Ford was definitely being honest in my opinion, and it's reflected in his little bits of commentary throughout the season. Arnold's death was really the catalyst for a desire to replicate true life, and he had developed a increasing distaste for people in general. This is a person spurred by two points of interest; one to create a world of authentic fantasy and adventure, and finally one to create life. In the end he was fucked from all angles. His masterpiece was being taken away from him by people he had zero respect for. He loathed the new narratives and visions being introduced to the project. He seemed disillusioned by the predictable behaviour of visiting guests who, as he'd put it, would just follow the same loops. There was really nothing left. It's like he started with a desire to make the park as the most interesting place imaginable for humans, and both it and humans had become predictable and boring to him. He understood Arnold's pursuits as he became driven by the very same thing, and in his mind the only reasonable solution would be to see the ascension of a new sentience and have them take the park as their own. His work is complete and, like an intelligence singularity, it's impossible for him to see beyond. And he loves that.