My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Mii name "EatChildren" has been banned from appearing on Miiverse :lol
Try "NibbleChildren".
Mii name "EatChildren" has been banned from appearing on Miiverse :lol
Mii name "EatChildren" has been banned from appearing on Miiverse :lol
Try "NibbleChildren".
If I send a friend request, does the other person get notified on their Wii U? Or do I have to PM them on gaf and let them know?
Also, do Miiverse posts get moderated after their visible or before? Because I just saw Yoshi saying "smoke weed erryday" and I doubt that got past censors, haha. Unless Australia is more relaxed![]()
Oh ok, we'll that's better than nothing. Still a bit odd though that it's more complicated through the actual friends list.If you ask through Miiverse only one person has to send. I still think Miiverse and your friend list should just be one app.
why can't we have a swapnote thing on Wii U so I can send a message to all my friends on my list?
You shouldn't need a code - with the US system, you link your system up with your Club Nintendo code, and it automatically registers your console purchase with Club Nintendo (and any downloadable games you buy).
It's today![]()
Any tips on increasing the range on the Gamepad? Mine is awful! I can't even go to the next roomFrom people's feedback I was expecting to be able to game in my bedroom.
Thought you had to register the Wii U system serial number to get the 160 Club Nintendo points.
Heh, heh. Shouldn't be too surprising.
Oh, my nnid = EDarkness
It all depends on how your home is designed, wall material, etc.
Tried to add you, but I think you have your Friend Request's button blocked. With other users I am able to hit the Friends Request button, but it looks like you have yours set up to not accept FR requests.
NINID: Hawk269
I believe the update is about a gig in size. So figure at least 10 mins. Mario was 1.8 gig and took 20 mins to install (3 hours to download...fix those servers, Nintendo).
Any tips on increasing the range on the Gamepad? Mine is awful! I can't even go to the next roomFrom people's feedback I was expecting to be able to game in my bedroom.
wait how come I can search 3DS eShop on Wii U![]()
Would you stop spewing this garbage? That 1.8 gig for Mario U took me 30 minutes to download and I have an internet with less than 1 mb/s, and it only took a couple of minutes to install.
Ok guys i can understand that the system and Wii U network are new but the long times are crazy. Last night i promised my 5 year old that at the end of the week id buy him a new game ( kinda of for me too ) to we decided on Sonic Racing. I knew it might take awhile after the update took forever so i started downloading the game at 5PM ( wirelessly comcast with 25 down ) the game was a little over 5 gigs well it finished up a little after 8PM! PS3 or Xbox would have smoked this time. So then it started instalation and it took another 50 minutes!!!! WTF! the little guy went to bed upset at me. If this is the case i see no reason to buy any games over the ESHOP channel unless they are Indie games smaller in size. Any other thoughts on this guys? The install timnes are what really has mer scratching my hesd.
I was under the impression that the eShop was going to work for all devices.
remove as much wifi interference as possible
Thanks! On the GamePad side, the console side, or both? Would changing the wifi channel help?
Well, both. It's making a constant connection between the base unit and the pad. My router is in a closet just outside the room my console is in. If I walk next to that closet, which is a mere 10 feet away from the console, the connection dies. If I walk 10-20 feet from the console in a direction away from the router, the connection is pretty solid. If I go upstairs in a room directly above the console, connection is perfect. Just gotta avoid things that will cause interference. Routers, bridges, microwaves. Also dont bury your console in an entertainment center.
Our main router is kinda far from the Wii U but in my room (where I'm trying to get good coverage) I have a bridge. I can easily switch it off to see if it works better though. Wouldn't be too bad to switch it off when I wanna gamez in my roomThanks for the tips! I'll do some experiments.
P.S. Your avatar always cracks me up.
Any tips on increasing the range on the Gamepad? Mine is awful! I can't even go to the next roomFrom people's feedback I was expecting to be able to game in my bedroom.
Would you stop spewing this garbage? That 1.8 gig for Mario U took me 30 minutes to download and I have an internet with less than 1 mb/s, and it only took a couple of minutes to install.
What kind of BS is this? It's impossible to download 1.8 gigs in 30 min with a 1 mb/s connection. Do the math.
I am not having overscan issues at all, I've got a Panasonic Plasma and its always set to 1:1 (can't remember name of option).
Speaking of overscan issues, when I'm in Wii mode it has a black border on my screen since I do 1:1 pixel mapping. Is there any way I can get the Wii mode to fill my screen?
Question: About to try out BLOPS2, do I absolutely HAVE to buy a Turtle Beach headset or can I use one I already have?
You can use cheapo iPhone headphones w/ mic like I do. Just plug it into the GamePad.
Unless he means he's getting download speeds of an uninterrupted 1MB per second (60MB per min 1800MB in 30minutes), but judging by comments about Nintendo servers, I doubt this is possible.
Nice, thank you!
Ive heard no pal 60 in wii mode surely not true?.