As of 40 minutes ago, there were reportedly 10 or 11 people in line at Yodobashi Akiba.
Haha oh wow, the look on that guy's face.

As of 40 minutes ago, there were reportedly 10 or 11 people in line at Yodobashi Akiba.
As of 40 minutes ago, there were reportedly 10 or 11 people in line at Yodobashi Akiba.
As of 40 minutes ago, there were reportedly 10 or 11 people in line at Yodobashi Akiba.
Haha oh wow, the look on that guy's face.
Haha oh wow, the look on that guy's face.
That's up to Ubi.Sweet, i just hope it doesn't have the play limit the FIFA demo has.
Rayman demo next week. Dunno if just EU:
Haha oh wow, the look on that guy's face.
There's no j-GAF WiiU launch thread? boo!Haha oh wow, the look on that guy's face.
Can i use a USB hdd with a partition to format that or does wiiu only format the WHOLE hdd?
Rayman demo next week. Dunno if just EU:
Last I knew, whole or nothing.
Anyone have any games they regret purchasing so far? Wish they could have a do over?
Rayman demo next week. Dunno if just EU:
Spoilers should allow for more flexibility. At the moment all you know if that the post has a spoiler but not what the spoiler is about. You should be able to give a spoiler post a heading so those reading it know what to expect.
Finally picked up my deluxe last night. After about 2.5 hours of updating/transferring, I got to play for maybe 15 minutes before bed.
I look forward to tonight. BTW, add me guys!
nnID: JasonMCG
EDIT: Is there an official nnID thread?
nice... up to now i really have no interest in the game.
rayman origin's demo didn't click with me, i'm curious to try this one though
I didn't realize they were doing play limits on demos again. Normally I wouldn't care (who plays a demo more than 1 or 2 times?) but in the case of a new system it'd be nice to have another proof-of-concept to show friends when they come over.
Already Japanese folks posting on Miiverse. It's almost 1:30am here in Japan.
heads up:
in europe the lovefilm app got an update and is now up and running.
...more or less...i'm stuck on a gray loading screen.
update is 59 MB.
I don't see why not if you know the device was tested to perform adequately. I'm currently using a class-10 SDHC over a SanDisk SDHC reader, but I did my homework and measured the actual read BW of the card before plugging it in - 15.5MB/s seem to be good enough for the purposes of WiiU.
So is there going to be another firmware update tomorrow for everyone with the Japanese launch?
Anyone have any games they regret purchasing so far? Wish they could have a do over?
hey, can anyone confirm if resident evil works on the wii u via the wii menu? a store near me is selling the game for £5 and I'd love to be able to play it but want to confirm it actually works first.
Anyone have any games they regret purchasing so far? Wish they could have a do over?
Can i use a USB hdd with a partition to format that or does wiiu only format the WHOLE hdd?
Is there much hope for a drastic increase in the COD population at xmas? Went on last night and was shocked to see how few people there were.
I would buy it in a heartbeat if it was Digital Download.
Why? COD is the perfect game to have a physical copy of, so you can trade it in when the next installment comes and all your friends move on.
Maybe I'm wrong but I swear I saw it up on the eshop yesterday after the update?I would buy it in a heartbeat if it was Digital Download.