Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


So I want to buy the Euro Truck Sim 2 Scandanavia expansion only since I already have going east, but it costs more by itself than bundled together with going east and the paintjobs dlc. What gives?

In the same boat, will probably wait till later to see if price is further updated. If not I'll buy the bundle..
Talk to me about The Secret World guys.

F2P I saw.

Is it dead? Lot of solo content? Plenty of active players? Bugs taken care of? Fun?

It seems like something the Mrs. would get into so I may pick it up for her.

Gonna quote myself from the other Steam topic.

The story, atmosphere, setting, dialogue and characters in this game are absolutely great. It's easily the best MMO on these fronts and I cannot think of many single-player games that do a better job, which is surprising for an MMO. The combat takes some getting used to and not everyone likes it but there is a lot of customization. It's certainly not a typical MMO, more like a single-player with MMO elements. The community is also very mature and friendly.

The Ultimate Edition contains all the issues which provide some amazing content. Issues 10-11 open the new zone of Tokyo and wrap up the first act of the story of this game.
If anyone is curious about DisplayFusion, I found these answers in the disucssion section.



I assume that Steam must generate it's "cd key" message and that's what you use to activate DisplayFusion.

Since it doesn't seem to need Steam to run, I'm definitely in on it for this price. It's a great program that I've trialed in the past, and it looks like it's still being actively developed for, which is fantastic to see.


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (NoRN, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Game of the Year Edition -- MB-84C0674A216BC077 - Taken by gimel. 4 entrants total.



I thought the cheats in my game were good getting up to level 25k already, but there are other teams almost at 200k already? My group sucks I guess. I was impressed last round that we made it to 10k.


Stormy Grey
Any thoughts on Dread Out?

Crossposting my thoughts from the other thread:

For all of the growing pains it has as a low budget affair, I found myself rather in love with it by the end. There are many things that could have been done better by a more experienced team and larger budget, but the developers have a certain understanding about pacing and integrating the scares into the world that sets them above many other independent horror makers out there.

There's quirky, sometimes awkward humor which eventually grew on me, and does a fine job of making the students feel like teenagers. Especially considering the time they have to endear you to the characters before things start really hitting the fan. Which is where the game truly shines, once the lights are out and the spirits crawl from their hiding spots to play.

The gameplay borrows a lot from PS2 era classics - particularly Fatal Frame but with some Silent Hill aesthetics borrowed and applied to Indonesian culture. From the way the character handles to the way each game system works, it feels like it came out of 2002. You might think that a negative, but I can describe it as having nostalgia for something that didn't actually come out at the turn of the century. Is that weird? Probably.

There's quite a lot to look past, from some dodgy animations to very low res textures rearing their ugly heads like the creatures of the night themselves. It is very ugly, yet attractive to anyone who enjoyed horror games of days' past. Though, they went through the trouble of using immersive positional audio, which is something I always find other horror devs slacking on. I really appreciated that they took the time to get this aspect right, as I feel like skipping it misses the point of the mantra of "Play with headphones". So while it may be lacking visually from time to time, the audio uplifts the presentation.

For all of the technical weirdness, I remained glued to my desk during my time with Dreadout. Which points to one of Dreadout's strengths and weaknesses - the game is so well paced that by the time it's over, you want more. Many devs overstay their welcome or hammer one type of scare too hard for too long. Dreadout introduces new concepts to keep things fresh, even some things that other games in the genre haven't tried before. This is an uncut diamond, and one which I hope others pick up and enjoy much in the same way I did. There's just something special about the way they "get" horror that hasn't been seen much since the decline of the genre's popularity beyond youtube jumpscare bait.


How do I skip the Badge Points screen when starting a new game? I have over 80k badge points to spend and I have no intention of clicking on the screen 400 times to spend them all.


How do I skip the Badge Points screen when starting a new game? I have over 80k badge points to spend and I have no intention of clicking on the screen 400 times to spend them all.

From what i understand wchills script allows you to buy in bulk
i used autohotkey


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
so anyone who likes dungeon crawlers / roguelikes I want to make sure you don't miss out on this little gem

one way heroics

at the massive price of 69 cents I know it could be hard to trust me and part with your money, but it's a ton of fun if you like those types of games, with a ton of secrets to find and a progression system to get stronger between runs.

There is also a new version of the game coming to steam later this year (it will be stand alone but I think saves might carry over) so it's a good way to see if it would be worth getting the new version later (that adds more classes and a lot of other things)

but yeah this game was liked so much that Spike Chunsoft said... WE WANT THAT! and decided to commission a remake of the game under their mysterious brand

Okay, that looks intriguing, and that's a good price to try out something new.



Has Door Kickers been on the front page at all yet?

It's a decent price now, but kinda hoping it drops below that delicious five euros point.

AoWIII is never gonna go on a daily huh? :/

I think it will. Very confident. I'm just unsure whether the latest Expansion will see a meaty discount.


Alright Hearts of Iron 3 Complete or wait for Hearts of Iron 4?

HOI3 is complex strategy game, might be hard at the beginning before understanding everything but I liked it a lot

be sure to get ALL the expansions (sprite or music dlc not really needed) to get the most of it

don't let AI control your army, it ends up doing stupid things


Is Planetary Annihilation fun? I thought it was a game people liked but the reviews look middling.

got with Killer bundle but I didn't like it

I was expecting something different, perhaps I am going to give it another shot to see if that was just initial disappointment setting me with a wrong attitude towards the game
Can someone explain to me about the Summer Sale Game... Why are my stats always reset everytime I jump back into the game?

It makes joining games impossible since I just die instantly.

And it doesn't seem to save my games... sometimes it seems to.. it saves the current level at was in, but none of my stats or gold.
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