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Xbox journalist Jez Corden makes fun of Shigeru Miyamoto


not tag worthy
Shigeru Miyamoto Reaction GIF by Mega64


not tag worthy
The video game industry would be a different place if it weren’t for Miyamoto. It maybe would t have come back from the crash.


... That's it? The way the title was worded, I expected a vicious personal attack, not an incredibly mild (if unfunny) joke about Nintendo's prices.

Listen, I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy (go through my posts if you don't believe me) but there's simply no universe in which this joke is outrageous or in poor taste. Are we this obsessed with finding something to be outraged about?


This thread is stupid.

Can I instead share a pic of me and Miyamoto from E3 a while back?


Fully doxxed already, they've checked the reflection in your eye and they know where you live and your mother's maiden name.

Be more careful please sir.


Gold Member
Meanwhile Miyamoto is banging at least 30 milfs while money burning in his fireplace.
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OP taking this very personally, Miyamoto isn't some holy figure that can't be made fun of, he's just another corporate exec/suit figuring out how to extract as much money from you as possible, treat him as such.
The tweet is not even make fun of Miyamoto, it’s a silly joke at how Nintendo very rarely offers discounts on first party games.


I'm all for discussing how the "joke" isn't funny at all, but I see nothing wrong with trying to make one. Oh noes, person X dared use person Y's name in a tweet, the horror!


OP taking this very personally, Miyamoto isn't some holy figure that can't be made fun of, he's just another corporate exec/suit figuring out how to extract as much money from you as possible, treat him as such.

I find it funny people think this is really who he is. Miyamoto is as much the Yakuza's slave as us customers.


Nintendo is notorious for locking the prices of their video games. Takes forever for them to drop in price.
It's not Nintendo's fault people think their games are actually worth buying, let alone worth buying at full price even if several years old, by the order of millions.

That's what long-term consistent quality and valuation of your own brand's worth gets you. Microsoft never learned that lesson, until maybe now. And, that still remains to be seen, not to mention it's far too late for Xbox as a console to benefit from having learned it.
The tweet is not even make fun of Miyamoto, it’s a silly joke at how Nintendo very rarely offers discounts on first party games.

What provoked Jizz Cordon to suddenly make a statement about it at all? Everyone already knows this about Nintendo, and many millions have absolutely no issue with it going by their sales numbers.

People will pay for quality, it's that simple.

OP taking this very personally, Miyamoto isn't some holy figure that can't be made fun of, he's just another corporate exec/suit figuring out how to extract as much money from you as possible, treat him as such.

On the scale of Best to Worst, at least Miyamoto would be near the Best.

Jez's lord and savior? Right down there near the Worst.
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A Fucking Idiot
I'm a fucking idiot and even I know the best time to delete this thread was when you first went to make it, the second best time is now.
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