So did DCharlie really end up not getting one today?
Nintendo should have postponed Wii U's launch until he was better. A launch without DCharlie is a bad omen.
Can anyone recommend a good case for the GamePad? I'm not really a fan of how easy dust and fingerprints are shown on the plastic. I've seen a few on Amazon, but without any reviews, so I'm not sure which one to get. Any suggestions?
Nope. Before the end of the month is all at the moment, so not too long.So do we know US date for TVii yet?
Can anyone recommend a good case for the GamePad? I'm not really a fan of how easy dust and fingerprints are shown on the plastic. I've seen a few on Amazon, but without any reviews, so I'm not sure which one to get. Any suggestions?
I ended up picking up the PDP silicone jacket after seeing that the Hori one blocks access to the charging cradle. I like it. Some may dislike the cut outs for the d-pad and buttons but it hasn't been an issue for me. Comes in black, red, blue, or pink.
Following someone doesn't have any bearing on the game itself. I believe that is the main difference anyway. For example, they won't show up in your friends's list for multiplayer.What's the difference between being Friends on Miiverse and mutually following each other?
I ended up picking up the PDP silicone jacket after seeing that the Hori one blocks access to the charging cradle. I like it. Some may dislike the cut outs for the d-pad and buttons but it hasn't been an issue for me. Comes in black, red, blue, or pink.
Is it possible that the points you earn will be used on the pre-tax price, so after all is said and done really giving you 10%?
Oh ok thanks. Good to hear. Really looking forward to thatHad no idea Darksiders didn't support screen shots. I thought that was done on the OS level...
Nope. Before the end of the month is all at the moment, so not too long.
I fricken' love my Wii U. Had it for exactly one week today.
I just want to feed it games. I'm thinking of getting Black Ops or Zombie do I have a big western third-party release for it.
My only minor gripe is that I can not sleep the Gamepad when playing Mario with a Wiimote, or sleep the screen when using the TV image. Unless I'm missing something.
Chose to use a wiimote, then press home and controller settings, and turn off the gamepad screen.
so I decided to play some of the wii games I've amassed over the past few days and weeks but what do I discover as soon as I open the wii menu, I need a wii mote to even boot the damn thing. what the hell, nintendo. why can't I use the gamepad or the pro controller to play wii games?
gah. really pissed off about this. I've got a wii mote plus on the way, but it's a damn mess to not be able to play wii games on the gamepad or using the pro controller.
so I decided to play some of the wii games I've amassed over the past few days and weeks but what do I discover as soon as I open the wii menu, I need a wii mote to even boot the damn thing. what the hell, nintendo. why can't I use the gamepad or the pro controller to play wii games?
gah. really pissed off about this. I've got a wii mote plus on the way, but it's a damn mess to not be able to play wii games on the gamepad or using the pro controller.
haha, it's the power of a HD Nintendo console. Everything looks so beautiful and new, because well, for a Nintendo fan, it is!
sorry, I didn't word or explain properly.
some games can be played using the wii pro controller, so I naturally assumed the same would be true if you used the wii u pro controller or the gamepad.
for example, the last story ahas controller support, so why can't I use the pro controller to boot the game? why do I need a wii mote to even get boot the wii menu when some games support more than just the wii mote?
I was very careful in buying some wii games that supported a controller and not just the wii note, to find out that I can't even boot them without a wii mote is pretty upsetting. don't get me wrong, I knew games like skyward sword, silent hill shattered memories and others I've bought requite the wii mote, but I didn't want to buy one until after christmas due to wanting to keep those games for the q1 / q2 release drought.
Really? Like nintendo fans cant have 360, ps3 or pc, amirite?
So did DCharlie really end up not getting one today?
Nintendo should have postponed Wii U's launch until he was better. A launch without DCharlie is a bad omen.
My fucking pad doesn't work anymore. Turned it off yesterday when it started blinking, I wanted to check out something for a sec a bit later and couldn't turn it on anymore. I thought it was just the battery already being too weak, but now I try to charge it and the signal doesn't even light up.
Mr Trollycakes
but its' the first Nintendo HD console. It feels really different to finally playing those games in proper hidef
I did not get a Wii U yesterday, no. First machine launch i've missed since... Megadrive? I guess if we are including computers as well, then probably back to Atari ST.
I stated prior so this wouldn't be seen as just being Mr Trollycakes later on, but got a load of real life stuff going on (work, family, 2nd kid due any minute, wife long term hospitalised whilst pregnant) and as you have to front pay Japanese hospital bills ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) then spunking money on a new console and games that i'm probably not going to be able to play until around March anyways seems like throwing yen into a big empty hole. Same would have applied if this was the Durango/Orbis
So i'll almost certainly get one at some point - but probably not for 4 months or so.
I am neither here nor there on the Wii U - i'd like to give MH3U a try for sure, but not really interested in any of the other games so far. But you know that there's going to be a slew of first party games of note along the line. Plus sounds like it might be nice to miss out on the frustrating teething problems for a change.
I did not get a Wii U yesterday, no. First machine launch i've missed since... Megadrive? I guess if we are including computers as well, then probably back to Atari ST.
I stated prior so this wouldn't be seen as just being Mr Trollycakes later on, but got a load of real life stuff going on (work, family, 2nd kid due any minute, wife long term hospitalised whilst pregnant) and as you have to front pay Japanese hospital bills ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) then spunking money on a new console and games that i'm probably not going to be able to play until around March anyways seems like throwing yen into a big empty hole. Same would have applied if this was the Durango/Orbis
So i'll almost certainly get one at some point - but probably not for 4 months or so.
I am neither here nor there on the Wii U - i'd like to give MH3U a try for sure, but not really interested in any of the other games so far. But you know that there's going to be a slew of first party games of note along the line. Plus sounds like it might be nice to miss out on the frustrating teething problems for a change.
Ha, DCharlie. Good to find another remnant of EBore. Congrats for your 2nd and I hope things settle down for you sooner rather than later.
I think you got more reality related stuff going on and you not getting a Wii U is really impacted by that. You don't even sound like you have video games really on your mind given the complications with your wife's pregnancy so it's understandable.
what "those games"? i dont think nsmbu and nintendo land profits a lot from better graphics. they would have worked with standard def just fine. nintendo lands charm comes from the utilization of the game pad (luigi mansion and such) not from its shinier graphics. the other games on wiiu are almost all ports.
I dunno man, Nintendo Land is rather pretty. The level of visual detail in many of those games may not have been adequately serviced in standard def.
what "those games"? i dont think nsmbu and nintendo land profits a lot from better graphics. they would have worked with standard def just fine. nintendo lands charm comes from the utilization of the game pad (luigi mansion and such) not from its shinier graphics. the other games on wiiu are almost all ports.
I did not get a Wii U yesterday, no. First machine launch i've missed since... Megadrive? I guess if we are including computers as well, then probably back to Atari ST.
I stated prior so this wouldn't be seen as just being Mr Trollycakes later on, but got a load of real life stuff going on (work, family, 2nd kid due any minute, wife long term hospitalised whilst pregnant) and as you have to front pay Japanese hospital bills ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) then spunking money on a new console and games that i'm probably not going to be able to play until around March anyways seems like throwing yen into a big empty hole. Same would have applied if this was the Durango/Orbis
So i'll almost certainly get one at some point - but probably not for 4 months or so.
I am neither here nor there on the Wii U - i'd like to give MH3U a try for sure, but not really interested in any of the other games so far. But you know that there's going to be a slew of first party games of note along the line. Plus sounds like it might be nice to miss out on the frustrating teething problems for a change.
If taking the battery out for 30 second s and putting it back doesn't fix it then you'll have to do what I did with mine (return it) I was really upset when mine did this within 2 hours of opening it
2nd unit seems stable and been having a blast
Good luck with the new baby! I don't know how you find time for any games as it is.
Ok, I understand that you can't play Wii games with the Wii U pro controller.
But can you play Wii U games with the Wii pro controller?
Tekken is a really pretty game... I mean shiny graphics eye-candy... took long enough to download
I still have to learn how to fight this being my first Tekken experience and all
I'm starting to feel like HIPHOPGAMER loving everything![]()
You mean the CCP? I don't think there's any inherent limitation that would prevent games from supporting it. But as far as I know, none do at this time.
Sonic racing does. So does Tekken I believe.
Funniest Miiverse post I've seen yet. Some guy who owns Game Party Champions.
"Minigolf = Hell"