Drive Club I am pretty sure is shut off and is essentially unplayable. No one cares for Infamous Second Son. The Last of Us Remastered is irrelevant and outdated with Last of Us Part 1 existing thats available on PC. God of War Ragnarok will come to PC just like the first one did. It would very dumb to think that the sequel won't get a port.
Bloodborne doesn't even run good on a PS4. Yes, it's a fantastic game, but it needs a huge technical upgrade and is just wise to release a PS5 version alongside a PC. Simply porting Bloodborne to PC won't be good enough 8 years later after its original release.
Highly doubt anyone wants to play Tearway Unfolded or any of the Gravity Rush titles on PC after so many years. Games are too small and not mainstream enough and feel like indie titles.
Dreams was a wasted opportunity that should of released on PC day 1 and took too long to release and it doesn't even exist on the PS5 as far as I know. Sony fucked themselves with this one.
Shadow of the Colossus is a remake of a PS2 title. Is the PC version really needed at this point? GT7/Sport.. yeah maybe should come to PC, but it's a racing game. Racing games are way more fun to play on the consoles. MKB controls suck as for racing and fighting games.
Ghost of Tsushima is probably the next port alongside Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart. Also, Ratchet and Clank is another franchise that not many people really care for. The franchise has its following, but thats it.
Medieval is PS1 game and apparently the Remake didn't make a super hot splash to begin with when it came out. Doesn't really matter.
No offence meant DriveClub is still working thank you very much

… some people do care about the best Infamous (Second Son) hehe.
The rest there is you quickly hand waving things away (bit ridiculous sorry

): GT7 ah a racing game
(disqualified because?
), Medievil is a remake of a PS1 game and did not sell that well
( and?
… let’s just forget playing on my beloved Steam Deck is also about playing games that did not set the world on fire like Betrayal at Krondor although they are still very very dear to me), SotC ah a remake of a PS2 title
(so what? We feel better because we cannot natively play either?
), Gravity Rush 1/2 and Tearaway sorry ran away of excuses let me reach in my pocket
(come on
), Dreams oh yeah it should have released but because it did not yet it does not matter in the list of what we do not have ported yet
, btw, it works just fine on PS5 with the Pro patch )… GoT, GoW, and R&C do not matter ”now” because we will have a port “at some point”…
With that said, I think we will be better off if either Sony fully commits to a PS4++++ like HW they can support without a lot of effort (portable targeting 720p with FSR like solutions for resolution and frame rate interpolation and VRR, so a Ryzen 7 and RDNA3+ based mobile SoC) which is unlikely or they port all the above to Steam Deck somewhat soonish (and by the time Steam Deck 2 comes out we will be able to do any of them justice, even some PS5 ports which should have some RT features boosting them too).
The problem with a Sony handheld, bit crowded space, is that I think they may be way way behind the Steam Deck launcher/UI and that has changed things. Nintendo is helped by the fact that they never ported their games to PC and are exclusive to their platform and quite unique… Sony decided to eat the forbidden fruit… and by your own admission they are indeed hurting Sony’s HW market chances (the market where they make royalty money from third party publishers too): the argument that we can make from this thread is that if they never ported their games to PC they would have a better chance to make a portable again. Oh well…