even more damaging hyper. Although Nova is more in the average category of health with IM IMO.
Iron Man is above average, but you're right that Nova is average. For some reason I thought he had 850K instead of 900K. I'm okay with Vergil having high damage. It's cool to have some characters that are easy to use and do big damage, like Wesker. Those characters just need weaknesses to make their balancing seem reasonable (like how Wesker has no anti-air options). Vergil can't cancel whiffed specials, and I think that balances out his high damage. I'm more inclined to think, as you suggest, that the big problem is that his hypers are far too good in their current state, and they generally make Vergil's shortcoming meaningless.


I still say that when Capcom was coming up with the design for Vergil he was not supposed to be a high damage character. He was supposed to be an intermediary character between Wesker and Strider ie health, damage and toolset somewhere in the middle. That's what I expected but that's not what ended up happening.

In fact no character below 900k was supposed to be high damage.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
What would be high damaging in this game?

Let's link it to how many bars being used.

Like "I think X is average damage with 1 bar used and Y is high with 1 bar"


If you can do 900k with 1 bar no assists/DHC/TAC off a clean hit that is high damage. If you can do 800k+ off a throw that's high damage. 1 million if you start with 1 bar is high. 1 million 2 assists 1 bar used is also high damage. 900k with 2 assists 1 bar off throw would be high.

Vergil wouldn't be considered high if he was starting from 0 bar but at 1 bar he is high damaging because he can loop twice for a TOD easily. Wolverine is the same, 1 assist 1 bar starting he can do a million with 2 Fatal Claw.
I still say that when Capcom was coming up with the design for Vergil he was not supposed to be a high damage character. He was supposed to be an intermediary character between Wesker and Strider ie health, damage and toolset somewhere in the middle. That's what I expected but that's not what ended up happening.

In fact no character below 900k was supposed to be high damage.
They had to have known when they made c.H a hard knockdown. It's not a coincidence that Lunar Phase works perfectly with Spiral Swords and gives you just enough time to throw Round Trip out. They test this stuff. They also set his minimum damage at a certain level. I am more inclined to think that time limitations didn't give Niitsuma time to adequately adjust everyone.

I don't even consider Vergil high damaging... he does slightly more than Dante, though it varies.
How is Vergil not high damage? -_-

What would be high damaging in this game?

Let's link it to how many bars being used.

Like "I think X is average damage with 1 bar used and Y is high with 1 bar"
To me 700K damage with 1 bar is normal. 800K is high. 900K with 1 bar is very high, 1 million with 1 bar needs to be nerfed. 600K damage with 1 bar is low. 500K damage with 1 bar is pathetic (Firebrand, Morrigan...).

Adding assists into consideration messes stuff up.


Nova can do 1 million with 2 assists (one of them being Drones). It's the Ifrit special. He can do like 870k solo. I will say that 850k solo bnb is high too because that TODs a lot of top tiers.
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