I don't really care about Sasha and Charlotte trading the Women's Title back and forth though the supposed reason it happened at Summerslam is because Sasha supposedly had some nagging injuries and might've needed a fair deal of time off IIRC. For the most part though fine, it shows basically one can beat the other at any time and puts them on the same level the timing just had Charlotte winning on PPVs (yeah, still not a fan of Sasha's first win coming from Raw) but Bayley... Bayley absolutely should not have won the title already, I don't know if I would've have had her win it at WrestleMania either and neither should've the PPV streak they unwittingly put Charlotte on ended at a meaningless PPV for *reasons*.
I'd hold off Bayley winning it until Summerslam this year against a heel Sasha again minus the lovey respect stuff from NXT after their matches. At WM Charlotte eats the pin, gets her first PPV loss off a finish that involves Bayley hitting her finish (yeah I know people hate it) followed immediately by Sasha throwing Bayley out and pinning Charlotte giving her her first PPV loss. Of course, Charlotte wants her rematch because that's a thing for some reason, loses at the next PPV and Charlotte gets put on the back burner for a while while in another feud, first with Dana I guess and then maybe Nia Jax to keep her busy. Sasha turns on Bayley in May or June but neither of them have a 1 v 1 match on TV until Summerslam because Sasha shouldn't want to actually face her one on one given the history until forced to and as a heel champion put obstacles in the baby face challenge's way angle, first one after the turn being Emma. I know that's a pain even WWE needing to have title defenses on every PPV though I'd have Sasha give a jobber (or Alicia Fox, same thing) a title shot here in there on Raw to keep up with the 30 day rule that WWE picks and chooses to invoke. Still, Bayley once again beats Sasha at Summerfest but then the draft happens (which I still wish could be held off until after Summerslam) and Sasha gets moved to Smackdown so the feud is forced end, Sasha stays the top heel woman and gets to work with whoever is on Smackdown.
Wish they'd also need to drop the whole "rematch clause" nonsense because it's a ridiculously lazy stipulation used to extend feuds. Get rid of the worn out contract signing angle too, it's never made sense to begin with when you have authority figures making matches on a whim and they've driven it into the ground by doing it what feels like at least once a month for years now.
EDIT: Heels can't be heels anymore in WWE, the art of being a heel died with a combination of social media, scripted promos written by people with zero grasp on psychology along with making referees come off as competent authority figures in matches and various other edicts.