Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Neo Member
Just realized the magnitude of this thread and wow..., gods be praised this is the first post I can make but I <3 the GAF community already!


Amazing. I just requested a refund and told the truth that it was cheaper and I would like to get it for the cheaper price. Here's hoping I get refunded in time to get it for the $4.99 price.

It'll probably be granted within a day but the processing time to actually have the money to you is a bit long, so it'll probably actually be back in your hands after it goes back up.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You should join us in some Invade & Annex.
Let me see if it's even playable first, lol. My 270x should be okay but I'm on a Phenom II X4 955. It has surprised me against many naysayers plenty of times, like running Inquisition on ultra, but I hear this one is very CPU heavy and I've had trouble with some simulators.


Just realized the magnitude of this thread and wow..., gods be praised this is the first post I can make but I <3 the GAF community already!


If you think this thread is big, you should have seen some of the previous Steam sale threads. This is tiny in comparison.


Thanks to whomever responded to wait for MGS: Ground Zeroes daily.
Most of the games have increased of price quite a lot here, due to our weak economy.
Hmm, I really want The Crew, but 50% off isn't all that great IMO. I've heard enough things about it (mainly about the handling and some mission types) that I might go either way about enjoying it or not, and $30 is a bit much to take that chance.

I wish I had an XB1 or PS4 since they apparently have demos for the game. I was only able to find a leaked demo version of the PC version, but I don't want to risk getting a virus from some shady site just to try this game out, haha.

Not Spaceghost

I mentioned this in the community steam thread but I think it's more relevant here.

What the hell is going on with the Lost Planet 2 sale, it's been going on and off sale seemingly at random.

The sale was listed on the 12th I think as running through the 22nd for 60% off on lost planet 2. But an hour after it was set back at full price, on sunday they seemed to have fixed it for a bit but since then it has been sitting at full price.

I managed to snag it on sunday but since LP2 is a 4 player co-op experience I wanted to convince some friends to get it, but it's hard to convince anyone to buy it at full price and I wanna play co-op!!!



Neo Member
Picked up Skyrim LE for €10.19 and METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE (in ALL CAPS!) for €4.99.

I am correct in assuming that Skyrim alone will keep me busy for a little while, yes?

Red Hood

Picked up Skyrim LE for &#8364;10.19 and METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE (in ALL CAPS!) for &#8364;4.99.

I am correct in assuming that Skyrim alone will keep me busy for a little while, yes?

That depends on your nature. If you like it well enough and if you actively explore, it'll keep you busy all right, for a long time. I think I've clocked close to a thousand hours into Skyrim, over multiple playthroughs of course.



Man, it's literally the only game I want and don't have. Well, that and GTAV, but that's not going to go for 50% off or anything for an age.


I've been picking up some older stuff like Shadow Warrior Redux (old favorite updated) and System Shock 2 for a buck each. Also Skullgirls for about $5 w/dlc. Topnotch stuff that had sales like Ys Origin and Witcher 2 I already had from the last sale. Also rebought Valkyria Chronicles for $5 after my only requested refund went through, due to cheaper price (and it eas one of the few titles I had not yet started).


Thank you both - I was going to go with G2A but they seem slightly dodgy (despite my having used them a few times before) and it's only a saving of $5.

Never use G2A period. Never advocate for its use. Never mention it on GAF, so people don't realize it's a viable option.

Developers don't see money from your purchase, there is a chance the purchase will be removed from your account.

It's a lose/lose.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Company of Heroes 2 on the daily today costs as much as it did when I got it April last year.

I notice this as a trend with non-indies. They definitely have a bottom level where they won't go more than 75% off and the regular price doesn't drop if there is no sequel out.


Still looking for people for my Speedrunners 4-pack :(

Okay, I'll be hosting. Speedrunners 4-pack if I get enough people. PM me if you want in. $2 via Paypal

1. Miker

Thank you to Teppic for providing me with a code!


So what's the turnaround time on refunds, for anyone else that's gone through the process?

I bought Ground Zeroes for $10 earlier in the sale and had 5 hours of playtime in it since then, but I thought I'd try to do the "It's available cheaper" refund option despite being over 2 hours because, what is there to lose, really?

They approved the refund almost instantly and I went and bought it again for $5, but it says I'll get the original $10 "within 7 days."

It's only 10 bucks, but I'd like to have it available before the sale's over, ya know?


So what's the turnaround time on refunds, for anyone else that's gone through the process?

I bought Ground Zeroes for $10 earlier in the sale and had 5 hours of playtime in it since then, but I thought I'd try to do the "It's available cheaper" refund option despite being over 2 hours because, what is there to lose, really?

They approved the refund almost instantly and I went and bought it again for $5, but it says I'll get the original $10 "within 7 days."

It's only 10 bucks, but I'd like to have it available before the sale's over, ya know?

Seems like roughly 3 days, at least with Steam wallet. Not sure with other refund methods.


Man steam actually gave me my refund. It shows the $9 pending that I spen on Ground Zeros. Now hopefully it's dispersed so I can get it for $4.99.

Also since no Gaffer wanted it, here is a Warhammer Dawn of War GOTY key for the lurkers. Have at it



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