Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


I haven't touched the ini file so it's still using the in-game 30fps lock. This is probably one of the best feeling 30fps implementations on PC though - feels like playing on a console. Much smoother than Witcher 3's 30fps.
Huh. Maybe I should reinstall tha game or something? I know someone said it was the .ini tweak for 60 FPS that caused a memory leak. I changed it back to 30, but maybe that didn't fix it.


I just hope a patch makes it so that I can actually launch my damn game. I haven't seen anyone else with my issues. I'm scared =(


+1 to the comments that are saying the 30FPS implementation is really good here. I thought about leaving it on, but I love my 60FPS too much :(


Oh well, I'm still pushing through Witcher 3 so I guess I'll wait for a patch. Seriously doe I'm at like 40 hours in and I am dicking around in Novigrad.


I still have my Origins screenshots lol

25-30fps with mini freezes ALL THE TIME:


<- bonus invisible pole


maxed out, constant 60fps without any drop / stuttering




gotta love dat film grain

just give me the fog back
What seems really funny to me is that if I put the textures to low (from medium) the game becomes completely unplayable, stuttering everywhere, low fps, you name it. Put textures to medium and I can play again... wtf? By playing again I mean it's playable, but definetly not perfect. Every other setting (not many to choose from anyway) is fine, I can change and notice some loss or gain in framerate, but nothing like the textures, I'd understand if I was trying to up the textures quality but I'm doing exactly the opposite. What a fucking mess, wish I had given a little bit more for the game and bought it directly from Steam, goddamn refund would have saved me from this.

Never again, Rocksteady.



FX@4.5ghz and GTX670

Updated drivers. I can run the game with everything maxed except AA and smoke off. Getting 30fps until there is a heavy sustained motion blur, then I get hit hard for a second or two.

So, yeah. Its playable, but I'm not happy.

Any way to disable motion blur?
I just wanted to come on here and say that I just moved the game from my 7200 RPM HDD to my SSD (honestly it's an older Intel model and I don't have the specs for read/write speeds), and I did some quick and dirty testing to find out that indeed, it improves performance a lot!

PC focused websites are guessing that texture streaming is the primary issue, and therefore loading the texture into VRAM from a faster drive makes a ton of sense.

For reference, I'm running a i5-2500 and GTX 980 SC.

Everything is all the way up, except for the Gameworks fog and debris, and I'm getting significantly fewer and less disruptive drops when gliding around and using the Batmobile. I could run some numbers, but I'd guess I'm rarely dropping below 40fps and maintaining 60 most of the time.


I'm running a 980ti OC and am happy with how the game is playing after using the tweaks below. No official tests, but it looks to be 50-60 fps to me. Batmobile parts are still rough and drop frames, but I can at least enjoy the rest of the game. Looks absolutely beautiful and the non-Batmobile parts are running smooth. This will hold me over until official patches come out.

Thanks to Shake Appeal:

  • Set FPS lock to 120, instead of 30
  • Changed TextureResolution=1 to TextureResolution=2
  • Decreased shadows to normal in the in-game menu
  • Set resolution to 2880 x 1620 and turned off AA
I didn't do all those other things in the Steam thread, since it seemed a bit like overkill.


hide your water-based mammals
Well, game crashed within 3 seconds of taking control of the Batman. Got the long error like the one screenshot posted way earlier. I can't even play the game. The initial cutscnes and all ran at a solid 30 though.

16gb DDR4
OC'd G1 970's
Installed on 4tb enterprise HDD


This is an embarrassing amount of shit to do just to have a playable game.

not really i only did 3 things. getting 111fps in certain places 70 to 80 while driving in the batmobile. there are drops here and there but for the most part it stays around 80fps with everything maxed out at 1440p. No BS.


OK, so ultra everything (including nvidia stuff) and GTX 670 is...playing just *fine.

Fuck. How??

Whenevee I make fast movements, even indoor, and the motion blur kicks in my SSD thrashes hard and fps tanks.

If I keep the camera steady, the game runs acceptable.

My head hurts. Going to just play the PS4 version and quit this experiment


I legit think this game looks like garbage

I don't know if its the film grain, or the absurd amount of needless particle effects and sorta dialed-down colors, or everything

but add the awful amount of aliasing + god awful textures and I seriously think it looks fucking terrible and just worse in every way except character models

like not even from a tech standpoint just from an aesthetic decisions one

Origins was super clean and stylish. This is some sort of shitty sensory overload passed through a shit brown grain filter


not really i only did 3 things. getting 111fps in certain places 70 to 80 while driving in the batmobile. there are drops here and there but for the most part it stays around 80fps with everything maxed out at 1440p. No BS.
What settings did you change?


This may just be placebo, but I disabled SLI and set my second card up as a dedicated PhysX card, and I feel like it's smoother.
Yeah, I don't think most of the instructions do much, but taking off motion blur alone made the game much more pleasant to play for me.

Still lots of stuttering, especially in Batmobile or open city sections, and some of the texture streaming in this game is awful, but I was able to play for an hour with no problems and a framerate fluctuating in the 20-40 range.

This game looks and plays much worse than Origins for me, though. Which is weird, because objectively speaking it should be "better." But it's just a big mulchy mess.

like not even from a tech standpoint just from an aesthetic decisions one

Origins was super clean and stylish. This is some sort of shitty sensory overload passed through a shit brown grain filter
Yeah, totally agree. Origins had plenty of flaws, but Rocksteady could have taken a lot of pointers from its art. They took a few, but not enough. Maybe one day we'll get a Batman game with an aesthetic that doesn't look like Gears of War meets the Insane Clown Posse.

Like, y'know:



Did you do everything that was in there? I've seen some people have issues with the motion blur and others saying that it looks like the guy didn't know what he was doing because of the DirectX/OpenGL stuff.

dont mess with that. I only changed FPS, TEXTURE RES and something that was 4 i changed to 16. Runs smooth as shit since.
How can you check FPS in game? Fraps doesnt seem to be working. For what its worth I have everything on and Im not getting FPS issues, VSYNC on etc.


dont mess with that. I only changed FPS, TEXTURE RES and something that was 4 i changed to 16. Runs smooth as shit since.

Tried TextureResolution=2 and suddenly i have n64 like textures. Nope.

That's really weird, mine look fine. Maybe my eyes are tired from looking for a solution all day, lol.

When I was playing 20 minutes ago, I was really happy with everything. I'll check again.


Can someone explain exactly what breaks a combo to me?
I swear I am countering at the right moment, but that seems to be breaking the combo. Does countering in fact break a combo? Or is my timing just off?
I cannot get past 44 in the combo AR challenge, and it is driving me bat shit crazy. Pun intended.


meanwhile on PS4


PC version is definitely still missing those rain textures, no matter how you hack the config files :'(

Oh well, I'll enjoy it for what it is until I run into major issues. I'll try setting the Texture Resolution back to 1, if that's the highest setting.

Damn. Was really hoping that disabling motion blur would work. My game just crashes on load if I do that :(

Mine too, brotha :(


People called Romanes they go the house?
Can someone explain exactly what breaks a combo to me?
I swear I am countering at the right moment, but that seems to be breaking the combo. Does countering in fact break a combo? Or is my timing just off?
I cannot get past 44 in the combo AR challenge, and it is driving me bat shit crazy. Pun intended.

If you hit the counter button too fast, or have no active input after a second or so, it will break the combo, yes.

Anywho, lowered everything to low with my poor 760 and stock 3570k, and everything went fine for a few hours....until suddenly, in true Unreal 3 style, the texture pop-in started getting worse and worse, until I was pretty much failing to load the final layers in entirely.

Batman and Gordon looked like blobby, detail-less characters before I shut the game down (and got the 'game has stopped working message, lol)
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