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Worst game of this generation?


Personal worst purchase for me: PN03. Childlike level design, and a woman who looks graceful, but controls like a tank. Somehow these are supposed to add up to make a "hardcore" shooter, but I don't see it, unless "hardcore" is synonymous with "not enjoyable."

I couldn't be bothered to finish Wind Waker, but it is far from the worst game this gen. What I played was beautiful, until it turned into a collectathon.

Edit: does Heroes of Might and Magic IV count as this gen? Then that'd be second on my list. Those two CDs are the most expensive drink coasters I ever bought.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Alex: Culdcept is pretty cool, mixture of monopoly and magic:the gathering in a sense. You build a deck, ride around a gameboard slapping your cards down as 'property'. When the other guy passes through, a card battle ensues, resulting in a loss or gain of mana and such for one party. There are a lot of other interesting little tricks to employ, but that is the most basic gist. Ride the competition out of business and you win...

It got a bit shallow later on though, some cards were obviously overpowered and easilly exploited, but all in all a very solid game; and I usually don't do 'card' stuff.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Hot Wheels: Velocity X for the GBA. I had to review it but the game was damned near unplayable. The controls were just completely crazy and inconsistent to the extent that it was near impossible to finish a race. It really, really sucked.


hyperbolically metafictive
eternal darkness and the fatass it rode in on. i'm sure there are dozens of games that are mechanically worse. but none so pompous and self-satisfied. and none that plagiarize so aggressively. it just engenders such contempt.


Blue Stinger. Played it so long ago I forgot what exactly made the experience so crappy, but it's one of the few games I actually owned and couldn't bear playing for more than the hour or so that I did.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I remember when xbox launched in NZ (frickin years behind US or something) I played Bloodwake on the original controller, that game actually inspired me to hate the xbox and tell people it was shite, I even spent a day with halo ragging on the xbox and saying how shit it was before halo won me over.

Screw you bloodwake. screw you.


siamesedreamer said:
MGS2: Sons of Liberty

It mystifies me why people like that game so much.

I know people have a right to their opinion, but that is not the worst game of this generation.

Guys.....look at all the crap that's out there!

Shit like Fugitive Hunter is what should be here (noted above)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
siamesedreamer said:
MGS2: Sons of Liberty

It mystifies me why people like that game so much.

Why the hell do you guys keep posting shit like this? If you really think this is the worst game of this generation, you are mentally ill.

Could you honestly say that Drake, Charlie's Angels, Fugitive Hunter, and Big Rigs are BETTER than MGS2? You've seen people make claims about Halo as well, haven't you? What do you think about that? Do you think they are correct when they claim Halo to be the worst game ever made?
We haven't PLAYED those games, so why SHOULD we comment on 'em?

Popularity should never shield a shitty game from criticism. And, quite frankly, I'm sure I could get more entertainment out of Big Rigs than I did from Shenmue, just as I'd probably enjoy an Ed Wood movie over the latest $100M Bruckheimer schlockgasm.


either lots of folks other then drinky cow play only 3 games a year or some of you just let the thread description go right over your heads. So to honestly pick a worst game of this entire generation were looking for stuff that's probally movie or TV show liscensed.. perhaps even a comic book game. Something like charlies angels fits that bill quite well. Enter the matrix could possibly- one thing enter the matrix has that not a single console RPG I've played this gen xenosaga has had, is a bug that prevents you from continueing with the game, which makes it one of the worst titles on that fact alone.

Xenosaga wasn't exactly a good game, it was allright for when it came out just flawed. To put it up there has the worst of the worst is exxagerating just a bit too much. It also doesn't fit the guidelines of this thread at all, which I'm sure were intended to prevent flame wars and trolling. Basically go on gamerankings and find games with average scores lower then 50% released this gen, find one you played that was really that awful.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Drinky Crow said:
We haven't PLAYED those games, so why SHOULD we comment on 'em?

Popularity should never shield a shitty game from criticism. And, quite frankly, I'm sure I could get more entertainment out of Big Rigs than I did from Shenmue, just as I'd probably enjoy an Ed Wood movie over the latest $100M Bruckheimer schlockgasm.

Yeah, but regardless of how much you actually HATE the story of MGS2...it didn't play badly at all. Shenmue didn't really have a whole lot of actual gameplay, now did it?

Of course, when you get right down to it, this isn't even about criticism (and popularity should never shield a game from that). This thread is specifically dealing with what could be considered the WORST game of this generation. If you are going to say something like MGS2 or Halo, why even comment? That's just foolish and clearly suggests that the poster is only attempting to start a flame war. Considering that the original poster flat-out stated that people should not post such things, it's pretty sad to see people doing just that. Even worse, did he even bother commenting on the game itself? Nope. He just insulted people who happend to enjoy it with no reasoning behind the statement. At least when you hate on things, there is actually something to back up those complaints.
Clearly one not entitled to their own opinion here.

To me, MGS2 is the worst game I've played this generation. Shit controls, shit animations, 18 hour long cut scenes, minimal stealth factor.........you've heard all these before. I'm not trying to start a flame war. I'm simply stating my opinion.


Yes, please. I'm not a MGS fan, I don't even like MGS 2. But it is not the worst game this gen..Whatever, I don't care.
this thread is doomed, but the problem is that most of the people have not played the absolute worst of the worst. I do agree that MGS2 is an overhyped piece of shit, but it's far from the worst game. The budget alone makes sure the game stays far out of the way of the absolute worst shitty games that are out there.

That said...even though it looks kind of good on my hdtv, that Bruce Lee game on the Xbox was pretty damn bad. That's the worst I've played but I'm sure that's far from the worst this generation.
"To me, MGS2 is the worst game I've played this generation. Shit controls, shit animations"

So you haven't actually played it or even seen it in motion?


He's kind of excused if he played the Xbox version. The framerate in that was so shoddy at times that the animation looked horrid.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
what was that fighter that the other dude that left the Mortal kombat series made?

That gave both of my hands cancer in the 20 minutes I gave it.


nominating xenosaga just strikes me as patently ridiculous. even if you hate the character designs and story and think testuya takahashi should be strung from the rafters, it's an average RPG at worst.

kabuki warriors is fucking horrible. it's hilarious, really.

unlimited saga is the worst piece of trash square has ever published. i think it's the worst game for the PS2, at least that i've put more than 5 minutes into.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Fifty said:

EWWWW Thats it.

edit, here's the turd boxart stolen from the Bad box art thread.

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