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Xbox One X Preorder Thread


Can someone tell me did gamestop offer a trade in program yet?

Also I pre ordered on Amazon nut MS store US still says not available... anyone preorder there?

They posted on facebok saying you can trade in your old one between 11/7-11/19 and save up to $200. Probably not getting much for my 1tb og one.


I preordered for amazon, but went to eb anyways because i could trade in my x1s. My buddy went there and got his scorpio and texted me they had 10 left. I left immediately, and when i got there (7 mins later) they were all gone. God damn


Amazon.de already out of stock!

You can't directly order from Microsoft! I had the same issue in Germany some minutes ago. Now I am redirected to Amazon.de!

Oh ok, that's odd.

Same for me. It only sales limited numbers available. But in the actual MS store page it still says as unavailable. Maybe they go live at midnight.

Guess we'll have to be patient. But if it's true that the only preorders right now are the Scorpio Edtion you'd think that preorders made at big stores like Mediamarkt and so on should be fine. But just to be sure i'm gonna go there tomorrow.

I'd rather buy it at a store in my town, because i really want to be able to just go to the store right away on November 7 as soon as i wake up and not have to wait patiently (impatiently) for the delivery guy to arrive.


Same. I'm trying to get a regular one from Gamestop. Went ahead and preordered the Scorpio from Amazon as a safety net though.
Seems like the best plan right now. I love the fact Amazon does not charge until shipped, so we can always wait and see elsewhere. That is a win win for us.

I can live with the branding if need be but I have no intention of using the vertical stand, so if I could get it sans branding, that is preferred.

Really not sure why MS insists on doing the branding that they do. I get some people may be into it, to each their own, but I am not. It just makes it tacky to be honest. Again, I get why some may be into it, but if there has to be branding, make it a small logo and call it a day. Not some green letters that read Project Scorpio.

It truly is not the end of the world if this is the console I wind up with. Want to reiterate this fact. I just prefer clean and minimal.


Are these numbered? I saw some seemingly random numbers during the gamescom reveal.

They showed one of those custom Xbox One controllers that was a limited run specifically made for Gamescom '17, but other than that I don't think these consoles are numbered.
Scorpio Edition ordered from Best Buy! Got it for $258 given the laptops I turned in a couple of months ago during their offer on taking anything. Thanks, GAF, for the pointer on that!
Hopefully this is not gonna cause problems for other stores getting enough X consoles. Not even necessarily only the Scorpio Edition, but man..if they are already selling out.....
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