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Wii U Release Day Thread

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I believe it is, but that isn't actually relevant to the clue. ;)

Chopper did you find it? i've been going through that level for about 20 minutes without any meaningful result

This would probably sound strange to many, but in terms of features which compel me to play games on a certain platform, Activity Log is more important to me than Achievements. Vita having trophies doesn't do much for me, but its lack of an Activity Log I find extremely frustrating and pretty stupid on Sony's part.

i've been wondering, does nintendo has some kind of patent on that?
i really do not understand why neither sony or microsoft have some kind of activity log


i've been wondering, does nintendo has some kind of patent on that?
i really do not understand why neither sony or microsoft have some kind of activity log

That would be pretty crazy, but I wouldn't put it past Nintendo. I think Steam has something similar to an Activity Log though.


I think I just had my first hardlock. Closed Sonic Racing to open the home Menu, but only saw 10 minutes the WiiU Logo with the transition music playing. Power button on the console did nothing, power on the gamepad made the gamepad go off... pulled the plug. The console still works.


I wish we knew ANYTHING about VC. I'd love to play SNES, NES or N64 games on my Gamepad.

It can't be hard for them to convert the games to work on there, can it? Each game has it's own specific emulator, so they'd have to make a change to each one, but i assume it's just be the same thing.

I hope they aren't going to ask us to pay again for gamepad support. TBH i'd be happy if it was just a £2 fee if you already own the game or something. Not likely though.


Chopper did you find it? i've been going through that level for about 20 minutes without any meaningful result.
Yeah. I know where it is. I'm not going to tell you explicitly though:

I assume you are aware of the classic shortcut in the original 1-2? Well, abuse it...


god help me I bought a Wii U

1080p HD monster hunter... you're apparently worth 400 dollars to me.

congrats, it is an amazing console and it is a shame it doesn't sell really well. I hope you have bought the premium bundle with Nintendoland. If so, invite some friends and have some of the best multiplayer time you can experience with videogames :)


Yeah. I know where it is. I'm not going to tell you explicitly though:

I assume you are aware of the classic shortcut in the original 1-2? Well, abuse it...

i tried that!
mmm i guess i now understand what he meant with
a secret within a secret
That sucks, was hoping to hear about something new. Guess we'll have to hate until E3.

There's always Games Festa, Nintendo Directs, GDC, (sounds like a Vita excuse) but yeah, I wouldn't expect anything big (from first party, at least) until e3, to be honest. They'll be fighting for mind share against PS4 and Xbox 720 and will need big guns.
There's always Games Festa, Nintendo Directs, GDC, (sounds like a Vita excuse) but yeah, I wouldn't expect anything big (from first party, at least) until e3, to be honest. They'll be fighting for mind share against PS4 and Xbox 720 and will need big guns.

Yeah, they will need a big gun for Fall/Holiday 2013. But I wonder what they'll bring? Galaxy 3? Zelda HD?


Neo Member
Hey, guys! Please fill me in! I haven't had an internet connection at home for the past 3 days. Before the connection went out, my system tried updating to a new firmware, it was downloading the update. Now that I've got my internet back, there is no firmware download in my queue any longer. And when I try to update my system to the newest firmware it says it's already up to date. I'm lost, that download never funished that day... so I don't get it... :[ Was there one and Nintendo removed it? Am I just crazy? :{

Hey guys, just wanted to give a heads up to people that missed it over the weekend. I'm giving away a copy of the awesome Scribblenauts Unlimited for Wii U in the Gamesies thread. Gaffers only, open to everyone in the world. To be in the running, all you have to do is check out our new episode and post in the thread:


Yeah, they will need a big gun for Fall/Holiday 2013. But I wonder what they'll bring? Galaxy 3? Zelda HD?

I don't think a new Mario would come out so soon after New U, but I hope so. I'd kill for a Galaxy game in HD.



Hey guys, just wanted to give a heads up to people that missed it over the weekend. I'm giving away a copy of the awesome Scribblenauts Unlimited for Wii U in the Gamesies thread. Gaffers only. To be in the running, all you have to do is check out our new episode and post in the thread:


I don't think a new Mario would come out so soon after New U, but I hope so. I'd kill for a Galaxy game in HD.
US only?


Yeah, they will need a big gun for Fall/Holiday 2013. But I wonder what they'll bring? Galaxy 3? Zelda HD?

They need at least two big guns imo plus at least a $50 price drop. By next holiday consumers should be able to get a $250 basic pack and 5 really solid big name Nintendo titles (NSMBU, Pikmin 3, Nintendo Land, Game X, Game Y) plus ZombiU, Rayman Legends, and whatever 3rd parties manage to shit out by then. As for possible big guns, Bayo 2 for the hardcore crowd has already been announced so it seems likely it will be released by next fall.
Yeah, they will need a big gun for Fall/Holiday 2013. But I wonder what they'll bring? Galaxy 3? Zelda HD?

They need at least two big guns imo plus at least a $50 price drop. By next holiday consumers should be able to get a $250 basic pack and at least 5 really solid big name Nintendo titles (NSMBU, Pikmin 3, Nintendo Land, Game X, Game Y) plus ZombiU, Rayman Legends, and whatever 3rd parties manage to shit out by then. As for possible big guns, Bayo 2 for the hardcore crowd has already been announced so it seems likely it will be released by next fall.

Galaxy 3 and Zelda HD in same year is overkill. Maybe Mario Kart U. Just 1 one of those(leaning toward Galaxy 3) and a solid 2nd party game(Monolithsoft, etc.). Game X and Game Y

Also, was reading this article on IGN's site:


If I were a betting man, I’d put money on “Super Mario 3D Platformer Wii U” being the centerpiece of Nintendo’s showing at E3 2013 – with a debut before this time next year, too.

(And if you doubt that, consider the recent track record – GameCube launched in 2001 without 3D Mario. But less than a year later, Super Mario Sunshine. Wii launched in 2006 without 3D Mario. But less than a year later, Super Mario Galaxy. Wii U just launched in 2012 without 3D Mario. But less than a year later . . . you see where this is going.)


I do wish there was some kind of an Activity Log that could've been implemented for Wii mode on the Wii U. Just started playing Xenoblade and considering it'll likely take me over 100 hrs to finish it would've been nice.

Speaking of which, Xenoblade does look a bit better on the Wii U. Not a spectacular difference, but it does look cleaner to me.

Yeah, also it would be cool to compare activity logs with friends, and/or recent players. that is basically how I use achievements and such anyways. To see what games friends have played and if they have a lot of achievements or not(hopefully meaning a good fun game) Or if they have played somethign more than me(more achievements)
Yeah, also it would be cool to compare activity logs with friends, and/or recent players. that is basically how I use achievements and such anyways. To see what games friends have played and if they have a lot of achievements or not(hopefully meaning a good fun game) Or if they have played somethign more than me(more achievements)

Great idea. That's also how I use achievements.


Neo Member
Hello GAF! New and happy WiiU owner here!

Heh, I don't post much so I don't expect anyone here to know who I am but I just wanted to say I am very pleased with my purchase so far even though I got no games with it (aside from the included Nintendo Land).

The update didn't take as long as I expected either, it took around 2 hours for me which is fine considering the crappy internet connection I have right now. Wasn't there another firmware update like a week or two ago as well though?

Some quick software impressions:

Miiverse is awesomely addicting! I didn't expect it to be this charming and full of people just expressing their thoughts on games and being genuinely helpful. It's a refreshing change of pace from the usual internet forums I feel. Full of amazing artists too.

Nintendo Land is fun and charming, which I already expected it to be so that's nothing new to me, what is new however is how the games are so well designed in such a way that make you want to keep playing until you get all the cool prizes and medals.

I love all of the attractions but my favorite is Metroid Blast, I played it with my two brothers and one of my cousins over the weekend, and man oh man, was it an amazing time.

My least favorite has got to be Takamaru's Ninja Castle though, but I haven't really delved much deeper into most of the games so my opinion of some if not all of the attractions may change in the near future.

Sorry for my little ramble there, I just wanted to give some quick thoughts on my new and shiny purchase.


Hello GAF! New and happy WiiU owner here!

Heh, I don't post much so I don't expect anyone here to know who I am but I just wanted to say I am very pleased with my purchase so far even though I got no games with it (aside from the included Nintendo Land).

The update didn't take as long as I expected either, it took around 2 hours for me which is fine considering the crappy internet connection I have right now. Wasn't there another firmware update like a week or two ago as well though?

Some quick software impressions:

Miiverse is awesomely addicting! I didn't expect it to be this charming and full of people just expressing their thoughts on games and being genuinely helpful. It's a refreshing change of pace from the usual internet forums I feel. Full of amazing artists too.

Nintendo Land is fun and charming, which I already expected it to be so that's nothing new to me, what is new however is how the games are so well designed in such a way that make you want to keep playing until you get all the cool prizes and medals.

I love all of the attractions but my favorite is Metroid Blast, I played it with my two brothers and one of my cousins over the weekend, and man oh man, was it an amazing time.

My least favorite has got to be Takamaru's Ninja Castle though, but I haven't really delved much deeper into most of the games so my opinion of some if not all of the attractions may change in the near future.

Sorry for my little ramble there, I just wanted to give some quick thoughts on my new and shiny purchase.
Thanks for the impressions. Just have a week left until I get to open the Christmas present, haha.


Hello GAF! New and happy WiiU owner here!

Heh, I don't post much so I don't expect anyone here to know who I am but I just wanted to say I am very pleased with my purchase so far even though I got no games with it (aside from the included Nintendo Land).

The update didn't take as long as I expected either, it took around 2 hours for me which is fine considering the crappy internet connection I have right now. Wasn't there another firmware update like a week or two ago as well though?

Some quick software impressions:

Miiverse is awesomely addicting! I didn't expect it to be this charming and full of people just expressing their thoughts on games and being genuinely helpful. It's a refreshing change of pace from the usual internet forums I feel. Full of amazing artists too.

Nintendo Land is fun and charming, which I already expected it to be so that's nothing new to me, what is new however is how the games are so well designed in such a way that make you want to keep playing until you get all the cool prizes and medals.

I love all of the attractions but my favorite is Metroid Blast, I played it with my two brothers and one of my cousins over the weekend, and man oh man, was it an amazing time.

My least favorite has got to be Takamaru's Ninja Castle though, but I haven't really delved much deeper into most of the games so my opinion of some if not all of the attractions may change in the near future.

Sorry for my little ramble there, I just wanted to give some quick thoughts on my new and shiny purchase.

welcome on board!

you really do not write much, look at your user ID O_O

anyhow give another try to each game in NL, at the beginning i didn't like balloon trip breeze at all, but after playing another time i really enjoyed it.

what other game are you gonna get?

now back to get all the other secret levels!
world 2 wasn't hard to find... and world 5 was really easy (i actually found the secret exit before finding the normal one)


Neo Member
welcome on board!

you really do not write much, look at your user ID O_O

anyhow give another try to each game in NL, at the beginning i didn't like balloon trip breeze at all, but after playing another time i really enjoyed it.

what other game are you gonna get?

Thanks! Haha yeah, I don't post much I usually just love to read the forums though. I enjoyed following all of the WiiU speculation threads as well, felt right at home there (and even then, I didn't post haha).

And don't worry, of course I'll give all of the other attractions another chance! I like them all, I just like some more than others. And man, that soundtrack... it's amazing! It makes me even more excited for the next Smash Bros. game.

I also plan to get ZombiU, New Super Mario Bros. U and probably Black Ops 2, just as the heavy shopping season stops because my wallet takes heavy hits during this month. :p
They need at least two big guns imo plus at least a $50 price drop. By next holiday consumers should be able to get a $250 basic pack and at least 5 really solid big name Nintendo titles (NSMBU, Pikmin 3, Nintendo Land, Game X, Game Y) plus ZombiU, Rayman Legends, and whatever 3rd parties manage to shit out by then. As for possible big guns, Bayo 2 for the hardcore crowd has already been announced so it seems likely it will be released by next fall.

I'm really hoping this happens. I want a price drop to happen and a bunch of 1st and 3rd party games announced. Waiting until e3 will suck.
So I just found out I'm getting a Wii U for Christmas. Super hyped.

Think I'm getting Deluxe edition. What's the GAF consensus on Nintendoland?

Also, what's the verdict on Batman AA: Armored Edition. Never played it on the 360 and can handle frame-rate hits for better anti-aliasing (more sensitive to jaggies then stuttering I guess; like to stop and look around).

Getting Mario Bros., ZombiU. Any other essentials? Scribble seems cool but how much money can one spend on launch titles?



Batman AE is awesome. There's a little bit of frame stuttering here and there, but after playing the Xbox version after playing the Wii U verison, I think both games suffer from it. Either way, you can't go wrong with it and some of the Wiipad features are great. You can't go wrong with it.


Think I'm getting Deluxe edition. What's the GAF consensus on Nintendoland?

Consensus seems to be it's a good arcade collection that's really fun with multiple players, but ymmv going solo depending on how much you like arcade style games.

Also, what's the verdict on Batman AA: Armored Edition. Never played it on the 360 and can handle frame-rate hits for better anti-aliasing (more sensitive to jaggies then stuttering I guess; like to stop and look around).

I haven't played it on Wii U, but the frame rate dips looked pretty bad on the Giant Bomb stream for launch day. I think the consensus for this one is to get it on another platform if you can. But again I haven't played it.

As for other essentials that aren't NSMB U, ZombiU, or Nintendo Land, people seem to really like Nano Assault Neo and Trine 2 on the eshop.


I've been playing Batman for the last couple of days and really like it. The very first mission is really choppy for no apparent reason and cutscenes look more fluid on the GamePad than the actual television screen but other than that I'm not 100% sure where the game drops frames or where there are slow-motion effects in combat—I don't exactly have the best eye for framerate. But I'm quite enjoying the game and I appreciate the use of the GamePad in most cases (such as hearing distant communication from allies or enemies or looking at the mini-map).

Having said that, I'm a wee bit of a Bat-fan and have never owned an HD console before so take my opinion with a grain of salt. The game itself is a blast but if you can get it cheaper on a platform you already own, you could very well be getting the superior experience. But it gets the job done for me.

What about Might Switch Force? Looks pretty badass, and a great score on Metacritic (though that doesn't always mean a lot—Walking Dead is in 90s and ZombiU is in 70s...).


I've been playing Batman for the last couple of days and really like it. The very first mission is really choppy for no apparent reason and cutscenes look more fluid on the GamePad than the actual television screen but other than that I'm not 100% sure where the game drops frames or where there are slow-motion effects in combat—I don't exactly have the best eye for framerate. But I'm quite enjoying the game and I appreciate the use of the GamePad in most cases (such as hearing distant communication from allies or enemies or looking at the mini-map).

Having said that, I'm a wee bit of a Bat-fan and have never owned an HD console before so take my opinion with a grain of salt. The game itself is a blast but if you can get it cheaper on a platform you already own, you could very well be getting the superior experience. But it gets the job done for me.

Well, I have the Xbox version and the Wii U version and both have some performance issues as well as texture load in issues. Playing on the Wii U or 360 is good, so if the person wants a "new" game for their console, then Batman isn't a bad choice. The game is still awesome regardless. I do agree that if he/she can get it cheaper on another console, then there's nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to make sure that people don't walk away from this thinking it's a totally crappy game. That's just not the case.


Well, I have the Xbox version and the Wii U version and both have some performance issues as well as texture load in issues. Playing on the Wii U or 360 is good, so if the person wants a "new" game for their console, then Batman isn't a bad choice. The game is still awesome regardless. I do agree that if he/she can get it cheaper on another console, then there's nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to make sure that people don't walk away from this thinking it's a totally crappy game. That's just not the case.

I think it's awesome to get a nice, long game from near the end (?) of the previous generation ready for launch, even if there are some hiccups that come along with it. I paid full price to buy the game on the eShop even after seeing the topic showing the GOTY version on sale for about $5 and I've been having too much fun to say I regret my purchase. I feel like the price tags on a lot of Wii U launch games are going to drop pretty quickly after the holidays, but the opportunity to have Batman on my new console over the winter break is worth the price of admission.
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