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XCOM 2: War of the Chosen |OT| Mario + Rabbids + Autopsies


Fucking hate the Priests' sustain ability. Annoying bullshit.

Not really bothering me. Just park a Ranger or a Templar with bladestorm in the vincinity and he's has good as dead.

The only moment when it's annoying is when the Priest is doing his mind merge thingy with someone else and you thought you could kill two birds with one stone.

In the end, apart from the chosen themselves, the new enemies are not really dangerous or anything.

  • The flamethrowers, you just need to avoid killing them in melee.
  • The priests are just EU Commander Sectoids with an advent skin.
  • The Spectres might be posing a threat at first but once you've realized that they almost never shoot at anyone, it became a piece of cake to deal with them : they do their shadowbound, disapear for a time and that's about it. The shadowbound does not hurt your soldier. The clone is easy to kill. The spectre is easy to kill. No threat at all.


one thing i discovered was that a heavy with elevated position or halfway decent aim can completely shred lost once you get them to a good position. just sit in place and fire.

i just gave my captain a heavy machine gun and a shittonne of weapon mods and they should be able to just wreck fools

anyway, next game i am definitely beelining a soldier to captain no matter what it takes because only being able to deploy 5 in June is seriously cramping my style. I am getting worked.


I remember Mutons murdering soldiers that try to melee them. For some reason my ranger can sword them just fine though.

Did i imagine that or have they changed it?

one thing i discovered was that a heavy with elevated position or halfway decent aim can completely shred lost once you get them to a good position. just sit in place and fire.

i just gave my captain a heavy machine gun and a shittonne of weapon mods and they should be able to just wreck fools

anyway, next game i am definitely beelining a soldier to captain no matter what it takes because only being able to deploy 5 in June is seriously cramping my style. I am getting worked.

Templars or snipers with the perk are my favourite ways of dealing with chosen, no need to reload ever and every shot is a kill. That or some unit with bladestorm.
I completed the
rescue mission for Mox

By round two I was on an alert of like 10 and everything was ballsed up. I thought killing someone on their own would keep things quiet (oops).

How are you actually supposed to silently do the mission?

It looked like if I crossed the red barrier that the alarm would trigger.

The mission is so early and relatively easy, it's probably worth breaking concealment to farm the xp and get some early promotions. Just be ready to deal with the turrets.
On the other hand You can very easily stealth this mission, I've played it a few times and can get a reaper directly to the cell, with a full squad in the general vicinity. A specialist will have a chance to unlock the cell without triggering security and breaking concealment.


They did not change the muton counter attack nope. You might just have been lucky.

And for the Lost, there is a Reaper Card that completely trivialize them : "Between the eyes" : any shot becomes a instakill on them. So with it, just take a sniper Gunslinger and you're good.
They did not change the mutonn counter attack nope. You might just have been lucky.

And for the Lost, there is a Reaper Card that completely trivialize them : "Between the eyes" : any shot becomes a instakill on them. So with it, just take a sniper Gunslinger and you're good.


Some of the cards are just amazing.

Edit: I got one that made resistance contacts instant, going from +350 income to almost +600 in the span of a month. I believe in the heart of the cards.


They did not change the muton counter attack nope. You might just have been lucky.

And for the Lost, there is a Reaper Card that completely trivialize them : "Between the eyes" : any shot becomes a instakill on them. So with it, just take a sniper Gunslinger and you're good.

Jep, templars and snipers have unlimited ammo on their weapons, so they can basically solo any chosen map. Even without good abilities.

My biggest surprise so far was that when one of your faction units dies, you can get it back by doing a faction mission. I got a new skirmishers with all the AP of the skirmisher that died. That makes the game a lot easier on ironman.


is the templar sub-machine gun that good?

also how do i access the resistance orders screen again on a non month-to-month basis?


Not really. Bad aim and bad dmg. It's just a fancier pistol.

But it's infinite ammo like the pistol. So it's usefull at least against the Lost.

And you can only change the orders during the supply-drop.


is the templar sub-machine gun that good?

also how do i access the resistance orders screen again on a non month-to-month basis?

The sub machine gun is a better pistol. What makes it good for killing lost is that like the pistol, it doesn't run out of ammo. As long as you hit you'll never run out of actions to kill lost (if you have the reaper order).

I'm pretty sure you can't modify orders in between months.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but is there a way to import your character pool from the base game to WotC on PS4? Do I have to have a My2k account or something?


Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but is there a way to import your character pool from the base game to WotC on PS4? Do I have to have a My2k account or something?

Doesn't look like it.

The game somehow feels worse than in vanilla in some cases. It feels choppier than before during the skyranger travel/rappel sequences, the game just outright hangs for seconds at a time when you try to preview a voice clip in the customize menu.

I really hope the game gets patched, but judging from the support on console we've already gotten, I doubt it.

Everyone else: Avoid the PS4 version at all costs.
Doesn't look like it.

The game somehow feels worse than in vanilla in some cases. It feels choppier than before during the skyranger travel/rappel sequences, the game just outright hangs for seconds at a time when you try to preview a voice clip in the customize menu.

I really hope the game gets patched, but judging from the support on console we've already gotten, I doubt it.

Everyone else: Avoid the PS4 version at all costs.

Damn. Ah well.

Played the non-tutorial intro mission. Loading times on PS4 seem generally the same, maybe slightly faster to get to the map but marginal if so. Game hung a little bit when I activated my first pod too.

Gonna play it because my PC is trash and I barely was able to run vanilla XCOM2 on lowest settings, bit hopefully they patch in more fixes. Especially annoyed since the PS4 version was delayed an extra 2 weeks to get it up to par I thought.


So, after much retry and suffering, I did my first legend campaign with the lost and abandoned box unchecked and the integrated downloaded content checked.

Yesterday I started a new one with the opposite, meaning I turned on the story content on the DLC and the lost and abandoned. Still on legend, this campaign is too easy.

What happens early game on xcom matters a lot and these things change the entire early game and, I believe, make you snowball harder and earlier.

Just to say, you can further manipulate the game difficulty.
The more story missions, the easier the game is basically.


Really not feeling the reaper. This shadow stuff just feels weird and pointless in missions where the rest of my squad is revealed

They're great as scouts. Send him up ahead so you know where best to approach from, even after your team has been revealed. Also, always chekc to see if there's anythign that can be made ot explode on the map, and use his ability to detonate when the enemy is near it. Causes tons of damage and does not reveal.


Really not feeling the reaper. This shadow stuff just feels weird and pointless in missions where the rest of my squad is revealed

Hint #1 : shooting at enemies that are out of activation range do not trigger the pod (well, at least, they don't really know where you're shooting from).
Hint #2 : snipers can shoot at enemies in sight of other squad members even when they are themselves out of range.

Therefore, Reapers are super strong and lets you completely cheese through missions.


how do i get over trying to save-scum the entire time

I play bronzeman, which admittedly allows for restarting missions but at least stops me from instantly reloading when things go to shit, which helps a lot. Also, lets me reload missions when gamebreaking bugs appear.
Really not feeling the reaper. This shadow stuff just feels weird and pointless in missions where the rest of my squad is revealed

Why? Go for concealed flanking shots. Reaper can get squad sight, and an ability for 0% chance for reveal upon kills... this means you can just position the unit on an elevated position, outside of cover, to get flank shot kills while the enemies focus on your squad. With a bonded teammate, you can use advanced teamwork to give the reaper extra actions to stack up kills on a single turn.

Reaper has an ability to keep spotted units on the map, even outside of line of site. That alone makes reaper god-tier scout. You can sweep the perimeter of a map to reveal all pods without triggering them, and continue to see their positions.

On timed guerilla ops, you can get a reaper directly to the objective without being revealed. This makes timers much easier to deal with. Use your squad to draw enemies away from the objective, reaper to go in and complete the objective. COmpleting an objective will reveal the reaper... but you can enter back into shadow once per mission.

The Reaper can even solo the blacksite mission fairly easily by remaining in shadow.
My problem is the reaper's damage output becomes really anemic later in the campaign and it makes it harder to justify using one over a ranger. The reaper still remains useful, but only really as a scout.
My problem is the reaper's damage output becomes really anemic later in the campaign and it makes it harder to justify using one over a ranger. The reaper still remains useful, but only really as a scout.

Claymore is still a potent ambush enhancer, being able to detonate the environment at will is dope, and Banish is a great "this guy must die" button. They're not as strong in a straight firefight as the Skirmisher or Templar, but they hold their own.

Not to mention just running around in Shadow and batting cleanup.


Why? Go for concealed flanking shots. Reaper can get squad sight, and an ability for 0% chance for reveal upon kills... this means you can just position the unit on an elevated position, outside of cover, to get flank shot kills while the enemies focus on your squad. With a bonded teammate, you can use advanced teamwork to give the reaper extra actions to stack up kills on a single turn.

Reaper has an ability to keep spotted units on the map, even outside of line of site. That alone makes reaper god-tier scout. You can sweep the perimeter of a map to reveal all pods without triggering them, and continue to see their positions.

On timed guerilla ops, you can get a reaper directly to the objective without being revealed. This makes timers much easier to deal with. Use your squad to draw enemies away from the objective, reaper to go in and complete the objective. COmpleting an objective will reveal the reaper... but you can enter back into shadow once per mission.

The Reaper can even solo the blacksite mission fairly easily by remaining in shadow.

Alright cool I gotta try some of this. I'm treating the reaper too much like a sharpshooter (that does less damager per shot).
My problem is the reaper's damage output becomes really anemic later in the campaign and it makes it harder to justify using one over a ranger. The reaper still remains useful, but only really as a scout.

Yeah if they don't roll tac rigging on their abilities, they are more or less cursed to low damage after the midgame. If you get tac rigging you can go talon rounds, expanded mag, laser sight and do amazing damage (because they have a big crit damage modifier already).

I finished L/I Grim Horizons and am going to play Mario XCOM for a bit, then either go back to EW LW Rebalanced or LW2 1.5 . I honestly think that while all the changes in WotC work pretty well, I'm far beyond the point of being able to deeply enjoy Firaxis games without heavy modification. That's no slight to them, I just play these games so much that I really do need the additional depth and challenge when I play them.

One thing I do actively dislike though-the narrative trend the series has moved towards. Whoever said "XCOM: Enemy always on the phone" nailed it.


So, do enough breakthroughs on the subject, and apparently nothing in the proving grounds costs any Elerium Cores anymore. I can create experimental ammo and grenades in unlimited quantities, since I have an order where they are completed instantly.
Yeah if they don't roll tac rigging on their abilities, they are more or less cursed to low damage after the midgame. If you get tac rigging you can go talon rounds, expanded mag, laser sight and do amazing damage (because they have a big crit damage modifier already).

I finished L/I Grim Horizons and am going to play Mario XCOM for a bit, then either go back to EW LW Rebalanced or LW2 1.5 . I honestly think that while all the changes in WotC work pretty well, I'm far beyond the point of being able to deeply enjoy Firaxis games without heavy modification. That's no slight to them, I just play these games so much that I really do need the additional depth and challenge when I play them.

One thing I do actively dislike though-the narrative trend the series has moved towards. Whoever said "XCOM: Enemy always on the phone" nailed it.

So how was the Grim Horizons late game? Much harder than without it? Weren't any of the dark events too brutal?


maybe tomorrow it rains
Doesn't look like it.

The game somehow feels worse than in vanilla in some cases. It feels choppier than before during the skyranger travel/rappel sequences, the game just outright hangs for seconds at a time when you try to preview a voice clip in the customize menu.

I really hope the game gets patched, but judging from the support on console we've already gotten, I doubt it.

Everyone else: Avoid the PS4 version at all costs.

Dammit. I just bought XCOM 2 for PS4 when it was in that bundle, despite having the PC version already. I was hoping it would turn out alright, and wanted to play WotC on console.


If i remember correctly, it's Sid Meier, John Teasdale and John (Jack ? Peter ? Something ?) Van Doorn.

Basically, if you customise a soldier with those names, they get a custom look (unique faces) and cheat stats. I think Sid is psy-ops with all stats at 100 and all abilities unlocked. But it deactivates achievements on the campaign you use them.

Never tried to. I doubt much people do.
So how was the Grim Horizons late game? Much harder than without it? Weren't any of the dark events too brutal?

Some added pressure, but it felt pretty half-baked. Stuff like High Alert was a blowout (ruined two cards permanently from my stack of orders, made shadowstrike bad w/o paying for more perks) that worked great, but many of the nastiest events are temporary, and the game sets things up so you can usually counter the worst of things.

Needs a mod to make corrections to some of the existing Dark Events to make them actually permanent (recurring breakthroughs, permanent closure of Black Market, etc.) , better scaling for some dark events, and more impact for some dark events that are easily played around. Then it would be the late game ramping pressure mechanism the series needs-finish out your campaign before your roster gets overwhelmed. Also if Grim Horizons is on Dark Events should start Hidden instead of just one of the three being hidden.

Also the infirmary breaks the game, it's too easy to bounce back fast from terrible injuries. XCOM collapses because of roster collapse, and it's just too easy to not have your roster fall apart on you once you get established (especially when combined with the easy ability to manipulate the avatar doom in WotC).

Would mod it myself but omg way too busy :(


Dammit. I just bought XCOM 2 for PS4 when it was in that bundle, despite having the PC version already. I was hoping it would turn out alright, and wanted to play WotC on console.

During missions it's okay so far. Don't know how bad it'll be in the denser missions. In vanilla it got rough at times.

It's the lack of improvement in performance (like on PC), of polish, and of QOL solutions that's a real bummer.


If i remember correctly, it's Sid Meier, John Teasdale and John (Jack ? Peter ? Something ?) Van Doorn.

Basically, if you customise a soldier with those names, they get a custom look (unique faces) and cheat stats. I think Sid is psy-ops with all stats at 100 and all abilities unlocked. But it deactivates achievements on the campaign you use them.

Never tried to. I doubt much people do.

Yeah it's Peter Van Doorn.
During missions it's okay so far. Don't know how bad it'll be in the denser missions. In vanilla it got rough at times.

It's the lack of improvement in performance (like on PC), of polish, and of QOL solutions that's a real bummer.

Yeah, why is that stuff not on consoles?

I'm happy to support Firaxis, but us console players are getting the shaft here.


maybe tomorrow it rains
During missions it's okay so far. Don't know how bad it'll be in the denser missions. In vanilla it got rough at times.

It's the lack of improvement in performance (like on PC), of polish, and of QOL solutions that's a real bummer.

That's a damn shame. How are the performance improvements on PC?

I apologize if this has been covered before, I wasn't really paying attention to this thread since I've just been waiting for it to hit consoles.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That's a damn shame. How are the performance improvements on PC?

I apologize if this has been covered before, I wasn't really paying attention to this thread since I've just been waiting for it to hit consoles.

Huge performance increase for me. Enormous. It's made a huge difference and I hate that I bought it and it seems like a 'reward' for a shittily-tuned game, but...it's so much better now.


I want to try Grim Horizons, but some things (Lost World, for example) just get tired and not fun.
Maybe I'll give Beta Strike a shot.


Neo Member
There are a number of custom names that, when used to rename your soldiers, would turn them into kind of super units. Kind of like a cheat code built into the system. I think using the disabled achievements.

I kinda suck at XCOM but like the game, used it for XCOM2 to beat the game. If needed just wondered if it works on the xpac...
Gonna do my first Commander Ironman run with extended Avatar time and Grenade damage falloff just to see how it goes. Should be pretty fun. I never got the Alien Rulers DLC so fighting Chosen is gonna be one hell of a new experience.
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